Water with silver: benefits and harms, properties

It is believed that silver has a healing effect, so the benefits and harms of silver water should be studied in detail. Why does water change its properties after contact with this metal?

The benefits and properties of silver

The enrichment of water with silver primarily increases its shelf life, and the ability to not deteriorate for a long time. This is explained by the fact that harmful microorganisms die in it. Such beneficial properties of silver have been known for a long time. It copes much better with bacteria than gold or copper.

The benefits and harms of silver in water is a topic for active discussion, and for the reason that it is able to penetrate the cells of the body very quickly, without changing them. Some are wary of this. However, most doctors are of the opinion that the ingress of silver into the cells of the body does not interfere with their normal functionality.

Important! In terms of bactericidal qualities, silver water is in no way worse than a chlorine solution or iodine tincture. Only some yeast are resistant to this environment.

The history of the appearance of silver water

For medicinal purposes, silver was also used by representatives of ancient civilizations. For example, in ancient Egypt, thin plates of this metal were used to heal wounds: this way the healing process is more active. In the era of Alexander the Great, it was noted that the commanding staff was best protected from disease. The reason was surprising: for those close to the Macedonian, food and water were served in silverware, and for ordinary soldiers - from wood. Since the noble metal has bactericidal properties, the representatives of the command did not become infected with many infections.

In India, too, in ancient times, pieces of silver were consumed with food. According to local beliefs, the beneficial properties of this metal improve bowel function. In addition, many sources speak of the healing ability of the Ganges River. Modern science has found an explanation for this: the reservoir washes several large sources of silver.

As soon as scientists traced all the relationships and proved the beneficial properties of this metal, in the 20th century, attempts began to artificially create silver water. In the process, they tried to determine the time it takes to kill bacteria. Silver coins, wire were added to the container with water, and the entire surface of the container was covered with an even layer of metal. The benefits of a silver spoon in water were proven at this time. This was the very first ionizer... Subsequently, electrons were invented. It is their properties that are used to create beneficial silver water.

Why is silver water useful?

Silver water is useful for disinfection. Despite the fact that today chlorine is used for this purpose, the benefits of silver for men and women look much more pronounced and are as follows:

  • this metal is able to retain its beneficial properties for a long time;
  • unlike chlorine, when silver is added, the taste and smell of the liquid does not deteriorate;
  • in comparison with chlorine, this metal does not harm the mucous membranes in the body;
  • silver can kill a large number of different bacteria, compared to other bactericidal agents, without harming side effects;
  • esotericists believe that this metal is capable of conducting the energy of the moon, therefore water with it has miraculous properties;
  • water with silver can accumulate some particles of bioenergy, and then transfer it to different people.

In general, the beneficial properties of silver water are explained by its complex structure. As soon as it enters the body, its complete restructuring begins. This explains the great health benefits of metal: body systems begin to change for the better.

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Treatment of diseases with silver water

Silver water is used very often these days. For example - on ocean-going ships going on long voyages. In addition, it is also used for astronauts in flight. Due to the fact that the liquid can be stored for a very long time, this has become the rule.

The benefits of water infused with silver are used in many industries. It is also used for the preservation of drinks, juices, food for children, dairy products. The properties of water with silver have found their application in the production of various alcohol.

In the medical field, the beneficial properties of silver water are used to make numerous medicinal mixtures, ointments, tinctures, and so on. It is also used with benefit in the production of veterinary drugs.

Without this metal, the normal functioning of many body systems is impossible. This applies to the hormone-producing glands, spinal marrow and brain, bones, liver. Therefore, the topic of the benefits and harms of silver for human health is very relevant.

Silver water is also distinguished by stimulating properties that improve the course of many natural processes in the body. The benefits of silver water for the female body have been proven, including for cleansing the blood.

In general, doctors recommend using water with silver in the presence of the following diseases:

  • for the prevention of ARVI and influenza;
  • with problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • stomatitis;
  • brucellosis;
  • infectious diseases of the ENT organs;
  • urinary tract infections;
  • arthritis of the rheumatoid type;
  • bronchial asthma.

In addition, silver-enriched water is used for the initial treatment of cuts, wounds and various burns. If you constantly drink water enriched with silver, you can notice an improvement in blood circulation. In addition, the number of erythrocytes and monocytes in the blood increases.

External use of silver water

The benefits of silver for the body have been proven in the treatment of cutaneous manifestations of diabetes and other similar conditions. For this, special baths are made: 3 liters boiled water poured into an enamel container. 20 tablets are dissolved in it aspirin and place the ionizer. After a day, the water can be used for medicinal purposes. It is added to the bath, making sure that the water does not heat up above forty degrees. Silver water treatment takes place within 20 minutes. According to reviews, after ten sessions, an improvement in health is felt.

Advice! To heal burns, it is helpful to use a 0.5% silver water solution. It will also help with other skin injuries.

How to make silver water at home

There are several ways in which you can prepare healthy silver water. In the first case, silver objects are placed in the liquid and kept for at least a day. The water should be at room temperature. Any items can be used as a source of silver: dishes, coins, and so on.

Advice! It is believed that the benefits of silver for the human body are maximized if an object made of this metal is charged with positive energy.

Using silver items

How to prepare beneficial silver ion water? You should pick up an object made of silver, and then put your hand to your chest, at the level of your heart. After that, it is necessary to imagine that this thing is completely clean and cannot cause harm and transfer negative energy. This makes the object “attuned” and prepared and can be placed in water.

With a silver ionizer

Another way to prepare useful water is to use the Rottinger Silver Titan activator.

Obtaining silver water by the ionization method is currently the best, since the electrode, under the influence of the current, begins to dissolve and throw silver ions into the water. This device is universal and is designed to produce 3 types of water: living (alkaline), dead (acidic) and silver water. The set includes a silver rod of the purest sample -999, which is important for obtaining high-quality silver water, its weight is 9g. With it, you can get over 170,000 liters of silver water!

In order not to harm health, a book with recipes is included in the kit, and a table of the dependence of the concentration of silver ions on the operating time of the device is also presented. When using silver water for drinking, the concentration of silver in the liquid should not exceed 50 μg per liter: if this rule is followed, water with silver ions will only bring benefits. It will take less than one minute to make such a liquid.

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How to make a DIY silver ionizer

Today it is customary to use ionizers for the production of useful water with silver. They are available at specialized points of sale. Benefit from ionization of water silver, you can get it with a simple independent manufacture of the device.

To do this, take a three-liter jar and cover it with a plastic lid. Having made holes in the lid, organize the anode and cathode: a steel spoon handle can be used for a negative charge, and a silver object for a positive one. This structure should be connected to a cell phone charger.

To obtain beneficial silver water from the ionizer, fill the jar with drinking water, cover the device with a lid and connect it to the network. When a "cloud" becomes noticeable near the silver anode, the device is immediately turned off. It only takes three minutes. To get the most out of it, store the water jar in a dark place for 24 hours. Once this time has expired, you can use the water with silver for medicinal purposes.

Bottled water with silver

Ready-made silver water is also available today, which is sold in specialized stores. The most famous brand is the Silver Key. This water is obtained from sources in the Altai territory. It is enriched not only with silver ions, but also with silicic acid. Therefore, its beneficial properties are very pronounced. It cannot cause harm, and is quite suitable for the treatment of various inflammations. In addition, this water also has diuretic properties.

Why is silver water harmful?

The benefits and harms of silver water are still considered controversial. Some scientists say that the metal is not in vain attributed to the second class of hazard. In addition, the permissible dose of metal in water should be no more than 50 mcg per liter.

It is also said that the role of silver in the biological processes of the body has not been fully understood. According to some opinions, it can be harmful, as it blocks energy metabolic processes.

A number of pediatricians claim that silver can only harm children. The opinion should be taken into account and treat the use of water with silver carefully.

There is also a well-known theory about the dangers of silver as a very strong cellular poison, the harm of which can threaten various lesions of internal organs.

Important! It is believed that there is no cure after silver injury. Therefore, it is imperative to check the concentration of this metal in water.

Silver water storage

To get the most out of your silver water, store it in a dark place. It may not deteriorate for a very long time, but its properties dissipate over time. If its surface is covered with specific flakes, the liquid can no longer be used: it is fraught with serious harm.


Having studied what are the benefits and harms of silver water, you can draw conclusions whether it is worth using it. First of all, it is imperative to measure the amount of metal ions per liter. Secondly, you need to properly store the received water and not abuse it.


Evgeny Petrov, 35 years old, Ufa
I buy silver water for its beneficial properties. But I want to note that her taste is bitter, and she does not quench her thirst very well. Maybe homemade tastes different.
Anna Smirnova, 26 years old, St. Petersburg
I have been drinking water with silver for several years. I like it because it has no foreign odors, and is generally very soft. I noticed that I had less colds.

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