Why lenses are dangerous for the eyes and how they affect vision

The benefits and harms of lenses for the eyes must be considered before making a purchasing decision. Their convenience has been appreciated by millions of people around the planet. At this time, there are many myths regarding the dangers of these vision correctors and how they affect the eyes. But with improper use, violation of the recommendations for wearing, there is a possibility of problems.

Do lenses help to improve, restore vision?

The use of contact lenses is one of the most common methods of vision correction. But these funds affect its sharpness only while wearing. They have the same principle of operation as glasses. They refract light and direct the rays so that they are focused on the retina.

But wearing lenses does not affect vision in the future, does not help improve it. This is just a method of temporarily correcting it. They are used as an alternative to glasses. With the correct selection, while wearing them, the visual acuity reaches 100%, and after removal it returns to its original state.

Only an ophthalmologist should select corrective lenses, taking into account the individual parameters of the eye

Biconvex lenses help with hyperopia. In the center, their thickness is greater than at the edges. Scattering or biconcave models are prescribed for myopia. In the central part they are thin, and thickened along the edges.

Why lenses are dangerous for the eyes and how they affect vision

People who decide to start using contact means to improve their vision should be aware of possible problems and how they affect health. There is a possibility of negative consequences, harm to the eyes from wearing lenses, the benefits in this case will be minimized.

Attention! Those patients who do not follow the recommendations for care are in danger. Also, problems arise in people who themselves prescribe these means to improve vision, ignoring the need for a preliminary consultation with an ophthalmologist.

Every person's eyes are different. To determine the parameters, the doctor takes measurements using special equipment. The radius of the base curvature, the diameter of the pupils, and the required optical zone are determined. With the wrong choice of contact lenses, conjunctivitis, keratitis, corneal edema and other problems may develop. Failure to adhere to the wearing and care regimen negatively affects.

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How colored lenses affect vision, are they dangerous to the eyes

The main purpose of colored contact lenses is to change the color of the eye. The most comfortable are the slightly tinted options. With their help, you can enhance the natural color of the eyes. But there are also opaque options with an intense color. They are designed to change the natural color of the eyes.

On sale you can find options both with diopters that allow you to correct visual acuity, and without them. In the latter case, they will perform only a decorative function.Before purchasing even such products, you need an ophthalmologist's consultation. Patients should understand that there is harm from lenses if they are not fitted correctly. They need to be changed with clean hands, stored in a container with a disinfectant solution. If the recommendation is followed, the risk of infection is minimized.

Regular wearing of these vision correction tools can damage the surface layer of the cornea and cause erosion on it. Because of this, the risk of infection and the formation of scar tissue increases.

Ophthalmologists recommend wearing colored models for no more than eight hours a day.

Do night lenses help

There are models for temporary improvement. These are the so-called night or orthokeratological lenses. They are inserted into the eyes at bedtime and removed in the morning. They press on the cornea throughout the night and affect its curvature. Models are selected so that the load on the eye is redistributed, and the image is focused on the retina.

Important! The use of night models gives a temporary effect lasting 1-3 days. Regular use of them in some patients allows them to restore vision over time or stop its deterioration.

The indicated correction method is suitable only for people with myopia up to - 7. At a higher level of myopia, it is almost impossible to restore vision. They are also not suitable for patients with hyperopia.

But night lenses can damage the cornea. There is a risk of damage to the outer protective layer of the eyes due to the pressure exerted. This increases the risk of infection and the development of complications. Contact vision correction can lead to the development of keratitis. This is an inflammation of the cornea, in which it becomes cloudy, and ulcerations appear on its surface. At the same time, the eyes turn red, painful sensations arise.

Why are expired contact lenses dangerous?

All manufactured models have their own service life. It varies from one day to several months and is counted from the date the package was opened. In sealed containers, they can be stored for four years from the date of production.

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Expired contact lenses negatively affect the condition of the eyes, because they are in direct contact with the mucous surface. This is manifested:

  • irritation;
  • tearing;
  • redness;
  • burning sensation.

Expired lenses are dangerous to wear. If you do not pay attention to the symptoms that appear in time, then you can skip the development of more serious problems. Bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoa that accumulate in the lens can provoke the development of an inflammatory process.

Warning! Neglected keratitis affects visual acuity, provoking the progression of myopia.

Side effects of wearing lenses

The main danger of wearing lenses is the possible development of an inflammatory process. But these devices negatively affect the eyes of only 1-2% of people.

You can reduce the likelihood of keratitis if you strictly follow the recommended care and hygiene rules.

With regular contact lens wear, there is a risk of complications such as:

  • allergic reactions;
  • erosion of the cornea, resulting from impaired exchange of tear fluid and friction of the lens on the surface of the eye;
  • papillary conjunctivitis;
  • fungal, viral, bacterial keratitis;
  • thinning of the cornea;
  • the formation of new vessels due to a reaction to hypoxia.

When using one-day models, the likelihood of side effects is much lower. But if the rules of care are not followed, they also negatively affect the condition of the eyes.


The benefits and harms of lenses to the eyes should be evaluated by the patient after consultation with an ophthalmologist. The doctor will explain how the means for contact vision correction affect the cornea, what complications may arise. He will also talk about the rules for caring for them.

Reviews about the dangers of contact lenses for the eyes

Marmodarova Diana, 27 years old, Voronezh
For more than four years I have been buying lenses with a lifespan of a month. But in the last six months, problems have appeared - clarity has disappeared, a feeling of turbidity has appeared. The ophthalmologist explained that this is how lenses affect. Advised to take a break so that the cornea can rest and then switch to one-day models.
Trikhonova Tamara, 32 years old, Yaroslavl
After wearing glasses for many years, I decided to switch to lenses, not knowing how they affect the organs of vision. But after a few days, problems began - my eyes turned red, began to ache. The doctor said that while putting them on, I brought bacteria onto the mucous surface. After my recovery, I decided to continue using the glasses and not experiment anymore.

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