What foods increase immunity in adult men, women and children

Products that increase immunity are very diverse - it is not difficult to add them to the diet. Eating healthy foods correctly can help protect against colds and many other diseases.

Features of products for raising immunity

Strong immunity allows the body to resist not only cold viruses, but also much more dangerous diseases. With pathological processes in the body, the immune system begins to produce antibodies that neutralize the disease-causing cells. At the same time, information about the destroyed viruses and bacteria is saved, and the next time the body can easily cope with a similar threat.

It is generally accepted that foods that increase immunity should be saturated with vitamins. Ascorbic acid, vitamins A, B, E and D are really very important.

But it is necessary that other substances are also present in the diet:

  • iron, this element increases hemoglobin and improves blood quality;
  • zinc - the substance is directly involved in the creation of immune cells;
  • selenium - the element prevents the rapid elimination of zinc and promotes the production of antibodies;
  • iodine and magnesium, they have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular and endocrine systems;
  • phytoncides - these compounds accelerate tissue regeneration and increase resistance to infections;
  • lacto- and bifidobacteria, they are responsible for creating a favorable microflora in the intestine and do not allow bacteria to spread.
Minerals and Vitamins in Many Foods Improve Immune Resistance

Unsaturated fatty acids are also responsible for suppressing inflammation and fighting infections. Additionally, they strengthen blood vessels and help to equalize blood pressure.

Important! Immunity enhancing foods are considered to be high in vitamins C, A and B. However, it is important to remember about safe dosages so as not to face hypervitaminosis.

What foods raise immunity

Almost all foods in a healthy diet have a beneficial effect on the immune system. Which one to pay special attention to depends on age. In addition, men and women need a different approach to diet.

What foods increase immunity in women

Among foods that increase immunity, women are advised to pay attention to several positions:

  • nuts and legumes - peanuts, pine nuts, cashews, lentils, peas and beans will benefit;
  • cereals and berries, foods that increase the immune system in women when they feel unwell include rice and buckwheat, rolled oats, blueberries and black currants, strawberries;
  • vegetables and seafood - nutrients are found in tomatoes, cabbage and pumpkin, as well as in red fish, shrimp and oysters.
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Women should pay special attention to vegetables to improve immunity.

The fair sex can get useful substances from lean white meat - chicken and turkey.Red meat, eggs, and other high-protein foods, on the other hand, are best avoided as this can lead to overgrowth of muscle tissue.

What foods increase immunity in men

To improve health, men can and should also include vegetables, fruits, berries and cereals in their diet. But at the same time, attention can be focused on protein products that increase immunity, in addition, they will contribute to muscle growth and strengthening physical endurance.

A valuable source of nutrients for men can be:

  • eggs and dairy products;
  • beef liver;
  • beef and pork meat;
  • porcini mushrooms and legumes.
Immunity in men is strengthened not only by plant, but also by animal products

Also, men will be able to obtain trace elements and vitamins from ginger, honey, sauerkraut and pumpkin seeds. These foods that increase immunity will have a beneficial effect on the condition of the reproductive system.

What foods increase immunity in children

You can strengthen children's immunity using products recommended for adults. But since babies' digestion is more sensitive, food choices must be approached with caution.

In particular, it is better for young children not to offer large quantities of legumes, which can lead to flatulence, and fruits, which often provoke allergies. Good foods to boost immunity in children 3 years of age and younger are vegetable purees, cereals, natural yoghurts, and cottage cheese for lactose tolerance. Small amounts of berries, nuts and white meat are allowed.

Vegetable purees are very useful for children's immunity.
Attention! Since foods that increase immunity in adolescents and children have individual contraindications, you should consult a pediatrician when drawing up a diet.

The best foods for immunity

Immunity-enhancing substances, one way or another, are present in most foods. But you can highlight especially healthy food, which significantly increases the body's resistance to ailments.


To protect against colds and infections, it is recommended to include as many different vegetables as possible in the diet. For example, substances that increase immunity are present:

  • in cabbage - white cabbage, cauliflower and broccoli are rich in allicin, which strengthens blood vessels, and isothiocyanates, which prevent the development of bacteria and viruses;
  • in beets and eggplants - purple vegetables contain betaine, which neutralizes toxins and removes toxins;
  • in zucchini, cucumbers, asparagus and green peppers - green vegetables contain substances that increase the level of lymphocytes and the resistance of immunity to ailments.
Cabbage and beets are some of the healthiest foods for the immune system

The listed vegetables that increase immunity remain in any form. But it is most useful to use them fresh, without heat treatment they retain a maximum of minerals and vitamins.

Fruits and berries

Berries and fruits remain a valuable source of substances that increase immunity. It is especially convenient to use them in the summer, during the period of the greatest yield, when the fruits contain the maximum benefit and, moreover, are inexpensive.

Among fruits, it is necessary to pay attention:

  • on lemons, oranges, kiwis and grapefruits, the fruits contain a lot of ascorbic acid, which increases the immune resistance;
  • on apples, they contain all the basic vitamins and iron, which increases hemoglobin, eating the fruit is useful for cleansing the body and generally strengthening endurance;
  • on apricots, they contain carotene, which increases disease resistance;
  • on watermelons, they contain a substance lycopene, which stimulates immunity.
Small amounts of citrus fruits help fight off viruses and infections

Of the berries, blueberries and sea buckthorn will be especially useful, they are rich in ascorbic acid.Also raspberries, cranberries, strawberries, wild strawberries are very valuable for immunity, all berries have antibacterial and cleansing properties.

It is best to eat berries and fruits fresh between main meals. But frozen, boiled or canned foods will also benefit immunity, just the concentration of valuable substances in them will be much lower.

Blueberries, cranberries and other berries boost immunity due to vitamin C

Dairy products

Natural fermented milk products contain useful bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. They improve the intestinal microflora, fight harmful pathogenic microorganisms, and also contribute to the formation of cells responsible for fighting infections. In this case, lactobacilli are mainly aimed at preventing pathogenic processes, and bifidobacteria accelerate metabolism and help fight the already existing harmful microflora.

Fermented milk products contain lactobacilli and bifidobacteria useful for immunity

They are considered to increase immunity:

  • natural cottage cheese, which contains many probiotics;
  • kefir, rich in bifidobacteria;
  • yogurt without extraneous additives, which contains lactobacilli, beneficial streptococci and bifidobacteria.

The greatest benefit is brought by fermented milk products with an average fat content of about 10%. It is better to choose kefir and yoghurts without sugar, preservatives and dyes.

Meat and fish

A prerequisite for strong immunity is the intake of essential amino acids of animal origin in the right quantities. You can get them from the following foods that increase immunity:

  • sea ​​fish - salmon, tuna, salmon and trout, which increase the defenses due to the content of Omega-3 and selenium;
  • squid, shrimp and oysters; seafood also contains a lot of fatty acids and amino acids, selenium and zinc;
  • chicken and rabbit meat, lean veal, lean meat products are an excellent source of animal protein.
Seafood strengthens the body's defenses, as it improves the processes of hematopoiesis

Meat and fish contribute to the formation of white blood cells, blood cells that prevent the development of inflammation. Animal products are especially important for men, but both women and children need certain quantities. With a chronic lack of fish and meat in the diet, immune resistance, mental activity and energy are greatly reduced.


Meat, fish and vegetables are among the foods that effectively enhance immunity, but the diet cannot be built on them alone. Cereals contain many useful minerals and vitamins. You can eat them every day - a plate of porridge for breakfast or lunch will strengthen the body well and help protect against diseases.

Among the croup that increase the body's resistance, one can note:

  • buckwheat, it contains the most B vitamins, as well as iron, magnesium and potassium, which strengthen endurance and have a beneficial effect on metabolic processes;
  • rice - rice porridge is a natural sorbent and helps to remove harmful substances from the body;
  • oatmeal - cereals are rich in carotene and iodine, strengthens the immune system and increases energy reserves;
  • corn - ready-made porridge saturates the body with calcium, phosphorus and magnesium, improves digestion and prevents the development of ailments.
Buckwheat and rice porridge are good for the immune system and help remove toxins from the intestines
Advice! It is best to use cereals made from whole grains, since the content of valuable substances in crushed cereals is reduced.


Nuts of all kinds fall into the immune-boosting category. Despite their small size, they contain a huge amount of valuable substances - minerals, antioxidants, amino acids and vitamins.

For the prevention of colds and other diseases, it is useful to use:

  • brazil nuts, the product is rich in selenium and protects the body not only from SARS and influenza, but also from oncology and cardiovascular ailments;
  • Pine nutsthey contain a lot of copper, cobalt and zinc, which regulate blood quality and increase immunity;
  • hazelnut, it contains carotene and oleic acid, which are extremely valuable for immunity;
  • almond - nuts increase immunity due to the fact that they improve the body's ability to recognize viruses and prevent their spread;
  • walnuts, they contain a lot of tocopherol and antioxidants and belong, in particular, to foods that increase the immunity of women with HPV.
Recommended reading:  Why almonds are useful, properties and contraindications
Nuts from viral and bacterial diseases are good for both women and men

In small portions, nuts have a beneficial effect on endurance and strength. They are recommended for male athletes to improve athletic performance and muscle gain.

Beekeeping products

Among the products that increase the immune resistance, one cannot fail to mention honey and other bee products - propolis, pollen, bee bread. Beekeeping products have a truly unique composition and contain not only vitamins and minerals, but also natural antibiotics.

Among the products that raise immunity during an illness, honey can be noted first of all. It contains B vitamins and ascorbic acid, potassium and copper, iron and fluorine, amino acids. But beneficial substances are also found in other bee products:

  • in propolis - the substance has organic acids, amino acids, terpenes and flavonoids that strengthen the immune defense;
  • in royal jelly - the product contains an almost complete set of important vitamins, carbohydrates, fats and proteins, natural acids;
  • in pollen and bee bread, the exact composition of the products depends on the specific plant from which the bees collected the raw materials;
  • in the bee sea, such a product is prepared from beekeeping waste, it contains proteins, vitamins and antioxidants;
  • in wax - the substance is a valuable source of vitamin A.
Beekeeping products are effective for immunity in the absence of allergies
Important! The most hypoallergenic bee products are royal jelly and bee bread. When using honey, propolis, pollen and wax, you need to be careful, they often cause intolerance.

Other products

It is not only food that can benefit the immune system. The body's defenses are well strengthened by some drinks:

  1. Green tea... The drink contains over 400 organic compounds, many minerals and all the vitamins a person needs. The composition contains a small amount of alkaloids, which have an invigorating and tonic effect, and polyphenols, they are responsible for the good functioning of blood vessels and the heart.
    Green tea boosts health through polyphenols and vitamins

    Recommended reading:  Mint tea: useful properties and contraindications, how to make
  2. Rosehip infusion... You can protect yourself from colds with the help of an infusion on the fruits of the plant - a handful of dried or fresh berries are poured with a liter of boiling water and left under the lid for an hour. The drink contains a huge amount of vitamin C; in terms of the content of ascorbic acid, rosehip surpasses even lemon and black currant. You can drink the infusion both for prevention and for the treatment of colds.
    Rosehip contains a lot of ascorbic acid, which helps protect against colds.

Spices and herbs have good immunomodulatory properties; they contain many vitamins, organic acids and minerals. Ginger deserves special mention, it contains magnesium and ascorbic acid, phosphorus and calcium, polyphenols and amino acids. For colds and sores, fresh and dried ginger can be added in small amounts to warm drinks and food.

Ginger is one of the most effective foods for immunity against inflammation and colds.

Adult Immunity Strengthening Food Table

A convenient table allows you to visually familiarize yourself with the products that stimulate the immune system. It introduces foods that increase endurance and resistance to viruses, and lists specific valuable elements:


Substances especially valuable for immunity

Seafood: oysters, shrimps and squid

Selenium and zinc, vitamins E, A and D, fatty acids

Dark chocolate

Antioxidants and Flavonoids


Vitamins A and C, zinc


Amino acids, vitamins E and A

Beef liver

Vitamins K, B and A, amino acids


Protein, cobalt, selenium, vitamins B4 and H


Oleic Acid, Choline, Potassium and Phosphorus

Pork and beef

Essential amino acids, selenium, vitamin B12 and cobalt


Protein, vitamins B5 and PP, cobalt and copper

Fatty fish - salmon, tuna, trout

Omega-6 & Omega-3, Zinc & Selenium, Vitamin D

Rosehip and black currant

Vitamin C and antioxidants


Ascorbic acid, vitamins K, B and A


Vitamins A, C, E and K, potassium and iron


Boron and potassium, B vitamins, chromium, amino acids


Silicon and molybdenum

Buckwheat grain

B vitamins and iron

Oat groats

Iodine and vitamin A

To effectively strengthen the immune system, it is necessary to make a diet with the maximum variety.

Rules for the use of products for immunity

You can strengthen immunity with the help of many products, but you need to remember to follow certain rules:

  1. The diet must remain balanced. It is necessary to include in the daily menu meat and cereals, vegetables and fruits, nutrients cannot be obtained from only one product.
  2. When eating food that increases the body's defenses, you need to remember about reasonable dosages. In particular, excessive consumption of fruits can lead to hypervitaminosis, and the abuse of meat and seafood can lead to poor digestion and irritation of the intestinal tract.
  3. Eating large amounts of fruit is not recommended for chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer disease or intestinal colitis. In addition to vitamins, fruits contain a large amount of organic acids and irritate mucous membranes.
  4. If you are prone to cardiovascular diseases, you should not drink rose hips to strengthen the immune system. It has a strong stimulating effect and can lead to poor health.
Immune products should be consumed in moderation and with maximum variety.

If it is necessary to strengthen the immune resistance, it is recommended to exclude from the diet foods that weaken the defenses. These include sweets, chips and soda, fast food, and excessively fatty and spicy foods.


Immunity-enhancing foods are present on any table. If you correctly combine them with each other and refuse junk food, then the body will resist viral and infectious ailments much better.

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