Mint tea: useful properties and contraindications, how to make

The main component of a healthy drink is mint leaves, which impart a unique taste and aroma. The most popular plant species are pepper, field and long-leaved. Their properties are used in medicine, cooking, and cosmetology. The plant has its famous scent due to the menthol it contains: it is refreshing and has beneficial properties. The benefits and harms of mint tea will be disclosed further.

Benefits of mint tea

The benefits of the mint drink are due to the content of vitamin C and carotene, tannins, essential oils, natural acids.

Mint tea has a long list of useful, medicinal properties for the body, which are not capable of harming a healthy person. It has analgesic, choleretic, bactericidal, diuretic, vasodilating effects.

In addition, the benefit of tea with mint, drunk at night, is to relieve stress after a hard day's work, soothe a shattered nervous system. It will relieve spasms and pain in the gastrointestinal tract, as well as in the lower abdomen during women's menstruation, and facilitate the transition to the stage of menopause. Tea with mint is useful to drink with diabetes.

The mint drink will be beneficial in the following situations:

  • during the period of colds, it will alleviate the condition of the sick person, since it has a prophylactic property;
  • useful for diseases of the ENT organs;
  • with problems with sleep, nervous overexcitation, headache, irritability;
  • during periods of loss of strength;
  • with problems with the gastrointestinal tract: flatulence, nausea, heartburn;
  • with diseases of the cardiovascular system: angina pectoris, hypertension; tea with mint is especially useful with high blood pressure, helps to normalize it;
  • in cases of stomach diseases with low acidity;
  • with diseases of the liver, kidneys, gallbladder.
Recommended reading:  Thyme tea: useful properties and contraindications

Calorie content of mint tea

Mint tea can be safely included in the diet of a person seeking to lose weight or keep it at one point. In addition to the undeniable benefits and absence of harm to the human body, tea has a low calorie content: only 8.38 kcal per 100 grams.

The energy value is distributed as follows:

  • proteins: 0.46 g - 22%;
  • fats: 0.08 g - 9%;
  • carbohydrates: 1.7 g - 81%.

Why is mint tea useful for women

The benefits of mint tea for women are worth special attention.

Due to the beneficial property of bringing the hormonal background of a woman back to normal, the herbal drink facilitates the passage of menstruation, relieves pain and spasms. Entering the climax will make it softer and more invisible. In addition, it will relieve nervous tension and stress during this difficult period.Also, the normalization of hormonal levels leads to the fact that women stop growing hair in unwanted places.

Healthy tea is used as an adjunct therapy in the treatment of gynecological inflammatory diseases due to its anti-inflammatory properties.

The mint drink will be useful for girls in transitional age, as it is effective in caring for oily skin, in the fight against skin rashes, acne, dermatitis. It helps to narrow pores and eliminate oily sheen without harming the skin.

Due to its properties, mint tea smoothes wrinkles, refreshes, tones the skin, relieves fatigue. Therefore, a useful plant is actively used in cosmetology, adding to lotions, face masks, or simply freezing and rubbing the face with cubes of ice broth.

Can pregnant women drink mint tea?

During pregnancy, a woman is prohibited from taking most medications, since they can harm the expectant mother and fetus. Tea with mint during pregnancy, especially in the early stages, is also undesirable to consume.

Attention! Mint belongs to medicinal herbs, it actively affects the body, so mint tea can be drunk only after consulting a doctor and in limited quantities.

Along with the undeniable benefits, mint tea can be harmful: to tone the uterus of a pregnant woman and provoke premature birth. This property is caused by the content of the hormone estrogen.

At the same time, during the normal course of pregnancy, healthy tea can be used to combat nausea, heartburn, and bloating. To avoid possible harm to the child, you can drink no more than three cups of mint drink a day and only on the recommendation of your doctor.

Mint tea while breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is a crucial period in a woman's life, at this time most drugs, food additives that can be harmful are prohibited, since what the mother eats and drinks enters the child's body through breast milk. Along with its beneficial properties, mint tea has the ability to harm lactation. At the same time, it is believed that mint tea is a means that improves this process.

This contradiction is due to the fact that different plant species have opposite properties. For example, the peppery species contains menthol, which helps to dilate blood vessels. With a single use, peppermint tea will be beneficial: the amount of milk will increase. If you drink a mint drink often in large quantities, menthol will harm: it will reduce the amount of mucous secretions, including milk.

Spearmint does not contain menthol, it contains carvone, which will positively affect lactation.

Thus, with well-established breastfeeding, you can sometimes indulge yourself with tea with several leaves of the plant, this will not harm. If there is hyperlactation, that is, there is too much milk, the woman has constant congestion and painful sensations, you can try to slightly reduce the rate of milk production with the help of a mint drink.

Is mint tea good for men

The effect of tea with mint on a man's body is ambiguous. Its benefits for both sexes are beyond doubt. Positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract, sedative effect on the nervous system, restorative, anti-inflammatory properties.

However, with the regular use of a mint drink in large quantities, the sedative effect becomes too pronounced, male hormones are produced less actively, therefore, if there are other problems in the genital area, a man may develop sexual impotence.

Is it possible to give tea with mint to children

Possessing many useful properties, mint tea has a pronounced sedative property, so it is recommended to give it to children no earlier than three years old. Even as part of a herbal collection for children, it is worth using mint leaves carefully, they can cause serious harm.

Important! Before introducing a new ingredient into the baby's diet, you need to consult a pediatrician.

If you start giving your child mint tea before one year old, it can provoke an allergic reaction or affect the rhythm of the heart.

After three years of age, the soothing mint tea will benefit the nervous and immune systems of the child's body.

Benefits of mint tea for weight loss

Despite the fact that official studies on the benefits of a mint drink for weight loss have not been conducted, many nutritionists include this component in the diet of overweight people. This has good reason. The drink has choleretic properties. Bile is involved in the breakdown of fats and helps the passage of food pieces through the digestive tract. In addition, the scent of the plant suppresses appetite.

How to brew mint tea properly

Making mint tea is a simple process. You can brew the leaves separately or add them to black or green tea to taste. It should be noted that green tea with mint is especially useful for weight loss.

To properly brew mint tea, be sure to take porcelain or glassware. Pour your favorite tea and dried herb in a one-to-one ratio. Pour boiled water cooled to about 90 degrees. Let it brew for about ten minutes.

Mint tea recipes

There are many recipes, each with specific benefits.

Herbal tea with mint and lemon balm

Herbal tea is very easy to prepare. It is necessary to pour healthy dried herbs in equal quantities into glassware, pour boiling water over, cover and let it brew. Mint and lemon balm tea is useful for losing weight, has a beneficial effect on heart activity, soothes, normalizes blood pressure.

Mint tea with ginger and honey

Ginger mint tea is irreplaceable for weight loss. Due to the properties of ginger to accelerate metabolic processes, as well as the ability of mint to excrete bile, it will become an assistant in the fight against excess weight. In addition, the benefit of ginger and mint tea is that it invigorates and relieves headaches.

  1. To prepare such a mint drink, add two thin slices of ginger root and half a teaspoon of dried herb to a mug of brewed black tea.
  2. Insist for five minutes, add honey to taste.

Green tea with mint and lemon

This is a classic recipe found in many manufacturers. But self-made with fresh ingredients is much tastier.

  1. You need to take twelve green tea bags and 20 grams of dried leaves.
  2. Pour hot water over, cover and leave for a couple of minutes.
  3. Then add half a glass of lemon juice and honey to taste into hot tea.
  4. Dilute this mixture with three glasses of water.

This algorithm can be used for a recipe for making iced green tea with mint and lemon.

This tea will refresh you on a hot day, soothe, relieve stress, and help with colds.

Moroccan mint tea

Despite its unusual name, Moroccan tea is composed of green tea and mint. Only the process of its preparation is unusual.

  1. Boil 750 ml of water in a saucepan.
  2. Put four teaspoons of green tea in one teapot, 60 g of sugar and four sprigs of fresh mint in another.
  3. Pour 250 ml of boiling water into a kettle with sugar and dried grass, pour the rest into green tea.
  4. Stir the mixture after three minutes.

This tea has the same benefits as conventional green tea.

Tea with mint, cinnamon and lime

For cooking, you need half a lime, a cinnamon stick, fresh mint and sugar to taste.

  1. Wash the leaves and separate from the twigs, put in a teapot.
  2. Add thinly sliced ​​lime and cinnamon there.
  3. Pour 750 ml of boiling water over the ingredients, cover and leave for about five minutes.

You can drink it hot or cold.

This tea perfectly invigorates, tones and refreshes.

Mint tea with honey and cranberries

Mint tea with honey and cranberries is a healing nectar prepared on the basis of black tea.

  1. It is necessary to pour three tablespoons of tea leaves, two tablespoons of dried herbs into the kettle, pour 500 ml of boiling water and leave for ten minutes.
  2. Rub 100 g of cranberries with two tablespoons of honey and add to the kettle.
  3. Insist for another five minutes.

Such a drink is irreplaceable during the cold season, it will strengthen the immune system, saturate the body with vitamins.

Tea with mint and milk

  1. Pour boiling water over the tea leaves and dried herb in equal proportions.
  2. Add milk or cream to taste.

This drink is good for the microflora of the stomach, as it softens the effect of milk, restores the immune system, helps to overcome stress and neuroses. In Asia, this tea is drunk to quench thirst.

It has a diuretic effect.

Tea with thyme and mint

Making tea is easy. You need to take dried herbs in equal parts, pour boiling water over them and insist for fifteen minutes.

You can serve it with milk.

The drink is beneficial for the nervous system and immunity.

How to Drink Mint Tea

Mint tea can be drunk in the amount desired for a person according to the daily routine. In the absence of contraindications, tea is not capable of causing harm.

If specific goals are pursued, then a certain algorithm must be followed. For example, to stay awake throughout the day, mint tea should be drunk on an empty stomach and the next meal should be made up of fiber and protein.

Collection and preparation of mint for tea

It is better to collect the grass during its flowering period: in July - August. Collect the collection far from roads, dumps, factories. Cut the twigs together with the flowers. Choose a dry, sunny day when the dew has dried up.

To dry the plant, it is laid out on a cloth or paper in a dark place for several days, sometimes turned over. The dried herb is stored in cloth bags or cardboard boxes.

Harm and contraindications

Mint is a medicinal plant that has a number of contraindications for use and can, in some cases, cause harm:

  • if a person has low blood pressure;
  • arrhythmia, low heart rate;
  • increased acidity of gastric juice;
  • pregnancy, children under three years of age.

The video will tell you about the benefits and dangers of tea with mint:


The benefits and harms of mint tea are clear. In the absence of contraindications, it is not capable of causing harm. And the benefits for the body are enormous. In combination with other medicinal herbs, the drink can show any properties depending on the person's desire.


Evgenieva Anna, 29 years old, Rostov-on-Don
A year after giving birth, I decided to bring the body back to normal. The dietitian, along with the standard weight loss diet, strongly recommended mint green tea. The effect is obvious: minus 10 kg in six months.
Kuleshova Ekaterina, 31 years old, Tomsk
Before pregnancy she loved and constantly drank tea with mint. When registering, the gynecologist said that he could be dangerous, he could increase the tone of the uterus. But once a day she allowed me to try. I tried it, everything is fine, it soothes very well, so sometimes I pamper myself.
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