What is useful and harmful Sukrasite

The benefits and harms of Sucrasite have been repeatedly disputed and discussed throughout its existence. Depending on the results of the research, the attitude towards the product was either positive or negative. Even today it has not been finally decided whether this food product is useful or harmful.

What is Sukrasite

Sucrasite is a sweetener that is several tens of times sweeter than sugar.

Sucrasite was invented in 1950 in the Israeli company "Biskol". Sukrasit was invented by one of the founders of the company, who, by the way, is still alive.

Release form and composition of Sukrasite

Sukrasit is available in tablets weighing 74 mg. One package can contain 300 or 1200 tablets. Accordingly, the weight of the package is from 22 to 88 g.

In pharmaceuticals, the drug is classified as bio-active additives (dietary supplements).

It contains the following substances:

  • saccharin (better known as E954 additive) - 27%;
  • fumaric acid (food additive E927) - 16%;
  • soda - 57%.
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The sugar substitute Sukrasit is based on saccharin. This sweetener is about 400-500 times sweeter than sugar. However, due to its molecular structure (one sodium atom is too "free" from a chemical point of view) leaves a metallic taste on the tongue.

The addition of fumaric acid can neutralize the activity of this atom, however, the degree of "sweetness" of the product is reduced by almost 10 times. However, since both saccharin and acid are not absorbed by the human body, the sweetening effect is quite impressive.

One small tablet of the drug Sukrasit will replace a spoonful of sugar with a slide.

The benefits of sugar substitute Sukrasit

The main benefit of the sugar substitute Sukrasit lies in its ability to replace sugar in as many dishes and drinks as possible with relatively safe consequences of use and zero calories.

Separately, it should be noted that Sucrasite is not subject to thermal decomposition at temperatures up to +300 ° C, which makes it possible to use it in the preparation of boiled and baked dishes, in contrast to, for example, the same aspartame, which is currently one of the most common sugar substitutes.

That is why the benefits of the drug Sukrasit are manifested in many diets and weight loss schemes. Sukrasit performs its role as a means capable of deceiving the body and introducing useful, but relatively tasteless food into it, giving it a sweet taste.

The benefits and harms of Sucrasite in diabetes

Considering the issues of the benefits and harms of Sucrasit in diabetes mellitus, we can say that the drug is considered one of the best glucose substitutes in food for this disease. Its calorie content is zero, and at the same time (in comparison with other drugs) the harm is relatively small.

It is believed that with repeated systematic use of the drug, allergic reactions can occur and a decrease in immunity can begin.The latter is extremely undesirable in diabetes mellitus, however, in order to achieve such concentrations of Sukrasit, it must be consumed in an amount close to the maximum permissible doses.

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Is Sukrasit possible during pregnancy and breastfeeding

The manufacturer does not recommend using Sukrasit during pregnancy, since saccharin can penetrate the placenta into the child's body, and detailed studies of its effect on fetal development have not been carried out. Therefore, it is impossible to say something about the benefits or harms of the drug for pregnant women due to insufficient data.

Important! In the case of lactation, the use of the drug is also not recommended, since the weakened immune system of the mother and the developing immune system of the child may incorrectly respond to the components of the Sukrasit product and cause serious allergies with complications.

How to use Sukrasit

It is believed that in terms of sweetness, one large package (weighing 88 g with 1200 tablets) is equivalent to about 5.5-6.5 kg of sugar. But the use of Sukrasit will not affect the slimness of the figure in any way, unlike the latter.

It is used to sweeten beverages such as tea or coffee. It dissolves well in water. Usually the product is used according to the following principle: one tablet for 200-300 ml of drink.

You can use the drug for the preparation of flour dishes, as well as various jams, jellies, mousses and other similar products in which sugar is used. Despite the fact that there are certain norms for the introduction of a sweetener, in some liquids it dissolves slightly differently than in water, and its taste can be distorted. Therefore, it is recommended to constantly monitor the degree of sweetness of the product.

How many Sucrasit tablets can you take per day

It is believed that no more than 0.7 g of the product can be consumed per day without harm to the body, which is equivalent to about 9.5 tablets with a human weight of about 70 kg.

Harm of Sukrasit and contraindications

The main component included in Sucrasite is saccharin. Unlike soda and fumaric acid, which are completely non-toxic to the human body, this component has been causing serious controversy over the past 60 years.

Sucrasite was banned three times for human consumption and three times again allowed. The last time this was done was in 2000. And although clinical trials have confirmed the substance's carcinogenicity twice (in 1960 and 1977), new studies have been carried out that refute these results.

These recent studies on the dangers of saccharin have surprisingly coincided with the findings of the marketing commission that the demand for aspartame products has fallen due to the fact that regular consumption of the latter has led to the development of allergies. And it is believed that the resolution of saccharin, as well as products from it, for example, Sucrasit, is just a preparatory stage for replacing aspartame with saccharin.

Attention! Currently, the Sukrasit sweetener is officially approved for use.

Contraindications include pregnancy, lactation and individual intolerance.

To use Sukrasit or not - everyone decides for himself. It is just that you should not forget that the use of such "half-legal" means can be fraught with danger.

Analogues of the sugar substitute Sukrasit

The following substances are analogous to Sukrasit. The brackets indicate how many times sweeter they are than sugar:

  • aspartame (200);
  • acesulfame potassium (200);
  • neohesized (1500);
  • neotam (8000);
  • sucralose (600);
  • cyclamate (30);
  • alitam (2000).
Important! Many sugar substitutes are made from these substances. Often the names of the sweetener (like, for example, Sucralose) coincide with the name of their active ingredient.
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The question of what are the benefits and harms of Sukrasit has not yet been put to an end.It is possible that this sugar substitute will still have years of a difficult journey to consumers who want to eat tasty food and still not gain weight. But the very fact that there is still no consensus in the debate about the benefits of saccharin-based products cannot but lead to certain thoughts.

Reviews of doctors and losing weight

Sergeev Petr, Moscow, doctor
There are substances that do not have useful doses. For example, alcohol. So saccharin is one of those. Studies carried out repeatedly have confirmed that this substance is a carcinogen and it is unsafe to use it in human food. Therefore, the decision of the doctors is unambiguous and cannot be challenged - all preparations based on saccharin, including Sukrasit, are harmful to health, there can be no other options. Undoubtedly, the likelihood of getting cancer from its use, in comparison with the same tobacco, is relatively small, but do you want to play such a lottery? I would not.
Nikiforov Alexander, Kaliningrad, losing weight
I am actively involved in sports, I am constantly on diets, and I really want to try something tasty. And so my wife found a suitable solution for me too - Sukrasit. Thanks to this drug, I can now practically indulge myself in anything and eat sweet foods whenever I want. There are practically no contraindications, in addition, I never even choose its daily dose. Zero calories and sweet taste make a great combination. Recomend for everybody!
Volova Ksenia, Kislovodsk, losing weight
I have been using sweeteners for over 5 years. During this time, I almost completely got rid of sugar in all food products - from coffee and tea to baked goods. The result suits me completely - my weight has not changed practically in any way during this time. At the same time, I do not observe any taste difference in products with sugar and Sukrasit. There are no negative health effects either. Many people talk about the dangers of food additives, but I do not believe in this, since I have evidence to the contrary.

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