Carnitine tartrate: how to take, reviews

L-carnitine tartrate is a useful substance necessary for the healthy functioning of the human body. Adequate L-tartrate levels help maintain well-being as well as help you lose weight, so it's interesting to know more about the substance.

What is Carnitine Tartrate (L-Carnitine L-Tartrate)

One of the important natural substances in the human body is L-carnitine, a lipotropic that transports fat cells to muscles and converts them into energy during intense physical exertion. L-carnitine, or levocarnitine, is produced by the body on its own in the kidneys, liver and muscle cells, and also comes from the outside with some foods. In order for the body to freely synthesize the necessary substance, the blood must contain enough iron, methionine, B vitamins and some enzymes.

With a shortage of the listed components, a lack of L-carnitine may occur, which leads to a deterioration in well-being and negatively affects health. This deficiency can be compensated for, inter alia, with the help of pharmacological preparations containing L-carnitine tartrate, or the salt of L-tartaric acid and L-carnitine, which enhance each other's action. L-carnitine tartrate is readily absorbed by the intestines and rapidly absorbed by the body. The beneficial effect of such a supplement is more noticeable than from the use of products containing substances necessary for the synthesis of L-carnitine.

Useful properties of L-carnitine tartrate

The main task of L-carnitine in the body is to transport fatty acids to muscle tissue and convert fats into energy. Therefore, the most beneficial property of tartrate is to improve metabolism and help in the speedy breakdown of fats during exercise. Tartrate helps reduce body fat while limiting muscle wasting and promoting muscle building.

The additive also has other beneficial properties, namely:

  • positively affects the nervous system and minimizes the impact of stress on well-being;
  • improves the body's endurance indicators;
  • accelerates the recovery process after physical exertion;
  • helps to increase muscle volume and acts as a good anabolic;
  • responds to the qualitative breakdown of fats with the receipt of energy from them;
  • slows down catabolic processes in the body and prevents the breakdown of muscle fibers;
  • has a beneficial effect on the vascular system and lowers harmful cholesterol in the blood;
  • protects the body from the development of atherosclerosis and dangerous heart diseases.
Important! The maximum effectiveness of levocarnitine tartrate is demonstrated precisely with intense physical activity and a healthy diet. It is almost pointless to take a pharmacological supplement, neglecting exercise and diet, it will not be able to fully manifest its beneficial properties.

Varieties of carnitine tartrate

L-Carnitine Tartrate is one of the most sought after sports supplements. Despite the fact that the drug is quite safe, it has a good effect and also has a pleasant taste.Not least, therefore, when the question arises, choose fumarate or L-carnitine tartrate, tartrate is preferred more often, its taste is slightly sour, well refreshing.

In pharmacies and sports stores, L-carnitine tartrate is sold in several forms.


Compressed powder solid tablets have their own advantages and disadvantages. Among the positive aspects are:

  • a convenient form for carrying the drug with you;
  • long shelf life;
  • convenience in determining the daily dosage.

However, there are drawbacks to tartrate tablets. The drug is absorbed in this form most slowly, its bioavailability is considered very low.


In capsule form, carnitine tartrate is the same powder. But in this case, it is not compressed, but is enclosed in an instantly dissolving shell, usually gelatinous.

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The advantages of capsules include the fact that it is still convenient to measure the daily dose of the drug with them, capsules can be carried with you even in a small bag. L-carnitine tartrate is absorbed in the body in capsules faster than in the form of tablets, but slower than in the form of solutions.


Powdered tartrate has high bioavailability and is very quickly absorbed into the bloodstream. It is convenient to carry with you, since the packaging does not take up much space, and there are no problems in order to measure the required dosage.

The disadvantage of the dosage form is only that the powder must be diluted in water or some other liquid. But the same can be said about tablets or capsules that must be taken with a drink.


Liquid L-Carnitine Tartrate is considered the best pharmaceutical option. Its advantages include:

  • no need to somehow dilute the drug or drink it with water;
  • fast absorption of the active substance - liquid tartrate begins to act immediately.

The main disadvantage of L-carnitine solution is that it is inconvenient to take a bottle with a pharmacological agent outside the house.

Attention! An open bottle of liquid tartrate is not stored for long, you need to use it in the near future. This does not create problems in the middle of the L-carnitine cycle, but if a new bottle has to be opened before the end of the supplement, then the rest of the drug will have to be disposed of.

Indications for use

Basically, L-carnitine tartrate is in demand among athletes and women who are losing weight. Both those and others are interested in the rapid burning of body fat without sacrificing muscle mass. However, the list of indications for taking L-carnitine is much wider. It is recommended to use it:

  • with obesity and overweight;
  • with a lack of muscle mass and very slow muscle building;
  • with heavy physical exertion requiring high endurance - not only in sports, but also in any other activity;
  • when recovering from severe injuries, operations and strokes - tartrate helps to quickly return to good health and recover from illness;
  • with high cholesterol and a tendency to atherosclerosis, taking the drug improves the condition of the blood vessels and prevents the development of dangerous conditions;
  • with reduced fertility in men, the use of L-carnitine increases the quality of the genetic material and the likelihood of conceiving a healthy child.

L-carnitine tartrate can be offered to children and adolescents who are lagging behind their peers in growth and physical development. In this case, the introduction of the drug into the diet must be agreed with the pediatrician.

Attention! In all cases, the use of the drug must be combined with physical activity, intense or medium-intensity during the recovery period after ailments.

How to take L-carnitine tartrate

The regimen for taking L-carnitine depends on the purpose of its use - if the drug is used for treatment, then the dosage should be prescribed by a doctor. However, there are general rules for taking the drug:

  1. The average daily dose of tartrate for an adult is 1.5–2 g of the substance - the dosage may be more or less, but in any case should not exceed 4 g.
  2. It is necessary to use the drug in 2-3 doses, usually the first portion of tartrate is taken before breakfast, and the second - shortly before lunch or just before training.
  3. L-carnitine in solid form must be taken with sufficient water for rapid absorption. Powders are diluted in liquid before use, and solutions are used ready-made, using a measuring cup or spoon, which are attached to the package with the drug.

If tartrate is used to improve the effectiveness of sports training, then it should be taken on days of physical exertion, and on days allotted for recovery. In the second case, the first portion of the drug is used as standard before breakfast, but the second is drunk not before training, as on ordinary days, but before lunch.

Advice! In any case, it is recommended to use the drug until 4-5 pm - taking the supplement in the evening can negatively affect the quality of sleep.

It is necessary to take L-carnitine tartrate in courses lasting from 4 to 6 weeks. Between them, it is necessary to take breaks of 2 weeks in length - the fact is that with constant use of the supplement, the independent synthesis of L-carnitine in the body decreases.

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L-carnitine tartrate for weight loss

Most often, tartrate in solid and liquid forms is used by athletes and women who are losing weight, who dream of quickly saying goodbye to body fat. Since the action of L-carnitine in the body is aimed specifically at breaking down fats, it really helps to lose weight while maintaining healthy muscle mass.

You can consume L-carnitine during a diet that is low in carbohydrates and high in protein. However, it must be borne in mind that without exercise, tartrate will not be able to demonstrate good results. The processes of breaking down fats and converting them into energy are triggered precisely during exercise. Reviews of L-carnitine tartrate confirm that you need to visit the gym regularly to lose weight.

Contraindications and side effects

L-carnitine is a compound necessary for the human body, therefore, L-carnitine tartrate has almost no strict contraindications. It is not recommended to use the supplement only for allergies, if taking tartrate provokes the appearance of redness, itching and swelling on the face, then the drug should be discarded.

Care should be taken when using L-carnitine:

  • with dysfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • with chronic kidney disease;
  • with cirrhosis of the liver;
  • with epilepsy.

It is not recommended to take tartrate during pregnancy. To date, the additive has not been researched enough. Although no evidence of its negative effect on the fetus has been found, it is also impossible to argue that L-carnitine does not harm the woman and the child. The same applies to the lactation period - it is better to refrain from using tartrate while breastfeeding.

Attention! For young children, L-carnitine is not contraindicated, but it can be introduced into the child's diet only by agreement with the pediatrician.

Side effects from the use of tartrate can occur in case of an overdose and are expressed in the appearance of nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Overdose is not dangerous to health. L-carnitine is rapidly eliminated from the body through the kidneys. If negative symptoms occur, it is enough to stop taking the supplement and drink plenty of fluids, after 3 hours the state of health will return to normal.


L-carnitine tartrate is a useful dietary supplement, especially in demand among athletes and women interested in losing weight. There are few contraindications for tartrate, and the effect of its use is noticeable and quick. When taken correctly, the substance improves well-being and promotes the burning of body fat.

Reviews of L-carnitine tartrate

Stepanov Andrey Vladimirovich, 32 years old, Tomsk
I regularly use L-carnitine tartrate shortly before the competition, when I need not only good strength indicators, but also an attractive physical form. The drug helps to dry out well without heavy diets, fat goes away quickly, and muscles are preserved at the same time.
Petrova Olga Anatolyevna, 27 years old, Moscow
I first tried L-carnitine tartrate 2 years ago on the recommendation of a nutritionist. The doctor immediately said that the supplement should be taken in combination with physical exercise. The effect of the drug came very quickly - for the first time in my life, I got real results from exercising in the gym.
Borisenko Daria Viktorovna, 35 years old, Saratov
I am prone to weight gain, so diet and exercise alone do little to help me control my figure. L-carnitine tartrate is simply irreplaceable for me, it noticeably enhances the effect of training and breaks down fats, so that hours spent in the gym are not wasted.

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