Finnish vitamins Priorin (Priorin) for hair: reviews, composition, instructions

Vitamins for hair Priorin are a therapeutic and prophylactic agent aimed at solving problems related to hair condition. They are prescribed for severe vitamin deficiency. Thanks to its balanced composition, the dietary supplement copes with alopecia and strengthens the hair structure from the inside.

Composition of vitamins for hair Priorin

Priorin hair vitamins are formulated in such a way that it is possible to solve several problems that worsen hair condition at once. Vitamins and minerals take part in metabolic processes, due to which the growth of hair is enhanced. At the same time, reliable protection against thermal effects on the hair structure is provided. The main active components of the vitamin complex include:

  • L-cystine;
  • wheat germ oil;
  • millet extract;
  • vitamin B5;
  • biotin.
1 capsule contains 9 mg of pantothenic acid and 140 mg of millet extract

The composition also contains additional substances that accelerate the process of assimilation of the main components. Among them are titanium oxide, gelatin, lecithin and magnesium oxide.

Vitamin B5 plays a key role in Priorin's composition. He takes part in regenerative processes, promoting cell proliferation. Biotin has a positive effect on hair and skin renewal. Millet extract saturates the body with useful substances. L-cystine promotes the active production of keratin, which is the main building block.

Comment! To increase the effectiveness of vitamin therapy, it is recommended to use the drug in conjunction with the care products of the same manufacturer.

Release form

Priorin vitamins are available in the form of capsules for internal administration. The pharmaceutical market offers packages of 120, 60 and 30 capsules. A pack with a minimum number of capsules lasts for 2-4 weeks. The dietary supplement manufacturer is Bayer.


The successful combination of ingredients helps to make hair healthier, both externally and internally. The course of taking the drug allows you to stop diffuse hair loss and stimulate the activity of hair follicles. This leads to the fact that the hair becomes thicker and more beautiful. Along with this, the trophism of the nail plate improves. Finnish vitamins Priorin have the following properties:

  • prevention of gray hair;
  • elimination of seborrhea;
  • strengthening the nail plate;
  • stop hair loss;
  • treatment of dandruff and local peeling;
  • improved blood circulation in the scalp;
  • stimulation of hair, eyebrow and eyelash growth;
  • fight against split ends;
  • regulation of the sebaceous glands.

Priorin is widely used in the complex treatment of alopecia and seborrhea. By replenishing the supply of nutrients, it soothes irritated skin areas and normalizes the sebaceous glands. The hair follicles are thus strengthened. Thanks to the rich vitamin composition, the appearance of the hair is also improved.

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How does

The principle of action of a vitamin supplement on the body is carried out in several stages. The main absorption of vitamins occurs in the middle part of the small intestine. Any disturbances in the digestive tract can affect the rate of absorption. On average, this process takes 10-16 hours.

The effect of taking the vitamin complex is cumulative. In 1 month of taking Priorin, the hair follicles are nourished with useful substances. The rudiments of new hairs appear under the skin. After 2 months of use, the hair structure is noticeably strengthened. After 3 months, the loss completely stops. New hairs appear, which makes the hair visually thicker.

Priorin is recommended to be taken in the morning.

Instructions for the use of vitamins for hair Priorin

According to the instructions, Priorin hair vitamins are taken daily, 1 capsule. It is swallowed without chewing and drinking plenty of water. The duration of the treatment course is 3 months. To consolidate the result, you can continue taking vitamins for 3 months.

Side effects

Reviews for Priorin vitamins indicate a low likelihood of side effects. They can occur only in case of an overdose and the presence of individual intolerance. In these cases, the following symptoms develop:

  • skin rash;
  • nausea;
  • dizziness;
  • diarrhea.


Priorin hair vitamins should not be taken if there is an allergic reaction and hypervitaminosis. In both cases, the reception will provoke discomfort. During pregnancy and during breastfeeding, taking the drug is not prohibited. In childhood, specialized complexes should be used, in which the dosage of nutrients is more appropriate.


No overdose was observed during the trials of the vitamin supplement. However, in theory they are quite possible. The fact is that when taken in excessive amounts, vitamins can have a detrimental effect on health. First of all, the digestive system is at risk. Excessive amounts of vitamins can cause symptoms of food poisoning. These include nausea, vomiting, and dizziness. The condition is stabilized by cleansing measures.

Important! With pronounced hair loss, Priorin should be drunk for at least 6 months.

special instructions

During lactation and carrying a child, taking a vitamin supplement is not prohibited. Long-term use of a biological additive is also allowed. But other vitamins during this period are strictly prohibited. The possibility of combining Priorin with other drugs should be checked with the doctor on an individual basis.


If necessary, Priorin can be replaced with vitamin complexes with a similar effect. It should be remembered that their effectiveness may be different. It is extremely important to study the manufacturer's recommendations before taking the drug.


Aurita is a complex herbal preparation. It is designed to permanently strengthen the body and stop hair loss. It contains nicotinic acid, which takes part in the formation of lipids. They stimulate the production of keratin, which is the basis of nails and hair. The drug is taken 1 capsule 2 times a day.

During pregnancy, taking Aurita is contraindicated.

Doppelherz Aktiv

The positive effect of a vitamin supplement on hair is due to the presence of zinc, linoleic acid and biotin in the composition. These ingredients have a powerful strengthening effect on the hair roots. The dietary supplement is taken 1 capsule daily. Duration of admission is 2 months.

The cost of Doppelherz Aktiv vitamins starts from 400 rubles


Revalid is effective against thinned nail plate and diffuse alopecia. In addition to vitamins, it contains millet extract and DL-methionine. For hair loss caused by hormonal and fungal diseases, a food supplement does not help.

Revalid is produced in Hungary

Perfectil Original

Vitamins Perfectil Original effectively eliminate brittle and dry hair, nourishing it from the inside. Sometimes it is prescribed as part of therapy for alopecia. Doctors-trichologists speak about the drug only in a positive way. The vitamin complex must be taken 1 capsule for a month.

Country of origin Perfectil Original - UK

Instructions for the use of vitamins for hair Priorin Extra

The enhanced formula of the renewed vitamin complex is aimed at combating hair loss caused by hormonal disorders. All components are selected taking into account the needs of the body with such a problem. The instructions for Priorin Extra hair vitamins mean taking 1-2 capsules per day. Treatment lasts 3 to 6 months.

The price of the drug is 4000-4500 rubles per package
Attention! To exclude the possibility of acquiring a fake, you should buy the drug at a pharmacy or from an authorized representative.


It is advisable to take vitamins for hair Priorin after consulting a doctor. To achieve the desired result, you should drink them in accordance with the selected dosages. In case of allergy, the vitamin complex should be discarded.

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Priorin hair vitamins reviews

Stepanova Alina Arkadyevna, 29 years old, Voronezh
Choosing from a variety of nutritional supplements, I settled on Priorin vitamins. The reviews were mostly positive. The problem of hair loss stopped bothering me after 3 weeks of taking it. After another month, I noticed a lot of new hair near the forehead and on the temporal region.
Skorobogatova Svetlana Yurievna, 34 years old, Nizhny Novgorod
I took many different vitamins, but it was Priorin that I liked the most. There were no side effects, and the hair industry was noticeable. The only noticeable drawback is the high price. But if you consider that we are talking about health, you can close your eyes to this.
Veselova Ekaterina Maksimovna, 19 years old, Yekaterinburg
I am very familiar with Priorin Extra hair vitamins. Reviews were the last reason to buy. To be honest, I did not notice a significant difference from other vitamins. However, I have not encountered any side effects. A good drug, but the price is too high.
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