Seabass: calorie content per 100 grams, composition where found

Seabass, or sea wolf, is one of the valuable commercial fish species. Among gourmets, this predator is famous for its dense, boneless meat and exceptional taste. The benefits and harms of sea bass fish for the human body have been fully studied. The sea wolf is considered one of the safest fish species, it is recommended for baby and diet food with some restrictions.

Where is the sea bass fish

Seabass, or common seabass, lives in the Black and Mediterranean Seas, as well as in the Atlantic Ocean. Young seabass wolves huddle in schools - so it is easier for them to escape from large predators and find food. And adult large individuals, reaching a length of more than 1 m, prefer to hunt alone. The diet of the sea bass includes various medium-sized marine life:

  • crayfish and shrimps;
  • crabs and shellfish;
  • small cephalopods and fish fry.

The sea wolf is a heat-loving breed of fish, the water temperature comfortable for it is about 20 degrees Celsius. The average life expectancy is about 15 years, some individuals live up to 20 years.

The popularity of the sea bass around the world has led to a sharp decline in the population in the wild - due to barbaric fishing methods. In a number of countries, commercial sea wolf fishing is prohibited. In response to demand, fisheries in Europe and Turkey have begun raising the predator in artificial pools and fenced seawater ponds. But fish grown on compound feed and additives cannot be compared with real "wild protein" either in taste or in the content of nutrients.

Comment! Typically, the seabass lives in coastal areas at a depth of about 100 m.
As soon as the young seabass gains weight over 10 kg, it separates from the flock and becomes a lone hunter

The chemical composition of the sea bass

By its unique properties, the sea bass is close to the valuable species of salmon fish. It contains:

  • polyunsaturated fatty acids - Omega-3 and 6, linoleic;
  • vitamins A, D, PP, E, K, group B, the content of B12 is especially prominent;
  • minerals - phosphorus, potassium, iodine, calcium, iron, magnesium, selenium, chromium, zinc, manganese;
  • essential amino acids that are not synthesized by the body - tryptophan, methionine, lysine.
Advice! A piece of boiled or baked sea bass is quite capable of replacing fish oil prescribed by a doctor.

Why sea bass is useful

Due to its chemical composition, sea bass is extremely beneficial for health. It saturates the human body with vital micro and macro elements, vitamins and amino acids. Seabass is indicated for nutrition during pregnancy and people on a diet.

Useful properties of this unique fish:

  1. Prevents the formation of cancerous tumors.
  2. Restores the work of the heart, strengthens and cleanses blood vessels.
  3. Reduces cholesterol levels, prevents atherosclerosis, early heart attacks and strokes.
  4. Relieves inflammation, removes toxins and radiation from the body.
  5. The sea wolf normalizes weight, while saturating the body with essential nutrients.
  6. It helps increase fertility in both men and women, so it should be included in the diet of couples planning to have a baby.
  7. Raises tone, reduces the risk of nervous breakdowns, harm from stressful situations.
  8. Seabass is an excellent prevention of diseases such as psoriasis, osteoporosis, arthritis and arthrosis, radiculitis.
  9. Improves brain function and perception of new information, speeds up thinking.
  10. Strengthens the regenerative functions of the body, restores the organs of vision.
  11. Increases immunity, slows down the aging process.
  12. Improves the structure of the blood, prevents the development of rickets and contributes to the correct formation of the skeleton.
  13. This fish is not only recommended for diabetes, but also necessary. The content of carbohydrates in meat is so low that the glycemic index is zero, so it can be consumed without fear.
Advice! The sea wolf is perfect for feeding patients with pancreatitis and gastritis.
You should choose fish of medium size, up to 50 cm, since adult specimens are less tasty, and their meat can accumulate harmful substances

Seabass harm

Although the sea wolf is recognized as the safest fish for both dietary and baby food, there is a potential risk. Like other types of fish, sea bass contains a protein that can cause severe allergic reactions. If the laurel first appeared on the family table, care should be taken to trace the individual reaction of the body. This is especially true for people who have already been allergic to sea fish.

How many calories in fish sea bass

Despite the high content of healthy fatty acids, sea bass meat is low in calories, therefore it is recommended to be consumed by overweight citizens, patients with gastrointestinal problems, children and the elderly.

100 g of sea bass contains:

  • proteins - 16.5 g;
  • fat - 1.5 g;
  • carbohydrates - 0.6 g;
  • 82 kcal.
Important! The calorie content of the finished dish largely depends on the way it is prepared. The oil used for frying or baking significantly increases the energy value of the product without adding any nutrients.
The most useful is boiled sea wolf or steamed, with lemon juice and seasonings

Contraindications to fish sea bass

Seabass has a number of contraindications. It should not be eaten by persons:

  • with individual intolerance to this type of fish;
  • suffering from renal failure and liver disease;
  • with exacerbation of chronic gastrointestinal diseases.
Important! Seabass is served to children, nursing mothers and women during the gestation period only after heat treatment - boiled, steamed, baked. Smoked, salted, or fried sea bass should not be consumed in these categories.

Seabass fish cooking methods

The sea wolf is a premium fish, popular with culinary experts around the world for its almost boneless meat and great taste. The seabass is versatile. It tastes equally good for any cooking method. There are several ways to cook sea bass:

  1. Fry in olive oil or sauté in tomato sauce.
  2. Bake in foil, stuffed with lemon and herbs, with vegetables.
  3. Steam, lightly drizzle with lemon juice and vegetable oil.
  4. Boil in water with spices and herbs to taste.
  5. In restaurants, you can enjoy sea bass baked in salt. When serving, the salt crust is set on fire, and the dish looks spectacular, but the taste is simply indescribable.
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Sea bass goes well with tomatoes and potatoes, carrots, onions and rice, zucchini, cauliflower and citrus fruits. Seasonings include caraway and garlic, dill, basil, mustard and parsley, rosemary and turmeric.

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The sea wolf is a delicate and lean fish. Therefore, it requires accuracy, a large amount of oil for frying and careful adherence to the recipe. It is important not to overexpose the sea bass, so usually the cooking time does not exceed half an hour.

For cooking seabass, it is better to take extra virgin olive oil
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Seabass while breastfeeding

When breastfeeding, the sea bass is a source of valuable substances in combination with an easily digestible protein. If the baby is not allergic to fish, sea bass can and should be consumed. In most cases, children tolerate adding it to the menu of a nursing mother well without showing diathesis.

It is best to choose exactly sea fish caught in the Atlantic Ocean, because fish breeders, in pursuit of profit, introduce various chemical additives into feed, which are far from harmless. When buying, you should pay attention to the type of carcass, the elasticity of the outer integument, the absence of a bad smell from the gill slits, which signals the onset of decay processes. It is important to make sure that there are no parasites, fungal diseases.

Regular use of the sea wolf has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, hair, nails

Is it possible for a child to have seabass

Seabass is one of those fish that can be given to babies without fear of side effects and allergies. Boiled or steamed meat can be introduced starting at 9 months of age. Complementary feeding should be started little by little, with half a teaspoon, carefully monitoring the baby's reaction. If all is well, the daily rate is brought to 50 g. From one and a half years, the portion is 70 g, and after another six months - 80 g.

You can give your baby seabass 1-2 times a week, preferably at lunchtime, by carefully selecting all the bones and rubbing the boiled fish through a sieve. Due to the record amount of fatty acids, it is very beneficial for the proper development of the baby. And its protein is easily assimilated without loading the baby's digestive tract.


The benefits and harms of sea bass fish are obvious. Recognized as a gourmet delicacy, the sea wolf is indispensable for the population categories that need high-quality, easily digestible and nutritious food. These are people weakened by a long illness, who are on a diet according to the recommendations of the attending physician, the elderly, children, women during pregnancy and lactation. It is very easy to prepare a delicious dish at home - the sea bass does not require any special culinary skills. It is necessary to choose fresh fish caught in their natural habitat. Several times frozen and thawed food is unsuitable for food.

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