How to wash leather gloves: by hand and in the washing machine

Leather gloves are a stylish accessory that not only helps to complete the look, but also protects your hands from cold and damage. But in the process of wearing, like any other thing, they get dirty and lose their presentable appearance. Therefore, it is necessary to periodically clean them. It is important to wash your leather gloves properly so that they retain their functionality and do not deteriorate.

Features of washing leather gloves

It is necessary to wash the accessory at home, taking into account some of the features of the procedure. First of all, the material should be tested for water tolerance in order to exclude its subsequent deformation. To do this, you need to slightly wet a small area in an inconspicuous place. If at the same time the structure of the skin has not changed, then you can wash without fear.

On the seamy side of each product there is a tag on which the manufacturer's recommendations are indicated in order to better wash the product. Therefore, first of all, you need to study them. Often only hand washing leather gloves is allowed, and rarely in an automatic machine.

Important! It is only necessary to carry out cleaning completely as a last resort, since its frequent cleaning significantly reduces the service life of the product.

General recommendations for washing the product:

  • the water temperature should be no higher than 30 degrees;
  • do not twist after washing;
  • use only liquid detergents that do not contain aggressive components;
  • do not rub the material strongly;
  • use a soft sponge or cloth, cotton pads to wipe off stains.
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How to wash leather gloves

To maintain a presentable appearance of the product, it is necessary not only to choose the right cleaning agent and adhere to the temperature regime, but also to follow the basic cleaning steps. Therefore, how the procedure will be carried out depends on its final result. Therefore, all stages should be clearly and consistently followed.

How to hand wash leather gloves

To wash an accessory by hand, you need to prepare a basin and a suitable detergent.


  1. Collect water in a container, the temperature of which should not exceed 30 degrees.
  2. Dissolve liquid soap or shampoo in it, mix until a homogeneous composition is obtained.
  3. Dip the accessory into water, gently wrinkle it with smooth movements.
  4. Rub the spots additionally with a soft sponge soaked in soapy water.
  5. Rinse several times until all traces of detergent have disappeared.
Advice! It is recommended to add a little glycerin to the water for the final rinse to add shine and softness.
The accessory should be washed by hand without prolonged soaking of the skin

How to machine wash leather gloves

You can also wash leather gloves at home in an automatic machine, if the manufacturer does not prohibit it. But cleaning is recommended only when the drum is half empty, which will avoid strong friction of the skin.

Advice! To maintain the elasticity of the material, apply castor oil to it before washing, and grease it with glycerin after rinsing.


  1. Place the accessory in a special washing bag.
  2. Pour liquid detergent into the machine compartment.
  3. Set the water heating mode to no more than 30 degrees.
  4. Turn on extra rinse, turn off spin.
  5. Start a wash in a delicate or hand wash.
  6. At the end, wring it out slightly with your hands, without twisting it.

Often it is not possible to wash the product so that it does not leave stains of detergent on it. Moreover, multiple rinsing does not always solve the problem. In this case, rub the stains with lemon juice.

Washing the skin in a typewriter is possible only as a last resort.

How to properly dry leather gloves

It is important not only to wash the accessory correctly, but also to dry it. Leather is a capricious material that does not forgive mistakes. Therefore, you should consider the basic rules.

Recommendations for proper drying:

  1. After light hand wringing, the accessory must be laid flat on a flat surface, placing a terry towel under the bottom.
  2. Place the wet product away from heating devices, and also do not use a hair dryer.
  3. In the process of evaporation of moisture, it is necessary to periodically knead the gloves by hand or with a rolling pin, which will prevent drying and deformation of the skin.
Important! After the leather gloves are completely dry, they must be rubbed with a brush until they acquire a characteristic softness, and then lubricated with castor oil.
The skin should not be dried in the sun, as this can lead to deformation


You can wash leather gloves at home and keep their presentable appearance if you take into account the characteristics of the material and the rules of the procedure. But do not experiment if the manufacturer does not recommend wet cleaning. If in doubt, the material should be tested before washing.

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