How to remove lipstick from clothes

It is rather difficult to wash lipstick from clothes, especially bright ones. Many housewives believe that it is almost impossible to fix such a misfortune, but there are ways to help remove lipstick even from white things.

Does the lipstick wash off clothes

It will be easier to wash a cosmetic product from any thing if you follow a number of simple recommendations:

  • the contamination must be removed while it is fresh and has not had time to be absorbed into the fabric: this way there are more chances to wash it off;
  • since lipstick has a fatty base, you need to remove it from the fabric from the wrong side;
  • clothes soiled with cosmetics must be laid out on a hard surface so that the cosmetic "blot" does not have the opportunity to spread over the rest of the tissue;
  • under the bottom of the spot, you must put a white cloth or paper napkin;
  • before using any of the selected means, it must be checked on an inconspicuous area of ​​the fabric so as not to spoil the thing completely;
  • you can wash the product only after the pollution has been removed as much as possible from the fabric;
  • the use of aggressive agents should be left as the last way to remove contamination; cleaning should be started with simple methods.

How to remove lipstick from fabric using folk methods

Many housewives prefer to use the popular practice of removing stains. Their advantage is that many of the necessary components are always at hand, you do not need to pay a significant amount for them, since they are distinguished by their versatility and practicality.

How to wipe lipstick off clothes with laundry soap

Laundry soap, which is available in every home, will help to wash the stain. The use process is as follows:

  1. Moisten contamination.
  2. Spread the item on a firm, level surface.
  3. Rub with soap.
  4. Leave to rest for 5 to 10 minutes.
  5. Rinse.
  6. Repeat the process and rub off the dirt.
  7. Wash in the usual way.
Important! Laundry soap can be used to remove lipstick stains on any item made of different types of fabrics.
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How to scrub lipstick from clothes with citric acid

The citric acid will also help remove lip makeup from clothing. For this you need:

  1. Spread the stained object on the table.
  2. Moisten the contaminated area with a cotton swab.
  3. Sprinkle citric acid powder on the stain.
  4. Let sit for about 5 minutes.
  5. Grind and rinse.

This method is suitable for light-colored items. If you plan to use it on colored fabric, then before using it, you should test the product on an inconspicuous area of ​​the product.

How to remove lipstick from clothes with baking soda

Baking soda is a good stain remover. It is also suitable for removing lipstick from clothes.

  1. Pour baking soda on the soiled area, which must be pre-moistened.
  2. Wait 10 minutes.
  3. Rub thoroughly.
  4. Wash.
  5. Repeat the procedure if necessary.
Recommended reading:  Baking soda: useful properties, application, how to take

How to use hydrogen peroxide to remove lipstick from clothes

Hydrogen peroxide or chlorhexidine can help wash lipstick off a white shirt or other product. You just need to fill the stain with liquid, wait for it to be absorbed and wash the cloth with powder.

Important! The use of peroxide on colored items is unacceptable.

How to remove lipstick stain from clothes with glycerin

Ordinary glycerin, which must be warmed up and simply applied to the stain, can return the original purity of things.

For the product to work, it must be left on the clothes for 50 - 60 minutes, and then rinsed in salted water.

This method will help remove lipstick from white and colored fabrics. The main thing is not to overheat the glycerin. Optimum temperature - 35 oC.

How to remove lipstick marks from clothes with toothpaste

Another method that can remove even bright lipstick from clothes is using toothpaste.

  1. The product must be laid out on a hard surface.
  2. Wet the stain with a brush.
  3. To her, apply toothpaste to the pollution.
  4. Wait 10 to 15 minutes.
  5. Extend.
Attention! On white things, you can use only white paste, for colored things, a product with dyes is also suitable.

How to remove lipstick using household chemicals

You can remove lipstick stains on white and colored linen using special products. Among them there are both gentle and aggressive substances, which have to be used in the case when other methods did not give the desired result.

  1. Dishwashing liquid. It has a mild effect, but works well for removing lipstick from clothes. It dissolves the greasy base of cosmetics, is well absorbed into the pores and removes the coloring pigment. The product is applied to the fabric, rubbed with a sponge or brush, and washed off with warm water.
  2. Antipyatin. Soap or powder used by many housewives. It can be applied to white items and colored items if the item does not “fade”.
  3. Regular hair shampoo will help to wash matte lipstick from clothes. It must be poured onto dirt, rubbed and washed off with water.
  4. White. You cannot use it on delicate fabrics, since it can corrode them, which will lead to irreparable consequences. On white clothes, you just need to fill the lipstick stain with a small amount of whiteness (it is better to use a gel), wait about 5 minutes and wash thoroughly.
Attention! All household chemicals must first be used on inconspicuous areas of the fabric.

Features of removing lipstick from different types of fabric

Removing liquid or regular lipstick stains from clothes can be extremely difficult. First of all, you need to consider the type of fabric (structure, density and color). Based on these parameters, you will have to choose a tool that can be used to wash things in the future.

How to remove lipstick from white clothes

It is much easier to wash lipstick off a shirt or other white item than from colored items. Although the stains on them are absorbed much faster and are strongly eaten, bleaches and other stain removers can be used on white products, including those of the national "production":

  1. Dishwashing detergent and chalk. First, apply a small amount of dish soap to the damp spot to moisten it. Pour chalk on top and rub thoroughly with a toothbrush. After the procedures carried out, the thing must be washed.
  2. Lemon juice and salt. Add the mixture to make a gruel. Spread the product on a flat surface, apply the prepared mixture, leave for 30-40 minutes. After a specified period of time, you need to wipe the stain with a sponge and rinse first in cold water, then in warm water, with the addition of powder.
  3. Liquid ammonia will also help to wash lipstick from clothes. This will require a white piece of cloth or cotton swab, which must be moistened with alcohol.The stain is rubbed with the agent on both sides, periodically wetting the tampon in ammonia. The procedure is repeated until the contamination disappears completely. The final step is to wash the garment in the usual way.
  4. Turpentine and gasoline can also quickly remove lipstick from any item. To do this, moisten a cotton swab in the product, treat the contaminated area and wait about 10 minutes. Rinse with vinegar so that there are no streaks on the fabric, then wash. Since flammable materials leave behind an unpleasant, persistent odor, the clothes will have to be ventilated or rinsed several times with special perfumes.

How to remove lipstick from colored clothes

In order not to spoil colored fabric with a stain remover, you will have to make every effort, because even the most harmless agent can harm the colors on clothes. Therefore, removing stains on colored laundry is a complex process that requires maximum care.

  1. Warm glycerin with toothpaste. Dilute the mixture of the indicated components, apply on the stain and leave for 50 - 60 minutes. After the end of the holding time, wash the item. If the problem was not solved the first time, then the procedure can be repeated.
  2. Turpentine and ether mixed in equal parts can also remove lipstick from colored clothing. Contamination is treated with a mixture, rubbed thoroughly. After that, the product can be washed with regular powder.
  3. Toothpaste and bread crumb. Moisten the bread and add any paste to it, apply the composition to the contaminated area. Rub it with a brush and leave for 15 - 20 minutes. After that, the processed product must be washed with powder, and if necessary, repeat the procedure.
  4. Milk and vodka. To remove lipstick stains from colored clothes, you need to mix part of milk and two parts of vodka (you can take 1 part of alcohol). Apply the mixture to dirt, rub it a little and rinse off under running water.
Important! It is forbidden to use products containing bleach on colored laundry.

How to wipe lipstick off a jacket

Removing lipstick from a jacket will be more difficult than from a shirt or dress. But there is always a way out.

  1. Wet a piece of white cloth with turpentine. Treat the problem area. After that, immediately wipe the product with a damp sponge so that no traces of turpentine remain on it.
  2. A specialized tool, a stain remover pencil, can also wipe lipstick off a jacket. Detailed instructions for use can be found on the packaging.
  3. Another tool to arm yourself with is white toothpaste. It is applied to the jacket with a wet toothbrush, then the stain is wiped with a damp sponge. After drying, the procedure can be repeated.

It will be easier to wash lipstick from a down jacket or other outer clothing if you start cleaning immediately after the makeup gets on the fabric.

Useful Tips

Any contamination on the fabric must be removed correctly. For this, it is important to follow a number of rules:

  • chlorine-containing products cannot be used on colored linen and on white products with a pattern;
  • removal of the stain begins from its edges, so as not to smear the dirt over the clean areas;
  • lip cosmetics, even if they are hygienic, can leave greasy marks on clothes, therefore, in addition to removing the coloring pigment, it is required to treat it from fat spots;
  • before using "heavy" artillery in the fight against lipstick on clothes, you need to use more gentle means. If they cannot cope with the pollution, then more serious agents should be used;
  • colored products should not be boiled, but white clothes should not be heat treated until the lipstick mark becomes less pale;
  • if the cosmetics are highly durable, then a makeup remover can help in the fight against it. Milk or lotion must be applied to dirt, wiped with a napkin and washed.


It is hardly possible to wash lipstick from clothes without the use of detergents or recipes for popular use.The coloring pigment and the fatty base of the cosmetic are very persistent, therefore, you need to act on them pointwise, choosing one of the suitable methods.

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