Breast augmentation with hyaluronic acid: advantages and disadvantages

Breast augmentation with hyaluronic acid is considered a fairly effective and safe technique. She is allowed to correct the shape of the mammary glands without resorting to surgical intervention. Despite the ease of implementation, the procedure has a number of nuances that must be taken into account.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Breast Augmentation with Hyaluronic Acid

Hyaluronic acid is a substance that retains moisture in connective tissues. It is produced in the body without outside interference. In cosmetology, it is used to rejuvenate and correct visual imperfections. Recently, hyaluronate has been used in breast plastic surgery. With certain processing, it is able to transform into a gel, which ensures its even distribution under the skin.

The main advantage of filler breast augmentation is the absence of surgery. This eliminates the formation of scars and significantly shortens the recovery period. The pluses also include the most natural result. Unlike implants, the gel is evenly distributed and cannot be detected, even by palpation. The disadvantages of the procedure include:

  • high service price;
  • Difficulty making a diagnosis based on X-ray results
  • fragility of the effect;
  • high risk of gel migration;
  • the formation of seals under the skin;
  • the possibility of developing allergies.
After the procedure, the woman can leave the clinic on the same day

In European countries, breast augmentation with hyaluronic acid is not practiced. This is explained by the difficulties in making a diagnosis. Ultrasound and X-ray cannot be interpreted correctly. The gel in the picture can be confused with cystic formations. For this reason, early diagnosis of oncology becomes difficult.

Considering that the procedure must be repeated to maintain the result, the cash costs will be significant. Even the placement of implants in this regard will become more profitable.

Comment! Hyaluronic acid is a polysaccharide compound that provides regular renewal and hydration of the epidermis.

Preparing for hyaluronic acid injections into the chest

Hyaluronic breast contouring requires some preparation. It includes a mandatory consultation with an oncologist. It is also necessary to discuss the desired result with the surgeon. A general examination of the body is required 2 weeks before the procedure.

It includes:

  • ultrasound examination of the mammary glands;
  • analysis for HIV, hepatitis and other infectious diseases;
  • electrocardiogram;
  • blood chemistry;
  • general analysis of urine and blood.

A few days before the procedure, you should stop drinking alcoholic beverages and stop taking medications. In case of deterioration of health, it is important to consult a doctor to postpone the procedure for a more appropriate time.

How is non-surgical breast augmentation done with hyaluronic acid?

Hyaluronic acid is injected into the chest after preliminary anesthesia. The procedure is carried out in a specially equipped sterile room. The woman is sitting on a comfortable couch.

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The procedure includes several stages:

  • marking on the skin with a special marker;
  • skin treatment with an antiseptic solution;
  • local breast anesthesia;
  • making a small puncture, through which a cannula with hyaluronic acid is subsequently introduced;
  • injection of the drug under the skin;
  • removing the cannula and evaluating the result;
  • re-treatment of puncture sites with an antiseptic.

A woman needs to stay in the clinic for several hours after the procedure. This will help to monitor her condition and timely detect adverse reactions if they occur. After receiving the recommendation and approval of the doctor, the patient can leave the walls of the clinic.

The effectiveness of breast correction with hyaluronic acid

The main disadvantage of hyaluronic acid breast augmentation is its temporary effect. The dissolution time of the drug depends on many factors. In each case it is different. On average, the effect disappears 6-18 months after the procedure. To prolong the obtained result, it is necessary to introduce synthetic additives into the mammary glands. But this method significantly increases the likelihood of developing side effects.

Most often, the method of breast augmentation with hyaluronic acid is practiced before endoprosthetics in order to make a final decision about the need for surgery. This allows a woman to understand what size and shape of her breasts she wants. If the introduction of implants is not planned, the result is maintained by administering a medication every 1-2 years. Initial correction involves the use of 40% of the original volume of hyaluronic acid. In the next procedure, it is enough to enter only 15%.

The most popular hyaluronic acid drug is Q-Med Macrolane
Attention! The cost of 1 ml of hyaluronic acid is 500-800 rubles. 1 breast augmentation procedure takes about 100 ml, the price of which exceeds 50,000 rubles.

Rehabilitation period

The duration of the recovery period ranges from 1 to 3 weeks. It depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. To speed up healing, you must follow a number of rules:

  • reduce physical activity;
  • refuse to visit the sauna, bath and take a bath;
  • do not sleep on your stomach;
  • protect yourself from hypothermia.

During the rehabilitation period, you should wear compression underwear. It is also advisable to give up wearing synthetic fabrics. It is strictly forbidden to do breast massage.

Contraindications for breast augmentation with hyaluronic acid

Despite the ease of implementation, breast augmentation with hyaluronic acid has contraindications. You need to familiarize yourself with them during a consultation with a specialist. The procedure is prohibited with the following diagnoses:

  • mastopathy;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • blood clotting pathology;
  • the presence of malignant formations in the chest;
  • chronic infectious and somatic diseases;
  • the large size of the mammary glands by nature;
  • acute inflammatory processes.

Possible complications

There is a risk of complications after breast augmentation with hyaluronic acid. They appear due to the wrong technology of drug administration and violation of the principles of the rehabilitation period. The most common complications include:

  • pain in the mammary glands;
  • an increase in body temperature;
  • bruising in the area of ​​skin punctures;
  • gel migration;
  • loss of breast shape;
  • development of the inflammatory process;
  • tissue necrosis due to infection.
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Pain and bruising go away quickly enough. They usually do not cause significant discomfort. The presence of complications is indicated by breast asymmetry, severe pain, redness and discharge. If these signs appear, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Alternative methods

There are many alternative methods of breast augmentation. Each of them has both pros and cons. The most common method for correcting the mammary glands is surgical intervention with the introduction of implants. The procedure is less gentle, as it involves placing the patient under general anesthesia. In this case, the risk of adverse reactions increases, but the effect persists for life.

Another method of breast augmentation is carried out by transplanting autologous fat. It is taken from those places where it is presented in abundance. Such an operation takes longer and requires precision. For these reasons, it is much more expensive than the alternatives.

Breast augmentation methods that do not involve surgery include:

  • taking dietary supplements;
  • application of specialized creams and gels;
  • the use of vacuum nozzles.
Important! The total duration of the procedure is 50-60 minutes.


Breast augmentation with hyaluronic acid is a simple but risky undertaking. Before carrying out it, you must make sure that there are no contraindications and study all the nuances of preparing for it. With the right approach, the result will exceed expectations.

Reviews about breast augmentation with hyaluronic acid

Kasatnikova Olga Viktorovna, 27 years old, Kazan
I decided on a breast augmentation with hyaluronic acid, as I was initially inclined towards the placement of implants. The doctor advised me to try a more gentle method. Now six months have passed since the injection of acid, the result is still holding. Most likely, I will insert implants, as I noticed only the positive aspects of the increased volume.
Pilipchuk Marina Evgenievna, 42 years old, Smolensk
I have always had small breasts, so even by adulthood I managed to keep my shape. But there was no volume and there is still no volume. 3 months ago I enlarged the mammary glands with hyaluronic acid. I didn't face complications, I like the result - the breasts look natural. I will make a correction in a year.
Svetlakova Karina Mikhailovna, 31 years old, Moscow
I consider this manipulation an unnecessary waste of money. The result lasted only 5 months, after which the breasts returned to their previous volume. In addition, it is impossible to tighten the skin with hyaluronic acid. The chest becomes heavier, therefore it sags faster. I will not do more.
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