Linen urbech: benefits and harms, useful properties

The benefits and harms of flax urbech are of increasing interest to fans of a healthy lifestyle. Recently, Dagestan sweet pasta is gaining popularity, the recipe for which came to us from Caucasian centenarians. Urbech is made in a special way from flax or seeds of other plants, for example, sesame, peanut, almond, hemp and others.

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What is linen urbech

Traditionally, Urbech is prepared exclusively from flaxseeds, and this is the main benefit. First, they are fried in an oven until brown, then loaded into the bowl of the mill, from where they fall on the stone millstones. Those, in turn, rotate at a certain speed so that the separated cake and oil are mixed into a dense and viscous consistency. The result is a viscous transparent mass with a special delicate taste. Due to its useful properties, flax urbech gained popularity not only in the Dagestan, but also in the Russian market.

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The composition and properties of flax urbech

Since ancient times, the harsh mountain climate has not spoiled the Dagestanis with a variety of food. But, nevertheless, the ancestors managed to break all the records of longevity. These were people who had consumed high-calorie foods rich in carbohydrates and fats all their lives that were beneficial for strength and endurance.

The mountaineer will not leave the house without a hearty breakfast. On the table there is tea, honey, bread and, of course, urbech, the benefits and harms of which have been experienced by the Dagestanis for centuries. Often mountain women prepare apricot porridge for their households, which is not served at all without the sweet flaxseed mass. The main component of Urbech is flax seeds, the benefits and harms of which are in a unique combination of amino acids and vegetable fats. The raw material does not undergo heat treatment and retains all the most valuable properties.

The beneficial properties of flax seed urbech increase significantly if supplemented with mountain honey. It is this combination of components that replaces sports nutrition for Dagestan athletes today: tasty, satisfying, healthy and affordable. If you use flax urbech before training, the benefits of simple carbohydrates are visible in the fact that there is a sharp jump in blood sugar, a surge in energy, and complex ones - in strength and endurance, which do not go away during training. This combination of fast and slow digesting carbohydrates makes it possible to prolong physical activity while maintaining the required energy level.

The benefits of flax seed paste are 100% natural. The beneficial properties of Urbech are based on the high content of fatty acids: Omega-3, Omega-6 and Omega-9, thanks to which an excellent prevention of cardiovascular diseases is carried out. In addition, flax is rich in other useful substances:

B (proteins, d)



F (fats, g)

including polyunsaturated, g




U (carbohydrates, g)



Dietary fiber, g



Water, g



Essential amino acids, g:
















Phenylalanine + Tyrosine



Methionine + Cysteine


Vitamins, mg:

IN 1



AT 5



B4 (choline)



AT 6



AT 9

86 (mcg)




Mineral elements, mg:



























Calorie content, kcal



One of the beneficial aspects of flax urbech is its anti-inflammatory effect in various diseases, including joint diseases. It is also taken as an expectorant for bronchitis and pneumonia. The benefits of proteins and fats contained in flax urbeche are manifested in providing a burst of energy, and complex carbohydrates - in maintaining a feeling of fullness for a long time.

The properties of flax urbech have been saving highlanders from colds, infectious or viral diseases for centuries. It is especially beneficial when taken with honey and milk. This is a tasty and nutritious medicine that strengthens the immune system, counteracts the harm of the development of the disease-causing process, gives strength and energy to the body exhausted by the disease. The benefits of flax urbech for women are in its positive effect on the nervous system, hormonal balance, metabolic processes, and skin condition.

Flax urbeche also contains a large amount of fiber, which is valuable for its ability to support the digestive tract, relieve flatulence and other disorders of the body. The use of flaxseed oil lies in the positive effect on the condition of the gastric mucosa, which is necessary for people suffering from gastritis or ulcerative lesions of the digestive organs. Fats in urbeche have a beneficial effect on the skin, the quality of hair and nails.

Calorie content of flaxseed urbech

The energy value and benefits of flaxseed mass are quite high and amount to 610 kcal per 100 g of product. Dagestan shepherds, leaving for a long time in the mountains, took with them only lavash, urbech from flax and water, the benefits of which made up for all other products. To regain strength, it was enough to eat a small portion of sweet flaxseed mass. Energy benefits were immediately felt, forces appeared that were enough for a long time to move along steep mountain paths.

The secret of such an amazing effect on the human body is that during high-temperature processing, flax seeds retain their original properties, bestowed by nature. It is believed that Urbech is the secret product of Caucasian longevity, which reveals its main benefits.

The benefits of different types of linen urbech

When choosing a flax urbech, many people have a natural question, what kind of it is healthier, tastier, and how does it differ from the rest? The best manufacturers of flax urbech are Dagestan firms, but in order to make a choice, it will be useful to go to the site, read customer reviews.

White linen urbech

The benefits of white flax urbech differ from other types in better taste and health benefits. However, it also costs more and is much more difficult to find on sale. White flax urbeche has a record amount of plant antioxidants. In their structure, the substances are close to estrogens - female hormones. Therefore, the beneficial properties of white flax urbech are more suitable for the weak half of humanity:

  • stop the growth of breast tumors;
  • prevent the development of many gynecological diseases;
  • help to transfer PMS;
  • smoothen the skin, make it elastic.

The properties of white flax urbech are to calm the nervous system well, cleanse the body of slagging, and help in getting rid of extra pounds.

Brown linen urbech

Brown linen urbech is more common on store shelves, and the price is usually lower. But don't think that this type of pasta is worse. The benefits of brown flax urbech are no less valuable, it contains a lot of useful substances. Its composition is almost the same as that of white linseed mass - the same set of vitamins and microelements. The only difference is that in the composition of white flax urbech there are slightly more "female" substances: lignans, polyphenols, and this is the advantage and benefit.

Dark linen urbech

The benefits of dark flax urbech are most fully manifested in the fight against excess weight. Due to the increased content of coarse fibers, it helps to effectively cleanse the body of toxins and toxins. The fiber of urbecha from dark flax interacts with sugar molecules, causing a fast and persistent feeling of fullness, which benefits the figure, absorbs cholesterol and removes it from the body. Thus, it helps to keep blood vessels clean, preventing them from clogging, losing elasticity.

Urbech made from dark flax has a good effect on men's health, strengthening strength, giving the necessary charge of energy due to the balanced composition of BJU. Benefits are noted in strengthening the musculoskeletal system, ensuring muscle elasticity. Dark linen urbech is an ideal product for athletes and people who regularly carry out heavy physical activity living in a cold, harsh climate.

Black linen urbech

This type of flaxseed has the most beneficial effect on the digestive tract. The benefits of black flax urbech are manifested in helping to improve the digestive tract with constipation, flatulence.

Despite all its benefits, this is the most allergenic type of flax urbech. It contains substances that can cause a hypersensitive reaction even in healthy people who do not suffer from food intolerances. Therefore, in order to avoid the harm of such a response of the body, one should get used to the black flax urbech gradually, starting with small doses. This is the only way to ensure you get the most out of the milled seeds.

Is it possible to eat linen urbech while losing weight

Although flax urbech is a fairly high-calorie mass, it is not dangerous for the figure and can provide invaluable benefits of a steady feeling of fullness. Usually, different types of fats are added to flax urbech. You can exclude this ingredient from the composition or replace with honey. You will get an amazing taste of sweet paste, the use of which to quickly saturate the body does not provoke overeating and helps maintain a slim figure.

Making flax urbech at home is very problematic. Although today you can buy anything on the Internet, even a mill, but will it be useful? It is unlikely that anyone would want to arrange a workshop for the production of urbech from flax in their apartment. It remains to use ready-made paste, which can be purchased in specialized stores.

Ready-made urbech is a natural raw material and can be beneficial if you look closely at the composition. Some manufacturers like to add not only fats to flax urbech, but also chocolate or cocoa, believing that they increase the benefits of the final product or its taste. However, such ingredients will be superfluous in the diet for weight loss.

Attention! For those who follow the figure, nutritionists recommend eating a teaspoon of dark flax urbech, useful in its properties, every morning.

Is linen urbech useful for diabetes

A small amount of flax urbech will also be beneficial for diabetes mellitus, since the product affects carbohydrate and fat metabolism, improves liver condition. The omega-3s contained in it enhance the effect of insulin and thereby relieve the load on the pancreas, normalize the level of glycemia in the blood.

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In addition, linen urbech promotes the elimination of "harmful" cholesterol, reduces the risk of thrombosis and other cardiovascular diseases. Diabetes mellitus, as a rule, is accompanied by a number of concomitant pathologies. The beneficial properties of flax urbech also facilitate the course of diseases such as gastritis, arthritis, rheumatism, and many others.

How to cook linen urbech

Today, flax urbech is very popular in Russia. The benefits of the sweet mass and its composition have long ceased to be a secret. The ancient recipe for linseed urbech has been improved and production is mechanized.The old mill was replaced by modern workshops. They make linen urbech, which is appreciated even in Europe. First, the seeds are carefully dried at + 40 degrees. After that, the raw material is processed into a pasty linen urbech.

At home, using a blender, it will not work to cook a real urbech from flax, since millstones are needed, with which an oily consistency of the paste is achieved. And this is possible only in a small, but still a production workshop, where the secret of high-quality and fast grinding is well-honed millstones, made for each mill individually to order.

How to use flax urbech correctly

The linen urbech obtained in this way will become a delicious and very healthy delicacy. Its viscous and viscous consistency is diluted with ghee or honey. Linen urbech is spread on bread, washed down with water or tea, and also added to cereals, sweet salads, which adds benefits to dishes. It turns out a very hearty and vitamin-rich breakfast that will give strength and energy for the whole day.

In flax urbech, you can dip fruits, cheese, grilled vegetables. With him it is good to cook pastas, desserts. Linen urbech goes well with cinnamon, ginger and other additional ingredients. It can be usefully added to cocktails, smoothies, to which the product gives a high viscosity, pleasant and sweet taste.

Attention! When consumed, it is necessary to take into account the benefits and harms of linseed paste in order to have the most effective effect on the body.

The harm of linseed paste and contraindications

Flax urbech is a very high-calorie product, and this is the main danger. To avoid harm to the figure, it is very important to strictly dose the intake of the sweet mass, not allowing yourself to get carried away.

Due to the fact that manufacturers add additional ingredients to linen urbech, the composition on the product packaging must be carefully examined. Even if the body reacts well to the components of flax, hypersensitivity may appear in relation to honey or other ingredients included in its composition.

Attention! The benefits of high-calorie and nutritious flax urbech can easily turn into the harm of an overabundance of product components in the body. Therefore, with regular consumption, you need to take breaks every two months.


The benefits and harms of flax urbech have been known for centuries. Its effectiveness is confirmed by the experience of Caucasian centenarians, for whom pasta was one of the main food products.


Koroleva Tatyana Viktorovna, 27 years old, Voronezh.
I was fond of various nut pastes before, but then I decided to try Urbech. When I opened the jar, a thick, dark mass of a rather unsightly kind caught my eye, in which in places looked through pieces of unmilled seeds. When I finally decided to try it, the mess instantly enveloped everything: the sky and the teeth - you can't remove it. Since then, I have changed my attitude towards Urbech, but I realized that I need to eat it with something - spreading on slices of white bread, diluting with honey or mixing with bananas. 
Valery Alexandrovich Linnik, 52 years old, Bratsk
I tried linen urbech as I had heard good reviews before. The taste is specific, but I liked it immediately. It also smells nice, reminiscent of the aroma of sunflower seeds. The sweetness is not sugar, but natural, and this immediately won over. The density and fat content in urbeche is also pleasant, not cloying. In general, the food is delicious, hearty and healthy. Helps to recharge with energy and strength for the whole day. Suitable for everyone who loves a healthy lifestyle and new experiences.
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