The benefits and harms of tea made from lingonberry leaves, berries

The beneficial properties of lingonberry tea are actively used by traditional medicine. The drink not only has a pleasant taste, but also can help in the cure of some ailments.

Chemical composition and calorie content

The tea drink contains all the valuable substances present in the leaves and berries of lingonberry. Among them:

  • a large number of tanning components - more than 20%;
  • B vitamins;
  • organic acids;
  • iron and silver;
  • hyperoside substance;
  • selenium and zinc;
  • arbutin;
  • vitamin C;
  • antioxidants and flavonoids.

From the point of view of nutrients, tea consists mainly of carbohydrates - 7 g. Fats and proteins take up 0.02 g each, and the calorie content of the product is 26 calories per 100 ml.

Lingonberry tea is prepared on leaves, on fruits or from a mixture of berries and herbs

Why is lingonberry tea useful?

Lingonberry tea is recommended for use with a wide range of diseases and for preventive purposes. When used correctly, the drink:

  • helps to strengthen the immune system and helps protect against viral diseases;
  • tones up the body and restores strength;
  • removes toxins and toxins from tissues, reduces body weight;
  • has a beneficial effect on the stomach and intestines;
  • effectively fights inflammation;
  • helps with poisoning and diarrhea, it is especially useful to take tea from the leaves, which has astringent properties;
  • has antifungal and antiseptic effect when applied externally;
  • calms the nervous system and reduces stress levels;
  • helps to get rid of headaches;
  • reduces puffiness and helps to eliminate bags under the eyes;
  • expands and strengthens blood vessels, lowers blood pressure;
  • serves as a safe natural diuretic;
  • lowers fever for colds and flu.

Unsweetened lingonberry tea helps regulate blood glucose levels in diabetes. The main thing is not to add sugar to it, otherwise the benefits of the drink will turn into harm.

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What lingonberry tea bags help with

You can buy lingonberry tea at the pharmacy in ready-made filter bags, they contain crushed dry leaves and pieces of plant fruits. In terms of properties, the brewed drink will be completely identical to the usual one, prepared from raw materials collected on our own.

Tea bags can be taken for colds and inflammations, as a diuretic and tonic. It will be convenient to use it if there is no way to get fresh berries and lingonberry leaves for subsequent harvesting.

Why is Ivan tea with lingonberry useful?

Lingonberry in combination with ivan tea, or narrow-leaved fireweed, has special beneficial properties. You can prepare such a collection from your own medicinal raw materials; also, healing tea leaves are sold in specialized stores and pharmacies.

Ivan tea contains a large amount of vitamins, coumarins, iron and organic acids, has a pleasant fruity taste and light aroma. When consumed with lingonberries, it helps protect against colds, improves blood composition and lowers blood pressure, and has a calming and relaxing effect.

You can drink ivan tea with lingonberries as a choleretic for digestive disorders

What is useful for men

Lingonberry tea is recommended for prostatitis. The beneficial substances in the drink relieve inflammation and pain, prevent the development of complications. In addition, this natural remedy improves the condition of blood vessels in men, accelerates blood circulation and serves as the prevention of dangerous heart diseases.

What is useful for children

The vitamins and antioxidants in lingonberry tea strengthen the child's body and prevent frequent colds. You can offer a drink to a child to improve appetite and speed up digestion, to treat diseases of the kidneys and genitourinary system.

Low strength tea is considered to be quite safe. But it can only be used for children over six years old. The dosage is one small spoon three times a day.

Attention! Lingonberry tea has contraindications and may cause allergies. Before giving it to a child, you need to consult a pediatrician.

What is useful for women

Lingonberry drink is highly valued in gynecology, it relieves inflammation, evens out the hormonal background, improves the condition of a woman during menstruation and during menopause. It can be used for weight loss, tea removes toxins and excess fluid from the body. The beneficial properties of lingonberry are used in cosmetology, you can wipe your face with a warm drink or rinse your hair regularly after washing.

Is lingonberry tea possible during pregnancy

During the period of gestation, lingonberry tea saturates the woman's body with vitamins, replenishes the lack of iron and other valuable minerals. The drink helps fight severe swelling in the later stages, due to its diuretic properties, it removes excess water from the tissues.

Drinking lingonberry tea in the third trimester of pregnancy can help protect against colds.

But in the first trimester, it is undesirable to use the drug. Lingonberry increases uterine tone, which can lead to miscarriage.

Is lingonberry tea possible with breastfeeding

During lactation, a lingonberry drink can be of great benefit. Tea not only helps a woman recover faster after childbirth, but also enhances milk flow. Despite this, it is better to introduce it into the diet no earlier than 3-4 months of a child's life and in small dosages. The natural remedy can cause allergies or colic in the newborn.

Application in traditional medicine

There are many medicinal recipes for lingonberry tea. The drink helps to improve the condition in acute and chronic ailments, increases the overall tone of the body.

Lingonberry Slimming Tea

It is possible to consume a drink from lingonberry on a diet to remove toxins, normalize digestion and eliminate accumulated toxins. To lose weight faster, you can make the following tea:

  • pour a large spoonful of lingonberries into the teapot;
  • add finely chopped ginger root, no more than a small spoon;
  • pour the ingredients into 1 liter of boiling water;
  • insist the drink for about 15 minutes;
  • strain through a strainer.

Tea is drunk warm on an empty stomach three times a day.

You can drink lingonberry tea with honey or dark chocolate.

Lingonberry tea during pregnancy for edema

In the later stages of bearing a child, cranberry-lingonberry tea is beneficial. They do it like this:

  • a large spoonful of lingonberry fruits are mixed with the same amount of cranberries;
  • pour 200 ml of hot water;
  • insist until cooling.

You can drink the remedy instead of regular tea for a diuretic effect, up to three times a day.

Lingonberry leaf tea for a hangover

Lingonberry tea has a beneficial effect after a hectic feast and helps relieve nausea, increased heart rate and headache. They do it like this:

  • two large tablespoons of leaves pour 500 ml of boiling water;
  • boil for 15 minutes under the lid;
  • insist for another quarter of an hour and filter.

Tea should be drunk in small sips at a time, soon after that relief will come.

Lingonberry tea for cystitis

The anti-inflammatory properties of lingonberry are in demand in the treatment of cystitis. The substance arbutin in the leaves has an antiseptic and diuretic effect. The drink is prepared like this:

  • two large tablespoons of dry leaves pour 500 ml of boiling water;
  • keep for half an hour in a water bath;
  • cooled to a warm state and filtered.

You need to drink tea three times a day, 50 ml, and the whole course of treatment continues from two to seven weeks.

Lingonberry tea for pancreatitis

The valuable substances in the lingonberry composition help fight inflammation and stimulate the proper functioning of the pancreas. Healthy tea is prepared according to this recipe:

  • a large spoonful of leaves and berries is poured into 600 ml of water;
  • keep ten minutes in a water bath;
  • insist until the tea cools down, and filter.

They drink the drug on an empty stomach three times a day, in total it needs to be taken up to three weeks.

Lingonberry tea for pancreatitis is drunk during remission, with acute pain it is prohibited

Lingonberry tea for the liver

It is possible to consume a drink made from lingonberry with stagnant processes in the liver and against the background of prolonged use of drugs that have a negative toxic effect on the organ. Traditional medicine offers the following recipe:

  • 20 g of dry lingonberry leaf powder is mixed with crushed dandelion roots;
  • pour the components with 500 ml of water;
  • put in a water bath for 40 minutes.

The cooled and strained tea is consumed three times a day, a large spoonful.

Advice! When treating the liver, the use of a lingonberry drink should be combined with a strict diet, involving the rejection of alcohol, flour, spicy and fried foods.

Lingonberry tea for enuresis

With uncontrolled urination in children, a combined herbal tea using lingonberry leaves helps well. They do it like this:

  • lingonberry leaves are crushed and mixed in equal proportions with dry chamomile, St. John's wort and shepherd's bag;
  • add a similar amount of yarrow, dill seeds and arnica flowers;
  • boil over medium heat for half an hour, and then filter and cool.
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The finished product can be added with clean water to the volume of a glass. The child should drink medicinal tea throughout the day in small sips.

Lingonberry tea for the kidneys

With negative processes in the kidneys, such a remedy has a good effect:

  • 50 g of lingonberry leaves are steamed with 1 liter of boiling water and insisted for two hours;
  • add 120 ml of vodka to tea and boil over low heat for 20 minutes;
  • filter the finished drink.

You need to take tea 100 ml three times a day on an empty stomach.

Lingonberry tea helps to cope with bacterial processes in the kidneys
Important! Drinking tea with the addition of alcohol is possible only with a healthy liver and no alcohol allergy.

Lingonberry tea for bleeding

With a tendency to bleeding, a drink prepared as follows has a positive effect:

  • two large spoons of dry sheets are poured into a glass of cold liquid;
  • placed in a water bath for half an hour;
  • filter the drink through cheesecloth.

You need to drink medicinal tea 70 ml twice a day.

How to brew and prepare lingonberry tea

Traditional medicine offers not only medicinal recipes, but also algorithms for making delicious and aromatic lingonberry tea with additives. Drinking such drinks is useful for preventing disease and especially for protecting against colds.

Classic lingonberry tea

The traditional recipe suggests using only lingonberry leaves for brewing tea. If desired, you can also add berries or squeeze a little fresh juice from the fruit. The cooking algorithm looks like this:

  • lingonberry leaf in the amount of four small spoons, pour 1 liter of water;
  • close the container with a lid and leave for 25 minutes;
  • the drink is poured into cups through a strainer.

You can drink tea hot and cold, it is best to take it on an empty stomach, shortly before meals.

The taste of classic lingonberry tea is slightly bitter.

Lingonberry spice tea

A drink prepared according to this recipe has a good warming and tonic effect:

  • lingonberry berries are crushed in the volume of two large spoons;
  • grate a small spoonful of ginger root;
  • dilute 1/4 of a small spoonful of cloves and cinnamon with boiling water;
  • leave for seven minutes;
  • lingonberry berries and ginger are poured with ready-made hot infusion.

It is better to drink a spicy drink on a full stomach after dinner.

Lingonberry tea with cinnamon and cloves further promotes weight loss

Lingonberry tea with citrus

Tea with citrus fruits has good tonic and vitamin properties. The cooking scheme looks like this:

  • in a blender, grind a large spoonful of lingonberry berries and two slices of lemon and orange;
  • 400 ml of water is poured into the kettle, the usual amount of green tea leaves;
  • insist 15 minutes;
  • pour over fruit and berry puree with tea and cool.
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It is best to drink this drink cold in the morning.

Lingonberry, lemon and orange effectively fill the lack of vitamin C

How to drink lingonberry tea

The medicinal properties and contraindications of lingonberry tea largely depend on the literacy of use:

  1. For medicinal purposes, the drug is drunk twice or three times a day in a volume of no more than a glass. An overdose of a drink leads to dehydration and leaching of valuable substances from the body.
  2. Unless otherwise indicated in a specific recipe, it is better to take lingonberry remedy on a full stomach. The large amount of tannins and tannins in tea can cause nausea and vomiting when consumed on an empty stomach.
  3. You need to drink a lingonberry drink daily for no more than a couple of weeks in a row, and after that they take a break for seven days.

For the prevention of diseases, natural tea is not taken constantly, but 2-3 times a week.

Contraindications to drinking lingonberry tea

The benefits and harms of lingonberry tea depend on the presence of contraindications. It is necessary to refuse the drink when:

  • hypotension;
  • liver failure;
  • gastritis with high acidity;
  • stomach ulcer in the acute stage;
  • pancreatitis in the acute phase;
  • individual allergies.

When using a natural drink, you need to strictly adhere to the prescription dosages and not exceed them in order to avoid side effects.

Collection and procurement

Although lingonberry tea can be purchased at the drugstore, it is much more beneficial to collect and dry the raw materials yourself. In this case, you should adhere to certain rules.

When to harvest lingonberry leaves for tea

Lingonberry leaves for spring tea are harvested before flowering. In the process, you need not to pick off the greens, but cut off whole shoots with sharp scissors. This will preserve the maximum amount of nutrients in the leaves.

Correctly dried lingonberry leaves should retain an even olive shade.

How to dry and store

It is customary to dry lingonberry leaves together with twigs.The raw materials are laid out in a thin layer on a flat surface away from direct sunlight and left for several days. It is important to ensure that the selected location maintains good ventilation and low humidity levels.

During the drying process, the raw material should not turn brown or blacken. When the edges of the leaf plates begin to curl slightly downward, you can separate them from the shoots and store them in paper bags or wooden boxes. Keep raw materials in a dry room away from light for a year.

Attention! Lingonberry leaves can also be dried in the oven, but the temperature should be no more than 50 ° C.


The beneficial properties of lingonberry tea are used for inflammation in the body and a tendency to edema. When used carefully, the drink improves general condition and helps to remove excess fluid and harmful substances from the tissues.

Reviews of the beneficial properties of lingonberry tea for edema

Sergeeva Marina Vladimirovna, 42 years old, Moscow
I love lingonberry tea according to the classic recipe because of its tart, bitter taste. I drink it for pleasure and to remove excess fluid, in the heat my legs always swell. The remedy helps to normalize the condition in just a couple of days, the discomfort in the ankles disappears, the severity disappears, and the general well-being improves.
Fedotova Anna Arkadyevna, 38 years old, Yekaterinburg
I took lingonberry tea during pregnancy several years ago. In recent weeks, the drink literally saved from terrible swelling, when the legs did not fit into the shoes. I managed to get used to the unusual taste of the drug, now I drink it from time to time for colds and for the prevention of ARVI in autumn and spring.

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