Mordovnik: medicinal properties of ball-headed, ordinary, photo

The medicinal properties of the scabbard and contraindications are highly valued by traditional medicine. The plant is used for general strengthening of the body, as well as for chronic neurological ailments.

What it looks like and where it grows

Mordovnik, or Echinops, is a perennial or annual herb from the Astrov family. Reaches 2 m in height, has a straight prickly stem of a simple shape or branching in the upper part. Sometimes it gives several shoots. The stems of the muzzle are ribbed, with a tap underground root, may have pubescence.

The leaves of the herb are thorny, dark green above and covered with white felt at the bottom. Sometimes they are solid with a serrated edge, but more often they have a pinnately dissected or serrated-incised shape. Sessile on the stem; at the roots they rise on long petioles.

Mordovnik blooms from May to August

In the period of decorativeness, the mordovnik brings tubular or funnel-shaped small buds of grayish, blue or white, collected in compact spherical inflorescences. From June to August, it bears fruit - elongated achenes with a cupped tuft.

Mordovnik grows in warm climates and is widespread in southern Europe, the steppes of Asia, North Africa, Iran and Afghanistan. For life, he usually chooses hillsides and dry meadows, river banks and bright edges, as well as ravines and wastelands.

Mordovia types

In folk medicine, three types of muzzle are especially popular:

  1. Ordinary (Echinops ritro). The plant has a compact size, brings small purple, less often blue or white, inflorescences.
    The common muzzle grows up to a maximum of 70 cm
  2. Broadleaf (Echinops latifolius). Outwardly and in size it is similar to an ordinary mordovnik. The main difference is in larger plates up to 10 cm wide.
    Broadleaf Mordovna blooms from the end of May
  3. Ball-headed (Echinops sphaerocephalus). A tall plant up to 1.5 m is distinguished by a branchy stem at the top. The leaves of the species are even, with thorns at the ends, concentrated mainly around the inflorescences.
    Ball-headed mordovan brings whitish buds

All types of scabies have medicinal properties.

Chemical composition

The photo of the mordovnik and its medicinal properties are of interest due to the rich composition of the plant. Leaves, seeds and roots contain:

  • flavonoids;
  • steroids and coumarins;
  • vitamin C;
  • rutin;
  • tannins;
  • saponins;
  • triterpenoids;
  • fixed oils;
  • higher aliphatic carbohydrates.

The alkaloid echinopsin, which is present in the seeds, is of particular value.It has a pronounced therapeutic effect, therefore, for the preparation of water and alcohol products, it is the grains of the muzzle that are most often used.

What helps the healing properties of the muzzle

The medicinal scrub has a beneficial effect on the state of the body. In particular, the plant:

  • helps with stress and psychosis and strengthens the nervous system;
  • accelerates the healing of wounds and cuts when applied topically;
  • strengthens the walls of blood vessels and increases their elasticity;
  • improves blood circulation and equalizes pressure;
  • returns vitality and good mood;
  • helps to improve the condition with paralysis and paresis;
  • removes toxins, slags and traces of heavy metals from the body;
  • improves the condition of the muscular system and bone tissue;
  • stops bleeding;
  • improves liver function and promotes its recovery;
  • protects against the development of oncology;
  • stimulates digestion and increases appetite.

Due to the diuretic effect, the muzzle helps to get rid of edema. It can be used to remove fine sand from the kidneys.

The properties of the scabbard are used in the treatment of polio in children.

The healing properties of the ball-headed mordovnik

On the basis of the seeds, roots and leaves of the ball-headed scabbard, tonics are prepared that improve the state of the nervous system. The plant is used for hypotension to increase blood pressure. Perennial properties are beneficial in the treatment of paralysis, joint ailments and muscle atrophy.

The medicinal properties of the common mordovnik

The common scabbard is used in the treatment of neurological diseases. It can be used for frequent migraines, absent-mindedness, low immunity and chronic fatigue. Plant-based remedies help improve the condition of radiation sickness.

The healing properties of the sclerosis in multiple sclerosis

Healing sclerosis is often used in the treatment of multiple sclerosis. The alkaloid echinopsin in the plant slows down the development of the disease and prevents the occurrence of complications. Although natural herbal remedies do not completely eliminate the ailment, patients' quality of life is improved.

Important! Treatment with a beneficial plant must be agreed with the doctor. Echinops-based drugs are not used for hypertension, asthma and some other diseases.

Preparation and application methods

Alcohol and water preparations are made from the curative muzzle. In both cases, the plant gives good benefits to the liquid base.

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Mordovnik tincture

Basically, traditional medicine uses a scabbard in the form of a medicinal tincture. In strong alcohol, the valuable substances in the composition of the plant are best distributed. Prepare the drug as follows:

  • unpeeled plant seeds are poured into a small glass jar up to half;
  • pour raw vodka to the neck;
  • when closed, they are removed for 40-60 days in a dark, warm place;
  • at the end of the period, filtered.

You need to take the tincture three times a day on an empty stomach, 10-30 drops. For convenience, the product is previously diluted in a spoonful of water.

It is possible to consume tincture of mordovnik without interruptions up to a month


A decoction of the plant has good medicinal properties. Prepare it like this:

  • 5 g of dry seeds are poured into 300 ml of water;
  • heat to a boil and simmer for another 15 minutes over low heat;
  • cool and filter.

The remedy has a good effect on circulatory disorders, reproductive problems in men and poor digestion. It is usually taken 50 ml three times a day.

Mordovia decoction can be used to treat skin inflammation

The use of a scabbard in traditional medicine

The beneficial properties of the muzzle can improve the condition of inflammatory ailments, diseases of muscles and joints, weakened immunity. Traditional medicine offers many recipes using seeds and other parts of the plant.

With psoriasis

An alcoholic tincture of the medicinal Echinopsa has a good effect in psoriasis. The recipe looks like this:

  • a large spoonful of seeds is poured with 400 ml of vodka;
  • seal the vessel and shake well;
  • for two weeks removed in a dark place.

The finished strained product is used to wipe the inflamed areas. During therapy, the skin should also be treated with emollients, since the alcohol tincture greatly dries the epidermis.

With dystrophy

Mordovana tincture strengthens the body with a lack of muscle mass and helps maintain the balance of vitamins. For medicinal purposes, such a remedy is taken:

  • 5 g of plant seeds are poured into 1 liter of high-quality vodka;
  • put away in a dark place for two weeks;
  • remove from time to time and shake.

The finished tincture is taken 15 drops on an empty stomach twice a day, in the morning and in the evening.

With impotence

The water decoction of the muzzle has a beneficial effect on the genitourinary system and helps with the weakening of potency in men. Prepare the tool like this:

  • pour 5 g of plant seeds with 300 ml of water;
  • heated and boiled after boiling for 15 minutes;
  • cooled to a warm state and filtered.

You need to take the broth three times a day, 30 ml each.

With inflammation of the trigeminal nerve

The analgesic properties of Echinops tincture help with inflammation of the trigeminal nerve. The remedy is prepared from the flowers of the plant, and the recipe for traditional medicine recommends the following:

  • 100 g of dry raw materials are poured into 1 liter of 70% alcohol;
  • for a month, remove the closed vessel in a dark place;
  • at the end of the term, the finished product is filtered.

You need to take the tincture on an empty stomach three times a day, a single dosage is 20 drops per 50 ml of water.

Alcohol tincture of the mordovnik is taken up to a month, after which they take a break for two weeks

With otitis media

For chronic otitis media and hearing impairment, the following remedy is prepared for treatment:

  • 100 g of muzzle seeds are poured into 500 ml of unrefined vegetable oil;
  • put in a water bath for two hours and warm it up, not allowing it to boil;
  • remove from the stove and cool the product.

In the morning, it is necessary to moisten cotton swabs in medicated oil and insert into the ear canals for 20-30 minutes. It is also useful to instill 3 drops of the product in each ear twice a day.

With paralysis

The benefits of the muzzle can be used in the complex treatment of paralysis. The plant improves blood flow and nervous system function, and also maintains muscle health.

For the purpose of therapy, traditional medicine suggests making such a decoction:

  • 10 g of muzzle seeds are combined with 20 g of heather, lemon balm and rose hips;
  • add 40 g each oregano and hawthorn fruits;
  • measure out two large spoons of the mixture and pour a glass of boiling water;
  • boil over low heat for ten minutes.

The finished product is insisted under the lid for about an hour and filtered, and then added to 250 ml with clean water. You need to drink a decoction of 50 ml three times a day before meals, the whole treatment is continued for two months, and then a week break is taken.

With hypotension

Mordovina tincture increases blood pressure and is used in the treatment of chronic hypotension. The remedy is done like this:

  • 50 g of echinops roots are properly crushed;
  • pour raw materials 100 ml of alcohol or vodka;
  • removed for two weeks in a dark place.

The strained tincture must be taken on an empty stomach, 15 drops three times a day. Continue treatment until you feel better.

With multiple sclerosis

The healing properties of sclerosis are widely used in the treatment of multiple sclerosis. Traditional medicine advises to prepare the following drug:

  • a large spoonful of seeds is poured into 500 ml of vodka in a glass vessel;
  • for 15 days, remove the container in a dark place, not forgetting to shake it up daily;
  • filtered and poured into a clean vessel.

It is necessary to take the tincture according to the "slide" scheme. On the first day of using the drug, drink three drops of the drug before each meal, the total daily dosage should be nine drops.On the second day and further, the volumes are increased by one more drop.

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When the single amount of the drug is 15 drops, you will need to drink the tincture at the same dosage for 20 days. Then the volumes are gradually reduced according to the same algorithm.

Attention! The use of tincture of sclerosis for multiple sclerosis must be agreed with a doctor.

With migraine

The infusion of the medicinal muzzle helps with chronic headaches. The remedy is made according to the following scheme:

  • crushed roots and seeds of a plant are mixed equally with each other;
  • measure 10 g of the collection and pour 250 ml of boiling water in a thermos or saucepan;
  • closed, left for two hours in a warm place;
  • filter.

You need to take the remedy 30 ml three times a day.

It is possible to use the infusion of the muzzle to reduce the heat in case of colds and to eliminate edema.

With disorders of the central nervous system

An aqueous infusion of scabbard has a good effect on the central nervous system and improves the condition in case of pain, inflammation and deterioration of motor functions. The remedy is prepared as follows:

  • 15 g of plant seeds are poured into a thermos;
  • pour 200 ml of fresh boiling water;
  • close with a lid and leave for 12 hours to infuse.

The filtered drink is taken 50 ml three times a day, it is best to drink the product on an empty stomach.

Contraindications to the use of a muzzle

The healing properties and contraindications of the herb Mordovnik accompany each other. Some of the active substances in the plant can be harmful and cause serious poisoning. You cannot use herbal tinctures and decoctions:

  • with hypertension;
  • with a tendency to seizures;
  • with hyperfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • with hepatitis and nephritis;
  • with bronchial asthma;
  • during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • with individual allergies;
  • in childhood and adolescence.

It is necessary to use medicines based on a scabbard strictly in the dosages indicated in the recipes. If the volumes are exceeded, side effects may develop - nausea, vomiting, dizziness and migraine, as well as muscle pain.

Attention! Poisoning with medicinal Echinops is a serious danger. At the first sign, you need to rinse your stomach, drink activated charcoal and immediately consult a doctor.

Collection and procurement

All parts of the plant are used for the treatment with a muzzle, but they are collected at different times. Flowers and leaves are harvested in July and August on a warm and dry, but not hot day. The grains should be harvested closer to the beginning of September - at the time of ripening, but before the fruits open and release seeds. The roots of the plant are dug out of the ground in late autumn, after the muzzle transitions to a dormant state, and thoroughly washed before processing.

It is recommended to collect any parts of the grass with gloves, goggles and a face bandage. The hairs and spines of the scabbard irritate the skin and mucous membranes.

The prepared medicinal raw materials are laid out for drying in the open air or in a warm room. Direct rays of the sun should not fall on the plant. Flowers and leaves, ready for storage, darken and begin to crumble in the fingers, and the fruits disintegrate and allow the seeds to be sieved. To speed up the processing process, it is allowed to use dryers and ovens, provided that the temperature does not exceed 50 ° C.

Medicinal raw materials are put into paper bags and fabric bags. Store the mouthpiece away from bright light and low humidity.

The seeds and flowers of the cormorant retain useful substances for up to a year, the roots - up to two years

The magical properties of the ball-headed mordovnik

Folk beliefs endow the ball-headed mordovnik with mystical properties. In omens it can also be found under the name "chertogon". It is believed that the plant scares away evil forces, serves as a talisman and protects its owner from any evil.

In addition, the muzzle is able to bring harmony to family relationships. He promotes reconciliation of spouses and stops quarrels, helps to find mutual understanding. In magical rites, Echinops is used to remove damage to paralysis or dementia, the plant is used to fumigate premises and drive out evil spirits.


The healing properties of the muzzle and contraindications are closely related to each other. The plant is used for neurological diseases and inflammations, but it is possible to use funds based on it only in minimal dosages.

Reviews of the medicinal properties of Mordovnik tincture and contraindications

Petrov Andrey Dmitrievich, 46 years old, Moscow
I have been suffering from multiple sclerosis for several years, one of the most unpleasant symptoms is a lack of energy. A couple of months ago I decided to try Mordovnik, as I read about the good action of the plant in my disease. The effect was apparent almost immediately, it became easier to walk, improved concentration and increased strength. But you have to be very careful with dosages, otherwise you can face an increase in pressure.
Stepanchenko Alevtina Igorevna, 35 years old, Saratov
She used a tincture of the muzzle for acute inflammation of the trigeminal nerve. The results are very good, the condition improved almost on the second day. The tool quickly relieves pain and other unpleasant sensations in the face, restores normal facial expressions. But before buying a tincture, I consulted with a doctor - the plant is poisonous, it is better not to take it uncontrollably.

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