Properties and uses of myrtle essential oil

Myrtle essential oil is obtained from fresh leaves and flowers by steam distillation. It is used as an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating agent. The resulting oil from myrtle can be colorless or slightly ocher. Even the ancient Greeks used the resulting distillate to make incense.

Chemical composition

The biologically active compounds that make up myrtle essential oil have not been studied enough. But the researchers were able to establish that it contains more than 80 components. The experts were able to identify about 35 connections:

  • cineole;
  • α-pinene;
  • limonene;
  • linalool;
  • α-terpineol;
  • geranyl acetate;
  • camphor;
  • myrcene;
  • paracymene;
  • isobutylizovalerate.

The substances contained have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. Through research, it was possible to prove the antimicrobial properties of oil extract. Their presence opens up prospects for the use of myrtle distillate in the manufacture of herbal medicines.

Myrtle essential oil properties

The remedy obtained from the leaves, young shoots and flowers of myrtle is considered to be healing. It is a natural antibacterial and antiseptic substance. When taken orally, it has the following effects on the body:

  • sedative;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • expectorant;
  • antiviral;
  • immunostimulating;
  • antiallergic;
  • astringent;
  • carminative.

Regular use of myrtle essential extract helps to cleanse the bronchi, eliminate the smoker's cough. This effect is achieved due to the anti-inflammatory action of the active substances. Also, the distillate helps to remove toxins, get rid of edema. It normalizes the functioning of the genitourinary system. Essential oil has a positive effect on the heart and blood vessels. Under the influence of the components that make up the composition, the elasticity and strength of the arterial and venous walls increases.

Use a remedy to normalize the autonomic and central nervous systems. It helps to increase emotional stability, improve the general state of stress, overwork.

Aromatherapy using myrtle essential oil is recommended for people who have panic attacks

With regular ingestion:

  • the work of internal organs is stimulated - liver, lungs, bladder;
  • the balance of hormones is normalized;
  • the condition improves in patients with chronic lung diseases;
  • the inflammation of the sinuses is removed;
  • vascular walls are strengthened, which facilitates the condition of patients with varicose veins, hemorrhoids, phlebitis;
  • promotes the regulation of the menstrual cycle;
  • improves sleep;
  • helps in combating stress.
Advice! Traditional healers recommend taking an essential extract as an aphrodisiac. Under the influence of substances, libido increases, potency improves.

When used externally, local immunity is stimulated, the protective properties of the dermis are restored. The use of an essential extract from myrtle allows you to cleanse the skin, increase its elasticity, and eliminate flaking.It is also applied to the scalp to strengthen the hair roots.

Why shouldn't myrtle essential oil during pregnancy

When carrying a child, it is advisable to abandon the use of myrtle essential oil. Due to changes in hormonal levels, the body's response can be unpredictable. Even if a woman previously used this product for medicinal purposes, then with the onset of pregnancy, intolerance may develop.

Women are advised to be especially careful in the first trimester of pregnancy. You can use essential oils for expectant mothers only as aromatherapy. If discomfort occurs during the session, then it should be stopped.

Can I give to children

For therapeutic purposes, in agreement with the pediatrician, you can give myrtle oil to children. This product is recommended for inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract. The use of essential distillate helps to speed up the recovery of patients with coughs, runny nose.

Healthy children are recommended to give this remedy for the prevention of colds. Under the action of the substances contained in the composition, the work of the body's defenses is stimulated.

The use of myrtle essential oil

A small amount of ether extract is enough to achieve a healing effect. Myrtle oil works even when ingested in a small dosage. It is used as a medicine or cosmetic.

Depending on the indication, you can drink myrtle oil or apply it to the skin.

Application in medicine

Doctors may recommend using red myrtle essential oil as a natural antiseptic and bactericidal medicine. It acts like an antibiotic.

The product is prescribed for medicinal purposes to patients who:

  • respiratory tract diseases;
  • violations of the organs of the genitourinary system;
  • swelling;
  • chronic inflammatory processes.

It is enough to take a drop 2-3 times a day, applied to a piece of bread. This amount is enough to stimulate the immune system. You can add 4-5 drops per 100 ml of honey or jam and mix well. You need to use the ready-made mixture for 1 tsp. up to four times a day.

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Patients with rhinitis, cough are prescribed steam inhalations with the addition of 1-2 drops of myrtle. They must be done 2-3 times a day until the unpleasant symptoms disappear completely. You can replace inhalations by wearing an aroma medallion. In the first days, three hours are enough; over time, the duration of exposure increases.

For hemorrhoids, microclysters are recommended. To prepare 7-8 drops of essential myrtle distillate, it is mixed with 2 tbsp. l. bases - oils of wheat germ or St. John's wort. The mixture is injected into the anus with a small pear. It takes 3-5 minutes to keep the medicine inside.

Comment! For the prevention of acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections, you can rub the chest from seven drops of myrtle and 10 ml of base oil, for example, grape seeds or almonds.

Application in cosmetology

Cosmetologists advise the use of an essential extract from flowers and leaves for patients who have:

  • acne;
  • acne;
  • scars, scars;
  • comedones;
  • infiltrates.

For these problems with myrtle essential oil, compresses can be made. For their preparation, six drops are diluted in 10 ml of base. As a base, you can use any oil that does not cause an intolerance reaction. It can be mixed with an extract of bergamot, lavender, sage, rosemary, spruce cones, cinnamon and others.

When applied to the skin, the distillate has a drying effect. It tightens pores and promotes resorption of scars and hematomas. Improvement of the condition in the presence of comedones, infiltrates, acne on the skin is due to the astringent and antiseptic effects of the product.

Applying myrtle oil to the face

To improve the appearance, cosmetologists recommend wiping your face with ice daily. For its preparation, two drops of myrtle essential oil are mixed with 1 tsp.honey and diluted in a glass of water. The product is frozen in a container for making portioned ice.

With the resulting cubes, you can wipe your face, décolleté, hands. It is desirable to repeat the procedure twice: in the morning and in the evening. After several repetitions, the complexion improves, the skin elasticity increases.

You can add 2-5 drops to a store-bought or homemade cream

For massage

An extract from leaves, shoots can be added to the base for massage. Most often, three to seven drops of myrtle are mixed with 2 tbsp. l. used tool. They use jojoba, avocado, grape seed oil, and others as a base. Such a mixture is most often used in a relaxing massage.

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A slight burning sensation is normal. If it goes away within 1-2 minutes after the appearance, then there is no reason to refuse the massage. The absence of tingling, burning sensation indicates a good tolerance of the drug.

For hair

A few drops can be added to shampoo, balm, or hair mask. When treating the scalp, it will be possible to get rid of dandruff, itching, and strengthen the roots. If you apply the product only on the hair strip, then you can improve the condition of the hairs, give them shine and a healthy look.

Baths with myrtle oil

You can make an aromatic bath if you add 3-5 drops of myrtle oil to the salt used. This water procedure promotes general relaxation, normalization of the nervous system, and getting rid of the negative effects of stress.

Sitting baths are advised to do with infections of the genitourinary system. In a container with water, dilute five drops of this product.


Essential myrtle oil cannot be used for medicinal and cosmetic purposes for people who are allergic to this remedy. The list of contraindications also includes:

  • kidney disease;
  • period of pregnancy.

Caution should be exercised by people with sensitive skin. The product may cause irritation.


Myrtle essential oil is used in medicine and cosmetology. This product has a sedative, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, immunostimulating effect. It is advised to use it during the period of colds to prevent infection. But before using it is important to make sure there are no contraindications.

Reviews on the properties and use of myrtle oil

Serbina Ekaterina, 41 years old, Stavropol
With the help of myrtle essential oil, a persistent cough was cured. I added two drops in 1 tsp. honey and took the mixture daily. On the third day, the condition improved markedly, the amount of sputum flowing out increased. The cough stopped tormenting me on the seventh day of admission.
Rykova Tatyana, 53 years old, Astrakhan
I use myrtle essential oil to tone the veins. I add five drops of this product to 10 ml of olive oil and rub the legs with the prepared mixture.
Sergeeva Anna, 29 years old, Ryazan
On the advice of my mother, when a cold starts, make a compress of 5 ml of shea butter and three drops of myrtle. I apply the product on my face and keep it for 30-40 minutes. At the end of the procedure, it is felt that the nasal congestion and discomfort in the throat disappear.
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