Alphabet for men: composition of vitamins and minerals

Vitamins Alphabet for men is one of the best complexes. Russian production has made the product available to everyone, while, judging by the reviews, vitamins work perfectly. They are taken in courses, supportive therapy of the body is especially important in the off-season.

Release form and composition

Vitamin and mineral complex Alphabet was created taking into account the recommendations of scientists, based on the characteristics of the intake of various useful substances. One capsule can contain all vitamins and minerals, but their absorption suffers when taken simultaneously. In this regard, a three-time vitamin therapy regimen wins. This separation procedure eliminates all undesirable interactions of active components, minimizes the risks of allergic reactions.

Important! Three meals a day is an ideal regimen for taking a vitamin complex for men. The intake of each pill is tied to breakfast, lunch, dinner.
Supplementation of minerals and vitamins - often needed at certain times of the year

The composition and action of the components:

  • vitamins A, C, E are antioxidants, they protect the body from the negative effects of radicals, slow down aging;
  • B group vitamins normalize homocysteine ​​metabolism, are an effective means for the prevention of vascular and heart diseases;
  • vitamin A + zinc - a combination of components strengthens the immune system, maintains potency, increases the quality of sperm.

Vitamin complex Alphabet for men is an ideal source of micro-, macroelements, vitamins, L-carnitine, L-taurine, carotenoids, eleutherosides, and other valuable substances.

Pink pill

The pink pill is the first dose per day. It contains B vitamins, biotin, K1, D3, as well as calcium and chromium. You cannot change its reception in places with blue.

Blue pill

The blue pill is the second daily intake. It contains vitamins C, E, A, trace elements selenium, manganese, magnesium, zinc. They drink strictly at lunchtime.

Green pill

The third tablet has a green tint. It contains iodine, copper, iron, vitamins B, PP, molybdenum. This is the evening portion for dinner.

Blisters with vitamins Alphabet for men contain pills of three colors for morning, afternoon and evening meals

What does a man need

The vitamin and mineral complex has the following positive effects:

  • supports the normal functioning of the male reproductive system;
  • improves the general tone, the degree of endurance of the body;
  • stimulates performance.

The alphabet contains all the vitamins and minerals necessary for an adult, plus purely “male” components like echinacea. This provides a complex effect, the drug has a targeted effect on problem areas or has an effective prevention for the immune system.

Important! Vitamins Alphabet for men increase physical endurance, improve brain function.

The complex supports the visual system, improves the condition of the skin, hair, and regulates metabolism. It increases the tone of the body, normalizes the adrenal glands, and lowers cholesterol.

Vitamins contain many substances that support the circulatory and nervous systems.They have an immunomodulatory effect that neutralizes the work of free radicals.

It is the balanced composition that provides a comprehensive positive effect on the body

Indications for use

Indications for taking the Alphabet for men:

  • deficiency of vitamin substances;
  • frequent viral diseases, colds;
  • a sharp decrease in immunity.
Recommended reading:  What vitamins for women to take after 70 years

Vitamins are prescribed as an auxiliary source of valuable organic substances. The action is combined, you can take a complex for treatment and prevention.

In the first days, there is an increase in tone, an improvement in performance. Over time, the quality of the sperm is restored. Thanks to the balanced composition of each tablet, the absorption of nutrients will be maximized.

Important! The main action of the complex is antioxidant. As a result, the influence of free radicals is neutralized, chronic diseases pass.

The active ingredients of the vitamin complex improve the functioning of the prostate, prevent the development of serious pathologies. The alphabet for men has a positive effect on the digestive system, activates the brain, fights fatigue, and normalizes the synthesis of enzymes and hormones. The dietary supplement strengthens the immune system, promotes the increased production of antibodies, against the background of which the resistance to infections improves, and the charge of cheerfulness increases.

The main substances in the composition of the drug:

  1. Eleutherococcus extract effectively tones the body, increases efficiency. This plant is rich in vitamins, valuable substances, improves brain function, restores visual and auditory function. Also Eleutherococcus is a natural immunomodulator that can be used as a substitute for pharmaceutical preparations. It has an affordable price, it works efficiently.
    Important! Vitamins Alphabet for men will support the body in the season of respiratory infections.

    The alphabet is an original drug, it has no analogues due to the three-phase reception
  2. Lycopene protects the retina of the eye, prevents the progression of pathological integuments, improves skin condition. This component supports the health of blood vessels, heart, normalizes fat metabolism. Its sufficient amount in the body is responsible for the optimal concentration of sperm, an effective substance in the treatment of infertility.
  3. The next component of the complex is lutein. It is responsible for the rapid transport of oxygen to the cells of the human body and destroys free radicals. With the course of taking lutein, the clarity of vision increases.
  4. Calcium fights degenerative changes in cartilage and bones. The element is directly involved in the processes of hematopoiesis, normalizes the ratio of fluids in cells.
Important! The active components of the complex are metabolized after entering the digestive system.

How to take vitamins Alphabet for men

Taking pills should be divided into three approaches - each with meals. It is desirable that the interval be in the region of 4-6 hours. During this time, the minerals and vitamins from the previous tablet will be completely absorbed and will not come into conflict with the new ones.

The bioavailability of the tablets is excellent, the optimal levels of the concentration of components in the blood are achieved an hour after ingestion. Some vitamins and minerals are oxidized, after which they are excreted naturally with the release of energy. After the end of the chain of bioreactions, metabolites are formed. They are released through the digestive and excretory systems.

Important! Vitamins for men do not inhibit concentration of attention, consciousness. You can go in for sports, drive a car without restrictions.

The formula does not cause addiction, it has no pronounced toxic effect on the liver. Vitamins Alphabet is an excellent preventive measure against many health problems.

Side effects

Vitamins for men are safe, effective, do not cause side effects.Sometimes the development of allergic reactions is possible due to individual intolerance to the components of the complex. It is important to respect the dosage.

Three-phase vitamins are perfectly tolerated by the body, practically do not cause undesirable reactions

Contraindications for admission

Contraindications to the use of the complex are:

  • individual intolerance;
  • hyperfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • increased nervous irritability;
  • insomnia;
  • high blood pressure.

It is better to consult with a specialist before taking it.

Interaction with other drugs

The complex cannot be taken with calcium, since against this background the bioavailability and absorption of the active substance changes. Combination of the Alphabet with absorption agents is undesirable. In other cases, there are no restrictions on the combined use of the vitamin complex and other drugs.

It is important to follow the instructions. If you plan to take medications of systemic action, withstand an hour's pause.

Important! Vitamins cannot be taken with alcohol. The manufacturer recommends to wait a day after drinking alcohol-containing drinks, during which time ethanol with decay products will be excreted.


The Alphabet for Men has no complete analogues. The composition is similar to other vitamin formulas, but in the latter, only one tablet will need to be taken per day. A large set of vitamins and minerals does not always have a positive effect at once, complex vitamins for this reason often cause individual intolerance.

Other popular vitamins for men with a similar composition:

  1. Duovit - contain a full set of vitamins, minerals, reduce the risks of developing pathologies of blood vessels, heart, protect against stress.
    You need to take one pill per day at the same time
  2. Superia is a balanced set of active substances that take into account all the needs of the male body.
    Means Superiya supports the work of the heart muscle, improves the condition of the musculoskeletal system, strengthens the immune system
  3. Solgar - rich in antioxidants, suitable for vegetarians. The composition is natural, they drink two capsules a day.
    Complex for men from Solgar is one of the most expensive

All funds cope with the tasks set, but have different costs.


Vitamins Alphabet for men is a unique mineral and vitamin complex. It has a tonic effect on the body as a whole, strengthens the immune system, and also improves men's health. Reception course - one month or longer according to individual indications. The tablets are taken alternately, with an interval of 3 to 6 hours.

Reviews about vitamins Alphabet for men

Inara Kolkina, 34 years old, Astrakhan
I bought Alphabet pills for my husband, because they were inexpensive - I decided that it would not be worse. I was pleasantly surprised - the spouse is less sick, gets up earlier, does not fall down from fatigue in the evening. They will try a similar drug for women.
Oleg Dan, 40 years old, Moscow
My favorite drug for a year now. I tried different ones before, including expensive and vaunted ones, but this one is the best. There were no side effects even once.
Igor Makhin, 38 years old, St. Petersburg
A good supplement, I take it in the offseason. They do not create miracles, but I feel better, there is no endless chronic fatigue. The price is also pleasantly pleasing - after all, it is a domestic product.
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