Figs: useful properties and contraindications, cough recipe


The health benefits and harms of figs have been known since ancient times. The berry, due to its useful composition and properties, has earned recognition of folk healers and professional doctors. It has a healing, preventive effect, helps in the treatment of many diseases.

What are figs

Fig (fig, wine berry) - the fruit-inflorescence of a fig tree, oblong, pear-shaped with small seeds inside. The color depends on the type of wood: from yellow to black and blue.

Useful fruits are used in cooking. Sugary-sweet taste makes it possible to prepare jams and jams, use them in baked goods.

The medicinal properties of the fig, its seeds and leaves are known. Tinctures, decoctions, cosmetic masks benefit the body, helping with diseases of the skin, hair, digestive, cardiovascular, reproductive, nervous and respiratory systems.

Composition, nutritional value and calorie content of figs

The healing properties of figs are due to the high content of macro- and microelements, vitamins, dietary fiber. Harm and contraindications to the use of fruits - a significant amount of carbohydrates. 100 g of dried figs - about 50% of the daily value of sugar for a healthy person. Fresh fruits are slightly less saturated with sugar - about 15%.

The calorie content of fresh figs is 74 kcal, dried - 249 kcal. Fat / protein content: 0.4 g / 0.8 g fresh and 0.9 g / 3.3 g dry, respectively.

The fig has a high concentration of healthy vitamins and minerals:

  1. Potassium - an irreplaceable element that has a beneficial effect on the intracellular structure, water, electrolyte, acid balance, conduction of nerve impulses, the work of the heart muscle. Fresh figs cover the body's need for potassium - by 10%, dried - by 28%.
  2. Copper and manganese - are part of useful enzymes responsible for metabolism, absorption of iron, proteins, synthesis of nucleotides and cholesterol; affect the formation of bone, connective tissue, reproductive functions. They have regenerating and restoring properties. Fresh fruits - 7% of the daily requirement, dry - up to 29%.
  3. Calcium - is responsible for the formation of the skeleton, teeth, reduces the risk of osteoporosis, gout (4% and 17%).
  4. Magnesium - is necessary for the full assimilation of potassium, calcium, sodium, prevents the development of coronary artery disease, stroke, heart attack, stimulates the nervous system. It has soothing properties (5% and 17% each).
  5. Iron - regulates the composition, quality, blood clotting, participates in the formation of useful enzymes responsible for oxidative and reductive functions, prevents the development of anemia, heart disease, and increased fatigue (4 and 16.5%).
  6. Vitamin K - stimulates blood clotting, iron absorption. (4 and 13%).
  7. Properties of B vitamins have a complex beneficial effect on all human systems and organs, minimize the risks of developing diseases, harm to the environment. Figs contain from 4 to 9% of the norm (most of all B5 - 8.7%).

The benefits of figs for the human body also lie in the presence of essential and essential amino acids, beta-carotene, vitamins C, PP, E.

Important! Figs are the leader in the concentration of beneficial fatty acids, potassium and iron, and are ranked next after nuts.

Why figs are useful for the human body

The healing qualities of figs provide significant comprehensive benefits and support to the entire body. The fruits should be consumed by healthy people to prevent the development of diseases, weakened after an illness to restore efficiency and strength. They will also be useful for children and people with chronic ailments, after consultation with a nutritionist and attending physician.

The benefits of figs:

  1. It has immunostimulating properties, eliminates the harm of pathogens during the period of exacerbation of viral and respiratory diseases, is useful for bronchitis, bronchial asthma, prevents the development of inflammation of the respiratory system.
  2. Regulates the heart rate, restores the heart rhythm.
  3. Normalizes cholesterol levels, prevents the development of cardiovascular abnormalities, anemia, and thins the blood.
  4. A rich vitamin and mineral complex and beneficial properties prevents the development of cancer.
  5. It is useful for weakened people suffering from dystrophy, intestinal disorders, stool and digestive disorders.
  6. Possesses antimicrobial, wound healing, analgesic properties. It is used to relieve toothache, relieve inflammation in the oral cavity.
  7. It has diuretic properties, benefits in diseases of the urinary system.

A significant proportion of the medicinal properties of figs are due to their high potassium content. He brings the product to a leading position in nutrition aimed at preventing heart and vascular diseases.

For the body of women

Sweet fruits have a huge beneficial effect on the female body:

  • prevent skin aging;
  • stimulate the renewal of the body at the cellular level;
  • cleanse from toxins, toxins, reduce harm from external adverse influences;
  • strengthen hair, teeth, nail plate;
  • relieve pain syndromes during the menstrual cycle;
  • useful in gynecology, help with fungal infections of the reproductive system.

The benefits of figs for the female body are also effective in preventing the development of varicose veins. Only 5 dried berries a day eliminate the harm from prolonged standing on your feet, high heels and uncomfortable shoes, relieve swelling, cramps, and prevent the appearance of spider veins.

Important! Overweight women should not get carried away with dried figs due to their high calorie and sugar content.

For men's health

The benefits of figs for men are in a significant concentration of potassium, as well as magnesium and manganese.

Wine berry helps the male body in the prevention of development:

  • sexual impotence, impotence;
  • prostatitis;
  • early heart attack, stroke.

In addition, beneficial properties help to restore strength after intense physical and psychological stress, lack of sleep, stressful situations.

Important! The introduction of fetuses into the daily diet of men helps to effectively fight erectile dysfunction.

Is figs possible for children

Dried figs are rich in useful folic acid, which contributes to the harmonious development of the child's circulatory, nervous and immune systems.

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Introducing fresh berries into the children's diet helps:

  • stimulate the development of mental abilities;
  • normalize digestion, stool, induce appetite;
  • bring down the temperature, relieve the symptoms of respiratory diseases;
  • saturate the growing body with useful energy.
Important! Make sure that the child does not have allergic reactions to figs, and consult a pediatrician before adding it to the daily diet.

The fig can harm the child's body.It should be offered with caution to children prone to diarrhea, allergic rashes, diabetes, obesity.

You can introduce figs into baby food from 9 months, carefully monitoring the body's reaction. The norm for a one-year-old child is no more than 1/2 berry per day in the form of puree without adding sweeteners. After a year and a half, you can give 1 whole fruit.

Are figs good for pregnant women?

Figs benefit the body of a pregnant woman and her unborn child due to a beneficial combination of iron, potassium, folic acid, B vitamins:

  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • prevents the development of anemia, constipation;
  • prevents cosmetic problems with skin, hair, nails;
  • softens contractions, stimulates the opening of the cervix during contractions;
  • smoothes hormonal surges, due to which the mood and state of mind of a pregnant woman is stabilized.
Important! If you are gaining weight heavily during pregnancy, you should eat fresh figs with lower calories and moderate sugar content.

The beneficial properties of berries also stimulate lactation, increase the quantity and quality of breast milk.

Is it possible to eat figs while losing weight

The berry's cellular composition contains useful ballast substances that reduce hunger and promote quick satiety.

Small seeds, abundant in fruits, have beneficial properties similar to the coarse fiber of fresh vegetables. They, like a brush, cleanse the intestines, eliminate the harm from stagnation of undigested food, stimulate the absorption of nutrients.

Nutritionists recommend replacing an afternoon snack or dinner with 3 - 5 dried figs 2 times a week. It is recommended to use them steamed without additives (sweeteners, milk, fermented milk products).

You can eat 2 times more fresh healthy berries: its calorie content is lower.

Important! With the help of figs, you can maintain normal weight, remove a few extra pounds. With an advanced form of obesity, the fetus is contraindicated due to the harm from gaining excess weight.

How to use figs correctly

The health benefits and harms of figs depend on its freshness, shelf life, and the quality of dried fruit processing.

Fresh figs, picked from the tree no earlier than 24 hours before consumption, are most beneficial. It retains useful properties, vitamins, and mineral composition. During this time, the decay process, which is harmful to health and digestion, does not have time to develop.

Ideal if the fig tree is grown in a professional gardener, away from the road.

Before use, figs are washed with warm water. You can eat and use both the pulp of the fruit and its skin for cooking: it depends on personal preference.

Fresh figs are ideally combined with sour cream, nuts, meat dishes, forming a delicious and healthy tandem.

Important! Unripe fruits should not be eaten because they contain dangerous and caustic juice (milk) that damages the digestive system.

You should not buy fresh berries sold in stores far from the southern regions. Such fruits were harvested immature, therefore they will do more harm to health than good.

To preserve the beneficial properties, you can make jam from fresh figs. Its benefits are to prevent colds, normalize heart rate and blood pressure, and improve blood counts.

Dried fruits have more health benefits. Before eating, it is recommended to steam them in boiling water or in a water bath.

Useful fruit drinks, compotes are prepared from dried fruits, added to fruit salads, meat dishes, baked goods.

Nutritionists do not recommend eating figs just before bed. It has stimulating properties and can cause insomnia.

Traditional medicine recipes based on fresh figs

Fresh figs with milk, honey, butter, lemon and other useful ingredients have been used for many centuries for medicinal purposes:

  • from sore throat;
  • bronchitis, pneumonia;
  • constipation, increased gas production;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • anemia;
  • thrombophlebitis, thrombosis;
  • depressive conditions;
  • hypertension;
  • inflammation of the reproductive female organs;
  • prostatitis, sexual dysfunction;
  • fungal skin diseases;
  • hair loss;
  • inflammation of the kidneys, liver.

With bronchitis

Cough medicine


  • figs - 4 pcs.;
  • fat milk - 1 tbsp.


  1. The berry is washed with running water.
  2. Pour in warm milk, bring to a boil.
  3. Simmer under the lid for 2 hours over very low heat.
  4. They are filtering. Figs are chopped with a blender, re-mixed with milk.

Consume 2 tbsp. l. before meals 5 times a day.

Important! Treatment of cough in children with fig fruits is carried out only after consulting a pediatrician.

With angina

A healthy fig decoction can help relieve sore throat.


  • Fresh fruits - 1 - 2 pcs.;
  • Water - 400 ml.


  1. The berries are washed, filled with water.
  2. Wait for boiling, boil for half an hour.
  3. They are filtering.

Gargle every 2 to 4 hours. The same useful broth can be used as a compress: rub the throat and chest, wrap it with a warm scarf.

A more concentrated decoction of 6 berries will benefit from voice loss.

For kidney and liver stones

Healing fig decoction


  • Figs - 5 pcs.;
  • Water - 1 tbsp.


  1. Pour boiling water over the fruits, cook for 5 minutes.
  2. Grind with a blender.

Consume during the day 2 hours after meals.

Figs with olive oil

Figs in olive oil are beneficial for constipation, flatulence. The product is effective for relieving pain in joints, spine.

Figs for constipation


  • Figs - 100 g;
  • Prunes - 100 g;
  • Olive oil - ½ tbsp.


  1. Twist the berries in a meat grinder.
  2. Pour in oil, leave for 6 hours.
  3. Store the mixture in the refrigerator.

Take 3 tbsp in the morning. l., washed down with 2 tbsp. clean water. A healthy and tasty treatment lasts 3 to 4 days.

Fig tea

Green or black tea with dried figs is a tasty treat that is useful for cold symptoms: fever, nasal congestion, pain in the head and throat.

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Add a few fruits to the teapot along with the tea leaves, let it brew. Drink like regular tea.

Important! Do not forget that traditional methods of treatment do not cancel a visit to the doctor. Home treatment should be done with the permission and supervision of a healthcare professional.

The use of figs in cosmetology

Figs are used in cosmetology due to vitamins C, E, B, useful for beauty and health, as well as phosphorus and copper in the composition. The product has wound healing, regenerating and cleansing properties.

For facial skin

The benefits of figs for the face lies in its effect on the deep layers of the skin. Fig softens, whitens, nourishes the skin, restores its elasticity.

Masks, scrubs, lotions are prepared from useful berries:

  1. With whitening properties: mix in equal proportions fig pulp and oatmeal ground into flour, add 5 - 7 drops of bergamot oil. Use the mass as a scrub or a useful mask.
  2. For velvety skin: mix 2 fruits, egg yolk in a blender, 1 tbsp each. l. oil (olive) and honey. Apply the mask to cleansed skin. After half an hour, wipe off with a napkin dampened with mineral water.
  3. For aging skin: chop 3 berries, 4 tbsp. l. cottage cheese, 1 tbsp. l. peach butter and honey, 1 egg. Apply for 20 minutes, remove with a napkin soaked in milk. Rinse with cool water.

For hair

Useful fig pulp strengthens hair follicles, returns shine, nourishes, smoothes hair, accelerates growth.

A mask with the addition of milk, yeast, honey is useful for hair growth:

  1. Pour 2 berries with a glass of hot milk.
  2. Boil, grind with a blender.
  3. Add 2 tsp. honey, 10 g of yeast.
  4. Cool, apply to the scalp.
  5. Put on a shower cap, wrap a terry towel on top.
  6. Wash off after 1.5 hours.

Thanks to the complex of useful microelements, the mask nourishes the scalp.

Useful properties and uses of fig leaves

Fig leaves contain a caustic sap that is beneficial in treating warts, pigmentation, and fungal skin lesions.

They are also used to prepare useful decoctions, tinctures, masks for the treatment of baldness, kidney failure, and itching.

Important! If the concentration is exceeded, the substance may be harmful and cause skin burns.

Fig leaves for itchy skin

Fresh leaf cream helps relieve allergic reactions and itching from insect bites. To prepare it, squeeze the juice from finely chopped leaves, mix with butter.

The composition should be stored in the refrigerator for about a month, applied as needed.

Infusion of fig leaves for kidney disease

To prepare a useful infusion for the kidneys, you need to pour 230 ml of boiling water 2 tbsp. l. crushed leaves, leave for 1 hour.

Take ½ cup 3 times 40 minutes before meals.

Benefits of fig seed oil

Fig seed oil benefits the whole body, is used for cosmetic purposes for the preparation of scrubs, masks, creams.

Useful properties of oil:

  • protects the skin from pigmentation and damage caused by UV rays;
  • rejuvenates, nourishes, removes signs of age-related changes;
  • restore lipid balance, saturate the epidermis with moisture;
  • is a part of useful conditioners-hair rinses, relieves static stress, strengthens, stimulates their growth.

The oil does not harm the skin prone to allergies and dryness. It has regenerating and caring properties.

The benefits and preparation of fig jam

The beneficial properties of fig jam are due to the high content of vitamins (A, C, E, B, PP) and minerals (iron, potassium, manganese, phosphorus, calcium, copper). The benefits are preserved due to a short heat treatment - the jam is boiled for about 20 - 40 minutes.

The benefits of fig jam:

  • has laxative and diuretic properties;
  • prevents the development of anemia, increases blood clotting;
  • stimulates the work of the nervous, excretory, reproductive system;
  • has antipyretic, diaphoretic properties;
  • helps fight infections;
  • restores strength.


  • figs (fresh fruits) - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 0.7 kg.


  1. Rinse the berries, cover with sugar.
  2. Leave on for 3 hours for juicing.
  3. Put the jam on a very low heat, boil for 5 minutes after boiling.
  4. Remove foam, mix.
  5. Insist 7 - 10 hours.
  6. Boil again for 5 minutes, let it brew for 10 hours.
  7. Add juice of 1 lemon, vanillin, boil for 10 minutes.
  8. Pour into jars, roll up.

Important! Use soft, fully ripe fruits. The purchased figs are not stored for a long time, they immediately start making the jam.

Harm of figs and contraindications for use

The benefits and harms of fresh figs for the body are characterized by their composition and properties, including sugar content.

Contraindications to the use of figs:

  • diabetes;
  • low blood clotting;
  • pancreatitis, inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, pancreas;
  • gout;
  • obesity.

The harm of figs can manifest itself in poisoning, allergic reactions.

Important! The appearance of the urge to vomit, dizziness, acute pain in the stomach, chills and weakness, may indicate poisoning. In this case, you will need rest, a large amount of fluid, and medical assistance from a specialist.

With proper use, following the recommended norm, figs will not harm health.

How to choose and store fresh figs

Figs are healthy, but perishable. From the moment of collection, it can be stored for no more than 10 - 12 days, then it begins to deteriorate, losing its useful properties. Over time, fermentation processes begin to develop intensively in it, which can harm the poisoning of the gastrointestinal tract.

To choose a healthy fig, it's worth evaluating its appearance and smell.The peel should be whole, not damaged, elastic. The sour, fermented smell indicates long-term storage of the berry. Such a fruit is unsuitable for consumption and will be harmful to health.

Freshly purchased figs should be eaten right away. Freezing is a great way to preserve the nutritional benefits. Frozen figs can be stored for up to 12 months.

Important! During the year, frozen figs retain all the beneficial and taste properties.


The health benefits and harms of figs are due to its rich vitamin and mineral complex. Fresh berries have medicinal properties, and are also widely used in cooking: jams, preserves, compotes, fruit drinks made from healthy fruits, will not harm the figure, but will saturate with energy, increase efficiency and save you from colds.


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