Constipation from vitamins: can there be causes

Constipation from vitamin D3 is a common occurrence in the therapeutic practice of general practitioners. Public interest in a healthy lifestyle has increased the sales of dietary supplements, probiotics and vitamins. Their uncontrolled consumption leads to such a phenomenon as an overdose, which causes a lot of various changes in the human body. One example is the abuse of vitamin D3 with food or medication.

Vitamins do not always have a beneficial effect

Does vitamin D cause constipation

Vitamin D3 or cholecalciferol is a substance that enters the human body along with food or drugs. Its daily allowance for an adult is 400 IU. Exceeding this amount triggers a wave of changes in metabolic processes in the body, and then in various organs of the whole body. An overdose of cholecalciferol causes the deposition of calcium salts in the vessels and joints, a decrease in appetite, an increase in blood pressure and problems with bowel movements. Violation of the evacuation function of the intestine with an overdose is not uncommon.

Constipation in an adult, or constipation, is a rather unpleasant condition that occurs when vitamin D is taken uncontrollably. A person experiences severe dissatisfaction and discomfort in the intestines, abdominal pain, flatulence. This not only impairs the quality of life, but can also lead to severe intoxication. All substances that must go outside the intestines are absorbed back into the bloodstream, causing acute poisoning.

Why vitamins cause constipation

Constipation occurs due to the enhancement of the main function for which D3 is responsible - the absorption of calcium and phosphorus. The trace element acts on the small intestine as a strong irritant. Increases the activity of the intestinal mucosa, causing excessive absorption of moisture from the digested food masses. Due to this, trips to the toilet become difficult - the feces become denser, gas formation increases, the peristalsis of the intestinal tract organs works worse.

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Fermented milk products, peas, red meat, fatty fish and eggs are rich in calciferol. The consumption of these foods in large quantities can lead to a sharp rise in the level of these components in the blood.

This often happens among adherents of the keto diet. The diet involves the consumption of large amounts of animal products. The high volume of fat in these foods promotes the absorption of vitamin D and, as a result, constipation.

Vitamin D-rich foods
Important! Prevention of constipation in the case of prescribing drugs with synthetic cholecalciferol is to exclude sour milk and meat products from the diet

What to do if constipation from vitamin D

In the event of constipation while taking the synthetic drug D3, the main measure is to cancel the drug or reduce its dose. If the remedy was prescribed by a therapist, then it is necessary to consult with a specialist, discuss the required dosage to eliminate adverse factors.If the drug was prescribed independently in the form of complex vitamins, it is necessary to stop taking it - such a side effect as constipation indicates a normal level of the substance in the body.

Overeating foods rich in calciferol also leads to constipation. It is necessary to reduce their amount in the diet for some time, usually until the intestines normalize.

If the overdose has reached a critical level - with the appearance of vomiting, general depression and an increase in blood pressure, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor. The basis of therapy for overdose is the appointment of antagonist drugs. They minimize the activity of the substance and accelerate its excretion from the body. The main antagonist of vitamin D3 is retinol or vitamin A. It is prescribed exclusively in injectable form, in a strict amount, since an overdose of this solution can lead to more sad consequences in the form of liver and kidney dysfunctions.

Vitamin A is the main antagonist of calciferol
Important! Acute overdose requires hospitalization - a high level of a substance in the blood dramatically increases blood pressure and can lead to death.

Symptomatic therapy is also prescribed in the form of droppers: solutions of sodium chloride, glucose, diuretics and anti-inflammatory drugs to relieve an acute condition and normalize processes.

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Preventing constipation from vitamin D

To prevent the occurrence of constipation with an excess of a substance is possible only by controlling its intake into the body.

It is necessary to reduce the amount of foods rich in vitamins in the diet, and the use of drugs should be coordinated only with the attending physician.

Also in the assimilation of the substance, the influence of UV radiation plays a special role. It is worth reducing exposure to direct sunlight while taking calciferol preparations or using sunscreen.

A large amount of meat products, cottage cheese and eggs in the diet, sunbathing and taking supplements can cause an overdose of vitamin D3 in humans. Uncontrolled intake of vitamin D3 can lead not only to impaired bowel movements, but also other dire consequences in the form of heart and bone problems. This condition requires prompt normalization and even complex therapy in the form of droppers. Taking medications should be deliberate - an excess of any substance in the body can be dangerous.


Constipation from vitamin D3 is an illustration of the illiterate work of the attending physician or the carelessness of a person. Long-term constipation is an unfavorable condition, it increases the amount of toxins in the blood and can lead to severe discomfort. Vitamins are serious chemical compounds that accelerate many processes in the body. In large quantities, they can cause not only constipation, but also a lot of different changes in the human body: deterioration in the quality of hair, teeth, and the functioning of the reproductive system.

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