Colorless henna for hair: benefits and applications

The benefits and harms of colorless henna for hair are of interest to women who love natural care. The product has the properties of giving shine and grooming, without discoloration.

What is colorless henna

It is a fine green powder with a herb scent. Produced from a plant called cassia obovata (Latin name Cassia obovata). Does not contain coloring pigments.

Composition of colorless henna for hair

The composition of Cassia obovata contains vitamins and biologically active substances that have the properties of nutrition, strengthening and giving shine to hair.

The composition contains the following useful components:

  1. Keratin is a protein that restores structure.
  2. Betaine is a natural moisturizer.
  3. Rutin is for vitality.
  4. Antibacterial ingredients - chrysophanol and fisalene.

Why is colorless henna useful for hair

The benefits of colorless henna are very diverse. Cassia powder has anti-inflammatory and firming properties. Removes dullness and brittleness, revitalizes hair follicles. Moisturizes and silky.

The benefits are expressed in the following:

  1. Does not contain any chemicals.
  2. Environmentally friendly.
  3. Eliminates dry and oily seborrhea.
  4. Helps heal acne.
  5. Reduces wrinkles.
  6. It is useful for repairing damaged hair.
  7. Gives shine and elasticity to curls.
  8. Suitable for use at any age, except for very young children.

Strengthening hair

Cassia is useful in helping to repair damage caused by painting.

The product can be used for both treatment and prophylaxis. Applying herbal powder will make your hair thicker, smoother and more voluminous.

In addition to all of the above, henna removes dandruff and restores vitality to the curls.

Accelerating hair growth

The product has a beneficial effect on the scalp, awakens the follicles, which stimulates the renewal and appearance of new hair. The properties of colorless henna are beneficial for accelerating hair growth.

How to use colorless henna for hair

The use of cassia is very diverse, in order to obtain a useful result, you should use the product correctly, follow the recommendations on the time and frequency of application.

How to apply colorless henna to hair

It is necessary to apply the composition, observing a certain procedure.

  1. In any non-metallic container, dilute the required amount of powder with water until a thick sour cream consistency is obtained.
  2. Divide the hair into 4 or more sections with a comb. Apply the product consistently from root to tip on each strand.
  3. Wrap your head with plastic wrap or wear a special hat.
  4. Withstand 30 - 60 minutes.
  5. Rinse thoroughly, washing away plant particles. Air dry naturally.

When working with the product, it is not necessary to put gloves on your hands, since there is no coloring property.You can use shampoo and styling products only after a day. Plant components must penetrate deep into the hair shaft and anchor in it.

Recommendations for use depending on hair length:

  1. For thin and short, 4 tbsp is used. l.
  2. With shoulder length - 8 tbsp. l.
  3. If the curls are very thick, it is recommended to take 10 - 12 tbsp. l. powder.

How much to keep colorless henna on hair

You can keep the finished mixture on your head for no more than 30 minutes for those with gray hair and light shades of curls. Brunettes are allowed to increase the time to an hour. Blondes can get an unwanted yellow color if the recommended times are not followed. The benefit is largely determined by the correct exposure time.

How often can colorless henna be used?

Colorless henna is used to strengthen healthy hair no more than once a month. If there are problems, it is permissible to use it once a week in an intensive course for 1 month. It is imperative to monitor the condition of the curls, if dryness occurs - it is necessary to cancel the treatment or apply it less often with the addition of fatty components. Failure to follow the recommendations will be harmful.

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Colorless henna hair mask recipes

Masks made of colorless henna for hair are very useful. Their properties are to strengthen the hair shaft, cleanse scalp from dandruff, smooth and add shine.

Against hair loss

Hair treatment with colorless henna is useful in case of a tendency to hair loss, loss of hair strength.

The following mask can be applied:

  • 2 tbsp. l. coconut or olive oils;
  • 1 tbsp. l. castor oil;
  • 2 tbsp. l. green clay;
  • 3 tbsp. l. cassia powder.

Dilute the components in hot water or a decoction of medicinal herbs to a mushy state. Cool and distribute through hair. Keep for no more than 1 hour. Then wash your hair with shampoo.

Colorless henna for blonde hair is diluted with chamomile decoction or green tea.

Useful properties of the mixture contribute to the cessation of loss, when used at least 1 time in 2 weeks. Application for more than a month will be harmful.


Colorless henna is useful for removing oily and dry dandruff, eliminating any seborrheic manifestations.

It is recommended to make such a mask: 2 tbsp. l. mix brandy with the same amount of henna powder, add 1 or 2 tsp. any unrefined oil. Apply in the usual way, let stand for half an hour and wash with shampoo.

For hair growth

Colorless henna can speed up or restore normal hair growth properties.

Mask recipe:

  • 1 tbsp. l. bioyogurt;
  • retinol and tocopherol - 1 capsule each;
  • 5 drops of castor oil;
  • 1 tbsp. l. henna powder.

Mix the components, let the finished product stand for 15 minutes and apply to the roots. Action time - 30 minutes. To enhance the beneficial effect, you can warm up your hair with a hairdryer, without touching the plastic or the cap.

For shine

The colorless henna gives the hair a shine similar to the effect after lamination. The plant powder has the property of forming a protective film that eliminates the porosity of the hair shaft. This results in silkiness and shine.

To enhance the shine, the following recipe is useful: 1 tbsp. l. almond and henna oils, 1 ampoule of Dimexidum are mixed until thick creamy sour cream.

The composition is applied on the head for 30 - 60 minutes, wrapped in polyethylene and a towel. Then they are washed off first with clean water, then with shampoo.

For colored hair

For colored hair, colorless henna is used in the same way. But you need to consider some properties:

  1. If cassia mixtures are used, the next color can be done no earlier than 6 - 8 weeks. Otherwise, the color may turn out to be unpredictable.
  2. The dye may stain if not allowed to take the recommended break.

Henna must be completely removed from the hair so as not to harm it by producing an unwanted color.

Rules for using hair masks

The benefits and harms of colorless henna are manifested either when the recommendations are followed, or when they are violated.

The basic rules are as follows:

  1. For best results, a warming effect should be provided. A special hat is put on the head or wrapped in film. Wrap it on top with a towel. Under the influence of heat, beneficial components penetrate better into the skin.
  2. For initially dry hair and to prevent breakage, it is advisable to add an oily component to the mixture. Apply the composition only to the root zone, then it will bring maximum benefit.
  3. The optimal regularity of the use of the formulations for preventive purposes is once a month. For treatment, you can apply them in courses 1 time per week for a month. A break in this case is required to avoid harm.

Hair after colorless henna

Hair after colorless henna will become even, smooth and shiny. Its properties allow you to increase density, eliminate damage to curls and dandruff.

Application of colorless henna for the face

The benefits of colorless henna for the face are simply invaluable. The product is able to replace anti-aging and anti-inflammatory drugs.

In cosmetology, Cassia obovata powder is used very actively, has the ability to remove inflammation and improve the quality of the skin.

There are many recipes for useful masks, some of them are:

  1. To cleanse the skin: 1 tbsp. Dissolve a spoonful of cassia in hot water in a 1: 2 ratio. Cool the mixture and spread over the face. Wash off after 10 minutes.
  2. For nutrition and hydration: 1 tbsp. l. henna add 1 tsp. sour cream, retinol capsule, ampoule B Vitamins will enhance the benefits of the mixture. Keep the mask for 10 minutes.
  3. For rejuvenation: cassia is diluted with water to the consistency of sour cream, the mixture is supplemented with 1 drop of rose or sandalwood essential oil. Keep the mask until dry, then rinse.
  4. Universal composition: take 1 tsp. white clay and henna, diluted with chamomile decoction. Keep it for no more than 15 minutes.
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The cleansing blend will benefit teens and those with acne prone skin. Universal is good for all skin types, its properties will return a healthy complexion to the face and make it smooth.

When using masks, you need to remember that intolerance to any components will harm. This is especially true for essential oils, as they are highly concentrated substances.

Harm of colorless henna and contraindications

Colorless henna can harm people with plant allergy tendencies. Before use, you need to do a portability test. Dissolve the powder and apply a little of the mixture to the crook of the elbow. The harmful effect will be manifested by redness, the skin will itch.

When applied to the scalp without testing, there is a risk of harm in the form of flaking, severe itching.

If you combine colorless henna with newly colored hair, there will be no effect. After the color change, at least a month should pass. The fresh color does not allow access to the hair shaft due to closed scales.

Application to damaged scalp will cause harm, the product may cause irritation.

Henna can lead to dryness, so it will be beneficial to follow the recommendations for keeping the mask - no more than an hour. To eliminate the risk, it is necessary to combine cassia with fatty oils, sour cream or yogurt.

To avoid harm to healthy hair, it is enough to carry out prophylaxis once a month.

Which henna is better to choose

The product should smell like grass, not include any other ingredients.

Henna, consisting of homogeneous particles, is useful. If there are sticks and leaves, this is a poor quality product.

The choice should be based on the following parameters:

  1. Manufacturer. The best henna is Moroccan or Iranian.
  2. Product cleanliness - the presence of foreign substances can harm the hair.
  3. The presence of a certificate on the website of the store or at the point of sale.
  4. The correct name on the label is in Russian and Latin.

Sometimes other beneficial ingredients are added to henna powder - for example, amlu.Such a composition will not do harm if there is no allergy to the components.


The benefits and harms of colorless henna for hair are the information needed by women who love herbal care. Cassia works as a conditioner, has properties of treating inflammation on the scalp. Fights and prevents dandruff, gives shine and restores thickness to hair. The natural hair color will not change, as the cassia powder does not contain any dyes.

The benefits of the application are manifold, the product is universal and is used not only for hair, but also for the face.


Kislitsina Marina, 25 years old, Ivanovo
I am blonde with curly hair. After illness, they began to fall out in tatters. I tried many different products, but only colorless henna turned out to be useful. The loss stopped after 1 month of using it once a week. And the natural color did not suffer.
Suschevskaya Kristina, 38 years old, Moscow
Discolored for many years and severely damaged hair. They became dull, hung like tow. I decided to strengthen them with henna. I made masks with olive and cedar oil, convinced of the benefits of this natural remedy. The curls became thicker, shine appeared.
Lebedeva Elizaveta, 30 years old, Kostroma
I've heard about the benefits of cassia for a long time, and then decided to try it. Everything that is written about the properties of this plant is true. I suffered from oily seborrhea for several years, and colorless henna helped me get rid of it in just a month without any harm to the scalp.

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