Lift of cheekbones with hyaluronic acid: reviews, contraindications, photos before and after

Correction of cheekbones with hyaluronic acid, as it is also called biorevitalization, is a proven and popular technique. It allows you to get rid of imperfections in appearance, tighten the skin of the face and change the appearance for the better without harm to health and surgical intervention. Photos of cheekbones before and after hyaluronic acid convincingly prove the effectiveness of this method of facial modeling.

Hyaluron in its natural form is a component of human skin and is found in connective tissues

Advantages and disadvantages of augmentation of cheekbones with hyaluronic acid

Like any other cosmetic procedure, the technique has its advantages and contraindications. When deciding to correct the cheekbones with hyaluronic acid, you need to familiarize yourself with its effects and disadvantages.


  • does not require a long period of rehabilitation;
  • the effect lasts for 1-3 years;
  • has practically no side effects, the drugs are hypoallergenic and do not cause addiction;
  • the procedure rejuvenates the skin, in addition to the cheekbones, the nasolabial folds and the lower part of the face are corrected;
  • any cosmetic procedures can be used with injections;
  • instant results that become more noticeable within a month;
  • emphasizes natural beauty without creating an artificial effect;
  • the procedure has no age restrictions.


  • not everyone can afford to regularly correct their cheekbones with hyaluronic acid for the family budget;
  • the doctor performing the procedures must be experienced and have the necessary qualifications, otherwise there is a high probability of causing damage instead of correcting deficiencies;
  • soreness of the procedure;
  • the need for regular repetition at intervals of one to three years;
  • pronounced age-related changes and diseases such as ptosis are not corrected with injections.

If the oval of the face “floated”, losing its shape, and the skin began to sag, it makes sense to think about the course of injections. Usually, women after 30 years are prescribed 1-2 procedures with a break per month, and women of Balzac's age need 6-8 sessions with weekly breaks. Indications for the use of hyaluronic acid cheekbones correction are:

  • loose, excessively dry or oily skin with enlarged pores, pockmarks;
  • age-related loss of elasticity and color, age spots after pregnancy;
  • scars remaining after inflammation, capillary mesh.

As a result of the use of biorevitalization, the patient can admire the skin tightened, like in youth, and a more distinct facial contour. The procedure can significantly improve the appearance and condition of the skin:

  • gives volume to sagging cheeks;
  • removes nasolabial folds and wrinkles around the eyes;
  • the effect of "bags" under the eyes disappears;
  • cheekbones become higher and more pronounced;
  • the new face emphasizes the lip line and expressive eyes.
Attention! The skill of a cosmetologist is very important. An experienced specialist will carry out the procedure as accurately as possible and with minimal pain.

How is a hyaluronic acid cheekbone lift done?

An experienced specialist first examines the face, skin condition and decides on the possibility of contouring by injecting hyaluronic acid into the cheekbones. At the same time, he is obliged to warn about possible side effects and the use of painkillers, which may be allergic. Tests are usually not required, but the specialist can order laboratory tests if in doubt. Hyaluronic acid injections into the cheekbones are performed over several sessions:

  1. First, the procedure site is anesthetized: a composition is applied, often containing lidocaine, and a local blockade is made.
  2. Then a syringe with a thin long needle is taken and the drug is injected under the skin with its help.
  3. This can be one injection with the introduction of the needle along the entire length of the cheekbone and its gradual pulling with the parallel introduction of hyaluronic acid - the linear retrograde technique.
  4. Or several separate injections at different points - the bolus technique.

A more modern and gentle technique for the facial muscles is the introduction of hyaluronic acid using cannulas. It was invented ten years ago. A small (2-3 mm) puncture is made with a regular needle and special needles with blunt ends, cannulas are introduced. They allow you to inject the drug deeper without damaging the tissue. Inflammation after such a puncture practically does not appear.

Important! If face plastic surgery has already been performed, it is necessary to warn the doctor about this.
Spectacular changes in appearance are noticeable immediately after the introduction of hyaluronic acid

How the cheekbones are corrected with hyaluronic acid, you can watch in this video.

Rehabilitation period

Any artificial interference in the work of the body requires the observance of certain precautions so as not to get complications. Correction of cheekbones with hyaluronic acid is no exception. It is important to follow these rules:

  1. In no case should you carry out massages, peels, procedures aimed at stimulating blood circulation and lymph flows.
  2. Gentle care is required, the use of creams and masks recommended by a beautician.
  3. You should not touch your face with your hands, do work in masks, dusty, smoky or dirty rooms.
  4. Steam procedures for the skin of the face, baths, saunas, solariums, visiting beaches in the bright sun are prohibited.
  5. You can not take alcohol and abuse fatty foods.
  6. Make sudden head movements, jump, sit up suddenly or jump up.
  7. Be exposed to significant physical activity.
Recommended reading:  The benefits of a solarium for the body

Typically, the rehabilitation period takes two to three weeks, depending on the patient's individual response.

Comment! All doctor's recommendations should be followed, including antibiotic treatment or other procedures, if prescribed.

Contraindications to plastic surgery of the cheekbones with hyaluronic acid

Like any cosmetic procedure, biorevitalization has contraindications for use. You should familiarize yourself with them before starting the correction and warn the doctor if there are problems from the list.


  • significant skin damage on the cheekbone line;
  • severe redness when the drug is injected;
  • possible allergic reactions;
  • any inflammatory processes in the body, viral, fungal infections;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding period;
  • autoimmune diseases.
Attention! If, after some time, discomfort, burning, itching, pain is still felt, this may indicate an allergic reaction or inflammation that has begun.

Possible side effects of hyaluronic acid cheekbones correction

The simplicity and large-scale application of the technique does not exclude individual reactions and medical errors. The introduction of hyaluronic acid into the muscles of the face can have the following consequences:

  1. Swelling may appear for up to a week. In this case, it is necessary to limit fluid intake.
  2. Bruises and red spots at the injection sites are removed with cold compresses.
  3. In case of an allergic reaction, the use of antihistamines is indicated: "Citrine", "Suprastin", "Zodaka".
  4. Small inflammation is removed by disinfecting treatments.

If the disturbing phenomena do not go away in seven days, you urgently need to go to an appointment with a beautician.

The most common problem is severe inflammation after the injections. Also, cases of vascular embolism are not uncommon, as a result of which the affected tissues die.

Photos before and after hyaluronic acid in the cheekbones

The effect of hyaluronic acid injections is noticeable after a few hours. For some time, slight swelling and redness may persist, but the overall result is already pleasing to the eye.

A tightened chin and disappeared "bags" under the eyes allow you to lose ten years
For young beauties, hyaluronic acid is an effective tool for correcting appearance


Photos of cheekbones before and after hyaluronic acid, provided by beauty salons, allow you to verify the effectiveness of the technique. Hyaluronic injections are a popular tool for cosmetologists all over the world. If it is necessary to correct facial defects, age-related changes, rejuvenate the skin or sharpen the facial contours, this procedure is ideal. She has no age restrictions, the risk of side effects is extremely small if all the recommendations of an experienced specialist are carefully followed. Biorevitalization can be performed for both women and men of any age. The procedure for correcting cheekbones with hyaluronic acid should be carried out by an experienced cosmetologist, having previously made sure that there are no contraindications for a particular patient.

Reviews of hyaluronic acid in the cheekbones

Olga, 35 years old, Rostov.
I came to the beautician with many ugly scars on my cheeks left from acne inflammations. I was advised to go through the biorevitalization procedure, especially since age is already affecting. And the skin is not so elastic, and wrinkles around the mouth and eyes. I thought for a long time, consulted with my friends and decided! We had four sessions with breaks. I felt the result the very next day: my face tightened, wrinkles became less noticeable, and dimples smoothed out. Now after six months I can say: I am delighted and will come to my doctor more than once!
Elena, 40 years old, Moscow.
For me, the path to beauty began with the advice of a friend - she has been using the services of the best cosmetic center in our city for six years. True, she warned that the procedure for correcting cheekbones with hyaluronic acid is not cheap and you only need to go to a trusted doctor, on the recommendation. Since my skin is dry, I had problems with wrinkles early, and even my cheeks sagged with age. The beginning, to be honest, shocked me - when the next morning I saw my cheeks in red spots. However, the doctor reassured me and advised me what to treat. The redness went away after a week, and I did not recognize myself in the mirror: as if I had returned to my youth, I had dropped outwardly for fifteen years, no less! I'm just happy.
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