The use of tripoli (three-leaf watch) and contraindications

The three-leaf watch is the only plant species in the Shift family. Since the herb has been used since antiquity, it has many names. The unique composition of the medicinal plant allows for the therapy and prevention of various pathologies prepared from medicinal raw materials. The medicinal properties of the three-leaf watch and contraindications are due to the components present.

What it looks like and where it grows

The three-leaf watch is also called:

  • feverish;
  • female toad;
  • consumptive grass;
  • shamrock.

The herb trifol is unevenly distributed over the territory mainly of the Northern Hemisphere. Usually, a three-leaf watch is more common in stagnant fresh water reservoirs. The plant can be found in the area of ​​forest swamps or thickets of drying ponds and lakes, near streams. This is why the shamrock is also called water grass.

Tripol prefers peaty soil rich in mineral composition. The plant has a long-term development cycle. The three-leaf watch is characterized by a long creeping rhizome with many filamentous processes. The water grass reaches a height of 25 cm. The stems include thick leafless flower stalks.

The trifoliate leaves of the trifoli are located on long petioles. They are distinguished by a bright green color. The racemose inflorescences of the three-leafed watch consist of medium-sized beige and light pink flowers. The fruits of the medicinal plant are represented by capsules filled with seeds.

The flowering time of trifoli covers the period from late spring to mid-summer. Trefoil ripening is observed in August. Seed collection is carried out before the onset of rains.

The chemical composition of the watch three-leaf

Unusual from the point of view of decorative qualities and medicinal properties, the plant has a unique chemical composition. Their combination helps to normalize important biological processes in the body, restore the functioning of internal organs. The use of drugs from a medicinal herb has a positive effect on the state of the immune system.

The triphol plant is rich in the following components:

  • tannins and pectin substances;
  • flavonoids such as rutin, tripolin, hyperoside;
  • alkaloids;
  • triterpenoids;
  • bitterness;
  • ascorbic acid, B vitamins;
  • selenium, iodine;
  • sterols and steroids;
  • organic acids and glycosides.

The advantage of the trefoil lies in the bioavailability of the nutrients included in the composition. Important components are easily absorbed by the body.

The leaves of an aquatic plant are of the greatest value.

Healing properties of the herb watch three-leaf

Tripol is classified as a medicinal herb, which is highly effective in the treatment of somatic pathologies. Trefoil remedies are used in the following areas of medicine:

  • urology;
  • gastroenterology;
  • dermatology.

According to the instructions for use, the three-leaf watch contributes to:

  • dilution of bile, dissolution of stones in the gallbladder, toning of its walls;
  • stimulating appetite;
  • elimination of increased gas formation, as well as constipation, improvement of intestinal peristalsis;
  • elimination of inflammatory elements on the skin, trophic ulcers;
  • accelerating the process of tissue regeneration.

The shamrock produces a pronounced analgesic effect. The use of an aquatic plant is advisable if you have a history of migraines. Triphol helps to eliminate seizures. The herb can be used in the complex therapy of epilepsy. The three-leaf watch is actively used in the field of gynecology and urology.

Preparation and application methods

In traditional medicine, various options for using tripoli are practiced. The most effective remedies include tincture and infusion. For the treatment of pathologies, ointment, decoctions from a three-leaf watch are also used.


The form is designed for outdoor and indoor use. The tincture is made from both fresh and dried leaves. Chopped raw trifoli (1 glass) should be poured into a glass bottle, filled with vodka and corked. Duration of exposure is at least two weeks in a dark place. The filtered product is stored for up to two years.

For the treatment of the liver, a tincture is made from the roots of a three-leaf watch


An aqueous solution is a universal remedy. For its preparation, a tablespoon of dry trefoil raw material is poured with 300 ml of boiling water. Cover the vessel and infuse the contents for two hours. The product can be stored in the refrigerator for up to three days.

Trifoli infusion is taken before meals

Application of the three-leaf watch in medicine

Some effective recipes for using trifol have been used for several centuries. Their effectiveness depends on the observance of the indicated proportions.

For gum disease and stomatitis

The shamrock is distinguished by its regenerating, regenerating and disinfecting properties. These effects make it possible to use the medicinal plant to treat and prevent diseases of the gums, as well as the oral cavity. Means from water grass can eliminate bleeding and swelling, pain.

In 100 ml of water, dissolve a tablespoon of three-leafed watch tincture on alcohol. The product is used to rinse the mouth every three hours. The course of therapy is a week. The solution can be used as a lotion. A cotton swab dipped in a diluted tincture is applied to the sore spot.

It is useful to rub gruel from chopped tripoli leaves into the gums twice a day

With angina

Folk remedies against the background of inflammation of the tonsils are used only as part of complex therapy. A trefoil containing a significant amount of iodine has a beneficial effect on hyperemic tissue. A tablespoon of the herb of the plant is poured with a glass of boiling water and insisted for an hour. The resulting product is used as a rinse.

External use of the trefoil watch infusion helps to reduce the intensity of the inflammatory process of the tonsils

For wounds and abrasions

Trifol is known to be a powerful regenerating agent that has an antiseptic effect. For the treatment of long-healing wounds, a remedy can be made from fresh raw materials from a three-leaf watch. Refined olive or sunflower oil is heated to 80 ° C. Three tablespoons of herbs are poured into them, removed for infusion in a warm and dark place. After a week, the product is ready for use. It is used in the form of compresses twice a day.

The duration of procedures, including treating wounds with trefoil oil, should not exceed 30 minutes

For diarrhea

Shamrock helps to quickly and effectively eliminate diarrhea. Stool normalization is due to the antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties of the three-leaf watch. To prepare a healing remedy, you need to add tripoli herb (three tablespoons) to 1 liter of boiling water. The mixture is simmered over low heat for five minutes, then insisted for half an hour and filtered.The drink is taken every hour, 50 ml.

A three-leafed watch broth allows you to eliminate diarrhea caused by food poisoning or intestinal infection

To normalize the functioning of the liver, gallbladder

The medicinal plant helps to eliminate the inflammation accompanying hepatitis and other diseases. Means made from water grass are used as a hepatoprotective agent. The drugs neutralize the harmful effects of toxins from alcohol abuse, smoking, and unhealthy diet.

The dosage of the drugs used and their form varies depending on the indications. For example, in chronic cholecystitis, it is recommended to drink a teaspoon of alcoholic tincture of trefoil for a month. For the treatment of viral hepatitis, the dosage of an aqueous infusion is 50 ml, taken three times a day. The course of therapy is three weeks.

Trifol is prescribed to restore the body after binges due to the ability to regenerate liver cells

With colitis

The three-leaf watch helps with intestinal inflammation. Half a glass of dry crushed leaves is poured into 2 liters of boiling water, insisted for an hour. The product is filtered and used as a solution for enemas twice a day.

Infusion for internal use produces a good effect. A teaspoon of tripoli is poured into 600 ml of boiling water. The product is ready for use in three hours. It is filtered and taken four times a day, 150 ml.

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Instead of herbs for the preparation of the drug, you can use the rhizome of the three-leaf watch. Raw trifoli (20 g) are poured into 400 ml of water and simmered over low heat for 20 minutes. The broth is drunk every 3 hours, 50 ml.

Shamrock is indicated for treating bowel disease
Attention! The use of a medicinal plant is combined with adherence to a diet with the exception of fatty, spicy and fried foods.

With tuberculosis

The three-leaf watch has a positive effect on the condition of the lungs. Its use is advisable in the early stages of tuberculosis. A tablespoon of raw materials (trefoil herbs) is poured into 250 ml of boiling water and insisted for an hour. Strain the product before use. Trifoli infusion is drunk 50 ml five times a day.

A good result can be expected from the use of alcoholic trefoil tincture. For its preparation, tripoli leaves are used. Raw materials of a three-leaf watch (four tablespoons) are poured with 200 ml of alcohol and insisted for three weeks. The drug is drunk three times a day for a teaspoon.

Tuberculosis can be treated with drugs intended for external use. To prepare the grind, two tablespoons of raw trifoli (herbs) are poured with 300 ml of hot oil. The mixture is infused for two weeks in a sealed container. The finished product is rubbed against the chest before bedtime.

The three-leaf watch is prescribed as an adjunct to the main treatment for pulmonary tuberculosis

From hemorrhoids

On the basis of tripoli, a medicinal ointment is made for external use. Pork lard (200 g) is melted in a cauldron, 20 g of trefoil herb are added and put in the oven for 40 minutes. The finished product is poured into a glass jar. The mixture is rubbed into the hemorrhoids twice a day (morning and evening). The ointment can be soaked on tampons and inserted into the rectum.

For the treatment of hemorrhoids, an infusion of a three-leaf watch is also prescribed. Half a glass of leaves of an aquatic plant is poured with a liter of boiling water. The remedy is insisted for three hours. The mixture is filtered before use. Trifoli infusion is drunk three times a day, 50 ml each.

Drugs from the three-leaf watch are suitable for both outdoor and indoor use

With varicose veins

The medicinal plant is recommended to be included in therapy at the initial stages of the disease. Fresh leaves of a water plant (100 g) are crushed, added to 5 liters of warm water. The mixture is poured into a basin and used for baths daily. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes.

Important! When using dry herb, tripoli (50 g), take 4 liters of boiling water and prepare an infusion for baths.

With varicose veins, you can make products intended for oral administration. A tablespoon of dry tripoli leaves should be taken in a glass of boiling water. The infusion is ready for use in an hour. The remedy is drunk three weeks four times a day in a dessert spoon.

A three-leaf watch is not prescribed for thrombosis

For allergies

Triphol has a positive effect on the skin. Means made from water herbs are recommended for allergic dermatitis.

A tablespoon of raw materials of the watch of three-leafed (grass) is poured with two glasses of boiling water and insisted for two hours. The product is filtered and used as compresses. A bandage soaked in liquid is applied to the area affected by the rash. The duration of treatment should not exceed two weeks. With extensive skin lesions, it is advisable to take baths with the addition of an infusion of an aquatic plant.

Since the shamrock contains high doses of selenium and iodine, it is not recommended for children under 12 years of age.

Contraindications to the use of three-leafed watch grass leaves

It is preferable to include water grass in the composition of therapy after consultation with a specialist. Trifol is not used in the presence of hypersensitivity reactions. There are the following contraindications to the use of a three-leaf watch:

  • thrombosis;
  • acute pancreatitis, cholecystitis;
  • impaired liver function, cirrhosis (at the last stage);
  • heart or kidney failure.

Shamrock is prohibited during pregnancy, as well as breastfeeding as decoctions, tinctures and infusions for internal use. With these physiological conditions, it is possible to treat the skin with the help of drugs from a medicinal plant.

Collection and procurement

Experts do not note the massive use of the shamrock in traditional medicine. Medicinal raw materials are often not available in pharmacies and specialized stores. It is advisable to harvest it yourself, taking into account the basic collection rules.

It is preferable to choose places near stagnant water bodies, swamps, peaty soils. The collection of raw materials is carried out away from roads and toxic objects. It is also recommended to make sure that the radiation background is normal in the workpiece area.

It is necessary to collect raw materials after the completion of the blooming phase of the three-leaf watch. Mature leaves with petioles, which are about 3 cm long, are subject to pruning. It is not recommended to wash them before drying, but to wipe them with a paper towel.

Pre-prepared raw materials are dried in the shade, spread on paper in a thin layer. It is undesirable to use newspapers so that the ink does not spoil the workpieces. It is important not to allow direct sunlight, under the influence of which the quality of raw materials decreases.

Dry leaves are packed in cardboard boxes or glass jars for later storage. They can be used to prepare medicinal products for two years.


The medicinal properties of the three-leaf watch and contraindications have been sufficiently studied. The plant has been known since ancient times. Leaves, roots are actively used in folk medicine for the preparation of useful medicines. Trifol is not recommended to be included in complex therapy in a small number of cases. The use of a three-leaf watch is highly effective in the early stages of various pathologies.

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