How to remove a greasy stain from a sofa: how to wash the oil

Very often the family prefers to have lunch or dinner sitting on the couch. And this is fraught with various problems. As you know, the sandwich falls butter down, so traces of it cannot be avoided. So you need to wash the oil off the couch as soon as possible to prevent it from absorbing into the fabric.

It is impossible to send the sofa to dry cleaning, but specialists can come to your house and wash off the oil traces. Unfortunately, not everyone can afford this expensive pleasure. Therefore, you have to use folk methods or chemicals that are easy to apply at home in order to independently wash the oily areas on the furniture.

Features of removing greasy stains from the sofa

Regardless of what fabric the sofa or other upholstered furniture is made of, if oil gets on it, you must immediately wash off the fat. It absorbs quickly into the upholstery and spreads over a large area.

If it is not possible to immediately remove a greasy stain from upholstered furniture, you need to resort to emergency measures to avoid oil absorption. To do this, a paper napkin is placed on the stain and pressed. After a while, use another until the oily traces stop remaining on it.

Warning! It is not worth rubbing the trace of oil, since this is fraught not only with deep penetration of fat into the upholstery of the sofa, but also with contamination of even larger surfaces.

How to remove oil from the sofa using folk methods

When creating the interior of the apartment, each hostess hopes that it will remain unchanged for many years. But even a small oily stain left on upholstered furniture can ruin everything in an instant.

In every house you can always find the means used by experienced housewives. With their help, you can quickly wash fresh oil stains, and the cost of work will be minimal.

Important! To use folk remedies, as well as chemical ones, you need to be careful, because they are not suitable for any upholstery of upholstered furniture.

To clean oil stains off the couch, you can use:

  • table vinegar;
  • table salt;
  • shaving foam;
  • citric acid;
  • blotter and iron;
  • turpentine;
  • special stain removers.

To wash off the dirt, you should move from the edges to the center, so there will be fewer streaks.

How to remove oil stain from sofa with vinegar

Every housewife has 9% table vinegar in the kitchen. This is a great tool to cleanse the oil off your sofa upholstery:

  1. Mix equal proportions of vinegar and lemon juice.
  2. Moisten the problem area abundantly.
  3. After five minutes, gently rub the upholstery with a toothbrush.
  4. Wash off first with soapy water, then with clean water.
  5. Wipe dry.
Attention! Vinegar works great, but the room will need to be ventilated to get rid of the smell.

How to remove a grease stain from a sofa with salt

Removing vegetable oil from the sofa is easy, because salt is always at hand.It is advisable to use the product without iodine:

  1. Fill the oil stain with fine salt and wait 2-3 hours. During this time, all the fat will be absorbed, the salt will change color.
  2. Then take a vacuum cleaner and remove the powder.
  3. Brush off any remaining salt.
Advice! Instead of table salt, you can use baking soda, chalk, or potato starch to wash off the fat.
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This method of removing oil from the sofa is great for suede and velor fabrics.

How to remove oil stains from a sofa with shaving foam

If there is a man in the house, you can quickly wash the grease off the couch. After all, each of them has a foam or shaving cream in their arsenal:

  1. Apply the product liberally to the problem area and wait half an hour.
  2. After that, take a toothbrush and clean the dirty area.
  3. Use a damp sponge to wash off the remaining foam.

Advice! Foam or shaving cream can be replaced with WD-40 liquid, which can also dissolve and wash away grease.

How to remove oil stain from sofa with turpentine

Before washing the oil contamination from the skin with turpentine, it is well heated. For this:

  1. The bottle with the product is immersed in hot water for five minutes.
  2. Then it is abundantly applied to the problem area of ​​the sofa or other upholstered furniture.
  3. After one hour, sprinkle with salt.
  4. After two hours, wipe the dirty area with a brush and rinse with clean water.
  5. You can dry with a hair dryer.

Turpentine can be used to wash off not only fresh, but also old traces of oil. The substance works especially well on upholstery made from natural fabrics. Mix one part of laundry soap, ammonia and two parts of turpentine.

To wash off the oil from upholstered furniture, first thoroughly mix the composition until smooth, then apply to the stained area. The mass must remain on the dirt for at least 1.5-2 hours. After that, using a sponge, everything is washed with clean water and dried well.

How to clean a grease stain off a sofa with lemon juice

The citric acid contained in citrus perfectly dissolves fat, so it can be used to easily wash away dirt without damaging the upholstery of the sofa. The composition is prepared from 1 liter of water at room temperature and 1 tsp. freshly squeezed juice.

The mixture is moistened with a soft cotton cloth and applied to the oil stain. The residues are washed off with clean water.

How to clean a sofa from grease stains with a blotter and an iron

Blotting paper is hard to find today, so you can use a thin paper towel to remove grease from the upholstery of your sofa instead. It is put on the spot of contamination and ironed with a hot iron. As a rule, washing off fresh oil from the upholstery of a sofa is obtained the first time. But if the stain is old, then you will have to repeat the procedure, changing the blotter each time.

How to scrub oil off the couch using specialized tools

It is not always possible to remove greasy stains from upholstered furniture using folk methods. In this case, you will have to resort to special preparations that break down fat. Means for removing oil traces are:

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  • solid;
  • powdery;
  • liquid;
  • in the form of a spray;
  • in the form of a pencil.

All industrial stain removers are divided into two groups:

  1. Universal... With their help, you can remove not only greasy stains, but also coffee, wine, blood stains, herbs, ink.
  2. Directional action... These stain removers remove specific stains and grease marks.
Warning! Before using industrial stain removers, they should be tested on an inconspicuous area of ​​upholstered furniture.

Stain remover “Dr. Beckmann "

The stain remover can wash grease off any upholstery without harming it. You can work without gloves, since it does not contain chlorine and does not have an aggressive effect on the skin. It is enough to apply the liquid to the oily area and wait a quarter of an hour. Then wash the stain remover with a damp cloth and dry the cloth thoroughly.


To clean the oil from the sofa upholstery at home, you can use a variety of stain removers, such as Vanish. It is chlorine free and therefore suitable for all fabrics except wool, velvet, brocade and silk. The solution does not discolor the material; on the contrary, the colors become brighter.

If you need to wash the oil off the sofa, proceed according to the recommendations on the packaging. Despite the fact that the price is quite high, Vanish is in demand among Russians. Economical consumption, therefore, a substance from one bottle can wash a large amount of contamination from oil and other products or substances.

Antipyatin soap

Only natural ingredients are used for the manufacture of soap, so it is harmless to both tissues and humans. You can wash off greasy marks even with cold water. It is enough to moisten the contaminated area, then soap it well. After a quarter of an hour, rinse with warm water and dry using a hair dryer.

Attention! There is a spray "Antipyatin" on sale to wash off the dirt on the sofa from oil. At home, this is much more convenient than a regular bar of soap.

Pencil "Unimax Ultra"

With a Russian-made universal pencil, you can easily remove oil stains left on the sofa after a meal. The product is economical, it is enough for 500 small traces of fat.

The area contaminated with any oil is moistened with hot water, then rubbed abundantly with a pencil. After a third of an hour, you need to wash the stain remover with warm water and dry everything well with a hair dryer.

Spray "Bugs"

With the help of a spray, you can not only wash off greasy marks from the upholstery of the sofa, but also rid the furniture of the smell of pets. But, despite its effectiveness, you need to work with the stain remover carefully, as it is aggressive. In order not to spoil the furniture, it is necessary to remove dirt with the Bugy spray only according to the instructions.


This stain remover is made in Israel. The release form is different, which is very convenient for consumers: in the form of a liquid, granules or gel. The sofa oil remover contains hypoallergenic substances, so Unicum is safe for humans and animals.

Warning! To wash off greasy stains from upholstered furniture, including from a sofa, you should not purchase industrial products containing chlorine, as streaks or burnt spots may remain on the fabric.


It is quite possible to wash the oil off the couch at home. Therefore, you should not immediately try to find a replacement for a contaminated interior item, it is better to try to remove traces of oil yourself. It is enough to study the proposed options and test them in practice. So your favorite furniture will last a long time.

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