What treats bear bile: useful properties, contraindications, how to drink correctly, side effects, storage

The medicinal properties and uses of bear bile deserve careful study. Traditional medicine considers the remedy to be one of the most effective, but it must be taken according to strict rules.

How bear bile is obtained

As you might guess from the name of the product, it is obtained from the gallbladder of bears. There are 2 main ways to mine:

  • from wild animals shot by experienced hunters, preferably in late autumn;
  • from animals that are specially kept in extraction cages.
Bear bile is obtained not only by hunting, but also from live animals

Both methods allow obtaining high-quality medical bile, but they have their own disadvantages. In the first case, we are talking about shooting animals from the list of vulnerable species; as a result of hunting, the population of brown bears is decreasing. In the second case, the animals are not killed, however, the conditions of their keeping are very far from normal - in the cramped extraction cages, they suffer from numerous physical ailments.

What does the composition of bear bile look like?

Fresh bear bile is a small, dark gray pouch about 10 cm long. Inside it is a soft, dark red mass with a slight yellow tint, which thickens and darkens over time. If the gallbladder is mined and prepared for sale according to all the rules, then there should be no holes, no blood, no traces of fat on it. The duct at the top should be tied tightly with a tight thread.

You can buy dried bear bile in stores or online.

From hunters you can buy mainly dried bear bile, plastic when pressed, without external damage and without an unpleasant putrid smell. Such a bag should weigh at least 20 g.

As for the composition of the product, the main component is UDCA, or ursodeoxycholic acid. This enzyme is present in the body of all mammals, including humans, but the gallbladder of bears contains it at an increased concentration. The fact is that animals are scavengers by nature and often eat meat that has already become rotten. Ursodeoxycholic acid protects animals from poisoning and death by completely neutralizing toxins entering the body.

The benefits of bear bile for humans are due precisely to the presence of UDCA. Other components that make up the composition take up only 1% of the total volume and are not particularly important.

What cures and what diseases does bear bile help?

It is recommended to use natural bear bile in the composition of various medicinal products:

  • with cirrhosis of the liver, hepatitis and fatty degeneration;
  • with diabetes mellitus;
  • with stones in the gallbladder and stomach ulcers;
  • with epilepsy;
  • with chronic pancreatitis and dyskinesia of the bile ducts;
  • with infectious diseases, both internal and external;
  • with pathological processes in the genitourinary system;
  • with helminths - the remedy effectively helps to get rid of parasites;
  • with hypertension and nervous disorders;
  • with radiation sickness;
  • for the deposition of salts and for the treatment of joints;
  • with vascular spasms and migraines.

The beneficial effect of bear bile on the body in the treatment of cancer is especially appreciated. Many patients claim that in combination with official medicines, the remedy has a powerful effect in the early stages of the disease. However, in this case, it is important not to perceive bile as a panacea, and not to forget about the passage of traditional therapy.

What treats bear bile in women

Bear bile is useful for women for overall health improvement. A natural medicinal product helps to improve the functioning of the stomach, intestines and liver, breaks down fats, which means it helps to lose weight. The tool has a tonic effect, when taken, it not only improves mood, but also increases libido.

Bear bile has valuable properties for hair and skin. The product cleanses the body of accumulated toxins and toxins, which immediately affects the appearance. The face becomes fresher and younger, the strands stop falling out and acquire shine.

Drinking bear bile increases vitality in both men and women

Why bear bile is good for men

Bear bile is especially respected by the stronger sex. Men can use the remedy to treat:

  • prostatitis;
  • erectile dysfunction;
  • hyperplasia of the prostate;
  • circulatory disorders in the pelvic organs.
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When taken correctly, the product not only improves libido, but also improves the quality of semen in men. In addition, the representatives of the stronger sex often use it to cleanse the liver and to protect against stomach ulcers.

How to cook bear bile at home

In its pure form, a natural remedy for treatment is not used. First, you need to use one of the ways to prepare bear bile at home.

How to infuse bear bile on vodka

Alcohol tincture is considered a classic remedy based on bear bile. The cooking recipe is as follows:

  • the gallbladder of the animal is dried and chopped with a knife or with a grater;
  • about 25 g of raw materials are poured into a glass jar and 500 ml of high-quality vodka are poured;
  • the container is tightly closed and sent to a dark place for 2-4 weeks;
  • throughout the entire period, the jar is removed daily and shaken up properly.
Most often, bear bile is insisted on vodka, such a remedy is most effective

When bear bile, infused with vodka, acquires a rich golden brown cognac hue, it can be removed in the refrigerator and taken for prevention and treatment.

Preparation of infusion

In some diseases it is strictly forbidden to consume alcohol, even in meager dosages and for medicinal purposes. It is not necessary to give up the use of bear bile. Another recipe suggests making a tincture not with vodka, but with pure water. The following algorithm is used:

  • dried bear bladder is crushed;
  • half a small spoonful of raw materials is placed in a glass vessel and 100 ml of water is poured;
  • the container is closed with a lid and left to infuse for several hours.

The readiness of the product is still judged by its color. You need to insist bear bile until it acquires a rich brown hue.

Water infusion of bear bile can be used if alcohol is prohibited
Important! When using the product on water, dosages usually remain the same as for alcohol tincture, 1-2 small spoons per dose. You cannot drink the medicine in whole glasses.

How to make an ointment

On the basis of bear bile, you can prepare a homemade ointment for external use and applications. Both fresh and dried products are suitable as raw materials. The mixture is made as follows:

  • crushed bear bubble and natural honey are combined in a ceramic container in equal proportions;
  • a homogeneous mass is spread in a pan and brought to a state of thick sour cream over medium heat;
  • after cooling, transferred to a transparent glass jar and stored at room temperature.
On the basis of bear bile and honey, an ointment is prepared for treating wounds and applications for prostatitis

Among the indications for the use of the resulting ointment, skin lesions and festering wounds. It can be applied to a tampon and injected into the body for prostate tumors in men and ovarian cysts in women.

How to take bear bile correctly

Since this product is a potent natural remedy, it must be taken in accordance with strict guidelines. There are several safe uses in traditional medicine.

How to take bear bile alcohol tincture

An alcoholic tincture from the bile of a forest animal is used to treat digestive, vascular, inflammatory ailments, and diabetes mellitus. The methods of use may differ, but there are general rules regarding the calculation of the dosage.

How much to drink bear bile depends primarily on the weight of the person's body. Namely:

  • with a body weight of up to 60 kg, a single dosage is no more than 1 small spoon;
  • if a person weighs up to 85 kg, then the volumes are increased to 2 spoons;
  • with a mass of up to 100 kg, the medicine is taken 1 dessert spoon at a time;
  • patients weighing more than 100 kg can take a tincture of 1 large spoon.

They usually drink the remedy three times a day, on an empty stomach no later than an hour before meals. In total, treatment continues for 1-3 months, depending on the disease.

Tincture of bear bile can help with cancer, but it must be used in combination with medications
Advice! According to patients, the taste of the tincture seems very bitter for the first few times. However, it is undesirable to drink it with water; it is better to endure the discomfort until the taste buds get used to the medicine.

How to take bear bile for oncology

The properties of bear bile on alcohol and on water are highly valued in folk medicine for their good effect on oncology. At the same time, it should be noted right away that it is impossible to use the product as the only medicine; it is permissible only to combine it with official medicines.

The traditional recipe suggests following these instructions:

  • 10 g of crushed dry raw materials are diluted in 200 ml of warm water;
  • add a large spoonful of natural honey;
  • 10 g of ground mint are introduced.
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You need to take an aqueous tincture for medicinal purposes twice or three times a day for six months. This should be done during breaks between chemotherapy courses and only with the permission of a doctor.

How to take bear bile for prevention

Bear bile is used prophylactically. The medicine will help prevent cancer, cleanse the liver and improve the condition of the stomach, strengthen the immune system and the nervous system.

The dosage of bear bile application is calculated according to the person's weight

In the absence of specific diseases, it is allowed to use both alcohol and water tinctures. The application rates remain the same:

  • a small spoon weighing up to 65 kg;
  • a dessert spoon with a body weight of up to 100 kg;
  • by a large spoon if the weight exceeds 100 kg.

You need to drink bear bile three times a day on an empty stomach.However, the duration of the preventive course is only a month. There is no need to use a healing agent on an ongoing basis.

Attention! It is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol in both treatment and prophylactic use with a natural product. The usefulness of the drug in such a situation is questionable.

How to drink bear bile for gastritis and pancreatitis

The natural remedy can be used for gastritis and pancreatitis, provided that the ailments are chronic and in remission. Traditional medicine suggests preparing the following tincture:

  • 5 g of crushed dry raw materials are poured with 500 ml of vodka;
  • keep the product in a dark place for at least a week.

Reception of bear bile is carried out three times a day for 15-30 days. The dosage is calculated according to a standard algorithm, in accordance with the patient's weight. Since the product consists almost entirely of an important digestive enzyme, its use helps to normalize the absorption of food in gastritis and improve the functioning of internal organs.

In case of stomach diseases, bear bile can be consumed only outside of exacerbations; In case of stomach diseases, bear bile can only be consumed outside of exacerbations.

Contraindications and side effects of bear bile

With powerful healing properties, the natural remedy has practically no contraindications. You should only refuse it:

  • with acute liver failure;
  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • under the age of 18;
  • with exacerbation of pancreatitis or stomach ulcers.

Tincture of bear bile on vodka should not be taken if you are allergic to alcohol, in which case you need to choose an aqueous product.

In general, the product is approved for use by almost everyone. The main thing is to avoid overdoses during treatment with bear bile. If you take it in too large quantities, the effect on digestion will be negative - diarrhea and nausea will occur, gastritis or ulcers may develop.

Storage conditions for bear bile

Usually in specialized stores and hunters you can buy already dried bear gallbladder. In this case, you just need to remove it in a dark and cool place with low humidity.

If we are talking about a still fresh gallbladder, then it will need to be wilted beforehand. The bladder is tightly tied along the ducts in the upper part, cleaned of fat and blood, and then naturally dried in a warm and dry place for 20-40 days. If the membrane is not damaged, and moisture evaporation occurs only through the pores, then no pathogenic microflora will develop inside. When the bubble feels like plasticine to the touch, it can be put away for storage.

If the bear's gallbladder is not damaged, then its contents will not deteriorate during the drying process.

If the storage conditions are met, the dry product retains its beneficial properties for 2-3 years.


The medicinal properties and use of bear bile allow you to cope with chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, with inflammation, and are beneficial even in oncology. At the same time, there are very few contraindications for a natural medicine, it can be drunk by almost everyone.

Reviews of doctors about bear bile

Medical opinions differ regarding the valuable properties of bear bile. Some recognize the product as very useful and even recommend it to patients, while others are skeptical about the product.

Petrov Andrey Vladimirovich, 48 years old, Tomsk
As a general practitioner, I believe that some traditional medicines are not inferior in effectiveness to pharmacological ones. I advise my patients in the complex treatment of gastritis, ulcers and pancreatitis, including bear bile. It is necessary to use the agent with caution, but if the dosages are observed, it helps to restore mucous membranes.
Sergeev Denis Viktorovich, 39 years old, Moscow
For more than 10 years I have been working as an oncologist and I can say that only timely surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy can help with cancer.Bear bile and other folk remedies can strengthen the immune system well, but it is wrong and dangerous to consider them a panacea. I do not recommend such drugs to my patients, they only lead away from effective treatment.

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