Products for youth and beauty: for women and men

The appearance largely depends on the diet followed. Certain beauty products called by experts can prolong youth and significantly improve well-being. A balanced diet is essential at any age.

Features of products that prolong youth

Products that prolong human life and youth can be purchased at any store. When choosing components of the diet for beauty, it is important to pay attention to naturalness, shelf life. The preparation method is also essential.

Products for beauty and youth of the body include the following beneficial substances:

  • vitamins (C, D, E, group B);
  • trace elements and macronutrients (calcium, selenium, magnesium, iron);
  • PUFA, in particular omega-3.
After 25-30 years, it is advisable to add components to the menu that promote the production of collagen and hyaluronic acid

What products prolong youth

It is important to include beauty products that stop the aging process in your daily diet. These include:

  • antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables;
  • fresh herbs;
  • nuts;
  • legumes and cereals;
  • dairy products;
  • vegetable oils;
  • dietary meat;
  • fatty fish and seafood.

Products for the beauty and health of women

It is known that not only a woman's appearance, but also her well-being is determined by the peculiarities of nutrition. It is food that is a source of minerals and vitamins necessary for the body. This explains the importance of a responsible diet.

Important! It is known that the aging process in the female body begins earlier. This is due to a gradual decrease in the level of sex hormones after 45 years, which coincides with the onset of menopause.

The best beauty products include:

  1. Carrot... As the body ages, not only the skin, hair and nails undergo changes, but also the organs of vision. The retinol found in carrots helps keep the skin glowing and beautiful. The substance helps to normalize mineral metabolism, improve the functioning of the organs of the digestive system. Lack of vitamin A often leads to the development of night blindness, in which visual acuity worsens at dusk.
  2. Spinach... Refers to powerful antioxidants. The benefit lies in having anti-cancer properties.
  3. Cabbage... The vegetable helps to remove toxins from the body that contribute to aging, such as wrinkles and bags under the eyes.
  4. Tomatoes... Vegetables include lycopene, which protects against various pathologies. Tomatoes are recommended to be included in the diet for weight loss due to the effect on hormones regulating fat burning.
  5. Avocado... The fruit helps maintain optimal weight, sugar and cholesterol levels. A healthy product contains minerals and fatty acids for beauty, allowing you to slow down the aging process.
  6. Apricots... The lignans included in the composition are distinguished by estrogenic activity. Apricot can be eaten not only fresh, but also dried.
  7. Meat (chicken, beef). The product contains protein necessary for muscle tissue and skin.Meat products are rich in B vitamins, which help fight age-related changes.
  8. Grapes... It is recommended to give preference to the following varieties: Black Sultan, Kishmish. They lower cholesterol levels, normalize digestion and improve metabolism. Grapes prevent hair loss and promote healthy and beautiful nails.
  9. Fermented milk products... Nutrition is good for the intestinal microflora. Fermented baked milk, natural yoghurts, and cottage cheese maintain bone density.
  10. Strawberry... The tasty berry normalizes metabolic processes, the production of thyroid hormones. The use of berries gives whiteness and beauty to the teeth.
  11. Flax seeds... They are rich in natural phytoestrogens that have a positive effect on the female body. The daily requirement is 2 spoons. Flax seeds are added to salads and cereals.
Recommended reading:  Why tomatoes are useful for the body
Experts recommend eating foods that stimulate the synthesis of female sex hormones
Important! Popular beauty products also include green tea, olive oil, legumes, nuts, chicken eggs and fresh herbs.

Products for the beauty and health of men

A balanced diet is important for the stronger sex. Foods that keep men youthful include the following beneficial substances:

  • retinol, which supports immunity;
  • B vitamins, which affect the nervous and reproductive systems;
  • arginine, which regulates nitrogen levels;
  • cholecalciferol and tocopherol, which increase the number of sex hormones;
  • selenium, which stimulates testosterone production;
  • ascorbic acid, which is responsible for the synthesis of dopamine;
  • zinc, which supports the functioning of the prostate gland.

When compiling a menu for men, you need to give preference to the following products:

Recommended reading:  Why almonds are useful, properties and contraindications
  1. Chicken eggs... They stimulate testosterone production due to the significant amount of folic acid. Of the positive effects, they also note an increase in performance, prevention of heart and vascular diseases, strengthening of bones, and improving memory.
  2. Seeds and nuts... The most valuable are pistachios, almonds, pine nuts due to the content of B vitamins, tocopherol, selenium, zinc and arginine, fatty acids.
  3. Propolis, perga, honey... Nutritionists recommend including flower varieties in the diet. Beekeeping products stabilize the synthesis of hormones, the elasticity of blood vessels due to the numerous beneficial substances that make up the composition.
  4. Fish and seafood... These include: mussels, oysters, shrimp, mackerel, flounder. When preparing food, use steam cooking.
  5. Seaweed... Algae increase immunity due to the presence of polysaccharides.
  6. bitter chocolate... The product stimulates the production of endorphins, which helps to reduce anxiety.
  7. Vegetables, fruits and root vegetables... Garlic, onions, turnips and carrots should be preferred. Ginger and celery roots have a good effect. The products contain minerals and antioxidants that contribute to beauty and health. Among the fruits, the most useful are pomegranates, watermelons and bananas.
  8. Meat and spices... Dishes of veal, beef, tongue and liver, which are seasoned with hot pepper and cloves, increase masculine strength.
Recommended reading:  Celery: useful properties and contraindications
Men benefit from herbal teas with honey and dairy products.

What foods are good to eat in winter for beauty

In the cold season, preference should be given to foods that increase immunity. This is due to the seasonal rise in the incidence of ARVI. Low temperatures, dry indoor air during the heating period also have a negative effect on the condition of the skin and mucous membranes.

The following products help preserve health and beauty in winter:

  1. Garlic... A powerful antioxidant that helps the body fight off infections and viruses. Garlic prevents the development of heart and vascular diseases, normalizes cholesterol levels, and stimulates digestion.
  2. Lemons... Citrus fruits contain significant amounts of flavonoids and ascorbic acid.
  3. Broccoli... Cabbage has anti-cancer properties, saturating the body with useful substances.
  4. Apples... Fruits contain fiber, important micronutrients and vitamins.
  5. Fatty fish and seafood... Food includes essential PUFAs such as omega-3s. Acids normalize the work of the brain, a psychoemotional state, the changes of which are characteristic of the autumn-winter period.
  6. Walnuts... They are a source of essential amino acids, vitamins and minerals.

Rules for the use of products to preserve youth

Products for beauty, youth and longevity cannot always be consumed in unlimited quantities. For example, eggs can raise cholesterol levels. The recommended amount for women over 40 years old is 1 piece per week. Nuts are high in calories. Excessive intake has a negative effect on weight.

Attention! Nuts are recommended to be consumed raw. When fried, the product loses its beneficial properties.

Useful Tips

When choosing products that support youth and beauty, one should focus on their naturalness. It is advisable to refuse food containing a significant amount of sugar, salt, chemical additives, trans fats. It is important to purchase mainly seasonal fruits and vegetables.


Beauty products include the names of different food groups. In order to maintain youth and health, it is important to include meat, vegetables and fruits, fresh herbs in the daily diet. The use of natural oils, cereals and legumes, and dairy products is essential.

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