Effervescent vitamins: which are better, benefits and harms, how to take

Doctors, prescribing vitamins to patients, often offer them to choose the form of release on their own. Some supplements are sold in capsules, tablets, but effervescent vitamins are becoming more popular. They are produced in the form of water-soluble tablets.

Can you drink effervescent vitamins

Effervescent fortified supplements are available from many manufacturers. It is enough to dissolve them in water to get a pleasant, healthy drink. In the absence of contraindications to the reception, you can drink such funds without fear.

They should be taken on the advice of a doctor. The doctor can assess the patient's condition and select such a complex of effervescent vitamins that will best meet the needs of the sick person.

Effervescent tablets can be drunk by both adults and children. The choice of drugs is necessary in accordance with the age category of the patient for whom they are intended.

Which vitamins are better - effervescent or in tablets

Tablets that dissolve quickly in water have many advantages over other forms of release. Soluble preparations are more convenient to take than conventional capsules or pills.

Effervescent soluble vitamins are not as bad for the stomach as tablets. To minimize the negative consequences of their use, you should wait until all gases come out of the liquid. When it enters the stomach, the liquid is instantly absorbed. When using pills, heartburn, nausea, diarrhea may occur.

Some people think that effervescent products are more harmful because of their form of release. But you should not be afraid of hissing, it is achieved due to the interaction of tartaric acid and sodium hydrogencarbonate. There is no harm to the body from these components.

Variety of vitamin complexes in the form of dissolving tablets

Before taking effervescent drugs, it is advisable to look at their composition and make sure that there are no harmful substances. Preservatives, artificial colors, flavors have a negative effect on the body.

Many people prefer effervescent drugs, since the dose of vitamins in them is calculated in such a way as to take 1 tablet a day. They quickly saturate the body with all the necessary substances. Conventional tablets take time to dissolve. Many of them need to be taken in 2-3 pieces. in a day.

The benefits and harms of effervescent vitamins

People who need extra vitamins need to know all the advantages and disadvantages of effervescent products. Preparations of this form of release do not injure the mucous membrane of the digestive system, so they are easily tolerated. They can even be taken by people suffering from gastritis and peptic ulcer disease.

Comment! Beneficial substances from effervescent preparations are absorbed faster than from conventional tablets and capsules.

But effervescent products have a negative effect on tooth enamel. The soluble tablets contain citric acid, which helps to wash out calcium from the teeth. People who prefer vitamin supplements in the form of effervescent medications may experience enamel demineralization.This leads to the development of tooth decay and tooth decay.

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If you drink vitamins in the recommended courses 1-2 times a year, then the enamel of the teeth will not have time to seriously suffer. To minimize the possible negative impact will come out if you drink the prepared solution through a straw.

Best effervescent vitamins

Vitamin producers are expanding their product lines with effervescent preparations. On sale you can find complex products for adults and children and specialized preparations for men and women. They differ slightly in composition, amount of active ingredients.

If the tablets contain an increased amount of ascorbic acid, then such effervescent vitamins are recommended for colds. Fortifying complexes can be drunk at any time, but it is advisable to start taking it during the period of maximum deficiency of nutrients - in the spring.

The best remedies include:

  • Doppelherz Aktiv;
    Effervescent tablets for strengthening the immune system
  • Supradin;
    General tonic for men and women
  • Multifort;
    A drug for children and adults, intended for general strengthening of the body
  • Multi-tabs.
    Means for the prevention and treatment of vitamin deficiency

But you can choose the best supplements if you choose among the drugs intended for women, men and children separately.

Effervescent vitamins for women

Some manufacturers make special vitamin supplements for women. They are designed to improve the well-being of women, normalize the work of internal organs and improve their appearance. A properly selected complex will help maintain the tone of the body, improve the functioning of all organs and systems, and preserve youth and beauty.

Popular complexes for women:

  • sparkling vitamins without sugar Swiss Energy Beauty Antiage;
    Vitamin anti-aging complex
  • vitamin and mineral complex for women Doppel Herz active;
    Doppel Herz helps to restore immunity, strengthen bones, teeth and increase vitality
  • Natur Produkt for women
  • Multi Vitamins + Biotin, A, B, E, D from Swiss Enerdgy;
    Saturation of the body with vitamins, minerals with Multi Vitamins
  • Multivitamins + Minerals from Altapharma;
    Altapharma multivitamin complex helps to maintain health, reduce the number of respiratory diseases
  • Gravitus Vitus for women.
    Special vitamins Gravitus for women from Vitus

It is not necessary to choose supplements designed to preserve youth, health and beauty. Vitamin complexes of general action help to saturate the body with the necessary vitamins, minerals, amino acids, no worse than others.

Effervescent vitamins for men

Men who are engaged in heavy intellectual or physical labor require more vitamins than women. It is necessary that in their body there is always a sufficient amount of vitamins of group B, E, F. Men can choose any complex or stop at special products developed for the stronger sex.

Popular vitamin complexes for men:

  • Super Energy from Swiss Energy;
    Super Energy helps to replenish the energy balance in the male body
  • Multi-product from Natur Product for men;
    You can increase the body's resistance, enhance efficiency by taking Natur Product's Multi-Product for Men
  • Multivita Plus from Multi Vita;
    Complex for general strengthening of the body and saturation of it with vitamins
  • Haas Orange Flavor Multivitamin.
    Tasteful Multi-Vitamin for Health Promotion

It is better to choose the most suitable drug with your doctor.

Attention! If necessary, the doctor may recommend special effervescent tablets for men, which are designed to restore male strength or saturate the body with minerals.

Effervescent vitamins for children

When choosing vitamin products for children, it is better to focus on the recommendations of a pediatrician.The doctor will help you choose effective and inexpensive effervescent vitamins that will help strengthen the immune system and saturate the child's body with all the necessary substances.

The most popular effervescent products for young patients include:

  • Kids Haas complex for children;
    Vitamins with raspberry flavor for children
  • Multi Kids by Supra Vit;
    Effervescent Multikids from Supra Vit to strengthen the child's immunity
  • Multifort for children;
    To saturate the body with minerals and vitamins allows children's Multifort
  • Multi-product for children from Natur Produkt;
    Means for replenishing the deficiency of minerals and vitamins
  • Swiss Energy Kids.
    Vitamins for strong and healthy children

Such medications should be taken only in accordance with the age category of the patient. If you start giving a child a complex for adults, then you may encounter complications in the form of an overdose and the development of hypervitaminosis.

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How to take effervescent vitamins correctly

Effervescent fortified preparations are dissolved before use. You need to throw 1 tablet into a glass of water (it can be warm or room temperature) and after a minute drink the resulting fortified drink. You need to wait until the product is completely dissolved.

Many patients are interested in how best to drink effervescent vitamins: before or after meals. Considering that the substances necessary for the body must come with food, it is best to take the tablets immediately after eating. But modern remedies can be taken at any time. To reduce the negative effect of the acid contained in the effervescent tablets on the teeth, you can rinse your mouth with clean water after taking them.

How much to drink effervescent vitamins

The duration of treatment with effervescent agents depends on the state of health and the reasons why the doctor prescribed the vitamin complex. The standard treatment duration is 1 month. On the recommendation of a doctor, you can take some drugs for 2 months in a row.

To maintain health, it is recommended to undergo 1 to 4 courses of treatment throughout the year.


It is advisable to consult a doctor before taking any effervescent tablets. He will help you decide on the drug and select the optimal dosage. Exceeding the recommended doses can lead to the development of side effects and acute hypervitaminosis. For the same reason, it is forbidden to take multiple vitamin supplements at the same time.

Keep water-soluble tablets out of the reach of children.

Contraindications and side effects

Most of the "effervescent" list of contraindications is similar. They are not prescribed for patients who:

  • revealed hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • hypervitaminosis;
  • renal failure;
  • hypercalcemia.

Do not give funds that are not intended for the appropriate age group. This means that drugs for adults are contraindicated in children.

When taking effervescent drugs, there is a possibility of side effects. Possible complications include:

  • allergic reactions in the form of redness of the skin, itching, rash, blisters;
  • diarrhea, constipation, stomach pain;
  • increased nervousness;
  • increased appetite;
  • headaches, dizziness;
  • hypercalciuria.

If they occur, you should consult your doctor about the advisability of continuing therapy.


Effervescent vitamins can be used to improve the health of young and adult patients. They are quickly absorbed in the digestive system and contribute to the accumulation of essential substances in the body. It is advisable to start taking them after consulting a doctor.

Reviews of doctors about effervescent vitamins

Semeryakina Natalia, therapist, Rostov-on-Don
For patients who have signs of hypovitaminosis or who have a weakened general condition, I recommend Supradin. The tool does not harm the stomach and contributes to the rapid saturation of the body with the necessary substances.
Selection of the best vitamin and mineral complexes for treatment
Podlesny Victor, pediatrician, Kazan
For parents of children who are often sick, I advise you to give a course of pharmacy vitamin complexes at least 2 times a year. If you are asked to name specific drugs, then I recommend Swiss Energy Kids with calcium or children's Multifort.
Olga Kravtsova, family doctor, Volgograd region
If possible, it is advisable to drink the Multitabs course twice a year. They help to compensate for the lack of nutrients, improve overall health, and tone the body. I not only recommend them to patients, but I take them myself.
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