Vitamins to strengthen and restore the retina

The retina of the eye allows you to perceive the image, being an integral part of the visual analyzer, and therefore needs protection and support. Vitamins for the retina are one of the options for such protection.

The use of vitamins is recognized as an effective way to solve many problems in mainstream medicine. The fragile and vulnerable retina undergoes tremendous strain from eye strain. Not only elderly people are subject to changes, but also those whose work is related to computer technology and optical devices.

Retinal detachment occurs due to destruction of the vitreous body

Causes of retinal detachment

To understand what a retinal detachment is, you need to have an idea of ​​the structure of the eye. The retina (retina) lines the eyeball from the inside. It is part of the brain. Perceiving an image, the retina converts information into impulses, sending it through the optic nerve to the brain.

The human eye has a rather complex structure.

Retina is composed of ten layers of cells and lies on the choroid (choroid), which is responsible for the supply of nutrients. The vitreous body (vitreum) occupies the cavity of the posterior region of the eyeball, consists of water, a small amount of protein and hyaluronic acid. Vitreum is responsible for maintaining the shape and tone of the eyeball and conducting light rays to the retina.

Important! The vitreous body does not have the ability to self-repair in case of its removal and loss.

The primary stage in the development of pathology is the destruction of the vitreous body, which is formed when it is pulled. The phenomenon leads to retinal rupture, which can cause detachment from the choroid.

The most common cause of the problem is ophthalmic diseases:

  • myopia;
  • pseudophakia;
  • aphakia.

In 40-50% of cases, these diseases lead to retinal detachment. The second, no less important reason is eye injuries. In almost 20% of cases, the disease develops after removal of the lens as a result of injuries.

The risk group is made up of people aged 40 to 70 years, patients with a history of eye injuries, as well as those who are involved in sports such as boxing, ski jumping, and wrestling.

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In the case of macular lesions, macular degeneration occurs. Elderly people are most often subject to this group of changes. Vitamin complexes can help prevent these disorders.

People with a history of vascular disease should pay special attention to eye health. It is vascular pathologies that can significantly reduce the quality of vision and provoke eye diseases.

Age-related decline in the quality of vision often occurs due to retinal dystrophy and vascular problems (atherosclerotic changes). Visual impairment is also the price to pay for prolonged use of the computer. Therefore, vitamin complexes will help to ensure reliable protection of the visual apparatus.

Retinal Detachment Symptoms

The first signs of the disease appear in the form of photopsia - the appearance of lightning, flashes and sparks in the field of view. Such manifestations are the result of irritation of the photosensitive cells of the eye.

Suddenly formed dark circles and spider webs, which are considered signs of vitreous hemorrhage, may indicate a problem. A veil or veil that appears before the eyes also indicates visual impairment due to detachment of the sensory layer of the retina.

Common symptoms of the disease include the following signs:

  • decreased visual acuity;
  • photopsies and the appearance of floating dots, flies, shroud before the eyes;
  • deformation of the outlines of objects, non-specific vibrations of objects;
  • a sharp loss of lateral vision;
  • narrowing of the field of view;
  • increased stress when reading and working with office equipment.

What vitamins are needed to strengthen the retina

The retina is sensitive to the effects of free radicals, therefore, to strengthen it, products containing vitamins E and C, zentaxin, lutein, zinc, selenium and omega-3 should be introduced into the diet. Vitamins A and group B are of no small importance. All of them are important for retinal detachment, since they have antioxidant properties.

Foods that help keep your eyes healthy

You can get these items from the following products:

  • cereals, bran, whole grain bread;
  • milk products;
  • all seafood;
  • vegetables, roots, herbs, seasonings (ginger, cloves, hot peppers);
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  • fresh berries and fruits;
  • cereals and pasta from dark wheat varieties;
  • nuts and dried fruits;
  • vegetable oils.
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A balanced diet will help strengthen the retina, but pharmacy vitamin complexes produced in tablets, dragees, capsules and eye drops will help to solve the problems that have already arisen.

Important! Self-medication at the first signs of visual impairment is unacceptable! In some cases, retinal detachment may develop asymptomatically for a long time.

Even minor manifestations of decreased vision or its tension require consultation with an ophthalmologist. Periodic examination is necessary for people at risk: people with bad habits, diabetes and hypertension.

The best vitamin complexes for the retina

To replenish the lack of vitamins in the body, it is not enough to eat sources of nutrients. For example, to get the daily dose of vitamin A (carotene) from carrots, you will have to eat it in the amount of 2 kg.

Pharmaceutical preparations - biologically active additives and vitamin complexes that can strengthen the retina of the eye - will help to facilitate the solution of the problem. Their reception helps to improve trophism.

Ophthalmologists offer the following complexes and drugs:

  1. Will direct... Biologically active extract of vitamins, recommended for retinal degeneration. The complex includes: vitamin A, C, P, group B, zinc, blueberry extract, eyebright, ginkgo biloba. The drug is prescribed in complex therapy to reduce the risk of destructive changes in the retina, lens and vitreous body. Available in tablets.
  2. Blueberry forte... Belongs to the class of dietary supplements. It is used for the prevention of eye diseases. The composition is similar to the drug Directed. Available in tablets.
  3. Lutein complex... One of the most popular vitamins for strengthening the retina with lutein. The dietary supplement in the form of tablets contains: vitamins A, E, C, lutein, taurine, zinc, copper, selenium, blueberry extract. It is considered an effective means of preventing retinal detachment.

    Lutein plays an important role in maintaining and restoring eye health
  4. Vitrum Vision in addition to the complex of useful substances similar to the previous preparation, it also contains zeaxanthin. The level of lutein in Vitrum Vision is higher in comparison with dietary supplements of this group. Taking pills is recommended for people with increased visual stress.

    Vitrum Vision provides the body with a daily dose of essential vitamins and trace elements that strengthen the retina
  5. Taufon - eye drops that help maintain eye health and visual acuity. Refers to vitamins prescribed for macular degeneration of the retina. In addition to the drug in drops, the manufacturer offers a vitamin complex in tablets - Taufon Tabs Lutein. Significantly reduces the load on the organ of vision during prolonged work at the computer.
  6. Okuwaite Lutein Forte - another effective complex of vitamins for strengthening the retina in tablets. Improves color perception, reduces stress, helps preserve visual acuity. A dietary supplement based on carotenoids (lutein, zeaxanthin), which acts as a light filter.
Important! In case of violation of the integrity of the retina, restoration of visual acuity during treatment with a conservative method is impossible. Therefore, it is important to take vitamin complexes for preventive purposes, having previously received the approval of a doctor.

There are many preparations for strengthening the retina. Which one is suitable in a particular case can only be decided by a doctor, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient and his state of health.


Vitamins for the retina are an important tool in the fight against visual impairment, which can significantly reduce the quality of life. Detachment of the retina entails serious problems, often resolved with surgery.

It is necessary to realize that dystrophic changes can be asymptomatic for a long time, subsequently causing retinal detachment. The complication proceeds rapidly and requires long-term treatment. This phenomenon is especially relevant for older people.


Olga, 56 years old, Moscow.
After 40 years, she began to notice that her vision had deteriorated. I thought that this is a normal age-related phenomenon. When I visited the doctor, I was advised to take vitamins for the eyes. For many years I have been taking Blueberry Forte from time to time. The eyes do not get tired even with prolonged reading and handicraft.
Igor, 62 years old, Kirov.
For a long time he worked as a welder. There have always been eye problems. I didn't know before that it was possible to reduce the burden on vision. I had to undergo a course of treatment. Now I am taking the Swiss drug Ocuwaite Lutein Forte. I felt relief, the feeling of sand in my eyes disappeared. I accept it for 3 months.
Maria, 35 years old, Surgut.
I constantly work in front of the monitor. My eyes were very tired, blushed, felt a burning sensation. Once I realized that I could not work. I had to see a doctor. The doctor said that the load and lack of vitamins are to blame. For the last two years I have been taking vitamins for vision Vitrum Vision from time to time. The eyes do not get tired as they used to. And she herself began to feel better.

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