Is boiled water good for you

The benefits and harms of boiled water are the subject of controversy among many researchers. It is not completely known how a liquid heated to high temperatures affects health. Let's highlight the known and indisputable facts: is boiling dangerous or is it necessary?

Why boil water

Water exposed to high temperatures is disinfected. Bacteria, viruses, microorganisms die. In large cities, the water supply system contains a large amount of chlorine and other chemical impurities. It is believed that after boiling, these compounds are rendered harmless. Another goal of heating water to 100 C - softening the hardness.

Important! To achieve softening, disinfection and neutralization of chemical elements, you need to boil water for at least 15 minutes. In this case, the benefits of boiled water for the human body will be more obvious.

More often than not, people perform this procedure faster. The reason is haste, ignorance or the use of electric kettles with automatic shutdown. After heating, the water must stand for some time so that the sediment falls to the bottom. Otherwise, the chemical elements do not have time to settle and enter the body, harming the joints, kidneys and liver.

Boiling is the process of converting water from a liquid to a vapor state. In physics, the following stages of this process are distinguished:

  • air bubbles rise from the bottom of the container and cluster at the walls of the dishes;
  • phenomenon - "white key", when the liquid becomes cloudy and there is a seething like the running of spring water. Often people at this stage believe that hot boiled water is ready for use, but not so;
  • the last stage is vaporization and strong bubbling, often water is sprayed from containers.

It is important to wait another 10-15 minutes after the last point.

Is it good to drink boiled water

If there are no other ways of cleaning, then drinking boiled water is useful. Wells and city water pipes can contain hepatitis viruses, E. coli, parasites and their eggs. It cannot be argued that after processing the water will benefit the body, but it will become less hazardous to health.

After the boiling procedure, it is better to pour the liquid from the kettle into another container for further storage. It is recommended to get rid of limescale every time and only then pour a fresh portion of water.

Boiled liquid loses a number of useful elements: magnesium, oxygen, calcium, but at the same time it becomes softer.

There is a claim that boiled water on an empty stomach is beneficial if it is slightly warmer than body temperature. You can also warm up the purified liquid - the effect will be the same. It improves bowel function and, as a result, accelerates metabolism. In the morning, such a liquid will charge the body, improve blood circulation, and improve brain activity.

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Warm boiled water will eliminate the symptoms of a cold. To do this, cool the hot liquid and take in small sips. The pain in the throat will be smoothed out, and the nasal congestion will go away.You cannot use hot water, otherwise the disease can be aggravated, because the mucous throats will become even more inflamed.

Is boiled water harmful to the body

The harm from drinking boiled water is due to the presence of four indicators: chlorine content, an increase in harmful compounds, destruction of the molecular structure and the uselessness of the boiling procedure against certain viruses.

Chlorine and the appearance of new compounds

Chlorination of water is necessary for disinfection, but along with the benefits, such a procedure is harmful. Combining with organic substances, chlorine creates new hazardous elements. Medicines and vitamins can become harmful to humans. As a result of such processes in the body, metabolism changes, disruptions in the hormonal system occur, and immunity decreases.

When boiling, chlorine and all its compounds react with organics and form trihalomethanes, dioxins. These substances harm the body, gradually poisoning it in small doses. Dioskins can cause cancer and change cells at the genetic level.

Increased amount of harmful salts

Harmful salts precipitate after boiling. Do not consume all the water from the kettle. The bottom contains metal salts, carcinogenic chlorine and non-volatile organic matter. All of them can lead to kidney stones, blood poisoning and other ailments.

Destruction of the molecular structure of water

"Dead" - this is what scientists call water after boiling. After heating to 100 Water loses this property. Such a liquid cannot satisfy a person's need for moisture. People who use only "dead water" age faster and are more susceptible to various diseases.

Viruses and bacteria

Studies of boiled water for the benefits and harm to health have proven that not all microorganisms and viruses die in such a liquid. Botulism spores will die only after 5 hours of continuous heating to 100 C, hepatitis in 30 minutes.

Many scientists claim that boiled liquid will regain viruses and germs after 5 hours.

Can I drink re-boiled water

Re-boiled water will harm humans even more. There are such negative consequences:

  • deterioration in taste, the appearance of a metallic taste;
  • the concentration of harmful salts, chlorine and other metal impurities will increase even more;
  • twice boiled water becomes more toxic and deprived of oxygen.

You can boil the same liquid as many times as you like, but you will not be able to get rid of oil products, herbicides and heavy metals.

Which water is better to drink: boiled or raw

If the choice is between raw tap water and boiled water, then of course it is better to choose the second option. It is not known how many bacteria, chlorine and other compounds are contained in a city liquid or a well in a village.

Important! To reduce the chlorine content, it is useful to stand the tap liquid in an open vessel for at least a day before boiling.

Boiled water with lemon will be beneficial for those wishing to lose weight. The unpleasant taste will be neutralized by the citrus. Drinking a glass of warm water with a teaspoon of juice half an hour before meals, you can cleanse the body of harmful carcinogens and improve metabolism. To increase efficiency, it is necessary to add physical activity and proper nutrition to the procedure.

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Better to give preference to bottled water or filtered water. Liquid purification devices are now available. These can be jugs or cleaning systems attached to the pipe.

To assess the quality of tap water, you can take it to a laboratory for analysis. Based on the data obtained, select the appropriate filter. As a rule, in megalopolises, harder water, saturated with chemical compounds, flows from the tap. In villages, water in wells is softer, but it can contain pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms.

Boiled water during pregnancy

A clean liquid for a pregnant woman is important and has the following effect:

  • increases blood volume;
  • provides good blood circulation;
  • participates in the formation of amniotic fluid;
  • resists the formation of stretch marks.

Boiled water (from the tap) is not recommended for use during gestation. It contains heavy metals and dangerous compounds that will harm not only the expectant mother, but also the baby.

To replenish moisture, it is better to drink bottled water of the highest category with an increased oxygen content.

Is it possible to give boiled water to babies

It is better for babies to give water from bottles. It is worth choosing manufacturers who produce water for children with a “+0” mark on the container. Boiled tap liquid can harm a developing small organism.

Rules for the use of boiled water

By adhering to these recommendations, you can reduce the harmful effects of boiling:

  • after the procedure, it is important to store water in another container - better than glass;
  • each time the kettle must be descaled: the better the cleaning is done, the safer the new portion;
  • do not mix raw and boiled water for further heating. The substances of the two liquids react and form deuterium, a substance capable of causing cancerous tumors;
  • more benefit from water, which is pre-purified with filters before boiling;
  • it is better to use the liquid right away, without waiting for it to cool completely;
  • pouring boiling water into a thermos, close it after a few minutes, but not immediately;
  • repeated boiling increases the concentration of harmful substances.

Given the benefits and harms of boiled water for the body, you should limit yourself to the use of such a liquid for making hot drinks. It is better to drink purified raw water to quench your thirst.


The benefits and harms of boiled water are not exaggerated. To maintain health, it is better to boil water for tea or coffee from bottles. Filters can also improve the quality and health of beverages. If only boiling is available for disinfection, then this method must be charmingly used. Otherwise, there is a risk of catching E. coli or contracting more dangerous ailments. When used correctly, boiled water will be beneficial and detrimental to health if the recommendations for use are neglected.

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