Uses and properties of lemon verbena essential oil

In ancient times, vervain was credited with magical properties. People believed that the plant was able to drive out evil spirits from the house, return lost love and increase female attractiveness. The properties and uses of verbena oil are due to its chemical composition. The tool is actively used in cooking, cosmetology and pharmacology.

Chemical composition

The Verbenov family includes more than 200 species. The healing solution is obtained from a plant known as lemon lipia. The species is also called the herb of love.

The wild-growing shrub has small, light purple flowers. It grows in the territories:

  • France;
  • South America;
  • north of Africa.

The shrub is cultivated in the following countries:

  • Tunisia;
  • China;
  • Indonesia.

Ether is produced by extraction or steam distillation. The resulting liquid has an amber hue and a refreshing aroma with citrus and floral notes.

Verbena oil has valuable properties due to its unique composition:

  • citral;
  • terpenes;
  • vitamin C;
  • vitamin PP;
  • compounds of group B.
Verbena oil cannot be made at home

Useful properties of lemon verbena essential oil

The solution is an effective treatment for various pathologies. Its use contributes to:

  • therapy of bronchopulmonary diseases and diseases of the nasopharynx;
  • improving intestinal peristalsis and eliminating constipation;
  • relieving headaches;
  • relief of seizures;
  • elimination of anxiety and panic attacks;
  • normalization of the immune system.

Verbena oil has anti-inflammatory properties. Its use is advisable for rheumatic pains. It is a wound healing and regenerating agent that can be used for sprains, bruises and hematomas.

Application of verbena oil

The ether solution has a wide range of uses. Its versatility is due to its rich composition.

Verbena oil for face

Ether helps to eliminate puffiness, laxity and shallow wrinkles. Facelift and skin tone improvement are essential. The tool has anti-inflammatory properties. Verbena oil is used for oily skin types. The product is effective against acne and acne.

Cosmetologists recommend enriching creams and serums with verbena ether. One portion of the product (10 g) is mixed with an oil solution (three drops).

Cosmetic ice helps to maintain the tone of the skin of the face. To prepare it, add cream and honey (two teaspoons), verbena oil (two drops) to 400 ml of boiled water. The mixture is frozen and used daily for rubbing the face, neck and décolleté.

To eliminate the increased secretion of the sebaceous glands, you need to mix mineral water (200 ml) and verbena oil (three drops). The solution is rubbed onto the cleansed face.

Verbena Ester improves skin firmness

Wrinkles around the eyes are often called crow's feet.To smooth them out, a product based on an oil solution of verbena (three drops) is suitable. The same amount of geranium ester, rosemary should be used. The solutions are mixed with base oil (100 ml). The product is applied around the eyelids with light patting movements.

Recommended reading:  Verbena herb: useful properties and contraindications, from which it helps, use in folk medicine, photo

Verbena oil for hair

The use of ether improves the condition of the strands. Caring for curls using verbena oil allows you to:

  • improve blood supply to blood vessels;
  • strengthen hair follicles;
  • eliminate dandruff;
  • get rid of split ends.

A good result can be expected from hair rinses with added ester. For 1 liter of water, take 6 drops of the product. To eliminate the oily curls, two drops of verbena oil are dissolved in a portion of the shampoo. The mixture can also be fortified with an oil solution of cinnamon and nutmeg.

The effect of the use of verbena ether in hair care is noticeable after a month

Based on the oil, you can make a healing mask that eliminates dandruff. Verbena ether (four drops) and honey (teaspoon) are mixed in a container. The composition is enriched with castor oil and aloe solution (two tablespoons and 1 teaspoon, respectively). The mixture is rubbed into the roots and then distributed over the entire length of the hair. The duration of exposure to the composition is an hour. The mask is washed off with shampoo. The procedure is repeated twice a week for a month.

The use of verbena oil in medicine

The use of the solution allows you to reduce the number of medications taken. With ARVI, as well as pharyngitis, tonsillitis and laryngitis, it is useful to use a composition that includes verbena oil (five drops), honey (two tablespoons), lemon juice (1/4 of the fruit) and salt (one third of a teaspoon). In half a glass of water, dissolve 50 ml of the product, which should be gargled every hour.

To eliminate a runny nose, you can drip a mixture of St. John's wort and verbena oils into the nose. The solution is used three times a day.

The product allows you to eliminate joint pain. Verbena ether (five drops) is mixed with vegetable oil (tablespoon). The resulting solution is used for grinding.

With minor violations of the integrity of the skin, compresses are made, including a mixture of vegetable and verbena oils (two tablespoons and six drops, respectively). The cloth soaked in the product is applied to the sore spot for half an hour. The procedure is repeated twice a day until recovery.

Verbena ether is used for diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract, joint pathologies, light wounds

The use of verbena oil in aromatherapy

Spraying the product indoors helps to normalize the psycho-emotional state. To restore the nervous system, it is recommended to use aroma baths and aroma lamps. The fresh scent of ether promotes relaxation.

To use an aroma lamp, three drops of verbena oil are enough for every 15 square meters indoors. Healing baths are carried out using a composition that includes ether (five drops), cream, honey and salt (two tablespoons each). The product is dissolved in warm water.

When using aroma medallions, two drops of vervain ether are enough

During pregnancy

Among the contraindications to the use of the product, experts call the period of bearing a child. The product can be used during pregnancy only after consulting a doctor.

Recommended reading:  Opuntia cactus: medicinal properties and contraindications, photo

Verbena insect oil

Ether has anti-repellent properties. It repels mosquitoes, flies and other insects. A few drops of the product are added to the cleaning water.

Verbena solution can be used in the absence of hypersensitivity reactions


The product can cause allergic reactions.Undesirable effects are manifested in the form of rash, irritation and redness on the skin. Sometimes an allergic cough occurs. To make sure that there is no risk of its development, you need to inhale a small amount of the solution.

A simple test should be performed before first use as an external agent. The composition is applied to the bend area of ​​the elbow or wrist. The reaction is assessed after a few hours. The product can be used if there are no signs of allergies.

The magical properties of verbena essential oil

The healing plant is one of the oldest on the planet. Many legends and legends are associated with it. Together with myrrh, vervain was placed on the body of Jesus Christ in the last hours of his life. The plant was used in ancient times as a pain reliever.

It is known that in Rome and Ancient Greece, vervain was referred to as a sacred herb. She was believed to bring happiness. A verbena wreath was given to young married couples in order to protect the home from disease and evil forces. In Germany, such an attribute was supposed to bring rich offspring.

Verbena was regarded not only as a symbol of a long and happy life. In the Middle Ages, plants moistened palms with oil to fulfill desires. The remedy relieved fever and was used as a love potion. In oriental medicine, verbena oil has been used to normalize digestion and eliminate headaches.


The properties and uses of verbena oil are varied. The oldest product is used for medical, cosmetic and household purposes. Ether has a minimum of contraindications, which is an undeniable advantage. It can be combined with other oil solutions to increase the effectiveness of the action.

Reviews on the use of essential oil of verbena

The oil solution has a unique composition. It is recommended for use in various pathologies. Reviews contain information about the effectiveness of using the ether.

Christina Mozheiko, 19 years old, Simferopol
Verbena oil has a unique aroma. The tool can replace perfume. I usually add it to creams and shampoos, combining it with cinnamon and nutmeg oil solutions. The only drawback is that ether cannot be used during pregnancy. It should be borne in mind that the product has a phototoxic effect. It is not used for tanning.
Svetlana Kuznetsova, Krasnoyarsk
I have a whole collection of broadcasts at home. Verbena oil solution is on a special account. Not every product has such a pleasant aroma. I include it in all beauty products. Remarkably, a few drops can even be added to the water when cleaning the floor. This is a truly magical ether, distinguished by its versatility.
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