Rooibos tea (Rooibos): benefits and harms, reviews

Relatively recently, a tea appeared on store shelves, which gained fame as a healing one all over the world: Rooibos tea. It is made from the leaves of a South African plant. When prepared correctly, the tea turns out to be very tasty and aromatic, benefits the body. The taste of rooibos differs from the usual tea in that there is no caffeine in the composition, and it has a very mild effect on the body, and the beneficial properties of the plant are priceless. In this short time, this healing tea has gained a lot of admirers, someone drinks it precisely because of the effect on the body, which the manufacturer asserts about, while others simply choose a pleasant taste. The benefits and harms of Rooibos tea is the topic of this article.

What is Rooibos

The plant from which the tea is made belongs to legumes. The shrub has a very unusual appearance: the branches are distinguished by a bright red color and a pointed shape. Such an unusual appearance gives the image of the plant an ominous look and provokes a lot of myths around. The origins of Rooibos tea go back a long way. The indigenous Koi-koi tribes treated rooibos with respect for its healing qualities and used the beneficial plant as a natural dye. In addition, he was credited with properties of rejuvenation, health promotion and life extension and reduction of environmental harm.

The healthy drink gained worldwide popularity only at the beginning of the 20th century, until that moment the properties of tea were kept secret. It is believed that after the indigenous peoples of Africa, the English, who settled in Cape Town, learned the taste and benefits of rooibos tea.

The tea has a refined fruity flavor with a delicate nutty scent. Due to its light sweetness and astringency, there is no need to add anything to the tea; it itself has a full range of taste.

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Reference! Such tea connoisseurs as the Japanese claim that the beneficial properties of rooibos can be equated with the healing qualities of green tea, which is known to be able to eliminate environmental damage.

Types and varieties of Rooibos tea

According to the type of processing, green and red rooibos teas are divided. Green Rooibos is obtained when the harvested raw material is steamed. This helps to stop fermentation, which helps to maintain a slight herbal flavor and a clear light shade.

If the fermentation is not stopped, but the harvested leaves are dried under the sun, you get a red rooibos. Its difference is a pronounced sweet taste, but this does not prevent local residents from drinking it with sugar and milk.

Various flavored rooibos varieties are also produced:

  • with strawberry aroma;
  • with vanilla;
  • with the smell of chocolate.

Reference! There is even espresso from rooibos, its technology was developed and patented by Karl Pretorius from South Africa.

Externally, espresso from rooibos is very similar to a regular coffee drink, only if you look very closely, you can notice the reddish tint of saffron and even the presence of foam.

Chemical composition and calorie content of Rooibos tea









The calorie content of Rooibos tea per 100 g is 16 kcal.

In addition to its taste properties, this tea also boasts benefits. It contains a large amount of antioxidants, vitamins - A, E, C, P. In addition, tea from Rooibos leaves is rich in trace elements such as sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, copper, manganese, fluorine, zinc and iron. The beneficial properties of rooibos are invaluable to the body.

Due to its extensive composition, the beneficial properties of this tea will benefit aged people, athletes who regularly endure overload, children, since it has the property of strengthening the nervous system. Tea will benefit the body's metabolic processes, since it neutralizes the harm from the external environment.

It is important to note that, despite its tonic and stimulating properties, Rooibos does not contain tannin or caffeine, which means it will not be harmful at any time of the day.

Natural tetracycline, which is contained in the resulting drink, is an irreplaceable remedy for colds, and unlike medications, it will not do any harm.

Why Rooibos tea is useful

According to numerous studies, tea from the African rooibos plant has the following beneficial properties:

  1. Due to the fact that Rooibos contains 50% more antioxidants than green tea, it is much more active in neutralizing the damage from free radicals. It is beneficial for cancer, osteoporosis.
  2. Lowers blood pressure, stabilizes blood glucose levels, and helps to normalize liver function.
  3. It has an antihistamine effect, which is beneficial for allergies, hay fever and asthma.
  4. Has a preventive effect against the progression of cataracts, eczema, atherosclerosis.
  5. It has antispasmodic and antiseptic properties.
  6. Has sedative properties on the nervous system, helps to reduce mental stress.
  7. Has a restorative effect on the gastrointestinal tract in case of poisoning.
  8. Good for the bones.
  9. 2 cups of this tea a day helps to satisfy the daily requirement for vitamin C, and 3 cups for fluoride and iron.
  10. Tea will also benefit in case of physical exertion, thanks to the optimal amount of potassium and calcium in the broth.

For women

Separately, the beneficial properties of tea for the female body should be highlighted:

  1. Due to the large amount of antioxidants, Rooibos tea is able to slow down the aging process in the body.
  2. Benefits for the female cycle. Rooibos tea contains a large amount of iron, which makes it recommended for Rooibos during early pregnancy. For women suffering from anemia, it can help cope with iron deficiency without harm.
  3. The bactericidal properties of tea are helpful in treating many skin diseases. It is used in the form of compresses and lotions, it works especially well as a cleanser.
  4. Strengthening effect on the nervous system. Rooibos is useful for insomnia, headaches, depression, and irritability. In this case, the body is benefited, not harmed.

For men

Men will benefit from rooibos red tea if their work involves physical activity. The beneficial properties of tea are also known to people who are actively involved in sports. Due to the high amount of antioxidants, the drink neutralizes the damage of free radicals, which helps to increase male strength.

For children and the elderly

For the child's body, Rooibos will also benefit. The high content of potassium, zinc, fluoride, manganese and many other valuable trace elements makes it the richest in useful properties in relation to the formation and development of the child's body.

Reference! During growth, the child needs a sufficient amount of vitamins, they can be obtained not only with meals, but also when using such a valuable drink as Rooibos tea. In this case, the child will benefit, not harm.

It should be noted that Rooibos has a light sweetish taste, which is often to the liking of children.

For older people, tea will help strengthen the nervous system and normalize metabolic processes, which will lead to good health. Plus, Rooibos is caffeine-free, which means it won't harm you in the form of pressure surges. Moreover, it has a lot of beneficial properties in relation to the cardiovascular system, which is very important for people of age.

Can I drink Rooibos tea during pregnancy and breastfeeding?

Pregnant women and lactating mothers can consume Rooibos safely. Tea is made exclusively from natural raw materials, therefore it does not cause allergies or other harm.

Attention! In the postpartum period, this drink will be of great benefit as it helps to strengthen the nervous system and improves mood.

Is Rooibos tea good for diabetes?

Rooibos is one of the few natural sources of the antioxidant aspalatin. This antioxidant is known to have beneficial anti-diabetic properties. Therefore, using this drink, diabetics receive the following benefits:

  • balance of blood sugar levels;
  • lowering insulin resistance.

Moreover, the beneficial properties of the drink can provide prophylaxis for people at risk of this disease.

Rooibos Slimming Tea

In the process of losing weight, Rooibos tea will be beneficial only if it is combined with proper nutrition and physical activity. Drink should be taken twice a day in a glass half an hour before meals. It has the beneficial property of removing excess fluid from the body, normalizing metabolic processes and stool.

Important! In order for drinking to benefit, and not harm the figure, it is necessary to exclude the use of sugar.

Rooibos tea in folk medicine

The beneficial properties of Rooibos are actively used in traditional medicine.

Soothing and healing baths

If a person has frequent stresses, colds, fatigue and other abnormalities in the functioning of the body, then baths with the addition of Rooibos will help him. Brewed tea is added to the water during the bath. The scent of the plant soothes the nervous system, and the components rich in beneficial properties neutralize environmental damage and benefit the body.

For the prevention of diseases

As a preventive measure, it is recommended to consume Rooibos in the form of tea at least 3 times a day. Thanks to the beneficial properties of the drink, the body will gain resistance against viral infections, and immunity will be stabilized.

Broth from inflammation on the skin

A decoction is recommended as a useful remedy for skin prone to inflammation. To do this, Rooibos is boiled in boiling water for at least 5 minutes. In the resulting infusion, a cotton pad is moistened and used as lotions. Since this remedy is equated to a natural antibiotic, it can neutralize the harm from inflammatory foci and remove redness.

Rooibos tea in cosmetology

The rich health benefits of Rooibos tea make it a highly desirable cosmetic ingredient. The fact is that this product is an excellent tool for rejuvenating the body. The ways to use it are very diverse:

  1. Can be used instead of water for washing. The beneficial properties of the decoction help to improve complexion and even out skin texture.
  2. If you use the product as a lotion, then the benefit will also be great: the broth will remove bags, dark circles and crow's feet.
  3. Homemade masks that contain at least a teaspoon of Rooibos tea will help neutralize environmental damage, smooth skin and rejuvenate it.
  4. If you rinse your hair with Rooibos broth, then the beneficial properties of this broth can activate their growth.
  5. Baths with the addition of Rooibos extract will help relieve tension and gradually smooth out the "orange peel".

How to brew and drink Rooibos tea properly

Correct brewing of rooibos will enhance its beneficial properties. Therefore, to get the full benefit, it is important to follow the recipe, then there will definitely be no harm from the drink. For brewing, you need 1 tsp. plants for 1 glass of boiling water. Boil water and pour boiling water over the plant mixture. It takes about 10 minutes to infuse the broth. Drink the drink like regular tea.

An important step is the infusion of the drink. Long infusion time promotes the release of antioxidants, which explain the beneficial properties of the drink. It is antioxidants that neutralize the damage from free radicals.

Reference! It is better not to use earthenware for cooking, as it can spoil the taste and aroma of the drink.

If you brew the drink again, it will enhance its taste and give the drink a red-brown color, as well as a sweet-sour taste. Rooibos can be drunk both cold and hot.

What can be added to Rooibos tea

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Rooibos is often on sale with the addition of flavors - orange, strawberry, lemon, vanilla. But it is better to purchase a classic drink and add slices of orange and lemon. Lovers of this drink often dilute the drink with milk.

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Potential harm of Rooibos tea and contraindications

African Rooibos tea and its benefits and harms the question is pretty straightforward. The benefits of the drink, without a doubt, are great, but do not forget about its possible harm. He is able to bring harm in case of individual intolerance. If a person has never consumed Rooibos before, it is recommended to make the first intake of the drink minimal, and track the reaction of the body.

Important! In order to get not harm, but maximum benefit, it is better to use dry raw materials as quickly as possible, since the beneficial properties of tea greatly decrease over time.

How to choose and store

  1. Before purchasing tea, it is important to study the composition on the package. It is better to prefer those types of tea that contain natural herbs, spices, dry berries and fruits.
  2. The pieces in the mixture should be about the same size and crumble easily. When yellow leaves are visible in the mixture, this means that the tea is of poor quality.
  3. The presence of pieces of twigs and bark should not be scary, on the contrary, it indicates the high quality of the tea.

It is better to store tea in a dry and cool place. First, pour the mixture into an opaque container with a tight lid. It is the correct choice and storage of Rooibos that will avoid harm from its use and guarantee maximum benefits.


The benefits and harms of Rooibos tea are irrelevant. The drink is extremely rich in useful properties and its use is shown to almost all people. Moreover, it is impossible to get harm from such a drink, the main thing is to adhere to reasonable limits when drinking it.


Nikolaeva Taisiya Petrovna 56 years old, Volgograd
I bought Rooibos several times with various additives. This is not tea, it is the leaves and bark of an African bush. It is not brewed very hard, but sometimes you want to. Of the shortcomings, a rather high price can be noted and it is not always possible to simply purchase it freely in the public domain, compared to ordinary tea.
Petrova Marina Aleksandrovna, 45 years old, Kirov
I have been drinking Rooibos for a long time, I especially try to use it before seasonal colds. I know that this tea stimulates the immune system and helps in the fight against viral infections, while the body benefits, not harm, as when taking medications.
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