The benefits and harms of alfalfa juice

Alfalfa juice is an unusual but very healthy drink for the body. Before using it, you need to study the rules for making fresh juice and options for using it for healing and beauty care.

Chemical composition

The benefits and harms of alfalfa juice are determined by the chemical composition of the drink. It contains:

  • B vitamins;
  • magnesium, calcium and phosphorus;
  • organic acids;
  • vitamin K;
  • vitamin C;
  • chlorophyll;
  • carotene;
  • zinc, iron and copper;
  • vitamin D;
  • essential oils;
  • pantothenic acid;
  • pectins and herbal steroids;
  • fatty acid;
  • tocopherol;
  • beta carotene;
  • potassium and sodium.

When used correctly, vegetable fresh juice strengthens the body and improves digestion.

Drinking alfalfa juice is good for breastfeeding - it strengthens the baby's skeletal system

Benefits of alfalfa juice

Alfalfa is very popular in traditional medicine. For treatment, you can use not only its seeds, leaves and roots, but also fresh plant pomace. When consumed in moderation, the drink:

  • improves the condition in inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract;
  • helps to maintain visual acuity;
  • promotes rapid recovery from flu and colds;
  • relieves pain and inflammation in arthritis and gout;
  • normalizes blood glucose levels;
  • evens out the hormonal background;
  • accelerates metabolic processes and promotes weight loss;
  • fights heartburn, belching and increased gas production;
  • has a laxative effect for constipation;
  • promotes accelerated bone recovery in case of fractures and strengthens teeth;
  • reduces harmful blood cholesterol;
  • regulates blood pressure;
  • increases the body's resistance to viruses and infections;
  • serves as the prevention of oncology.

Fresh alfalfa juice prevents blood clots and protects against atherosclerosis.

How to make juice

You can make alfalfa juice at home. To do this, you need to collect young fresh leaves of the plant in your own garden or in an open ecologically clean area. The algorithm for creating pomace looks like this:

  1. The leaves of the plant are thoroughly washed from dust and dirt.
  2. Load the raw material into a meat grinder or blender and grind into a homogeneous gruel.
  3. Squeeze the juice from the resulting puree through folded gauze.
  4. Pour the green liquid into a clean glass jar.

Fresh fresh has a short shelf life. Therefore, alfalfa is often harvested for the winter by sterilization. Jars with squeezed fresh juice must be loosely covered with lids and placed in a water bath for 15 minutes. Immediately after the end of processing, they are sealed and turned over with the lids down until they cool completely.

The largest amount of valuable substances contains juice that has not undergone heat treatment

How to take it right

Alfalfa juice is beneficial if consumed correctly. They take a drink in accordance with some rules:

  1. Undiluted fresh vegetable juice has a high concentration of vitamins and organic acids and often irritates the stomach and intestines.Therefore, before use, it is diluted in equal proportions with pure water or squeezed fresh carrots.
  2. The daily dosage of the drink depends on the purpose of use. On average, it is recommended to consume no more than 400 ml of alfalfa juice per day, and even better, limit yourself to 150-250 ml of pomace.
  3. It is best to take fresh juice in the morning and in the afternoon, shortly before or shortly after meals. If consumed shortly before bedtime, it can interfere with restful relaxation due to its diuretic effect.
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For medicinal purposes, alfalfa juice is allowed to be taken daily for several months. But for prevention, it is worth using fresh fresh only for 1-2 weeks.

Warning! It is not recommended to drink juice on an empty stomach - this will lead to heartburn.

Application in traditional medicine

The beneficial properties of alfalfa juice make it a valuable medicine. The extract is recommended for use in many diseases alone or in combination with pharmaceutical preparations.

With weakened immunity

The vitamins in alfalfa juice help to strengthen the general body's resistance to viruses and infections. For preventive purposes, such a remedy is prepared:

  1. Squeeze green juice from fresh washed leaves of the plant.
  2. Grate the carrots on a fine grater and also push the gruel through cheesecloth.
  3. Juices of two types are mixed in equal proportions.

You need to take alfalfa-carrot fresh 100 ml in the morning on an empty stomach. In total, treatment continues for two months.

With diabetes

Alfalfa in combination with fresh carrot evens blood glucose levels and improves the functioning of the pancreas. For diabetes, the following drug is made:

  1. Grind fresh carrots and alfalfa stems and leaves with a grater or blender.
  2. Separately, the raw material is passed through a gauze filter to separate the juice.
  3. Mix vegetable pomace in equal volumes.

Consume the finished product three times a day, 50 ml. Diabetes therapy is carried out within a month.

Alfalfa juice for diabetes should be consumed half an hour before meals

With ailments of the thyroid gland and kidneys

Medicinal alfalfa helps to improve the functioning of the thyroid gland, and also speeds up metabolism and improves kidney function. For the purpose of therapy, such a remedy is prepared:

  1. Young alfalfa leaves are washed and interrupted to a state of gruel in a blender.
  2. Press the mass through cheesecloth to separate the juice from the cake.
  3. Fresh lettuce is chopped and squeezed in the same way.
  4. Grate juicy carrots, and then also pass the resulting mass through cheesecloth.
  5. Juices of three types are mixed in equal proportions to each other.

The finished drink is consumed in 200 ml in the morning and in the evening a few hours before bedtime. The tool normalizes hormonal levels and improves metabolism, helps to remove excess fluid from the tissues.

Advice! Juice of alfalfa, carrot and lettuce can be used to rinse weakened hair prone to hair loss. The tool will help strengthen the roots of curls and activate their growth.

With vitamin deficiency

Alfalfa juice contains a huge amount of valuable substances and helps to fill the lack of vitamins in the body. For medicinal purposes, the following remedy is prepared:

  1. Young alfalfa leaves are washed and ground to a pulp by hand or with a blender.
  2. Pass the resulting mass through cheesecloth and separate 120 ml of vegetable juice.
  3. Combine the liquid with 40 ml of fresh carrot.
  4. Mix well until smooth.

It is necessary to take a healthy drink 80 ml twice a day.

With vitamin deficiency, alfalfa juice with fresh carrot juice is drunk within a month

With withering skin

Useful fresh alfalfa helps to improve skin condition and slow down the aging process. When the first wrinkles appear, the following remedy is prepared:

  1. 5 ml of pure vegetable juice is squeezed out of fresh alfalfa.
  2. Fresh is mixed with 5 g of natural honey.
  3. Bring to a homogeneous consistency.

The composition is evenly distributed over the skin of the face and left for 20 minutes. To obtain a noticeable effect, it is necessary to apply the mask every two days, and the course of treatment should consist of at least ten procedures.

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With erosion of the cervix

For gynecological diseases, alfalfa juice is used for douching. The algorithm looks like this:

  1. Fresh, clean plates of the plant are ground with a blender and squeezed out.
  2. Dilute the resulting liquid with water in a ratio of 1: 4.
  3. The solution is collected in a small 100 ml pear and the remedy is injected into the body.

The procedures are carried out every evening for ten days.

For wounds and ulcers

Fresh alfalfa has pronounced antiseptic and healing properties. It can be used for wounds, cuts and ulcers. Application scheme:

  1. Green juice is squeezed out of young leaves of a useful plant.
  2. Soak cotton pads or a piece of sterile gauze in an undiluted product.
  3. Apply to the affected areas for half an hour and fix with a bandage.

It is allowed to use compresses up to five times a day, the entire procedure is carried out until the skin is completely restored.

Alfalfa juice can be used for compresses for dermatitis and eczema.

With high cholesterol

Juice from alfalfa leaves and stems helps to lower blood cholesterol levels and prevent the development of atherosclerosis.

The tool is prepared as follows:

  1. Wash the green parts of the plant and grind with a blender into a homogeneous mass.
  2. Strain through a sieve and folded gauze to separate the pure juice from the cake.

The resulting pomace is consumed three times a day, 30 ml each in between meals. Although single dosages are very small, the juice should be diluted with a small amount of water before use.

Advice! In case of sensitive tooth enamel, after consuming alfalfa juice, you need to additionally rinse your mouth.


The health benefits of alfalfa juice are not always straightforward. In some situations, pomace can be harmful. It is necessary to refuse its use:

  • with systemic lupus erythematosus;
  • with chronic autoimmune diseases;
  • with individual allergies;
  • with peptic ulcer and pancreatitis;
  • with exacerbation of hyperacid gastritis and intestinal colitis.

Alfalfa juice should not be consumed concurrently with blood thinners. Treatment with vegetable pomace should not exceed 2-3 months in duration. The healthy fresh juice contains many fat-soluble vitamins that accumulate in the body over time and can cause allergic reactions.

It is dangerous to consume undiluted juice in large quantities. In this case, it can lead to burns of mucous membranes.

Terms and conditions of storage

Freshly squeezed alfalfa juice does not retain its benefits for long, it is advisable to drink it immediately after preparation. If necessary, fresh juice is allowed to be put in the refrigerator, but even in this case, it will be able to retain valuable properties throughout the day.

Alfalfa juice should be prepared in small portions just before consumption

Sterilization in glass jars helps prepare alfalfa juice for the winter. The shelf life of the product in a hermetically sealed container increases to a year. At the same time, you need to keep the jars in the cellar or in the refrigerator away from bright light, at a stable temperature and moderate humidity. It should be borne in mind that the valuable properties of the product after heat treatment, by definition, will not be as high as that of fresh juice.


Alfalfa juice is a healthy herbal drink that can be consumed medicinally or used for skin and hair care. In large dosages, fresh juice is not taken due to the high concentration of active substances, but in small quantities it helps to improve well-being and helps with chronic ailments.

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