How is the hamam useful, how to steam properly, reviews

The benefits and harms of the hamam have been tested by many Russians. Hamam, along with other sights of Turkey, has become a favorite pastime for Russian tourists.

The history of the appearance of the Turkish bath hamam

The Turkish bath appeared in the 17th century by adopting the customs of the Arab baths and the luxury of the Roman bathing traditions. Combining and improving the best features of the bath procedures of these peoples, Turkish masters have created a hamam (the word “ham” means “heat”). The principle of organizing the hamam is considered classic, because since then it has not changed at all.

What is the difference between a hamam and a sauna and a Russian bath?

Turkish hamam is qualitatively different from the usual Russian bath, Finnish sauna. For clarity, you can consider the features of the hamam in comparison with them.



Finnish sauna

Russian sauna

Temperature regime








Steam generation method

Steam generator

Pouring water over hot stones in a heater


Marble and stone

Wood, tiles


Traditional treatments

Massage with oils

Body massage with a birch broom

As you can see, there are many differences between the Turkish hamam and the Finnish and Russian baths. Due to the low temperature regime, people who cannot withstand high temperatures go to it. The difference in Turkish sauna finishes can be seen in the photo below.

The benefits of hamam

The beneficial properties of hamam procedures have made it one of the most popular. Regular visits to the Turkish sauna will help achieve the following effects:

  • remove salt deposits;
  • normalize blood pressure;
  • improve immunity;
  • relieve muscle tension;
  • cure some respiratory diseases.

The benefits of the Turkish hamam for the body are based on the elimination of toxins, relaxation of the body and soul.

For women's health

Most women devote a lot of time to their own appearance. The procedures offered by the hamam staff have a number of advantages: they will help to preserve beauty, get rid of cellulite, improve skin condition, and strengthen hair. Healthy sleep, stress relief will be an addition after visiting the hamam.

For men's health

The benefits of hamam have been proven for the male body. Since it is the stronger sex that is most susceptible to various diseases associated with the functioning of the genitourinary system, it is useful for men to visit the hammam. With an increase in sweating, the kidneys are unloaded for a certain time, which relieves pain. Men, visiting a Turkish sauna, relieve the nervous tension that occurs during stress, normalize the general condition of the body.

For athletes

Hamam after workout allows you to relax joints, muscles, relieve stress arising from strength loads. The benefits of visiting a hamam after the gym is manifested in the removal of painful sensations, which allows you to shorten the breaks between workouts.However, you should not do this, because the process of muscle and tendon recovery takes place as usual, the perceived relaxation in the hamam does not accelerate it.

To relax your back muscles after training, it is recommended to take a steam bath while sitting. In a prone position, you can cause irreparable harm to your body: one awkward movement can lead to a spinal dislocation.

Slimming hamam

The use of a hamam for weight loss is to combine a low temperature regime with the highest possible humidity. Such conditions increase metabolism, sweating, vasodilation. The fat under the skin moves to the muscle tissue and burns. The skin becomes elastic, straightens, the bumps of cellulite disappear and smoothen.

How to properly visit the hamam

To understand the structure of steam rooms, the procedures offered by the hamam, you need to consider them separately.

The first jamekan room is a dressing room with tables for holding tea parties, friendly gatherings, from where they enter the first steam room - soguluk. It is here that you get used to high temperatures, prepare the body for the main part of the procedure. Temperature range is +350C, the optimal time for warming up the body is 20 minutes. The last and main room of the hamam is hararet, with an air temperature of +500C. It is here that massage, peeling, lathering of the body with a special mixture, which mainly include vegetable oils, is carried out.

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To get the most out of the hamam for your health, you need to follow certain visiting rules.

  1. To prevent the beneficial properties of the Turkish bath from becoming a problem of dehydration, you need to drink plenty of fluids. Usually aromatic tea is drunk in jamekan. Drinking alcoholic and soft drinks is prohibited.
  2. So that the state of health during a visit to the steam room does not worsen, they stop taking food in 1-1.5 hours.
  3. Before placing the body on the bench, put on a personal towel.
  4. You should not make sudden movements after the procedures - this can harm the heated muscles.
  5. Women and men take a steam bath separately.

Compliance with a few simple rules will make your rest in the hamam useful and unforgettable.

How often can you go to the hamam

To get the maximum benefit from the procedures carried out in the hamam, it is recommended to visit it no more than 1-3 times a week. Despite the fact that the air temperature in it is low, humidity plays a decisive role in this matter, as well as massage, peeling, which should not be carried out too often.

An excessively frequent visit to the hamam can harm even a healthy body: provoke problems with the kidneys, nervous system, dehydration.

How long does it take to be in the hamam bath

The optimal time spent in the hamam is about 1-1.5 hours. During this period of time, the body and soul will be cleansed. For people who have no contraindications, but suffer from any other diseases, it is recommended to steam for no more than 30 minutes.

Features of visiting a hamam with a pool

The pool with water at room temperature is considered the final stage after all the procedures offered by the hamam. Full normalization, adaptation of the body after warming up operations takes place here.

Not everyone can combine a steam room followed by a bath in the pool. Those who have diseases associated with the work of the cardiovascular system are allowed to bathe in the hammam for a short time, but they will have to refuse to visit the pool: a sharp temperature drop will harm the body.

The harm of the Turkish bath hamam

A visit to the hamam can end in a bad way if you neglect the basic rules of a Turkish steam room. Its harm to healthy people who have no contraindications is the possibility of overheating the body.In addition to the fact that the air temperature is not considered extremely high, at maximum humidity, the limbs and the head quickly heat up. You cannot bathe for longer than the allowed time, it is recommended to use a turban made of a towel to protect your head from overheating.

Who is contraindicated to steam in the hamam

There are special groups of people who are prohibited from taking a steam bath in the Turkish hamam.

  1. With oncological diseases. People steaming in a hammam accelerate blood circulation, therefore, tumor particles and toxins spread rapidly throughout the body.
  2. Having mental disorders. Hot hamam temperatures provoke an increase in aggression.
  3. With skin, fungal diseases. Such diseases can be aggravated by staying in the humid warm climate of the hamam.
  4. With severe lung disease. Humid air is difficult to breathe, especially if the lungs are not working at full strength. A person with similar illnesses may begin to choke.
  5. With viral, infectious diseases, any inflammation.

People with cardiovascular diseases should be especially careful when staying in the hamam: reduce the time spent in the steam room to half an hour, do not use the pool after the procedures.

Important! The useful properties of the hamam have been proven in diseases at the stage of recovery: bronchitis, sinusitis, colds. The main rule is the absence of increased body temperature.

Can pregnant women go to the hammam

During pregnancy, not everyone is prohibited from going to the hammam, because the benefits of the hammam for women in an "interesting" position are difficult to ignore:

  • reduces puffiness;
  • reduces unpleasant symptoms of toxicosis;
  • prevents numbness of the limbs;
  • reduces the risk of varicose veins.

Despite all the useful properties of the Turkish sauna, some nuances must be taken into account, otherwise you can harm the fetus.

  1. You can start going to the hammam only after the first trimester of pregnancy.
  2. Consult a gynecologist.
  3. If previously such places have not been visited regularly, you cannot start steaming right away.
  4. Drink plenty of fluids to reduce stress on the kidneys.
  5. Visit the hamam only with an accompanying person.

If you follow the above rules, then even during pregnancy you can get huge benefits from the Turkish sauna.


The benefits and harms of a hamam are two decisive indicators, guided by which, a person decides whether to visit it or not. Many argue that a trip to a real hamam becomes one of the most wonderful adventures: it allows you to get to know the culture of an oriental bath, relax your soul and body, pamper yourself with a professional massage, peeling, and end the trip with a pleasant friendly conversation over a mug of warm tea.


Necheukhina D.O., 32 years old, Ozersk
We visited the hamam almost immediately after arriving in Turkey. The hamam helped us to instantly relieve fatigue after the flight, to stock up on strength for the first excursions. They say that you need to steam while the skin has not yet had time to tan; the procedures themselves should prepare it for tanning.
Pakhomov B.G., 48 years old, Kirov
This hammam is only in Turkey. Russian analogs of the hammam differ in everything: from the heating system to the poor-quality finishing of the steam rooms themselves - there is nothing in common with the classic Turkish hammam. Therefore, I prefer to go to the hamam only while relaxing in Turkey.
Borisova A.N., 28 years old, Cheboksary
There was such a bathhouse near our hotel in Turkey, we went for a walk, on the way we encountered many hamams, the prices in them were quite low. Therefore, I will give a useful tip: do not rush to visit the hammam at the hotel, look for other offers nearby.
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