The benefits and uses of cedarwood essential oil for hair

Applying cedarwood oil to your hair helps keep your curls healthy and strong. The aromatic ester protects strands from damage, increases their volume, and helps fight dandruff.

The benefits of cedarwood oil for hair

The essential oil is obtained from pine nut kernels. The raw material is crushed and then subjected to a steam distillation procedure. As a result, a yellowish-brown viscous liquid with a woody aroma is released, which contains numerous useful substances.

The biologically active components of the oil have a very beneficial effect on the strands during cosmetic use. In particular, plant ether:

  • improves blood circulation and tones the scalp, as a result the follicles receive more nutrients and grow faster;
  • neutralizes free radicals in cells and tissues and prevents premature destruction of hair follicles;
  • has anti-inflammatory and healing properties and helps to eliminate microdamage to the scalp;
  • contains fungicidal substances and neutralizes dandruff;
  • normalizes the secretion of subcutaneous fat and eliminates the unpleasant oily shine of curls.
From 3 kg of pine kernels, only 1 kg of essential oil is obtained

You can use pine nut oil for hair for almost any problem. In all cases, it will have a beneficial effect if you follow proven recipes.

How to apply cedarwood essential oil for hair

Homemade recipes offer many ways to use cedarwood oil in hair cosmetology. There are masks and balms using ether. At the same time, the consumption remains very small, the concentrated product is added to the care products literally in a few drops.

How to add to shampoo, hair balm

The easiest way to use is simply to add cedarwood ester to your regular shampoo. When shampooing, pour a standard amount of hygiene product onto the palm of your hand, and then add 3-4 drops of oil and distribute over the roots of the curls.

The shampoo, enriched with ether, is rubbed into the strands and scalp for several minutes, then washed off with water. After the procedure, the curls become especially clean and, moreover, acquire a pleasant aroma.

Concentrated cedarwood ester cannot be added to shampoo in the amount of more than four drops
Advice! This method of using cedarwood oil is more suitable for prophylactic protection of strands from loosening and loss. For medicinal purposes, stronger means are used.

Rinse with cedarwood oil

Another simple recipe suggests making cedar rinse at home. In 1 liter of pure water at about 38 ° C, you need to add five drops of ether and rinse the strands at the final stage of hygiene procedures.

When using rinsing with cedarwood oil, you no longer need to rinse your hair again

If desired, you can take any herbal decoction as a base, for example, chamomile or nettle. The benefits of the tool will be even greater.Rinsing should be repeated after each shampooing, against the background of using cedar oil, the hair will acquire shine and strength.

Revitalizing mask

A mask made of yolk and cedar nut oil will greatly benefit damaged hair. Prepare it as follows:

  • break the raw egg and carefully separate the protein that is not needed;
  • Beat the yolk slightly, add seven drops of ether to it and mix the components thoroughly again;
  • the mask is distributed over the hair along the entire length, after which the head is wrapped with a terry towel.
In an egg mask, cedar ether tones the hair follicles, and the yolk has a softening effect.

You do not need to keep such a mask for a long time; it is enough to leave it for only 20 minutes. With long and thick strands, the proportions of the ingredients can be doubled. Egg and cedar nut oil will be especially beneficial for curls damaged by aggressive cosmetic procedures or coloring.

Aroma combing with cedarwood oil for shine

The use of oil is justified when hair is lifeless and dull. In this case, simple aromatic combing may be sufficient. They spend it like this:

  • apply four drops of ether to a comb or brush with natural bristles;
  • 5-7 minutes slowly comb the strands.
For aroma combing with cedar oil, use only wooden brushes and combs

This simple procedure not only tones the hair and gives it shine, but also has aromatherapy elements. Breathing in pleasant ethereal vapors soothes the nervous system and tones thoughts into a positive mood.

Massage mixture with cedar oil for scalp

For weakened hair, self-massage is recommended. The mixture is prepared according to this recipe:

  • in a water bath, slightly warm two large spoons of any vegetable base - almond, linseed, sunflower;
  • add six drops of cedarwood ether to warm oil;
  • the mixture is rubbed into the epidermis at the roots with light but strong movements.
Oil massage of the scalp helps with flaking

You need to continue the massage for 10 minutes, then the curls are washed with regular shampoo. The use of oil strengthens the follicles and improves blood microcirculation under the skin. When the procedure is carried out twice a week, hair loss stops, the strands become stronger and stronger.

Purifying mask

For oily hair, cedar nut oil can help regulate the production of sebum and eliminate dandruff. The following mask has good cleansing properties:

  • one small spoonful of baking soda is mixed with a large spoonful of cosmetic clay;
  • slightly dilute the components with warm green tea to the consistency of liquid sour cream;
  • add five drops of cedar nut oil to the mixture;
  • thoroughly mix the components and distribute through the hair, paying special attention to the root zone.
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The use of cedarwood ether for dandruff is due to its fungicidal properties.

For half an hour, the mask must be left on the head, warming the curls with a film and a towel. Then the product is washed off with warm water and natural shampoo. When applied at least twice a week, permanent results will appear within a month.

Nourishing mask

With a lack of vitamins, hair begins to grow worse, lose volume and more often fall out. The use of a nourishing mask with cedar oil helps to correct the situation. Do it as follows:

  • two large spoons of ryazhenka are heated to room temperature, it is enough just to hold the fermented milk product outside the refrigerator for a while;
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  • add three drops of cedar and sandalwood esters;
  • mix the ingredients;
  • slightly moisturize hair with water and lubricate with the prepared product along the entire length, rubbing well at the roots.
When using cedarwood ether, vitamin substances go directly to the follicles

In the standard way, the curls are wrapped in polyethylene and a towel to ensure a greenhouse effect. After an hour, the mask is removed, the hair is washed with warm water with the addition of a mild shampoo. Regular use of the product helps to get rid of dry and brittle strands.

Hair growth mask

The use of oil allows to stimulate the growth of inactive hair follicles. The following mask is popular:

  • one large spoonful of warm cream is mixed with one small spoonful of cinnamon;
  • add five drops of cedarwood ether;
  • mix the components until smooth.
Applying cedarwood oil helps to increase the volume of curls

The product is applied to slightly moistened hair roots and covered with a plastic cap and a warm cloth for 15 minutes. The mask should be used twice a week, in which case the results will appear after several applications.


Cedar nut oil can not only strengthen hair, but also harm health. First of all, ether often causes an allergic reaction. Before the first use of a cosmetic product, you need to apply just one drop to the wrist or elbow bend and see if redness and itching appear.

Also, don't use cedarwood oil:

  • during pregnancy;
  • with insomnia;
  • with excessive excitability of the nervous system.
Important! You can add cedar ether to cosmetic mixtures only in the amounts recommended by recipes. In excessive quantities, the product can cause migraines, nausea and dizziness.


The use of cedarwood oil for hair is justified in almost any situation. The product strengthens the curls, stimulates them to grow, regulates oiliness and removes dandruff. At the same time, there are very few contraindications for ether.

Reviews on the use of essential cedarwood oil for hair

Vaganova Alina Georgievna, 31 years old, Ryazan
Cedar ether is one of my favorites for hair care. Almost every time I wash my hair, I add it to the shampoo, I really like the scent itself. The effect on the curls is also noticeable, since I started using the product, the strands have become thicker, more voluminous, they get dirty much more slowly even with an active rhythm of life.
Spitsyna Tatyana Igorevna, 29 years old, Moscow
I have always had oily hair, and no shampoo has really worked well. At some point, I decided to switch to home remedies and tried masks with cedar oil. The results were unexpected - after a month the curls became much more attractive, dandruff disappeared, but volume and a pleasant healthy shine appeared.

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