Purist (initial) medicinal: use and contraindications, photo

The chastetz is a beautiful garden plant that transforms any area. The spectacular appearance of the culture led to its widespread use for decorative purposes. The purist is distinguished by its unpretentiousness and the presence of beneficial properties. The initial letter is used in folk medicine.

What does the purse look like and where does it grow

The culture belongs to the Labium family. The plant is a medicinal letter, the description of which is below, can be found in the following zones:

  • tropical;
  • subtropical;
  • moderate.

The culture has several variants of names:

  • stachis;
  • cleanser;
  • drop cap;
  • sheep ears;
  • snake grass.

The gray foliage of the plant stands out with a silvery drop. The plates are soft to the touch and have unusual colors. Growing a drop cap does not require special skills. The perennial is resistant to both drought and frost.

It is noteworthy that "stachis" is literally translated as "ear". The name is due to the presence of spike-shaped inflorescences. The popular expression "sheep's ears" is associated with the characteristic drooping of the stem and leaves.

The drop cap can be both a perennial and an annual plant. Sometimes the culture looks like a shrub. The chisel reaches a height of 50 cm. The stachis stems have the following characteristics:

  • thin and strong;
  • slightly branched;
  • omitted;
  • quite leafy.

The initial letter is distinguished by thick and powerful roots, which are represented by tubers. The leaf plates are attached to the stem with short cuttings. They are located opposite, have a lanceolate or oval shape. Leaves can be jagged and whole-edged. They are covered with a silvery short pile.

The inflorescence forms at the top of the stem. The false ear includes from six to ten flowers, which have the following color options:

  • white;
  • yellow;
  • pink;
  • purple;
  • pale blue;
  • lilac.

The flowers are bell-shaped and have five petals, pointed at the base. The period of their appearance is observed in July-September. The fruit is a round, oval trihedral nut. It has contents in the form of brown seeds.

Plant species

In gardening, mainly perennial plant varieties are used. The following popular types of drop caps are called:

  1. Woolly... The spectacular plant reaches 50 cm in height and has tetrahedral straight and slightly leafy stems. The dense leaves are light green and have silvery hairs. The plates are slightly lowered. The initial cap is represented by the following varieties: Helen Von Stein, Big Ears, Sheila Macqueen, Striped Phantom, Silver Carpet.
    The spike-shaped inflorescences of the woolly chisel are characterized by a lilac or lilac color
  2. Byzantine... It is a herbaceous perennial up to 70 cm in height. Chiseta officinalis has straight and slightly branching shoots and silvery prolapse. Basal leaves are oval in shape. The flowers are characterized by a pink tint. They are tubular and slightly drooping. The fruit is represented by a brown nut.
    The dense ear of the Byzantine letter consists of a significant number of flowers
  3. Annual... The herbaceous plant is characterized by the presence of weakly branching and simple shoots. They reach 35 cm in height. At the top, the stems are omitted. Basal leaves are pointed at the base.
    The inflorescence of an annual chisel looks like a long spike of white
  4. Forest. This is a bush that can grow up to 120 cm. The pile covers upright shoots. At the base, the crenate leaves are pointed.
    The inflorescence of a forest letter in the form of a long panicle consists of eight flowers
  5. Large-flowered... Perennial reaches 30 cm in height. Heart-shaped or rounded leaves are attached to the shoots with long petioles. The bare peduncle is up to 50 cm long. The capitate inflorescence is distinguished by the presence of large flowers, which determines the name of the species. It has several options, for example, Alba, Superba.
    Large-flowered purse is distinguished by pronounced decorative qualities
  6. Swamp. The leaves and stems of the bush are covered with white hairs. At the bottom of the stem, the plates are cordate or oval. The upper leaves are elongated and sessile.
    The spike of the marsh barnacle, consisting of ten flowers, has a lilac-purple hue

Chemical composition

The medicinal properties of the drop cap are due to the presence of valuable components in the raw material. Marsh stachis and other plant varieties are sources of the following beneficial substances:

  • flavonoids;
  • organic acids;
  • sugar;
  • pectins;
  • tannins;
  • choline;
  • essential oils;
  • resin;
  • alkaloids.

The seeds of the herbal tea contain about 40% fatty oils. The aerial parts of the plant are known to be rich in betaine bases.

What are the useful and medicinal properties of the initial letter of the medicinal, the Byzantine, Germanic

Means made on the basis of marsh stachis have a beneficial effect on the body. Raw materials have the following effects:

  • anesthetic;
  • antiseptic;
  • hemostatic;
  • diuretic;
  • anti-inflammatory.

The benefits of the medicinal purifier are the following properties:

  • lowering blood pressure;
  • relaxation of the nervous system;
  • increased blood clotting;
  • improving the tone of the uterus and its recovery after childbirth, surgical interventions;
  • therapy of mastitis and mastopathy;
  • acceleration of tissue regeneration;
  • elimination of acne and dandruff;
  • elimination of increased nervousness;
  • lowering blood glucose levels.

The marsh letter is used in the complex treatment of the following diseases:

  • angina, SARS;
  • asthma;
  • pathology of the urinary tract and organs of the digestive system;
  • hysteria;
  • epilepsy;
  • diabetes.

Preparation and application methods

Medicinal raw materials are used to make drugs useful for health. They allow for therapy and prevention of various pathologies.


The alcohol solution includes:

  • vodka - 10 parts;
  • dry chopped grass - part.

The tincture preparation method involves the following actions:

  1. The raw material is poured with an alcohol solution.
  2. The opaque glass bottle is placed in a dark and dry room for ten days.
  3. After the specified period, the agent is filtered.
Tincture is consumed before meals three times a day, 20 drops for nervous disorders and circulatory disorders
Important! In the process of infusion, the composition must be shaken regularly. Before use, the drug is diluted.


To prepare the dosage form, the following components will be required:

  • boiling water - 2 tbsp.;
  • dry grass - 1 tsp.

The instruction includes steps:

  1. Raw materials are poured with boiling water.
  2. The tool is insisted for an hour, after wrapping it in a towel.
  3. Strain the composition before use.
The infusion of the marsh chase is taken three times a day, 1 tbsp. l. with uterine bleeding and other pathologies of the female genital area


The tool is popular due to its ease of preparation. The broth includes components:

  • the raw material of the drug drop cap - 1 tsp;
  • boiling water - 1 tbsp.

The dosage form is prepared as follows:

  1. Stachis herb is poured with boiling liquid.
  2. The composition is tormented in a water bath for half an hour.
  3. The product is cooled and filtered after ten minutes.
A decoction of snake grass is taken 30 minutes before meals three times a day, 1 tbsp. l.


The medicinal herb of the forest, the photo and description of which are indicated above, is the basis for the preparation of healthy drinks. For example, tea is considered a good diuretic. It is also drunk with ARVI.

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Tea contains the following ingredients:

  • the raw material of the drug drop cap - 3 g;
  • boiling water - 1 tbsp.

The preparation of the drink is simple:

  1. Pour boiling water over the dried grass.
  2. The tool is insisted for 30 minutes.
  3. The composition is filtered before use.
It is recommended to drink up to three cups of stachis tea per day

The use of the initial letter of the medicinal, the woolly purse in folk medicine

Stachis is widely used for the treatment of various diseases and pathological conditions. Means made on the basis of marsh purse are intended for both external and internal use.

To normalize the cycle in women

In case of bleeding and ovarian dysfunction, an infusion of the initial drug is shown, which contains:

  • raw stachis - 1 tsp;
  • boiling water - 1.5 tbsp.

A useful remedy is prepared as follows:

  1. Raw materials of the marsh letter are ground into powder and poured into a container.
  2. Boiling water is added to the vegetable part, wrapped and left for an hour.
  3. Filter the liquid before use.
The infusion of the medicinal purifier is taken in 1 tbsp. l. before meals

For dandruff and acne

To prepare a product for external use, you will need:

  • dry grass and flowers of stachis - 4 tbsp. l .;
  • boiling water - 1 liter.

The broth is quite simple to make:

  1. Raw materials are poured with boiling water.
  2. The product is simmered in a water bath for ten minutes.
  3. The container is wrapped in a towel and insisted for eight hours.
  4. Filter the liquid before use.
The broth of the marsh purse is used in the form of lotions for the face or rinsing the hair after shampooing

For diseases of the stomach

To normalize the work of the digestive system, it is advisable to use an infusion from the drug drop cap. For its preparation, take the following ingredients:

  • stachis herb - 1 part;
  • alcohol or vodka - 10 parts.

Instructions for preparing the tincture include the following steps:

  1. The raw material is placed in a bottle and filled with an alcohol solution.
  2. The container is placed in a dry and dark place.
  3. After 2 weeks, the product is filtered with gauze.
Tincture from the initial drug is taken three times a day, 15 drops
Important! The drug should be pre-diluted during meals.

From mastitis or mastopathy

For the treatment of pathologies of the mammary glands, it is recommended to use an infusion from the marsh purse. To prepare the remedy, take:

  • a mixture of dried flowers and herbs - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • water - 1 liter.

The recipe assumes compliance with the following steps:

  1. Raw materials are poured with clean water and the container is put on fire.
  2. The composition is tormented for 15 minutes.
  3. Then the agent is left to infuse.
  4. The drug is used ten hours after preliminary filtering.
Infusion of the drug drop cap is impregnated with a piece of tissue and applied in the form of a compress to diseased areas for half an hour twice a day

From hypertension

Increased pressure is accompanied by a significant deterioration in general well-being. To normalize it, it is advised to use a decoction from the marsh purse. To make a healing potion, use:

  • raw material for the initial drug - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • boiling water - 20 ml.

The broth is prepared as follows:

  1. Boiling water is poured over the grass of the marsh purse.
  2. The composition is simmered over low heat for five minutes.
  3. The product is cooled and then filtered.
A decoction of stachis is taken before meals for 2 tbsp. l. to eliminate hypertension

For epilepsy

Diseases of the nervous system can be treated with a sedative based on a collection of herbs (1 teaspoon each):

  • cleanser;
  • thyme;
  • motherwort;
  • yarrow.
Recommended reading:  Thyme tea: useful properties and contraindications

The infusion is easy to make:

  1. Raw materials are poured into a thermos.
  2. The herbs are poured with boiling water.
  3. The agent is filtered after three hours.
To eliminate epileptic seizures, drink 50 ml of infusion from the initial drug three times a day

With a fever

Snake grass decoction can be drunk to reduce body temperature. To prepare it you need to take:

  • dried grass - 1 tsp;
  • boiling water - 200 ml.

To make a potion, follow the instructions:

  1. Raw materials are poured with boiling water.
  2. The container is placed in a water bath and simmer for 30 minutes.
  3. Filter the product before use.
A decoction of snake grass from an elevated temperature is drunk before meals, 1 tbsp. l.

When coughing

The plant is actively used in Chinese medicine. One of the indications is the treatment of ARVI, accompanied by a cough.

To prepare the infusion, take:

  • aerial parts of the plant - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • water - 200 ml.

To make a healing agent, they are guided by the following sequence of actions:

  1. Raw materials are poured with boiling water.
  2. The container is wrapped in a towel and left for an hour.
  3. The composition is cooled before use.

The drug is drunk three times a day before meals. You can add honey or lemon juice to the product.

Infusion from the marsh letter promotes the liquefaction of sputum and its excretion

To increase the body's defenses

The broth effectively strengthens the immune system, which is especially important in the autumn-spring season. It is prepared from the following ingredients:

  • water - 200 ml;
  • crushed herb of a medicinal letter - 1 tbsp. l.

According to the instructions, you need:

  1. Pour raw materials with water.
  2. The stewpan is put on low heat, brought to a boil.
  3. The product is languished for 20 minutes.
  4. After cooling, the broth is filtered.

1 tsp is added to the finished potion. honey. They drink it half an hour before meals three times a day, 50 ml each.

A decoction of the puree medicinal has diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties

For liver and kidney diseases

For the treatment of the organs of the excretory system and the digestive tract, a remedy prepared in milk is suitable. The broth is indicated for the following diseases:

  • gout;
  • colitis;
  • gastritis;
  • hemorrhoids.

The tool includes:

  • chopped grass of a marsh letter - 15 g;
  • milk - 0.5 l.

The broth is prepared as follows:

  1. The raw material of the medicinal plant is poured with milk.
  2. The saucepan is placed on low heat, brought to a boil and cooked for 30 minutes.
  3. The tool is insisted for two hours, and then filtered.

The course of therapy does not exceed three weeks. After a break, treatment can be continued.

A decoction of the marsh water is drunk once a day, 150 ml

Contraindications to the use of the drug drop cap

The herb contains alkaloids, which makes the raw material toxic. It is included in complex therapy with caution. The medicinal letter has useful properties and contraindications. Means made on the basis of marsh purse are not prescribed in the following cases:

  • low pressure;
  • pregnancy, as well as lactation;
  • children up to age 16;
  • hypersensitivity reactions.

Stakhis, photo and description of which are indicated above, bring both benefits and harm. During medicinal activities, the recommended dosages should be strictly adhered to. Abuse of decoctions, infusions and tinctures can lead to an overdose and the following symptoms:

  • headache;
  • weakness;
  • nausea.

Collection and procurement

Marsh chase is widely used in folk medicine. The aboveground parts of the plant are rich in biologically active substances. The root of the drop cap also has medicinal properties.To save them, you should collect and procure raw materials at certain periods. Otherwise, the use of stachis may be ineffective.

During flowering, they harvest:

  • leaves;
  • young shoots;
  • flowers.

Attention! The root is dug up either in early spring or late autumn. It is washed and crushed before being harvested and stored in the refrigerator.

The grass should be chopped up and dried thoroughly in the shade or in a well-ventilated area. Then the raw materials are placed in paper or cardboard bags, glass containers. The storage period does not exceed one year.


The initial letter is widely used for therapy or prevention of pathologies of the nervous, immune, excretory systems. Snake grass has a rich chemical composition. It should be remembered that medicinal weed also has contraindications. Stachis is considered a poisonous plant. Abuse of products made on the basis of sheep's ears can provoke unpleasant consequences.

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