The healing properties of escholtia and contraindications

Some ornamental plants are classified as medicinal herbs. For example, the use of escholzia in medicine has been carried out by some peoples since antiquity. The perennial is appreciated for its spectacular appearance, as well as its unique healing composition.

What it looks like and where it grows

Escholzia is a herbaceous crop belonging to the Poppy family. The genus has approximately ten species. Eschsholzia is called:

  • the gold of California;
  • california poppy;
  • wormwood.

In the wild, a beautiful plant can usually be found in the United States, for example, in the state of California. Escholzia is also grown for decorative purposes, particularly in Europe. Many legends are associated with the herbaceous plant, which are due to its spectacular appearance.

California poppy is a symbol of the state of the same name in the USA

Escholzia is both an annual and a perennial that has split leaves. They resemble wormwood.

In Europe, escholzia is usually grown as an annual. Abundant flowering is often observed in the first 12 months. In the future, this process alternates over the years, which is disadvantageous for gardeners. Younger plants produce more intense flowering. The frost resistance of the wormwood is low.

California gold has many shoots that grow from the central part. The flowers are not collected in inflorescences and look like a poppy. They are painted in the following shade options:

  • lilac;
  • yellow;
  • orange;
  • red.

Each bush contains many flowers that appear from June to September. Each has a lifespan of approximately 4 days. Flowers close at night and in cloudy weather. The fruits ripen in July and contain seeds in pod capsules.

The wormwood has a pronounced root system. The rod penetrates deeply into the ground. This feature is associated with the arid climate in natural growing conditions. Thus, the escholzia tries to reach for moisture.

Chemical composition

The California poppy is classified as a medicinal plant. The beneficial properties of escholzia are due to the components included in the composition:

  • flavonoids such as rutose, magnoflorin;
  • carotenoids, among which zeaxanthin is called;
  • alkaloids, in particular protopine, berberine.

The healing properties of escholzia

Wormwood is a storehouse of useful substances that explain the beneficial effects of a healing plant on the body. The following medicinal effects of escholtia are called:

  • sedative;
  • antispasmodic;
  • relaxing;
  • anesthetic.

The California poppy is currently used to decorate flower beds due to the beauty of the plant. Since ancient times, the Indians living in North America have used escholtia for medicinal purposes. The seeds were added to food, and the leaves were added to the smoking mixture for rituals.

In modern pharmacology, California poppy is used to make:

  • gelatin capsules;
  • alcohol tincture;
  • liquid extract.

Wormwood is widely used in folk medicine.It is a means of both monotherapy and combination therapy.

Escholtia-based products are recommended for the following conditions and pathologies:

  • colic;
  • depression;
  • neurasthenia;
  • insomnia;
  • muscle spasms;
  • overexcitation;
  • urinary incontinence.

The healing properties of Escholzia extract

Alcohol solution is called a popular treatment for nervous disorders. Its use helps to level out the psycho-emotional background, eliminate insomnia.

Before taking, wormwood extract is dissolved in water

Preparation and application methods

From the raw materials of the medicinal plant, means useful for the body are made. Their reception is carried out in accordance with the indications for use.

Escholzia extract

The psychoactive parts of the wormwood are:

  • fruit;
  • flowers;
  • leaves.

The pharmaceutical preparation is recommended for use as a means of normalizing sleep phases. The use of the extract promotes falling asleep. The dietary supplement has a bitter taste. The solution is recommended to be taken with water, tea, juice or milk to neutralize it.

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The dosage of Escholzia extract is selected individually, depending on the severity of the sleep disturbance


The aqueous solution helps to eliminate insomnia and various nervous diseases. To prepare a healing agent, 250 ml of boiling water is poured into a teaspoon of raw materials. The liquid is infused for half an hour and then filtered off.

Escholzia infusion is taken once a day before bedtime


The drink has a sedative effect. For its preparation, use two teaspoons of raw materials per glass of boiling water. In order to enhance the sedative effect, it is recommended to take a mixture of medicinal herbs.

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Escholzia tea is brewed 15 minutes before drinking


External use of a medicinal plant is recommended for stomatitis of the oral mucosa. Dried young shoots are ground in a coffee grinder to a powdery state. After steaming, the product is applied to the ulcers.

Californian poppy powder promotes healing of mucous membranes in stomatitis

The use of escholzia in medicine

Wormwood has been used for medicinal purposes since ancient times. There are various ways to use escholts if indicated.

With depression

It is advisable to use the drug against the background of nervous tension. In a thermos, dry grass (two teaspoons) is brewed with 250 ml of boiling water. The drink is insisted for 20 minutes, filtered. The recommended dosage is a glass of the product taken before bedtime.

Infusion of California poppy helps to normalize the nervous system

For insomnia

To eliminate disturbances associated with sleep, it is recommended to take wormwood extract. In 200 ml of water, dissolve 2 ml of alcohol.

Escholzia extract is taken to normalize sleep


All aerial parts of the plant are suitable to eliminate pain syndrome: leaves, flowers and stems. It is desirable to use them fresh. Flowers and stems are used to prepare decoctions. A teaspoon of raw materials should be taken in a glass of water. Rinse the mouth with a warm agent after straining.

To relieve toothache, it is recommended to chew fresh Californian poppy leaves


Young shoots collected during the flowering period are suitable for preparing the drink. For two cups of boiling water, take two teaspoons of raw materials. The infusion can be consumed no earlier than an hour later. The tool has a mild effect on the body.

Young wormwood leaves are recommended to use for the preparation of anesthetic infusion

Contraindications to the use of escholtia and side effects

Wormwood has a beneficial effect on the body.For medicinal purposes, both flowers and stems, the leaves of the Californian poppy are used.

The advantage of products made on the basis of a herbaceous plant is that there are few contraindications. Eschsholzia is not used in pregnancy and diseases of the digestive tract in the acute phase. Children's age (up to three years) can also be referred to contraindications.

Eschsholzia can have both health benefits and harm. In some cases, signs of hypersensitivity may appear, implying urticaria, stool disturbance. Drowsiness is sometimes observed with extracts.

Collection and procurement

The aerial parts of the escholzia differ in medicinal properties. Their collection and harvesting is carried out during flowering. It was during this period that the maximum concentration of nutrients, in particular alkaloids, is observed. Seeds are usually harvested after they are fully ripe.

Leaves, flowers and stems without signs of pest infestation are suitable for collection. Raw materials are harvested in warm and dry weather, mainly in the first half of the day. It is dried in the shade. A prerequisite is good ventilation in the room, otherwise mold and damage to raw materials may appear.

Important! The parts of the plant are dried separately. They are laid out on clean paper in a thin layer.

The shelf life of dried raw materials is up to two years. The blanks are placed in paper bags, glass jars or cotton bags.


The use of escholzia in medicine is due to the presence of a beneficial effect of the plant on the body. Wormwood helps to normalize the functioning of the nervous system, eliminate pain. The culture is widely used in gardening due to its decorative qualities. It should be remembered that escholzia has not only beneficial properties, but also contraindications. The drugs are not recommended for pregnant women and young children. It is necessary to exclude the intake of medicinal products based on the medicinal raw material of wormwood when hypersensitivity reactions appear.

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