Why are crab sticks harmful and useful?

Crab sticks are a product that appeared on the shelves of our stores in the early 90s. Since then, a lot of recipes have been invented using them. The famous crab salad is certainly present on the festive table, and admirers of delicious seafood include both adults and children. Despite the fact that the product does not contain crab meat, it does not lose its popularity. The article discusses the benefits and harms of crab sticks, answers the questions: can they be used by children, how to choose and store them.

What are crab sticks made of?

The main component of seafood is surimi, this is how healthy minced ocean fish is called in Japan. Among the components of surimi are mackerel, hake, blue whiting and other fish with white meat. The procedure for its preparation consists in washing the pieces of fish fillet, crushing it and mixing it into a homogeneous mass. Then the mixture is placed in a centrifuge to remove excess liquid. The result is a soft mass with a pleasant taste and aroma of fish. Due to its unique beneficial properties, surimi is used in the preparation of many dishes imitating seafood, including crab sticks.

Such minced meat is recognized as a useful ingredient that contains many minerals and vitamins and is not harmful to health. But after processing it, their number and, as a result, the benefits are significantly reduced. In addition, there are manufacturers who add by-products to surimi, which lowers the quality of the minced meat and changes its smell, taste, color, and numerous flavoring additives cause significant harm to the body.

In order to save money, soy protein is added to the seafood. As you know, soy is the result of genetic modification, its harm and benefits are ambiguous. Therefore, products labeled "GMO-free" are preferred. In addition, egg powder, vegetable oil, starch, salt and sugar are added. To obtain the necessary taste, many chemical additives are not spared, which are not beneficial, but harm to a person.

Chemical composition and calorie content of crab sticks

The calorie content of seafood is only 88 kcal per 100 grams. Therefore, they can be used with benefit by people who monitor their weight.




17.5 g


2 g


0 g

Alimentary fiber

0 g


70 g

In addition, the semi-finished product contains useful vitamins PP, H, E.


  • sulfur;
  • chlorine.

Trace elements:

  • molybdenum;
  • nickel;
  • fluorine;
  • chromium;
  • zinc.

Useful properties of crab sticks

It makes sense to talk about the benefits of crab sticks for the body only when they are made from surimi, which has a lot of useful properties. Only in such a situation will they be able to reveal their beneficial properties and transfer valuable components to the body: proteins, minerals and vitamins - and benefit.

Important! To get benefits, not harm, you should purchase a product made from surimi.

If the semi-finished product is contained as an ingredient in salads, then the properties of the remaining components must also be analyzed.

It is better to give them to the child in the minimum quantity and of the highest quality. Only in this case there will be no harm from their use. In addition, they may contain trace elements that have beneficial properties for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Are crab sticks good for your diet?

The semi-finished product contains relatively few calories and practically does not have fats, this property makes it convenient for consumption as a light snack. However, given the small amount of nutrients, the content of dyes and preservatives, and a fairly large amount of artificial additives, we can conclude that the product is more likely to harm than good.

Thus, despite the low calorie content, you should not overuse them, yet their beneficial properties are small. You can occasionally include them in your diet as an addition to some dishes.

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Is it possible to use crab sticks for pregnant and lactating

The chemical components of this semi-finished product will end up in breast milk, which can adversely affect the health of the newborn. Allergic reactions, adverse effects on the part of the digestive system are possible, or the development of the disease will be provoked altogether.

Therefore, women during breastfeeding are not recommended to eat them in the same amount in which they were consumed before pregnancy. It is allowed to add them only occasionally, for example, to salads, provided there is no allergy.

Important! You can use crab sticks during breastfeeding with the permission of your doctor.

It is important not to forget that when you first eat seafood during lactation, only a minimum amount of this product is allowed. This way the mother will be able to assess the reaction of the child's body to the new food. If the child does not have allergic reactions, then the amount of the product can be increased. However, they cannot be abused: the daily presence of a semi-finished product in the diet of a nursing woman is not allowed. Thus, there is no benefit of crab sticks for women during lactation.

Crab sticks for children

Crab sticks are an unnatural product that contains many different additives. The semi-finished product contains a minimum amount of useful properties, but it can cause harm in the form of an allergic reaction or even poisoning. Therefore, it is better not to give this product to children under 3-4 years old. At such a tender age, the baby's digestive system is very sensitive to additives.

Recommendations for use

Moderate consumption of such products will reduce the risk of harm to health to a minimum. Experts recommend eating no more than 2 pieces at a time. It is allowed both in pure form and as an ingredient in various salads.

Crab sticks for gastritis and pancreatitis

Experts confidently say that crab sticks should not be present in the diet of patients with gastritis and pancreatitis. This is explained by the fact that in their production, a huge amount of various food colors, flavors, preservatives are used. This is strictly prohibited for people with diseases of the digestive system.

For example, in people with gastritis and high acidity, the use of such products can cause severe irritation of the stomach walls, which can result in an exacerbation and deterioration of the condition. Therefore, additives and preservatives make sticks a product that should not be present in the diet of people with digestive problems.

Advice! It is better to purchase low-fat varieties of fish, it will be useful and safe.

Crab sticks for diabetes

Almost all useful elements, vitamins and minerals are destroyed during the manufacture of a semi-finished product, only one vegetable protein remains in the composition, therefore there is no question of benefits for diabetics. This is a non-nutritive product, so it can be consumed, but only occasionally.
It is important to understand that the products are harmful for patients with diabetes mellitus and are not beneficial also due to the high content of preservatives, stabilizers and flavor enhancers. Such components tend to provoke allergies, exacerbation of chronic diseases and disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.

Important! In diseases of the pancreas, crab sticks are contraindicated and will not bring benefits.

The use of crab sticks in cooking

Imitation of crab meat is used in the preparation of many different dishes; they have the property of quite harmoniously fitting into culinary masterpieces. Among them are salads, snacks, it happens that they are used even in hot dishes. Most of all, sticks are used in combination with canned corn, this is a classic of the holiday table.

Harm of crab sticks and contraindications

The semi-finished product contains additives such as E-450, E-420 and E-160, which tend to provoke allergic reactions. People who are prone to allergies should be careful when using them so as not to harm their health. It is recommended to consume no more than 100 grams at a time.

Since the semi-finished product is not cooked, there is a risk of contamination with microorganisms. It is better to purchase the product in a vacuum package, it will protect the product from the penetration of dirt and microbes.

The composition may contain soy protein, which can provoke an exacerbation of chronic kidney and liver diseases. It is better for people with similar illnesses not to include these products in their diet.

How to choose and store crab sticks

In order to get useful properties from crab sticks, and not harm, it is extremely important to choose the right product.

  • Packaging... It is better to prefer seafood in a vacuum, it tends to protect the contents from the penetration of bacteria and microorganisms.
  • Composition and shelf life... A useful product must contain at least 40% minced fish. Surimi should be in the first place in the lineup.
  • Nutritional supplements, stabilizers and flavor enhancers. The amount of such ingredients should be kept to a minimum. You should not purchase products containing E-450 pyrophosphates, E-420 sorbits, E-171 dyes and E-160 carotenes. Such components provoke allergic reactions.

In addition, they must:

  • have a neat look;
  • be evenly colored, without smudges and stains;
  • to be elastic and not to disintegrate when touched.


The conclusion about the benefits and harms of crab sticks is obvious. Such a product has almost no useful properties, but, on the contrary, can be harmful to health, and it is better to minimize its use. This is especially true for people with gastrointestinal problems and children. The health benefits and harms of crab sticks should be considered when compiling a family menu. As attractive as this delicacy is, it is better to replace it with natural fish dishes.


Sorokina Vera Pavlovna, 67 years old, p. Progress
I love making crab stick salad for the holidays. If he is not on the table, then the mood is not right. It is done quickly, the composition is simple and very tasty! I did not notice any harm.
Ignatenko Vera Borisovna, 60 years old, Krasnodar
A friend said that there is a diet on crab sticks. I really want to try. I am constantly struggling with being overweight and unsuccessfully. I'm only afraid that there will be no harm to health.
Petrova Lidia Vladimirovna, 45 years old, Volgograd
The daughter uses crab sticks for weight loss. Eats little, and most of the diet is this semi-finished product. He says that they tend to quickly remove the feeling of hunger. I swear with her, but it's useless. There are some additives, nothing good in the composition!

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