Why melt water is useful and how to make it

Melt water is obtained by freezing the usual purified to impart special healing properties: in structure, it becomes close to the characteristics of the protoplasm of human cells. The benefits and harms of melt water have become the subject of scientific research over the past ten years, which has allowed to collect a lot of evidence of its effects on human health.

The chemical composition and structure of melt water

Often, melt water is compared with spring water, which is the safest for the human body.

It is divided into two types:

  1. Natural melt water, which is extracted in natural conditions (thawing of snow, icebergs, glaciers and reservoirs).
  2. Artificial melt water obtained from a previously frozen liquid.

The beneficial properties of thawed water are due to its chemical structure. The structure of ordinary bottled water or tap water represents ordered large-molecular bonds, while the molecules of melt water are smaller than the pores of cell membranes. Due to their size, they easily pass into the intercellular fluid, which helps to actively speed up the metabolism in the body.

In the course of scientific research, scientists have found out that melt water has optimal pH, mineralization and hardness.

The salt content in it does not exceed 300 mg / l (at a rate of 200 - 400 mg / l), which explains the absence of a bitter or salty taste in melt water.

Cation content:

  • Calcium: 25 - 35 mg / l - at a rate of 150 - 200 mg / l;
  • Magnesium: 5 - 10 mg / l at a rate of 100 mg / l.

Anion composition:

Sulfates - 80 - 90 mg / l (norm - 500 mg / l);

Hydrocarbonates - 70 - 100 mg / l (1000 mg / l);

Chlorides - 70 mg / l (350 mg / l).

Due to its chemical composition and benefits for the human body, melt water is also called living, or life-giving: it best quenches thirst and helps restore water balance in the body.

Useful properties of melt water

Due to its healing properties, melt water will be useful:

  • in cleansing the blood vessels;
  • protecting the immune system;
  • lowering cholesterol and glucose levels;
  • preventing the appearance of cholesterol plaques;
  • normalization of the condition of the skin;
  • allergy treatment;
  • getting rid of the harm of slags and toxic substances;
  • saturation of cells with oxygen;
  • active cell regeneration.

Melt water helps to remove excess fluid and metabolic products from the intercellular space, improves the functioning of the excretion system, regulates the processes of absorption and distribution of fluid throughout the body, and also helps to normalize the acid-base balance.

Regular use of melt water stimulates the renewal of the intercellular fluid of the body, thereby increasing the efficiency, physical endurance and brain activity of a person. Attention and memory improve, and sleep becomes stronger.

More information about the benefits, dangers and properties of frozen water can be found in the video:

The benefits of melt water for weight loss

The benefits of melt water for the female body are reflected, first of all, on the figure - thanks to its healing properties:

  • accelerate metabolism and remove toxic substances from the body;
  • improve intestinal peristalsis;
  • increase the level of absorption of nutrients;
  • normalize the functioning of the digestive system;
  • relieve the harm of the consequences of constipation and diarrhea.

Melt water is used for weight loss when added to vegetable or fruit smoothies, protein shakes and sports mixtures, as well as in special teas.

To achieve maximum efficiency in getting rid of extra pounds, you should combine healthy drinking with proper nutrition and physical activity. As a result of taking melt water, the assimilation of substances and microelements useful for the body is significantly accelerated.

The work of the lymphatic system of the body is also stimulated, which is beneficial for activating the processes of release from fluid stagnation in tissues and rejuvenation.

How to drink melt water correctly

Drinking melt water is recommended in the morning and in the evening for 1 glass 20-30 minutes before meals, as well as throughout the day. A glass of thawed water in the morning will quickly invigorate the body, and before dinner it will soothe and ensure a high-quality deep sleep. One of the valuable properties of melt water for the work of the digestive tract is that drinking it on an empty stomach well awakens the appetite and prepares the enzymatic system of the human body for food intake.

How to use melt water for medicinal purposes

The beneficial effect of melt water on the functioning of the digestive system makes it possible to use it for medicinal purposes for the body. Drinking this drink half an hour before meals for a month will help to establish the digestive tract.

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Melt water is able to rid the body of the harm of viral infections: both in the treatment and for the prevention of colds.

With angina, it should be brought to room temperature, and then gargled up to 3 times a day. Due to its medicinal properties, melt water can relieve redness and pain during swallowing and accelerate recovery: in acute inflammation, you should often drink ¼ st. slightly warmed melt water in small sips every 20 - 30 minutes. It can also be used for inhalation.

For 1 kilogram of a person's weight, there should be 30 ml of water. If you introduce into the habit of drinking melt water, gradually increasing the volume to 2 liters per day, this will change the acid-base balance of the body towards alkalization, strengthen the immune system - and this is the main thing in the fight against inflammation and the harm of viral infections.

The course is 3 months. The effect of melt water treatment will manifest itself in cell regeneration and renewal of the blood composition.

The use of melt water in cosmetology

The low level of hardness of melt water makes it possible to use it with benefit in the field of cosmetology:

  • in washing;
  • rubbing the face and décolleté;
  • washing and rinsing hair.

The composition of running water contains many heavy metals that adversely affect the skin, spoil the complexion, hair structure.

Newly frozen small cubes made of melt water are used to massage the skin of the face, neck and décolleté: this significantly tightens the epidermis, gives it elasticity, eliminates age wrinkles, cracks and age spots.

The properties of melt water will be useful for improving the growth, density and volume of hair: with its use, they will fall out less often and grow faster.

Melted water is also used to rinse the gums and mouth during and after brushing your teeth. It protects teeth from the harm of caries and can prevent periodontal disease, stomatitis and inflammation.

Melt water during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Properly prepared, melt water will be beneficial for both the body of a pregnant woman and her unborn baby.However, before using it, you should still consult a doctor, since the water-salt balance during pregnancy tends to change slightly.

Interesting! In 2012, a study was organized by Canadian scientists, in which more than 100 pregnant women took part. According to the results, the benefits have been proven: drinking pre-frozen water to improve the well-being of expectant mothers, in particular, its ability to reduce the harm of toxicosis.

Due to the absence of heavy metals, salts and impurities in the composition, melt water is absolutely safe for the baby during the feeding period.

Important! It is strictly forbidden to use tap water for freezing, since it is contaminated and can provoke the development of pathologies in the fetus.

Why melt water is useful for plants and seedlings

The beneficial properties of melt water have a positive effect on the state of the domestic flora: water accelerates its growth, eliminates the harm of possible parasites and improves the appearance of the plant.

You should not use water obtained from thawed street snow for irrigation: untreated from toxic impurities, it can seriously harm the plant. Do not recommend using and boiled water: thermal action destroys all oxygen atoms and substances beneficial to flora.

Interesting! In the course of research in 2011 - 2013 in Boston (USA), biologists found out: the development of the root system of plants, irrigated with melt water, proceeds much faster, the roots grow stronger and more resistant, and their length increases by 2 - 3 cm.

How to make melt water at home

If tap water is used for freezing, it must be settled or passed through a filter: this will remove all toxic impurities that are harmful to the body.

Defrosting melt water should be carried out exclusively at room temperature and in no case should it be heated: temperature over +42 oC neutralizes all of its beneficial properties. For the same reason, it makes no sense to use melt water for cooking food.

Freezing in a plastic bottle

Freezing in a plastic bottle is the easiest way to get melted water at home. This requires:

  1. Fill the bottle 3/4 full with water, put it in the freezer: most of it should freeze, and the rest must be drained: it contains dangerous impurities.
    Attention! It has been experimentally proven that ice captures harmful impurities at the beginning and end of freezing. Therefore, it will be useful to eliminate the first ice crust formed on the water surface.
  2. Thaw the remaining ice at room temperature.
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It is most convenient to freeze in the morning. By the evening, the water will freeze - then you can remove the container from the freezer and leave it to defrost overnight. By morning, the melt water will be ready to drink.

Freezing in glass containers

During freezing of water in glassware, you can observe the separation of harmful substances: transparent ice forms along the walls of the container - this is pure water, and in the center of the dishes there is white and loose ice, it contains all the additives and impurities. There are two methods you can use to remove them from the dishes after freezing:

  1. Freeze water in a glass container with a wide mouth, loosely covering the top with a lid. When the transparent ice melts during defrosting, a white residue will remain in the center of the formed water - this piece of ice must be quickly caught.
  2. The second method has already been described earlier: it is used during freezing of water: the remainder of the liquid that is not frozen to the end is drained: later it will become white ice. In addition, at the beginning of freezing, the first formed ice is removed with a knife or a teaspoon.

The latter option is considered more complex and laborious, but the concentration of impurities in such melt water will be much less, and the beneficial properties will increase several times.Water purified by the second method is especially indicated for severe inflammatory processes and viral diseases.

Freezing boiled water

  1. If ordinary running water is used for freezing, it is first passed through a filter and then boiled.
  2. After cooling down, the water is again purified using a filter and then boiled again.
  3. Then it is poured into molds and placed in the freezer for several hours. As a result, nothing will remain in the container, except for transparent ice, the melt water from which in the future will be maximally purified from the heaviest impurities, but its biological activity will be low.

Is melt water harmful

Damage to the body from melt water can only be as a result of improper preparation. It is very important to drain off all “harmful” white ice containing heavy impurities that can negatively affect health.

It is strongly not recommended to use street snow or ice to obtain melt water - due to the harm of atmospheric pollution.

Melt water will not be useful in cooking, since excessive heat treatment destroys all the valuable "living" properties it contains. The effect can be given only by adding melt water to cold food: okroshka, smoothies, cocktails, berry fruit drinks.

The flowing water contains a high concentration of chlorine. With repeated boiling, it tends to react with organic compounds and form new bonds that are dangerous to health.

The properties of melt water to clean tooth enamel from deposits should be used with caution: at first, as it recovers, an unpleasant effect may be observed. Therefore, you need to start rinsing with melt water gradually, allowing the enamel to get used to its effects.

In order to avoid possible harm to the body, water must come through all stages of correct preparation: condensation, freezing and thawing at room temperature. This is the only way to preserve all its life-giving properties as much as possible.


The benefits and harms of melt water have become the object of study over the past decade, but the results obtained indicate the variety of valuable properties of the resulting life-giving moisture: accelerate metabolism, cleanse blood vessels, strengthen the immune system, and improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. It is important to follow the rules for preparing melt water and first free it from impurities and harmful substances.


Lyudmila Kravtsova, 51 years old, St. Petersburg
I heard about the benefits of water from the freezer for the digestive tract for a long time, but I never dared to try. So far, the examination has not revealed a pre-gastritis condition. I started with half a glass of melt water a day, gradually increasing the dosage to three glasses. The result is excellent: I forgot about stomach pains, my doctor confirmed the positive dynamics of treatment.
Inna Sviridova, 38 years old, Kazan
Several months ago, I faced a serious problem: my skin began to deteriorate right before my eyes. Dryness and flabbiness appeared. In desperation, I decided to test the effect of melt water, which, according to my friend, has incredible benefits for the human body, including for skin rejuvenation. The effect was not immediately obtained: the motivation from a friend helped to defrost the water for three weeks, and after that I became convinced of the effectiveness of such a drink. I like the way my skin looks, and the habit of drinking melt water helps with this, I'm sure.
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