Vitamins B6 and B12: which foods contain, compatibility

Vitamins B6 and B12 are equally important for the health of the body, but their level often decreases - this negatively affects health. It is possible to regulate the content of important vitamins in the blood with the help of special vitamin complexes and supplements.

The benefits of vitamins B6 and B12

Water-soluble B vitamins are of great importance for human health, but their deficiency is often observed in the body. The fact is that these beneficial compounds very quickly leave the tissues through the kidneys and liver, so you need to constantly replenish the level of vitamins.

The benefits of B6, or pyridoxine, for the body are that the substance:

  • participates in the processes of cellular renewal;
  • responsible for the healthy functioning of the central nervous system and muscular system;
  • helps to break down carbohydrates faster and get enough energy;
  • protects the body from the development of inflammatory processes and strengthens the immune system;
  • regulates cholesterol levels and reduces the risk of atherosclerotic plaque formation;
  • improves fat and protein metabolism in the body;
  • protects the organs of vision from diseases;
  • strengthens the immune system and serves as the prevention of oncology;
  • has a beneficial effect on the emotional and hormonal background.

Vitamin B6 slows down the aging process and has a positive effect on the condition of the epidermis and hair; vitamins B12 and B6 are often recommended for psoriasis. Pyridoxine is beneficial for anemia and atherosclerosis, diseases of the nervous system, and toxicosis in pregnant women.

Vitamin B12, also called cobalamin, also plays an important role in the functioning of the body. A useful connection is responsible for:

  • the production of hemoglobin, erythrocytes and leukocytes;
  • healthy brain activity and good memory;
  • normal functioning of the reproductive system in men and women;
  • metabolic processes, in particular, a useful substance helps to quickly build muscle mass;
  • healthy work of the respiratory system;
  • good sleep and emotional stability.

B12 also protects liver and kidney cells from destruction, prevents the occurrence of heart ailments, and lowers harmful cholesterol in the blood. B12 intake is often prescribed for anemia and cirrhosis of the liver, for hepatitis and skin ailments, for joint injuries and radiculitis, for polyneuritis and myelosis.

Lack of vitamins B6 and B12

The level of pyridoxine and cobalamin in the body must be constantly monitored. Since B6 and B12 do not stay in tissues for a long time, men and women often have a deficiency of valuable substances.

A lack of vitamin B6 can be recognized by the following signs:

  • irritability, depression and sleep disturbances;
  • cramps and muscle weakness;
  • dermatitis, seborrhea and stomatitis;
  • vomiting, diarrhea, and decreased appetite;
  • numbness in the arms and legs.

B12 deficiency often has similar symptoms. In addition, they may be accompanied by impairment of memory and attention, yellowing of the skin, redness and irritation of the tongue, and visual impairment.

Important! The symptoms of B6 and B12 deficiency are quite obvious. When these signs appear, clinical tests should be taken and the level of important compounds in the blood should be checked.

Combined use of vitamins B6 and B12

A characteristic feature of pyridoxine and cobalamin is that the compatibility of vitamins B6 and B12 is very good, they go well with each other and are often prescribed for simultaneous administration. Vitamins enhance the beneficial effect of each other, since they have a similar effect on the human body.

Also, B6 and B12 are often combined with folic acid intake, this vitamin from the B subgroup further increases the beneficial effect of using B6 and B12.

Vitamins B6 and B12 in food

With a deficiency of nutrients in the blood, it is necessary first of all to pay attention to foods rich in vitamins B12 and B6. Naturally, pyridoxine, or vitamin B6, is present:

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  • in vegetables - potatoes, cabbage, asparagus, corn, spinach and bell peppers;
  • in fruits - bananas, citrus fruits, avocados and melons;
  • in strawberries;
  • in nuts - walnuts, peanuts and hazelnuts;
  • in rice, buckwheat and bran;
  • in legumes and sunflower seeds.
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B6 is also found in chicken and beef meat, in egg yolks, in cod and tuna, in the liver and heart of cattle.

Vitamin B12 is obtained naturally mainly from animal products - beef and pork, lamb and chicken, fish and seafood, eggs and milk. B12 is present in small amounts in vegetables, fruits and herbs.

Vitamins B6 and B12 in injections

With a pronounced shortage of useful vitamins, the doctor can prescribe injections of B12 and B6, they allow you to quickly fill even a strong shortage of the necessary compounds. Injections of B vitamins are often recommended for polyneuritis and paralysis, paresis of the extremities and chronic liver ailments.

Advice! You can inject B12 and B6 at the same time, however, it is recommended that the injections be spaced in time, for example, the first injection should be given in the morning, and the second in the evening. Also, injections with useful substances are carried out every other day, alternating with B6 injections with B12 injections.

Why are vitamins B6 and B12 injected?

Reception of vitamin compounds in an injectable form is prescribed for serious disorders of the nervous system, for muscle diseases and joint ailments. The drugs show a good effect:

  • with neuralgia and polyneuropathy;
  • with pain syndromes caused by chronic diseases of the joints and spine;
  • when recovering from operations and serious injuries;
  • with anemia and iron deficiency in the blood;
  • with chronic fatigue.

Vitamin injections are usually not given during pregnancy. During lactation, it is not recommended to give B6 injections, as this can negatively affect milk production in a nursing mother.

Indications for vitamins B6 and B12 in injections

The main indications for injecting vitamins are:

  • depression and nervous disorders;
  • degenerative diseases of the spine with severe pain syndrome;
  • neuritis and polyneuropathy, impairment of the conduction of nerve signals in the muscles;
  • dermatitis and psoriasis;
  • violations in the reproductive system;
  • anemia and hemoglobin deficiency.

Vitamins B6 and B12 in ampoules are indicated for severe seasickness or air sickness - injections help get rid of bouts of nausea.

How to inject vitamin B6 and B12

Injections are carried out as prescribed by a doctor in individual dosages:

  1. Most often, injections are given in the gluteus muscle or in the upper thigh in the absence of an assistant.
  2. Before injections, the injection site is disinfected, and hands are thoroughly washed.
  3. After dialing the drug from the ampoule into the syringe, gently press on the plunger, directing the needle upward until a drop of medication appears at the tip, this allows you to make sure that air has escaped from the syringe.
  4. The skin at the injection site is pulled back, the needle is inserted at a right angle and slowly pressed on the plunger until the syringe is empty.

Usually, with the simultaneous use of two beneficial substances, B6 injections are carried out in the morning, and B12 is injected in the late afternoon or vice versa. You can also put vitamins B6 and B12 alternately, injecting them every other day.

Complexes of vitamins with B6 and B12

In addition to injections, with a deficiency of nutrients, vitamin complexes are used in tablets and capsules. In pharmacies, you can find several popular preparations containing the necessary vitamins.


The Russian drug contains B6 and B12, as well as B9. A vitamin complex is prescribed for atherosclerosis and thrombosis, diabetes, with a tendency to heart attacks and strokes. You need to take the drug 1 tablet per day for a month.


Another Russian drug contains a complex of vitamins B3, B6 and B12, as well as other B vitamins that do not interfere with the absorption of pyridoxine and cobalamin. The drug has a complex beneficial effect on the nervous, muscular and vascular system, it must be taken for 1.5 months, 1 capsule per day.


The composition of the drug includes B12, B6 and B1, the remedy is prescribed mainly for neuralgia and neuritis, with degenerative processes of the spine and neuropathy. You need to use the drug for no more than a month, and the daily dosage is 1-3 capsules, the exact dose is prescribed by the doctor.

Glycine Forte with vitamins B1, B6 and B12

In addition to vitamins B12 and B6, the preparation contains B1 and glycine, which is the basis of the vitamin supplement. The drug helps to improve the functioning of the nervous system, relieves psycho-emotional stress and increases mental activity, normalizes sleep.

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There are no side effects from vitamins of group B1, B6 and B12 in the preparation, subject to the dosages, and it should be taken twice a day, 1 tablet for a month.

Folic acid Forte with vitamins B6 and B12

The preparation contains B9, B6 and B12, which are well combined with each other. A vitamin supplement is prescribed with a decrease in immunity and with a deterioration in the condition of hair and skin, during pregnancy and menopause, with disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system and a tendency to depressive conditions.

It is allowed to take a vitamin supplement for 1-1.5 months, 1 tablet per day, in particular Folic acid Forte with B vitamins is useful for the female body.

How to take vitamins B6 and B12 correctly

Specific dosages and supplementation regimens depend on the drug, the person's condition, and the doctor's prescription. In general, several rules can be distinguished:

  • daily dosages of useful additives are kept small - 1-2 tablets per day;
  • use B6 and B12, usually with meals or immediately after a meal, with tablets with water;
  • taking vitamin complexes continues for about a month or a little more - prolonged use of drugs leads to an overdose of nutrients.
Attention! It is recommended to use B6 and B12 in tablets only after passing tests and against the background of a deficiency of essential substances in the blood. Despite the fact that pyridoxine and cobalamin are water-soluble substances and are quickly removed from the tissues, their excess in the body can lead to negative consequences.


Vitamins B6 and B12 are essential for normal well-being and healthy functioning of the body. You can get them not only from food, but also with the help of tablets and injections. However, vitamin preparations should be prescribed by a doctor, uncontrolled use of vitamins creates a threat of their excess in the body.

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