Barley groats: benefits and harms, how to cook

Barley groats are a valuable food product, known for their taste, vitamin complex and unique dietary fiber. The benefits and harms of barley porridge are known to every nutritionist. Yak food is tasty and moderate in calories. It has the ability to have a beneficial effect on the digestive system, excretory systems, skin and nails. On the basis of barley, diets are made, medicines and cosmetics are prepared. Regular consumption of barley porridge is useful for athletes, preschool children, losing weight, during the recovery period after operations and serious stress. Barley is available and easy to prepare, and is recommended for inclusion in the weekly diet of children and adults for its benefits.

What barley is made of

Barley is a healthy cereal plant. It has been cultivated by man for 10-11 thousand years. Grains and sprouts are eaten. Barley is used to produce flour, whole grain without an outer shell and three types of cereals: pearl barley, Dutch and barley.

  • Pearl barley - grain, cleaned from outer shells, unpolished and unpolished.
  • Dutch woman also grain, but polished to the state of a ball.
  • Yachka - thoroughly refined and finely ground grains. Divided by numbers from 1 to 3, depending on the shape and size of the grain grains.

Chemical composition and nutritional value of barley groats

Barley prodol is rich in proteins, vitamins and minerals that are of great benefit to the body. It has a high nutritional value and long-lasting saturation property, gives energy to the body for up to 4 hours. Contains a record amount of fiber - 1.4%.

The benefit of barley is that, with a high calorie content, it contains a small amount of fat, that is, it consists mainly of proteins and carbohydrates.

The benefits and harms of barley are due to its chemical composition.

Nutritional value (comparison with other cereals):

  • proteins - 10.4% (average);
  • fats - 1.3% (little);
  • carbohydrates - 71.7% (average);
  • calorie content - 322 (small);
  • starch - 65.2% (average);
  • sugar - 1.5% (low value).

Vitamins, mg:

  • B1 0.27;
  • B2 - 0.08 - the largest amount;
  • B6 0.54;
  • PP - 2.7 - more only in buckwheat.

Minerals, mg:

  • potassium - 160;
  • calcium - 42;
  • magnesium - 96;
  • phosphorus - 343;
  • iron - 1.81;
  • manganese - 760 mcg;
  • copper - 370 mcg;
  • zinc - 1.09 mcg.

Calorie content of barley porridge

Energy value of barley groats - 322 kcal. This is quite a bit, but quite enough to provide the body with useful energy for 4 hours.

Boiled in water, the grain loses calories and turns into a healthy dietary meal. As butter, milk, cream and other goodies are added to the porridge, the calories return.But the taste and benefits of a milk dish flavored with butter are worth the energy expended.

For those counting calories, the high energy value of barley porridge may be harmful, not beneficial. To track calories, there is a table of indicators depending on the cooking method.

Calorie content of barley porridge per 100 grams:

  • boiled in water - 76 kcal;
  • in medium fat milk - 111 kcal;
  • with milk and 1 teaspoon of sugar per serving - 151 kcal;
  • with milk, sugar and a slice of butter 10 g - 212 kcal.

Depending on the method of preparation, yachka can turn from a healthy dietary product into a hearty meal for a bodybuilder. In order not to harm the body, the calorie content of additional ingredients in the porridge should be taken into account.

Why barley porridge is useful

The benefits of barley porridge for the human body are in the optimal combination of components that organically complement each other. It contains special soluble fibers, the unique properties of which are in the formation of immunity and body resistance and are useful during epidemics. Reduces cholesterol levels, preventing and reducing heart disease. Due to the abundance of fiber, barley porridge has cleansing properties.

For adults

Barley porridge is a powerful energy drink. Gives a charge of vivacity, is indispensable for breakfast. Stimulates brain activity, concentrates attention. A wide range of useful vitamins and minerals prevents vitamin deficiencies in winter.

Barley porridge is useful for athletes, as it is a source of easily digestible amino acids. Supports muscle growth, reduces damage from muscle breakdown during intense exercise.

Women will appreciate the beneficial properties and ability of barley porridge to accelerate hair and nail growth, and improve skin condition. Vitamin PP protects the skin from premature aging and environmental damage, maintains moisture and elasticity, prolonging youth.

For the elderly

In old age, barley products are beneficial due to their beneficial effects on intestinal activity.

Barley porridge

  • improves motor skills;
  • stimulates peristalsis;
  • fights constipation and bowel disorders;
  • stimulates brain activity, preventing senile dementia.

Regular consumption of yachka supplies the body with B vitamins, which calm the nervous system, normalize sleep, and are beneficial to the aging body.

Important! Milk barley porridge can cause harm due to its constipation-causing potential.

Is it possible to eat barley porridge for pregnant and lactating women

Barley porridge for pregnant women is useful for a large set of vitamins, dietary fiber, and also a delicate texture.

Barley groats for the body of a woman who is carrying or nursing a child is an undoubted benefit.

  • B vitamins improve mood and have antidepressant properties.
  • Useful dietary fiber improves intestinal motility, normalizes stool.
  • The creamy texture of food protects the walls of the stomach, gives a feeling of comfort after eating.

But you shouldn't get carried away with healthy porridge either. If you are prone to constipation, barley grits cooked in milk can do more harm than good. For its preparation, it is better to use broth or clean water. Before eating barley products, you should drink a glass of boiled water so as not to harm the digestive system.

Attention! The gelling properties of barley in combination with milk give a bonding effect.

The benefits of barley porridge for children

Barley porridge is healthy and nutritious. A large amount of protein will bring maximum benefits to the growing body. Porridge is a source of carbohydrates that have powerful energy and antidepressant properties. It has a texture suitable for a delicate children's stomach, so it does not overload the digestive tract. But it is better to postpone the introduction of the yak into the child's diet until 1.5-2 years.

Warning! Barley porridge is contraindicated for children per year.

The reasons why barley porridge should not be given to children under one and a half years:

  • Barley is high in gluten. It can be harmful, as it is an allergen and is poorly absorbed by the body until a certain age. Barley porridge in a baby can cause an allergic reaction, bloating, and upset stomach.
  • The abundance of fiber benefits only adults. Young children have stomach ache due to gas when eating fiber-rich foods.
Recommended reading:  Gluten: what is it and why is it harmful, where it is contained, symptoms of intolerance

When adding barley porridge to a child's diet, they adhere to the same rules as when introducing other products:

  • for the first time, a very small portion is enough - 1 teaspoon;
  • do not cook very thickly at the very beginning;
  • do not add other ingredients to the porridge until the tolerance test has been passed;
  • closely monitor the child's condition within 24 hours after eating porridge;
  • if there are traces of allergies: redness, itching, upset stools - stop using barley porridge and consult a doctor.

If there are no symptoms, the child feels good, cheerful and cheerful, then the next day you can give 2 teaspoons of porridge. Add a little every day until full serving by age.

But the benefits of barley porridge with milk for a preschool child can hardly be overestimated.

Barley porridge for breastfeeding is also useful and is introduced into the mother's menu according to the same principle as complementary foods for the baby: gradually, with tracking the baby's reaction and taking into account the advice of the pediatrician.

Is barley porridge good for weight loss?

Like any cereal, barley is included in the list of dietary foods.

  • The beneficial properties of barley grains are that, with a high calorie content, it contains a huge amount of fiber. Thanks to this, it speeds up metabolism, cleanses the intestines, and improves motor skills.
  • In addition, barley grains saturate for a long time. Having eaten a plate of healthy yak for breakfast, you can not feel hunger for several hours.

The barley porridge diet is pleasant and healthy. But, in order not to accidentally harm your body, a doctor's consultation is still required.

The use of barley in folk medicine

Barley has useful medicinal and preventive properties and is used in folk medicine in many countries.

For treatment use

  • broth;
  • water infusion;
  • baths;
  • compresses.

The barley decoction is similar in consistency to jelly. It is used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract as an enveloping agent. Protects mucous membranes from irritation. Relieves irritation and inflammation of the stomach and duodenum.

A useful infusion is used internally for diseases of the liver, stomach, urinary tract, as well as coughs and lung diseases. It helps relieve inflammation. It has choleretic properties.

External treatment of skin diseases with lotions and baths with barley infusion. Such treatments are also beneficial for allergies and stings.

Decoction recipe

  1. Pour 20-30 grams of barley with 200 ml of cold water.
  2. Insist 4 hours, bring to a boil, cool and strain.
  3. Apply 2 tablespoons before meals.

The remedy is useful for diseases of the biliary tract, vitamin deficiency.

Infusion bath

For baths, it is customary to use malt, that is, wet and germinated barley grains. The amount per bath depends on age:

  • for a child - 0.3 kg;
  • for an adult - 2.3 kg per bath.


  1. Pour boiling water over the malt and leave for 4 hours.
  2. Strain and pour into the bath.
  3. They are immersed in water for 15 minutes.

Barley baths soothe sore skin, moisturize and nourish. Useful for acne, psoriasis. Malt, like barley, has soothing and anti-inflammatory properties.

Barley compress

  1. Pour boiling water over the barley, stir until a thick gruel.
  2. Wrap in gauze, towel or natural fabric.
  3. Apply to a sore spot warm or cold.

A warm compress helps relieve muscle tension and spasms. Cooled to room temperature, it draws pus out of wounds, and also soothes irritations, bites, and allergic rashes thanks to its mild antihistamine properties. Barley compress is beneficial in treating acne.

Is barley porridge possible for diabetes

Barley prodol is rich in healthy complex carbohydrates - this is good for a healthy person, since they give you a feeling of fullness and a boost of energy for several hours. But a diabetic person may experience hyperglycemia due to the high energy properties of barley.

In order for barley porridge to be beneficial, it must be cooked with a minimum amount of additional ingredients. Preferably just on the water. You can eat porridge every day, but in small portions.

Barley porridge recipes with milk and water

Useful cereals, side dishes, main courses, jelly are prepared from barley, added to soup. In order for the dish to succeed, it is necessary to monitor the quality of the raw product and carefully choose the manufacturer. Only fresh, clean grains will make tasty and healthy food. Delicious jelly is especially successful from barley due to its gelling properties.

Classic barley porridge


  • barley groats - 50 g;
  • vegetable oil - 10 g;
  • onions - 20 g;
  • carrots - 20 g;
  • salt.


  1. Rinse the barley in three waters, pour into boiling water.
  2. Cook until thickened over medium heat.
  3. Fry finely chopped onions and carrots in a frying pan.
  4. Transfer the porridge to a pot, cover and put in the oven over low heat for 50 minutes.
  5. Sprinkle healthy barley porridge with onion and carrot dressing before serving.

Barley porridge with sour cream


  • barley groats - 1 glass;
  • milk - 1 l;
  • butter - 1 tbsp. l.,
  • 3 eggs;
  • sour cream - 1 glass;
  • salt;
  • sugar.


  1. The barley was rinsed in three waters. If the water is cloudy, then rinse until transparent. Place on a sieve.
  2. Pour into a saucepan, pour over milk.
  3. With constant stirring, bring to a boil.
  4. Switch the stove to the minimum setting and cook the porridge until it thickens.
  5. Season with salt, add butter, sour cream and sugar to taste.
  6. Stir and transfer porridge into ceramic baking dishes or pots.
  7. Preheat the oven to 150 degrees, bake the porridge for 30 minutes.

Barley porridge with pumpkin


  • barley groats - 300 g;
  • pumpkin - 500 g;
  • dried cranberries - 100 g;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • cinnamon;
  • cinnamon sugar - 2 tbsp l .;
  • salt.


  1. Rinse the barley well, soak in 1 liter of cold water for 7 hours.
  2. While stirring, cook the porridge until tender, without changing the water.
  3. Cut the raw pumpkin into small cubes.
  4. Soak the cranberries in hot water.
  5. Put pumpkin in a baking dish, sprinkle with oil and bake in a hot oven for 15 minutes. Stir three times.
  6. Add pumpkin, cranberries, salt, sugar, cinnamon to the finished porridge.
  7. Stir and leave the porridge warm for 30 minutes.

The video will tell you how to quickly cook healthy barley porridge with meat:

Cooking barley porridge in a slow cooker

The easiest way to cook barley grits is in a multicooker. In the mode of baking or simmering under vacuum and even heating on all sides, the porridge turns out to be soft and delicate in taste, it retains more benefits.

Yachka in a multicooker on the water


  • barley done - 1 glass;
  • water - 2.5 cups;
  • salt;
  • butter.


  1. Rinse the barley, discard on a fine sieve.
  2. Transfer to a slow cooker, add water and salt.
  3. Select the "Groats" mode (it is available in all multicooker) for 50 minutes.
  4. After the signal, put butter in the porridge, close and leave in heating mode for 30 minutes.

Milk porridge for children in a slow cooker


  • barley groats - 0.5 cups;
  • water - 1 glass;
  • milk - 1 glass;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • butter.


  • Rinse the barley thoroughly 5 or more times.
  • Put barley grits, butter, salt, sugar in a multicooker bowl.
  • Cover with milk and water.
  • Stir and add apples, berries or dried fruits to your child's taste.
  • Set the "Milk food" mode for about 30 minutes (time may vary from model to model).
  • After the signal, open the lid and evaluate the consistency of the porridge.
  • If it seems that the porridge is too liquid, then leave it in the same mode for another 15–20 minutes.

Cooking tips for barley porridge

  • It is important to thoroughly rinse the barley, only in this case it will be beneficial, not harmful. The easiest way to do this is in a large saucepan. Pour in grain, pour cold water. Rinse with hand or spoon. A whisk or spatula can be used. Drain the water into the sink, substituting a fine sieve, as some of the grains will pour out with the water. Drop the fallen grains back into the pan. Pour water again. Repeat until the flowing water becomes clear.
  • The proportions for a crumbly dish are 1 cup of grain per 2.5 cups of water. If the porridge is cooked with milk, increase the amount of liquid.
  • For cooking in a saucepan, crushed grain is pre-soaked for 3-5 hours, so it becomes soft during cooking and retains all its useful properties. To cook porridge in a multicooker, soaking is not required.
  • To make the yachka even tastier, it is seasoned not with pure milk, but mixed with cottage cheese.
  • You can beat baby porridge with a mixer: kids love everything airy.
  • You need to salt the porridge at the very end of cooking.
  • The egg can be baked or simmered in pots. Then it will reveal its intense flavor and aroma properties and bring more benefits to the body.

How and how much to cook barley so that it does not burn and retain its beneficial properties, the video will tell:

Harm of barley porridge and contraindications

Without a doubt, barley products are good for everyone. But there are some diseases in which the use of barley dishes will be impossible and will only bring harm. When healthy food can be dangerous:

  • Excessive use. The high calorie and nutritional properties of barley grains can lead to excess weight and harm health if consumed in excess.
  • Gluten intolerance. Some people are unable to metabolize gluten. In such cases, barley, like all cereals, is contraindicated and will only bring harm.
  • Infant age. It is recommended to introduce healthy barley products into complementary foods no earlier than 2 years because of the allergic properties of gluten.
  • Pregnancy - a conditional contraindication, applies only to barley porridge with milk. Any dairy products contribute to constipation, and this is harmful to the digestive system. Barley porridge in water or broth will only benefit expectant mothers.
Attention! When eating barley by pregnant women, young children and people with chronic diseases, it is imperative to consult a doctor.

How to choose and store barley grits

In modern supermarkets there is a large selection of healthy barley cereals. To make the right choice and not harm the body with a low-quality product, you need to pay attention to several important points.

  • The grains should be approximately the same size and color.
  • Without gray, blue and bright white spots, it is a mold that causes great harm to food and humans.
  • They should flow easily and be completely dry.
  • The packaging is intact, clean, without any signs of damage or stains.
  • Be sure to look at the expiration date and manufacturer's indication.

Storage rules:

  • Grain is stored in tightly closed jars or boxes. Storage in canvas bags is allowed.
  • The storage area should be dark, dry, free from fragrant foods. Do not store cereals next to spices. Ideally, select a separate cabinet with doors.
  • If the barley was purchased for future use, then it is necessary to conduct an audit once a month.
  • On the bank, indicate the expiration date if the original packaging has not been preserved.

If you choose and save barley grits correctly, it will become a source of nutrients for the body for a long time.


The benefits and harms of barley porridge is a very important issue because of the beneficial properties of barley: the ability to improve digestion, increase immunity and stimulate brain activity. It is no coincidence that barley porridge is a traditional dish with a long history. This food was prepared by both peasants and emperors. The reason for this success is the unique composition, unsurpassed benefits and availability of barley grits.

Barley porridge can be sweet, spicy or salty, crumbly or viscous, but it must be healthy. Side dishes, desserts and main courses are prepared from the yak. Even medicines are prepared from barley, since it has antidepressant and immunomodulatory properties.


Margarita, 38 years old, Chelyabinsk
I love the egg, it doesn't matter if it's porridge on milk or on water, the main thing is then add a little butter and a little sugar. Delicate, pleasant taste and undoubted benefits for my body. The porridge is just wonderful!
Aliya, 29 years old, Novosibirsk
I love barley porridge as it is great for the whole family and incredibly healthy. As an independent dish, I cook it with butter. And you can cook it as a dessert, you can add, for example, fruits or berries, or honey, nuts - this is very tasty, and the benefits are added. Or it can be used as a side dish for any meat dishes or sausages. Everyone eats barley porridge with pleasure: my husband, children, father-in-law and mother-in-law.
Anna Anatolyevna, 60 years old, Izhevsk
If we talk about the cell in general, it improves digestion and well-being, and increases efficiency. Porridge is very satisfying and healthy ... This is very important at our age with my husband.
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