Hemp seeds: the benefits and harms, how to germinate, how they look, photo

The benefits and harms of hemp seeds are of great importance in home medicine and cooking. To assess how valuable a product is to the body, you need to carefully study its properties and methods of application.

What cannabis seeds look like

Hemp seeds are not the most common product. However, recognizing them is quite simple, even if you did not have to use them before. The product has an oval shape, but the main distinguishing feature is the color - greenish-brown, with black spots, similar to the shade of "khaki".

Seeds that have ripened more recently give more green color, well-ripened ones are distinguished by a darker shade. At the same time, one of the edges is always slightly sharpened - after the seed opens, it is from it that the root is shown. The size of the seeds can vary greatly - some do not exceed 4 mm in diameter, while others look like large peas.

The chemical composition of hemp seeds

The many beneficial properties of hemp seeds are easily explained by their rich chemical composition. The product contains the following components:

  • minerals - iron, calcium, copper, zinc and phosphorus;
  • elements potassium, magnesium, manganese, sodium, sulfur and chlorine;
  • about 20 amino acids, including essential ones, which cannot be produced by the body on its own;
  • subgroup B vitamins - from B1 to B12;
  • vitamins A, E and C;
  • vitamin D;
  • proteins globulin and albumin;
  • the most important fatty acids - Omega-6 and Omega-3, and the ratio of substances is the same as in healthy fish oil;
  • cellulose.

It is important to note that the product does not contain gluten, therefore it is suitable even for the diet of people with food allergies to gluten. The calorie content of the product is quite high - 553 kcal per 100 g.

Why hemp seeds are good for you

The benefits of hemp seeds extend to almost every system in the body. It makes sense to consider in more detail the effect of the product on human health. This will allow you to understand how important it is with a tendency to some ailments.

Heart health

Hemp seeds are one of the best natural remedies for the prevention of strokes and heart disease. The fact is that the product contains substances and acids that contribute to blood thinning. Useful properties regulate cholesterol levels and do not allow atherosclerotic plaques to be deposited on the walls of blood vessels, prevent the formation of blood clots.

Accordingly, the risk of ischemia and myocardial infarction, cerebral stroke decreases.This is the particular benefit and harm of hemp seed for men - after reaching 50 years, the stronger sex becomes especially prone to heart and vascular diseases.

Improves the digestive tract

The high fiber content of hemp seeds is extremely beneficial for the gastric system. Coarse dietary fiber stimulates digestion and helps relieve chronic constipation. If you eat a product constantly, then its properties will not bring harm. But you can forget about bloating, nausea, heartburn and delays in bowel movements.

For skin, hair and nails

The polyunsaturated fatty acids in the product, as well as vitamins A and E, are responsible for improving the appearance. With the regular use of sprouts, porridge or hemp urbech, strengthening of the nail plates and hair is observed.

The skin condition becomes noticeably better. The epidermis acquires elasticity, dermatological irritations disappear, acne appears much less often.

Cancer prevention and treatment

Hemp seeds are highly regarded in folk medicine as a preventive and therapeutic anti-cancer agent. The product contains a lot of vitamin E, or tocopherol, and this is one of the most effective antioxidants with tremendous benefits for the body.

Research confirms that regular consumption of cannabis seeds is not harmful, but promotes rapid cell renewal. The product prevents the spread of malignant tumors, therefore, it can be used both as a means of preventive protection and as an addition to drug treatment.

Attention! Cancer is the most dangerous disease in the modern world, so it is strictly prohibited to treat it exclusively with hemp seed.

The intake of seeds in any form must be combined with the therapy prescribed by the oncologist.

Reducing PMS and Menopause Symptoms

Every second woman experiences a lot of unpleasant physical and emotional sensations before and during menstruation. Hemp seeds alleviate PMS symptoms due to the presence of gamma-linolenic acid in the composition, which relieves heightened sensitivity to the production of the hormone prolactin. It has been clinically proven to reduce the severity of PMS symptoms and help women maintain a normal emotional state.

Also, hemp seeds make it easier to endure the onset of menopause. It is believed that gamma-linolenic acid in the composition of the product effectively regulates the hormonal background and eliminates the inflammatory processes that occur in the female body with the onset of menopause.

Muscle and Joint Health

Hemp seeds are very rich in vegetable protein - the product contains not much less than beef. Just a couple of large tablespoons of seeds are enough to deliver over 10 grams of high quality protein into the body. And since protein compounds contain essential amino acids, together with hemp seeds, the human body receives a building material for muscles. Bodybuilders are well aware of the beneficial property of the product and try to include it in their diet.

Important! Hemp seeds are better absorbed than nuts, legumes, and most grains. Therefore, as a source of vegetable protein, it is more beneficial than more conventional foods.

It should be noted and the high content of calcium in the composition of a useful product. This trace element, in combination with organic acids, strengthens bone tissue. Hemp seed prevents the development of arthritis, osteoporosis and rheumatism in both athletes and ordinary people.

Prevention of diabetes mellitus

The product improves blood quality and lowers glucose levels, therefore helps to avoid the development of diabetes. The seeds will be very useful in case of an already existing disease; they will not replace insulin injections, but will reduce their number.

In addition, the properties of the fiber in the composition of the product improve the functioning of the intestines and pancreas. It supports the health of the metabolic system and also prevents the onset of diabetes.

Weight loss

The product is of great value for dietary nutrition. Hemp seeds provide the body with energy, but also reduce appetite. Accordingly, it becomes easier to adhere to a diet, although a losing weight person does not feel constant fatigue.

So that the seeds do not cause harm, but reveal all their useful properties, it is enough to consume them 2 large spoons daily with breakfast. Then, throughout the rest of the day, hunger will practically not be felt, but there will be enough strength for exercise.

How to take hemp seeds for medicinal purposes

There will be benefits for the body even if you just take hemp seeds along with familiar foods or prepare special dishes from them. But the properties of seeds are also in demand in folk medicine - they are used to treat a number of diseases.

  1. During a cold, hemp tea will not harm. They make it very simply - pour a teaspoon of seeds with a glass of boiling water and leave for about 10 minutes. You need to drink the remedy twice a day, it will be beneficial for sore throat and cough, bronchitis and laryngitis. The properties of hemp tea have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, reducing stress and eliminating insomnia.
  2. Hemp seed decoction has strong diuretic properties and is beneficial for kidney ailments. It is prepared like this - a glass of peeled seeds is crushed with a blender or a hand mortar, pour 3 cups of boiling water, insist for about half an hour and filter the liquid. You can drink the product with the addition of honey three times a day. In addition, the properties of the drink will be in demand in the treatment of fibroids, if you take it for 2 weeks, only 5 sips per dose, the remedy will help relieve inflammation.

Hemp decoctions and infusions are often used to treat skin lesions - corns, abscesses, diaper rash. It is enough to moisten a piece of gauze or a cotton swab in the drug and fix it with a compress over the sore spot for 30-60 minutes. Compresses are also useful for joint diseases - the valuable properties of the product relieve swelling and fight inflammation.

How to use hemp seeds for weight loss

To get rid of extra pounds, hemp seeds are easiest to consume in their pure form during breakfast - 2-4 large spoons. If the indicated dosages are not exceeded, the product will not cause harm.

You can also add seeds to common dishes, such as morning porridge or vegetable salad, or savory pastries. Often, hemp seeds are mixed with sprouts of other cereals, all the ingredients are ground in a blender, and then poured with kefir or milk - a very healthy natural cocktail is obtained.

How can hemp seeds be eaten?

Cannabis seeds are beneficial in almost any form - they are difficult to harm. Hemp seedlings are very popular. You can also add seeds to food directly in the shell so that it does not turn out to be too tough, you should first soak the seeds in water for several hours. Peeled seeds have a pleasant taste and useful properties, and valuable hemp flour and vegetable oil are also prepared from the product.

Daily intake

For all the beneficial properties of hemp seeds, use them in moderation. The normal daily requirement is 2 more tablespoons of seeds. If the indicated dosage is exceeded, it can lead to intestinal upset and headache, therefore, the product should not be abused.

Germinating hemp seeds at home

The benefits and harms of hemp seed sprouts are highly respected by fans of healthy eating.Sprouted seed contains several times more vitamins and valuable microelements than ordinary seeds.

You don't have to go to a specialty store for sprouts. You can also prepare the product at home - the germination technology is very simple.

  • Regular seeds, together with the peel, are soaked in a deep container for about 8 hours. After this time, the floating seeds are removed and discarded, and all the rest that have sunk to the bottom are washed.
  • The seeds are spread in a thin layer on a wet piece of gauze, folded several times, and then covered with a second piece of gauze on top, also well moistened with water.
  • The seeds are left under gauze for 10 hours, not forgetting to periodically moisten the fabric - it dries quickly.

After this time, the first small seedlings should appear. However, it is too early to eat the seeds - while continuing to regularly moisten the gauze, you must wait until the sprouts reach at least 1.5 cm in length.

After this, the seedlings will need to be washed again. They can then be consumed unprocessed in salads, milkshakes, or along with snacks.

Hemp seeds in cooking

The product is beneficial and not harmful even when added to ordinary dishes in its pure form. But the culinary use of seeds is much wider - flour and healthy vegetable oil, pasta are made from hemp.

On the basis of hemp flour, tasty and valuable baked goods are prepared; in stores, you can often find bread containing hemp seeds. You can add seeds whole or chopped to soups and side dishes, drinks and desserts.

Advice! It is not recommended to fry hemp seeds - there will be no harm from this, but all the useful properties of the product will disappear during high-temperature processing.

Hemp Seed Porridge

The simplest seed-based dish is tasty and healthy hemp porridge. Preparing it is elementary:

  • poured peeled or unpeeled seeds with clean water and left under a lid overnight;
  • in the morning, the seeds are washed and processed in a blender to get a liquid gruel;
  • to the dish add ordinary sunflower seeds, ground sesame seeds, pieces of berries or fruits.

The benefits and harms of hemp porridge are that it doesn't even need to be boiled. All the beneficial properties are perfectly revealed with ordinary soaking - ready-made porridge improves digestion and equalizes pressure, increases the tone of the body and strengthens the immune system.

Attention! Processing at high temperatures will rather harm the product, since the lion's share of vitamins and elements will evaporate. But it is precisely for their high concentration that hemp seeds are so prized.

Hemp milk

Another useful instant product is the so-called hemp milk. To create it, you will need only seeds and water - there is no talk of using ordinary cow or goat milk.

The recipe looks like this:

  • a glass of hemp seeds with or without a shell is poured with 3 glasses of water;
  • the workpiece is placed in a blender and ground thoroughly until the mixture is completely homogeneous;
  • after that, the liquid is poured into a separate container through cheesecloth folded in several dense layers.

It is the product that flows through cheesecloth into a saucepan or deep plate that will be called hemp milk. Since the taste of the drink is rather peculiar, cocoa, sweet berries or other natural sweeteners are often added to it.

Milk is of great benefit to joints and ligaments, has a positive effect on the condition of the teeth. The product is especially useful for children, as it effectively strengthens the tissues of the growing body.

Hemp seed urbech

The benefits and harms of hemp seed urbech are of great interest. You will need a few ingredients to create a treat - only butter, peeled seeds and natural honey.

The Urbech recipe looks like this:

  • seeds, honey and oil are taken in approximately equal proportions;
  • without subjecting the ingredients to heat treatment, they are put into a blender and crushed or grinded by hand;
  • the finished homogeneous paste is placed in a glass jar and stored in the refrigerator.
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The benefits of hemp seed urbech remain very high, since the delicacy retains all its original valuable properties. Vitamins and trace elements are present in the whole composition of the sweet paste. Urbech can be spread on bread like ordinary butter, or you can add it to cereals or eat with spoons along with tea or water.

The use of hemp seed in cosmetology

Hemp seeds are widely used in industrial and home care products. Crushed seeds and the hemp oil derived from them are used in masks and creams, lotions and moisturizing balms. Useful seeds in any form have a calming effect on the skin, relieve irritation and eliminate excessive dryness, and help fight age wrinkles.

There are seed extracts in shampoos - hemp strengthens the hair and restores its shine, and also tones the scalp.

The harm of hemp seed and contraindications

Contrary to popular belief, hemp seeds do not have a narcotic effect and do not harm the human body. Hazardous components are found only in the green parts of the plant - while the seeds are absolutely harmless and bring only health benefits.

At the same time, the product also has certain contraindications. It cannot be consumed in the presence of individual allergies, and in case of serious ailments of the stomach and intestines, only purified hemp seeds can be used for food.

It is important not to exceed the daily dosage. The daily allowance of the product should not exceed 3 large spoons, otherwise a headache will appear and an upset stomach will occur.

How to choose and store hemp seed

When buying hemp seeds, you need to take a close look at how they look. Fresh, ripe and quality seeds have a greenish or grayish brown color and a slight oily sheen. They should be round in shape, and the size of good seeds resembles black peppercorns.

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As for the shelf life, the product retains its valuable properties and benefits for 4 years. It must be stored in a closed glass container, in a dry place away from direct sunlight.


The benefits and harms of hemp seed balance each other out. If used correctly, the product will be extremely beneficial, however, if seeds are abused, harm is also possible - seeds should only be an additive to food, and not one of your favorite delicacies.

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