Congrio fish (king clip): benefits and harms, photos, reviews

There are a huge number of opinions about the benefits and harms of congrio for the body. Black Congrio of American origin. Muscles have a shade of pink, congrio tastes like shrimp. For its similarity in Russia, it was nicknamed shrimp fish. In New Zealand it is called conger eel. In commercial fishing, the name king clip is used.

What is this fish

King Klip lives in the Australian and South American regions of the world ocean. The largest concentration of individuals is observed off the coast of Australia. Congrio is a deep-sea inhabitant, reaching 2 m in length, growing up to 20 kg.

In appearance, the king clip resembles an eel. The body is long, elongated. The skin is smooth, covered with an impressive layer of mucus, bright pink in color with variegated splashes. Congrio is a predator, often feeding on crustaceans, including shrimp. It comes to our country by export. Unscrupulous suppliers try to pass off cheaper individuals for this species. The photo shows the congrio fish.


Benefits of Congrio Fish

The muscles of shrimp fish are loaded with zinc, fatty acids, which are of great benefit to humans. Eating congrios helps balance the metabolism.

The low calorie content of the muscles of congrio fish allows the use of diabetics, people with disorders of the digestive system. Fatty acids strengthen the immune system, normalize the liver.

Important! The muscles of the Congrio fish are used as a means of preventing cancer.

The vitamins contained in congrio are of immense benefit. They help prevent diseases, have a positive effect on the properties of the immune system.

Amino acids strengthen the tissues of cells, muscle fibers. Constant regeneration occurs under the influence of amino acids. Omega-3 acids have a beneficial effect on the nervous, reproductive, cardiovascular systems of the body.

Harm of congrio fish and contraindications

Shrimp fish is useful in its properties, it cannot bring significant harm to the body. The only contraindication for eating may be individual intolerance. Congrio does not live on the territory of our country, it is exported in large quantities due to its benefits. In order not to harm the body, they first try a small amount of fish, observe how they feel.

When choosing, you should pay attention to the terms, storage conditions. Damage to health is caused by spoiled fish king clip. Before purchasing, congrios get acquainted with the rules for choosing quality products, the reputation of the supplier. King clip caught in polluted waters has irreparable harm to the body.

The chemical composition and calorie content of Congrio fish

Congrio fish is rich in rare amino acids that cannot be produced in the body on its own, zinc, omega-3 fatty acids. Muscles contain the following components:

  • phosphorus;
  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • vitamins A, B 12, D.

Minerals allow you to balance water balance, strengthen bones, muscles, which brings great benefits to the body. Properties are important for the development of the human body.Useful components in the composition of Congrio have a beneficial effect on hormones.

Organic ingredients in shrimp fish:

  • proteins - 19.1 g;
  • fat - 1.9 g;
  • carbohydrates - 0 g.

The calorie content of the king clip does not exceed 95 kcal per 100 g.

Is congrio fish good for weight loss?

Its low calorie content allows nutritionists to recommend it as a dietary product. A small amount of fat, lack of carbohydrates will not harm the figure. The presence of protein makes it possible to build new muscle cells. With a dietary diet, the use of congrio fish will be beneficial, provide increased tone, excellent health.

How to choose and store Congrio fish

You can buy shrimp fish in our country only frozen. In the Russian markets, it is found in the form of cut carcasses, steaks. You can see the congrio block fillets on sale.

When choosing, you should pay attention to the external condition. Carcasses are selected without damage while maintaining their natural color. The amount of ice glaze should be kept to a minimum. Keep the congrio frozen.

Important! Before using it for food, fish must be thawed in a gentle way in a refrigerator to preserve its beneficial, taste properties.

How to cook congrio fish deliciously

A large number of healthy dishes can be prepared from shrimp fish. Heat treatment does not harm its taste. Dense and elastic pulp does not lose its useful properties during cooking.

Any spices and sauces are perfect for the king clip. Shrimp and crayfish tails are added for additional benefits. The nutritional value is enhanced by the addition of vegetable and cereal side dishes.

Most often, frozen congrio fish is baked in different ways. It is suitable for making soups, stewing, frying and marinating. Shrimp fish has gained popularity in Japanese cuisine. It is used to make rolls, sushi, add it raw.

Congrio in the oven

One of the healthy dishes is congrio baked in foil. For cooking, you need the following ingredients:

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  • fillet - 2 pcs. (it is advisable to choose a large size);
  • bow - 1 head;
  • bulgarian pepper - 1 pc.;
  • salt;
  • dry white wine - 4 tbsp. l .;
  • black pepper.
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Step-by-step cooking recipe:

  1. The carcasses must be thawed. To do this, leave them in the refrigerator for 24-30 hours. This is necessary to preserve the unique properties of the congrio.
  2. The king clip needs to be cut in half and the bones removed to make 2 fillets with skin.
  3. Fillet is marinated with salt and pepper.
  4. Bell peppers are cut in half, peeled from seeds. It must be greased with olive oil, baked in the oven for about 30 minutes at a temperature of 200 ° C.
  5. The finished pepper is transferred to a container, covered with a lid so that the skin is easier to remove.
  6. Cut the onion into thin rings, lightly fry in a pan with salt.
  7. Prepare the foil in advance, heat the oven to 200 ° C.
  8. Fried onions are spread on a sheet of foil, then marinated fillets. Put baked pepper on top. All ingredients are poured over with white wine.
  9. The dish is covered with foil and baked for 25 minutes.
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Attention! Because of the thick layer of mucus on congrio skin, it is often difficult to clear it. Therefore, before removing the skin, it is necessary to sprinkle with flour and remove from the head to the tail of the fish.
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Fried Congrio Fish

This dish is easy in recipe, quick to prepare. But its benefits are not diminishing. Cooking fish in oil will not do any harm to the figure, but, on the contrary, will emphasize its taste and properties.

You will need the following ingredients:

  • congrio carcass - 0.5 kg;
  • flour for breading - 100 g;
  • salt;
  • black pepper;
  • vegetable oil.

Step by step actions:

  1. It is necessary to thoroughly rinse the skin of the fish from mucus, remove the insides with fins.
  2. The carcass is cut into pieces.
  3. Sliced ​​fish is placed in a separate container, salt and pepper are added. Mix everything thoroughly, leave for pickling.
  4. A pan with vegetable oil is heated to the required temperature.
  5. Each piece is doused in flour, laid out in a frying pan.
  6. Fry on both sides until golden brown over low heat.
  7. Finished shrimp fish can be garnished with a side dish, vegetables, fresh herbs, which will add the benefits of this dish.


Despite the fact that there is no consensus about the benefits and harms of congrios for the human body, nevertheless, this fish has much more positive properties. Trace elements, rare amino acids contained in its composition, delicate, rich taste and ease of preparation make it an irreplaceable and healthy dish on every table.


Balashova Anastasia Vladimirovna, 38 years old, Moscow
Stumbled upon a Congrio fish recipe in a cookery article. The unusual shrimp flavor interested me. I decided to try cooking. The family was delighted, now we cook constantly. The taste is really delicate and rich, the benefits for the body are enormous. I recommend to everyone.
Ananyeva Tatyana Olegovna, 52 years old, Omsk
I love fish, I often cook, but I first heard about Congrio on the market. I saw an unusual name, became interested in fish. The seller said that it tastes like shrimp, the meat is the same pink. I wanted to try. Now she is our favorite, we are preparing for the holidays.
Lobanova Elena Nikolaevna, 43 years old, Vladimir
I am a mother of two children, I try to have a balanced diet. But no matter how I tried to convince them to eat fish, it did not work. I don't like the taste, then the bones come across. I read an article about Congrio fish, found it frozen. Cooked in the oven with vegetables. The children were delighted. The result is tender, juicy, no bones. Ate, asked for supplements. I cook soups, cutlets from the king clip. It is healthy and tasty.
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