Why white wine is useful and how to make it at home

The benefits and harms of white wine is a question that worries every wine lover. It is this kind of drink that is considered the most elegant, light and goes well with many products.

Features of the production of white wine

Winemaking is an ancient, laborious craft that equates to art. It is important to understand that white wine differs from other wine drinks in its delicate aroma and exquisite taste. That is why the process of its manufacture requires more preparation and scrupulousness.

There is an opinion that white wine is made only from white grapesbut it is not. To make the drink tart and tasty, a special variety of white, red or blue grapes is selected. The berries are sorted out, peeled and separated from the rind, which has a coloring pigment and special taste properties typical for red wines and other rich drinks.

Important! The most important stage in the preparation of white wine is the purification of the resulting wort from impurities by filtration and settling. It is the purity of the wort that affects the taste, quality and, accordingly, the price of the finished product.

Chemical composition of white wine

The chemical composition of white wine is complex and has about 500 elements. They are divided into micro- and macro-substances, the most significant of which are:

  • Water (on average, white wine is 80% water);
  • Ethyl alcohol (its content ranges from 9 to 20%);
  • Carbohydrates (presented as valuable sugars, glucose and fructose);
  • Organic acids (up to 1%);
  • Mineral salts (large amounts of potassium, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus);
  • Phenolic substances (participate in chemical reactions that give the wine taste and color shades);
  • B vitamins (relative to the daily value, their amount is negligible and amounts to 0.1-0.9 mg);
  • Acetates and Esters (volatiles responsible for odor).

These elements are basic. Their ratio forms the taste, smell, color and useful properties of the wine. The final chemical composition is individual for each type of beverage. It depends on the grape variety, cleaning quality, climatic conditions and other related factors.

Nutritional value and calorie content of white wine

Nutritional value per 100 grams of white wine is:


Calorie content





100 kcal

0.2 g

0 %

8 g


88 kcal

0.2 g

0 %

5 g


78 kcal

0.3 g

0 %

2.5 g


65 kcal

0.2 g

0 %

0.3 g

Useful properties of white wine

Drinking white wine in moderation is good for your health. This fact was officially confirmed by scientists researching the effect of the drink on the body. The beneficial effect is due to the presence of such useful substances as:

  • Vitamins and trace elements. They are not found in grape juice and are formed after the fermentation process;
  • Organic acids that stimulate appetite;
  • Some trace elements have antibacterial properties, therefore, in folk medicine, the treatment of colds and viral diseases is practiced by drinking warm white wine;
  • Caffeic acid increases the acidity of the stomach and normalizes digestion;
  • Alcohol has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system.

Important! The more pure raw materials are used to make a drink, the more valuable substances are stored in it, the more useful properties it has. Therefore, it is worth giving preference to expensive and quality wines. But at the same time, it is important not to forget that all the benefits of wine can be obtained by savoring it in moderate quantities, while the abuse of even high-quality wine is harmful.

The benefits of white wine for women

The benefits of dry white wine for nutritional women are invaluable. It has a low calorie content due to its low sugar content and helps to improve digestion. And also many anti-aging products are based on grape seed oil, which contains antioxidants. Naturally, the proportion of these nutrients will also be contained in a glass of wine.

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Why is white wine useful for men?

Stress and age can negatively affect the quality of potency. The benefits of white wine for men lies in its ability to normalize the nervous system and improve blood circulation. This helps the stronger sex to prolong youth and improve sex life.

Dry white wine treatment

Old wine is the best medicine. This is what the most influential Persian doctor of the Middle Ages, Avicenna, stated. According to the results of research by modern scientists, the chemical composition of dry wine can be used for medical purposes. The beneficial procedures using wine are called enotherapy and are widely used as part of a comprehensive treatment and prevention of various diseases.

The benefits and harms of dry white wine are determined in accordance with the dosage. For men and women, it is 250 - 300 ml per day. Do not forget that the benefits of white wine for the body end where the excess of the permissible amount of alcohol begins. At the same time, drinking wine on an empty stomach also brings harm. For greater effect, this should be done with the last meal. Due to the presence of antibacterial and antiviral components, warm dry wine is used to treat coughs, acute respiratory viral infections, colds. Thiamines, glycerin, mineral salts and active elements contained in the drink effectively counteract these diseases, and the minimum sugar content does not burden the evening meal and does not harm diabetics.

How and with what they drink white wine

According to the rules of etiquette, dry white wine is considered table wine and is not drunk without a snack. Having an exquisite taste and delicate aroma, it goes well with seafood and vegetables. It is strongly not recommended to combine the use of the drink with spices and citrus - they negatively affect the work of taste buds and interrupt the delicate taste of dry wine.

This semi-dry white wine goes well with all types of cheese and smoked fish. Grilled vegetables, asparagus, artichokes can be used as a vegetable snack. The main exception for a semi-dry drink is fatty meats and sausages.

Semi-sweet wine has a richer taste and goes well with dessert snacks, fruits, ice cream. From meat snacks, preference is given to poultry, turkey or rabbit.

Sweet wine has the most pronounced taste among white wines and is considered a dessert wine. It is not an aperitif and is served at the end of the meal, completing the meal. The only rule is not to consume sweet wine with chocolate or coffee drinks, as they irritate the taste buds, interrupting the great taste of the wine.

The use of white wine in cosmetology

They began to use wine in cosmetology a long time ago. In ancient Egypt, it was believed that it has healing properties and is able to maintain youth for many years. The beauties considered wine baths useful, they actively took them and washed their faces with a drink. Old folk recipes have survived to this day and are very popular not only among women, but also among men.

The beneficial property of wine therapy is to protect collagen cells from wilting. The fact is that antioxidants quickly penetrate the dermis and have a beneficial effect on metabolic processes, actively producing elastin. This allows the skin to acquire firmness and promotes external rejuvenation. Compresses, lotions, wraps are made from wine, they are added to scrubs. For the face, the greatest benefit is brought by white semi-dry and dry wine, since it does not cause allergic reactions and acts in a gentle way. Despite all the variety of procedures, the most popular and useful is the rejuvenating wine bath. Hot water in combination with a strong drink tends to accelerate the blood, improve blood circulation and promote complete relaxation after a hard day.

The harm of white wine and contraindications

Despite all the positive qualities of the drink, wine contains alcohol. If the recommended dose is not followed, alcoholic beverages harm: brain cells, liver, heart, digestion and mental health. Thus, the use of wine is categorically contraindicated:

  • Alcohol addicted;
  • Pregnant and lactating women;
  • Diabetics;
  • Persons suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Patients with pancreatitis and other diseases, the consequence of which is increased acidity.
Important! Some manufacturers of cheap wines add sulfites to their products to preserve the presentation of the drink. The substances are dangerous and can be harmful, causing an allergic or asthmatic attack if diagnosed.

Which wine is healthier: white or red

There is no definite answer to this question. The beneficial properties of wine depend on the grape variety, aging time, preparation technology and must purity. White wines have a better effect on the work of the heart and blood circulation, while red wines have more nutrients. This is due to the addition of grape seeds and peel to the composition, which is rich in vitamins and has an increased degree of absorption of useful elements.

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Homemade white wine recipe

The process of making white wine at home is laborious. However, observing some rules, you can get a tasty, high-quality and healthy drink:

  1. Slightly overripe grapes are selected for white wines. The best varieties are Chardonnay, White Muscat, Aligote.
  2. After picking berries, they must be sorted out and cleaned of contamination. This is done during the day, since light varieties are quickly oxidized from the air. It is impossible to wash the grapes, as this can interfere with natural fermentation.
  3. The grapes are crushed by feet or by hand until juice is obtained.
  4. The resulting juice is filtered through cheesecloth.
  5. Sugar is added based on the desired result. To obtain dessert wine for 1 liter, take a glass of granulated sugar.
  6. The liquid is poured into a prepared container for 2/3 of its volume.
  7. The bottle is closed with a lid with a straw, which must be blown out and lowered into a container of water (a bucket or plastic bottle is perfect).
  8. The container is tightly closed with a lid and sent to a cool dark room for 2-3 months.
  9. The finished wine is filtered 2-3 times and poured into bottles.

If all the requirements are met correctly, the white wine will meet the following criteria:

  • The share of ethyl alcohol is 9-15%;
  • Mass concentration of residual sugars not more than 0.3;
  • Color from greenish straw to golden.

How to choose white wine in a store

The choice of wine must be approached with all responsibility, since only a high-quality drink can bring health benefits and taste buds. There are a few simple rules to help you avoid mistakes when buying wine in a store:

  1. Price. It is best to choose wines of the middle price category and above (from 700 rubles). The price directly depends on the quality of the product, therefore, low-cost drinks in packages do not have any positive qualities. The benefits of semi-sweet white wine will be especially doubtful, since chemicals are added to a cheap product instead of a natural sweetener.
  2. Packaging. It is better to choose a drink in a glass bottle, since the cardboard box is the first sign of saving on product quality.
  3. Indication of the aging period in the barrel. Only high-quality wines are kept in oak barrels, the storage cost of which pays off. If there are no marks on the aging time on the label, then this is a low-quality product that is transported to Russia in plastic containers and brought to an acceptable presentation using chemical dyes and flavorings.
  4. Tightness. Cork deserves special attention. It should be made of plastic or cork bark. When stored properly, such corks retain the color, taste, smell and useful properties of wine for a long time.

How to choose a quality white wine: advice from a sommelier.

How and how much can you store white wine?

Wine perfectly retains its beneficial properties and taste only when properly stored. There are 3 basic rules:

  1. Maintenance of temperature conditions (9 - 13C). The main rule is that the temperature should be stable, without sudden changes.
  2. Lighting. Direct sunlight contributes to the rapid aging of the drink. Therefore, wine is stored in a dark room or in tinted glass bottles.
  3. Horizontal position. Good wine is stored exclusively horizontally: with this position of the bottle, the drink comes into contact with the cork, preventing it from drying out and losing its tightness, which affects the preservation of taste.

Important! Not all wines get better over time. Most white wines in the middle price segment are stored for no more than 3 years.


The benefits and harms of white wine mainly depend on two factors: the dosage and quality of the alcoholic beverage. After drinking a glass of good wine at dinner, you can get a lot of pleasure from its taste, as well as improve your physical and emotional state. Treat yourself to health: with benefit and taste!

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