Why is pomegranate tea from Turkey useful, composition and properties

The tea ceremony is a world famous ritual. This tradition has a long history as it denotes a symbol of hospitality and established order. The benefits and harms of pomegranate tea from Turkey are a matter of controversy between tourists who regularly visit the country. Despite the debate, it is believed that those who have not tasted Turkish pomegranate tea have not seen Turkey at all.

The history of the appearance of pomegranate tea

They began to talk about the benefits of pomegranate tea in ancient times. It is believed that tea and pomegranate were connected by Aristotle. But the drink that was invented in Turkey has completely different useful properties. Until the middle of the last century, coffee was considered the national drink in Turkey. The devastation and famine after the First World War forced the nation to pay attention to the vast tea plantations. Since then, production has expanded, new recipes have been invented. The benefits of pomegranate drink for the people of Turkey are as obvious as the benefits of air for the inhabitants of the entire planet.

There is a profession in Turkey - a peddler of tea, it is called "chaiji". This is further evidence of how seriously the Turks take this drink. In Turkey, they never drink tea with meals; this is a separate special ceremony during which it is customary to communicate, discuss news. Special tea houses have been created for men and tea gardens for women.

Composition and taste of Turkish pomegranate tea

According to its physical properties, pomegranate tea cannot be confused with another. Freshly brewed tea has a rich red hue, and the sourness of pomegranate is present in the taste.

The composition of the tea depends on the base. It is prepared with black or healthy green tea. The structure depends on the degree of crushing of the fruit.

Leaf tea type



The black

Sugar, fructose, honey

Flowers, leaves and fruits crushed to a powder state


With particles of membranes, skin


With bones in pieces


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The benefits of tea are determined by the presence of nutrients in it. Regardless of the structure, it contains:

  • organic acids;
  • essential useful amino acids;
  • vitamins of group B, C, E, PP;
  • trace elements;
  • essential oils.

Useful properties of pomegranate tea from Turkey

The benefits of tea from Turkey are varied. It has the ability to quench thirst, saturate taste buds.

The list of medicinal properties of Turkish pomegranate tea goes on:

  • the fruit gives the drink a quality effect on the immune system, it is recommended in the cold season, has warming properties;
  • due to the content of B vitamins, potassium, magnesium and iron, it has a beneficial effect on the circulatory system, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, normalizes blood flow, and lowers the level of harmful cholesterol;
  • amino acids and oils regulate metabolic processes, the drink has a positive property - to influence the digestive system;
  • pomegranate is indicated for diseases of the thyroid gland, the drink is not inferior to it in terms of useful properties;
  • essential oils affect the nervous system, so the drink is able to relieve stress and nervous tension;
  • pomegranate tea is indicated for type 2 diabetes (subject to moderate use of sweeteners);
  • peel-based drinks have antimicrobial properties;
  • the substances contained in the bones are used to fight cancer;
  • pomegranate is known for its beneficial quality - to increase the level of hemoglobin, is recommended for anemia;
  • has the ability to remove toxins from the body, has a tonic effect;
  • beverages containing pieces of peel have astringent properties and are used for diarrhea and indigestion;
  • Pomegranate tea can lower blood pressure by normalizing blood flow.
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How to brew Turkish pomegranate tea properly

Tea in Turkey is brewed using a special technology; a special teapot is required for the procedure. The device has 2 parts: the lower kettle with boiling water and the upper teapot, where the raw materials for brewing are placed. This principle is reminiscent of the design of a Russian samovar. The whole procedure takes 10 to 20 minutes.

The degree of infusion depends on preference. Classic tea in Turkey is usually prepared very strong, for guests the degree of strength is significantly reduced.

At home, tea is prepared by boiling. In Turkey, tea is usually served with oriental sweets, sugar, fruits.

Turkish classic way

Tea made according to the classic recipe from Turkey retains its beneficial properties. For cooking, put a kettle of water on the stove, bring to a boil. 2 tbsp. l tea leaves are washed, placed in a small teapot and placed on the lid of a large teapot with boiling water. This principle is called "water bath". The tea leaves are heated for 3 minutes, then poured with boiling water and kept over medium heat for 8 - 9 minutes. The tea is poured through a sieve from the top teapot. Dilute with additional water if necessary.

Warning! Such a drink is drunk in Turkey only freshly prepared, it cannot be stored or heated, so as not to harm health.

Pomegranate juice tea

Tea made with fruit juice is prepared in a different way and has its own special beneficial properties. It can be easily prepared by yourself, the only requirement is the presence of freshly squeezed pomegranate juice.

Brew tea, add brown sugar to it, cool it down. Dilute with pomegranate juice. The generally accepted measure is 1: 1 dilution. This drink benefits those who suffer from chronic pyelonephritis. It has a diuretic effect, but at the same time does not wash out potassium salts from the body, which is harmful to health. It is drunk cold or slightly warm.

Pomegranate juice tea with lemon zest

Adding lemon zest to the drink increases the benefits of drinking. In Turkey, add 1 tsp of lemon peel to a glass of hot tea, cool and pour pomegranate juice. The drink is drunk cold. It quenches thirst and strengthens the immune system. It is used during the period of weight loss, as it improves metabolism and promotes weight loss in combination with strength training. This option was invented outside of Turkey. Such tea is harmful to drink for those who have increased stomach acidity.

Advice! Lemon can be substituted with any citrus fruit.

Pomegranate tea made from flowers and leaves

In Turkey, where pomegranates are easily grown in courtyards, it is not customary to buy tea leaves in the store. Natural ingredients make homemade drinks even more useful.

For a recipe with flowers and leaves, choose fresh pomegranate.The flowers are separated from the branches, crushed, dried, mixed with dried leaves. 1 tbsp. l of the mixture is poured with a glass of boiling water, insisted for 5 - 15 minutes. Pomegranate leaf tea has a rich brown-red color.

The benefits of tea made from pomegranate flowers lie in increasing pressure: the buds contain a substance that has a beneficial effect on the expansion of the walls of blood vessels and normalizes the blood supply process.

Pomegranate peel tea

The peel has beneficial qualities. Pomegranate peel tea is beneficial for those with indigestion. The crusts are brewed in Turkey in two ways: they take a powdered tea leaves from the rind or brew fresh crusts, cut into pieces. There will be more benefits from fresh product. It is recommended to insist such a drink for no more than 15 minutes, otherwise the taste will become bitter. To get rid of the bitterness, it is necessary to completely clean the inner surfaces of the white film. It is impossible to store such tea, the process of releasing a harmful substance may begin in the peel.

How to choose a pomegranate for tea

The taste of tea depends on the choice of pomegranate. The wrong fruit can be harmful. Signs of a good fruit:

  • the peel is intact, even, dry;
  • the fruit is heavy (due to the juiciness of ripe grains);
  • the sound when tapped should be voiced, semi-metallic;
  • ripe pomegranates are odorless.

Information! Usually ripe pomegranates appear on store shelves in mid-October.

How to juice a pomegranate at home

Buying a low-quality drink can do more harm than good, so many lovers buy pomegranates and extract juice on their own. There are several ways to do this:

  1. Using an electric device for berries. The fruit is peeled, the seeds are separated from the films, placed in a container for berries, squeezed.
  2. Manual method. The pomegranate is washed, cleaned, the peeled bones are folded into cheesecloth, the liquid is squeezed out with effort.
  3. The bones peeled from the film are placed in a bag, closed tightly, evenly laid out on the table, rolled out with a rolling pin. After the procedure, the juice is carefully drained from the bag, filtering through a sieve.

Getting healthy pomegranate juice at home is a laborious and energy-consuming process. But as a result, you can be sure that self-prepared liquid will not harm your health.

Harm of pomegranate tea from Turkey

Tea from Turkey can be harmful if consumed in unlimited quantities. The maximum daily portion is 2 glasses of the drink. A drink prepared with juice should be especially careful. Concentrated juices in the wrong dosage can also be harmful to health.

It is harmful to consume pomegranate tea during pregnancy, herbal ingredients can cause allergic reactions, which will inadvertently harm the fetal development of the child.

Contraindications to drinking pomegranate tea

The properties of tea may be contraindicated for those who suffer from certain diseases:

  • harming the development of gastritis, pancreatitis, ulcers;
  • for those who have disturbed stomach acidity;
  • threatening harm to those who suffer from constipation, hemorrhoids, and fissures of the colon;
  • children under 1 year of age, due to pronounced properties, can harm the intestines that have not formed completely.

What is the difference between pomegranate tea and karkade

Many people confuse karkade and pomegranate tea. Both drinks have a rich shade of red and a tart slightly sour taste. Karkade is a tea drink infused with Sudanese rose petals and is also produced in Turkey. The benefits of drinking karkade are similar to those of pomegranate tea, but there are differences. A feature of karkade is its ability to relieve the symptoms of a severe hangover.


The benefits and harms of pomegranate tea from Turkey are determined by how the fruit is selected, where it is bought or how the tea leaves are prepared. Subject to all the rules and recommendations, the drink will give pleasure and quench your thirst.


Kononenko Vasily Semenovich, 65 years old, Kislovodsk
We often visit Turkey, we are used to drinking pomegranate tea there. I love this drink very much, there is no harm from it, although I drink it strong, freshly brewed. At home, such a drink as in Turkey does not work. Maybe we are doing it wrong, on our next visit we are planning to buy a special teapot in the Turkish market.
Sokolova Tatiana, 34 years old, Sosnovoborsk
I like traveling very much. I always bring many healthy teas from different countries. I give preference to pomegranate tea from Turkey: it is a powder that needs to be brewed. The taste is divine, beneficial. After application, I always feel a surge of energy! Mom drinks healthy pomegranate tea when blood pressure rises, he energizes her too.

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