Rinsing the coffee machine with citric acid: how to dissolve limescale, proportions

The coffee machine from different manufacturers can be cleaned with citric acid. This is an efficient and cost effective way. Moreover, many commercial products contain this powder as the main active ingredient. Cleaning the coffee machine with citric acid is easy. The benefits also include the availability of the method.

When is it time to clean

The coffee machine allows you not only to prepare a drink according to all the rules, but also to enjoy its strong aroma. When operating the electrical appliance, it is necessary to ensure that the safety requirements and safety measures specified in the instructions are met. Like any other household appliance, the coffee machine should be regularly cleaned from dirt and scale. This is due to the mechanism of its functioning.

Many housewives claim that using citric acid is the best way to clean an electrical appliance. The use of powder allows you to return the parts to cleanliness and preserve the pleasant taste of the prepared drink.

Scale is lime deposits. During the operation of the coffee machine, water is heated, which contains chloride compounds, minerals. The resulting scale enters the drink in the form of white flakes. Coffee becomes tasteless, with a bitter taste.

The use of such a drink can cause disruption of the functioning of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, which is manifested by pain and flatulence. The risk of limescale formation, if not cleaned, also lies in internal corrosion. It is known that lime deposits are characterized by a porous structure and are a favorable breeding ground for bacteria.

Important! The process of cleaning a household appliance is often called decalcification. Plaque usually forms due to the calcium content in the water.

It is necessary to promptly clean the coffee machine from scale and other contaminants. This will increase its service life. It is recommended to clean the device using special means. It is important to use them regularly. The following signs indicate the need to clean the appliance:

  • changing the taste of the prepared coffee and the sound of the household appliance;
  • insufficient strength of the drink;
  • decrease in steam pressure.
Attention! It is advisable to give preference to the models of the coffee machine with an installed sensor for checking limescale deposits. Information about the need for cleaning is carried out using a blinking indicator or a message on the panel.

Can I clean the coffee machine with citric acid

Well-known manufacturers produce special products. Using names related to household chemicals, you can clean the coffee machine. They are in the form of tablets or liquids.

Attention! Do not use kitchen detergents to clean electrical appliances.

There are universal formulations. They are used to remove limescale deposits in the coffee machine. Typically these remedies include citric acid.The powder is suitable for cleaning household appliances of any manufacturer due to the following characteristics:

  • harmlessness to human health and the environment;
  • effectiveness with old plaque;
  • no formation of toxic fumes during heating;
  • availability, simplicity and low cost.
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How to rinse a coffee machine with citric acid

In order for the cleaning to be effective, certain nuances of using the powder should be taken into account. Observance of proportions, an algorithm of actions is essential.

How much citric acid is needed to clean the coffee machine

The amount of powder is not arbitrary. For effective cleaning it is necessary to prepare a solution containing citric acid and water. For 1 liter of liquid, you should take from 25 to 30 g of powder.

You can use a large sachet containing 25 g of the product, as well as 3 small ones (10 g each)

How to dilute citric acid to clean a coffee machine

It is noteworthy that there is no need to calculate the required amount to a gram. However, a concentrated solution cannot be used.

Important! If you clean the coffee machine with a lot of citric acid, you can damage parts. This will shorten the service life.
The amount of water required for cleaning a household appliance is indicated in the instructions


The duration of descaling depends on the degree of soiling. You can usually clean a coffee machine in half an hour.

The process requires compliance with safety rules

Before cleaning, you need to disconnect the electrical device from the mains, and then remove the water container. It must be rinsed and filled with an amount of solution corresponding to the model of the household appliance. The average proportions of citric acid for washing the coffee machine are 25-30 g.

The container is placed in an electrical appliance, which is then connected to the network. After 20 minutes, you need to start the preparation process, but without adding coffee. The procedure is repeated several times. It is necessary to use up the solution completely.

After turning off the coffee machine, the container is removed and rinsed with running water. However, first of all, you need to make sure that it is cleaned properly.

Water is collected in the container and the coffee preparation mode is turned on. The procedure is repeated several times to completely consume the water. It is advisable to perform 2 washes of the electrical appliance.

Attention! Some coffee machines are equipped with an automatic cleaning function. In this case, you just need to enable the specified mode.

Experts say that descaling in a coffee machine with citric acid should be done every 3 months. You should also focus on the hardness of the water in a particular region.

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Can I clean Delongy's coffee machine with citric acid

The model of this manufacturer is popular. This is due to the ease of use, convenience and reliability of household appliances.

The manufacturer produces coffee machines both with a self-cleaning system and without this function. In the absence of a regime and using ordinary water, it is necessary to promptly remove the formed limescale.

You can clean the electrical appliance with the help of special purchased household cleaning products. They were developed by the manufacturer of the Delongy coffee machines. The most budgetary method is considered to be citric acid cleaning.

Thanks to the safety of the powder, it can remove plaque


The instructions for use of the product indicate the need for timely removal of lime deposits. Before cleaning the appliance, you need to read the safety precautions. Before the procedure, turn off the coffee machine. For cleaning, it is undesirable to use a concentrated solution that negatively affects the internal elements.


Cleaning your espresso machine with citric acid is an effective, simple and cost effective way. The powder removes decalcification well due to its main characteristics. The advantages of the method include safety for both health and the environment, no risk of damage to internal parts if the specified proportions are observed. You can use the product to clean coffee machines from any manufacturer.


Timely removal of limescale deposits extends the life of the appliance and preserves the taste of the drink. The reviews contain information on the effectiveness and proportions of citric acid when descaling the coffee machine.

Ekaterina Litvinchuk, 23 years old, Kostroma
My husband hates instant coffee. We recently decided to purchase an electrical appliance for preparing a drink. The instructions indicate that it is necessary to periodically remove the resulting limescale. Since there were no purchased funds at hand, they tried to clean it with citric acid on the recommendation of friends. The procedure turned out to be quite effective.
Valentina Slepukhina, 54 years old, Serpukhov
I have been using citric acid for a long time to clean my coffee machine. Earlier, she acquired special means. But I did not see any fundamental difference. When cleaning the coffee machine with citric acid, it is important to respect the proportions. This significantly affects the quality of plaque removal.
Elena Kozhemyako, 21 years old, Mogilev
I have been using citric acid for a very long time to clean the microwave. The result has always made me happy. Recently I also decided to clean the coffee machine so as not to buy household chemicals. There is nothing complicated. Everything is simple enough, and the effect is always excellent.
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