How to wash pomegranate juice

You can remove a pomegranate stain using various means, but much depends on which fabric the dirt is on, whether it is fresh or old. Many housewives know that in some cases traces of a tasty fruit are practically impossible to wash, since pomegranate is a natural dye with a stable pigment.

Ways to remove fresh stains

Removing pomegranate juice from clothes is not an easy task, and the success of the event depends entirely on a number of related factors that must be taken into account before trying to wash the pomegranate (product color, density and type of fabric, extent of pollution, age of the stain).

How to wash pomegranate juice with boiling water

If the fabric can withstand hot water, then you should use the old proven method - pour boiling water over the stain. After processing the surface, it is necessary to wash the product with powder and dry it. If the juice trail cannot be removed, then you will have to resort to other methods of pollution control.

Important! Boiling water will only help remove a fresh pomegranate stain, but it won't cope with an old problem.

How to wash pomegranate juice from clothes with cold water

No less effective washes the stain from the pomegranate or its juice with plain cold water. You need to pour a little liquid into the basin, add 1 tsp. soda and put the spoiled thing there. After 30 - 40 minutes, you can wash it with powder. Just as in the previous method, the cold method is effective only when removing a fresh stain from a pomegranate; it will not be possible to wash off dried contamination.

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How to remove pomegranate stains with baking soda

Baking soda, which can be found in every housewife, will help to wash pomegranate juice from a white product. To do this, you should:

  1. Wet the stain.
  2. Sprinkle with baking soda.
  3. Grind the substance at the site of contamination to a gruel state.
  4. Let it brew for about 15 minutes.
  5. Rinse off under running water.
  6. Wash.

If it didn't work out the first time, you can repeat the procedure. But at the same time, not only grind the soda into a gruel, but also thoroughly walk over the stain with a brush or sponge.

Attention! For delicate fabrics, the second brushing method is not suitable as there is a risk of fiber damage.

How to remove a pomegranate stain with laundry soap

Many housewives, in the fight against stains from pomegranates and other fruits and berries, first of all resort to using ordinary laundry soap, which can wash off many dirt. Mode of application:

  1. Moisten the contaminated area.
  2. Grate the problem area with a piece of soap (you can grind the soap on a grater and sprinkle the stain with the resulting crumb).
  3. Leave on for 30 minutes.
  4. Grind and wash the product thoroughly.

Laundry soap cleans well even old pomegranate stains, it can also be used with any fabrics.

How to remove pomegranate juice with yolk and glycerin

You can also wash the pomegranate with an unusual mixture of glycerin and egg yolk. This requires:

  1. Mix the ingredients in equal proportions.
  2. Apply the mixture to the stain (you can use a cotton swab, disc or piece of gauze).
  3. Wait until the pollution starts to dissolve, and the stain begins to lighten.
  4. Rinse thoroughly under running water.
  5. Wash with regular powder.
Attention! This product is most effective for cleaning fresh dirt.

Ways to remove old stains

Everyone knows that pomegranate stains are washed off better and faster only if the process of eliminating the problem is started immediately. But, most often, a trace of juice or contact of clothing with fruit has time to be thoroughly absorbed into the structure of the fabric and dry. In this case, it will not be possible to do without the use of more aggressive means.

How to remove pomegranate stains from clothes with ethyl alcohol

Ethyl alcohol, as well as acetone and solvent will help to remove the pomegranate stain, which has time to dry, in a matter of minutes. This requires:

  1. Apply the selected cleaner to the problem area.
  2. Leave for a few minutes for the reaction to start.
  3. Wash the product with powder or soap.
Attention! Ethyl alcohol and similar products should not be used on delicate or colored fabrics. Otherwise, there is a risk of ruining the thing completely.

If the fabric allows, then a pinch of citric acid or a few drops of fresh lemon juice can be added to the ethyl alcohol. This method is more aggressive but also very effective.

How to use hydrogen peroxide on a pomegranate stain

It is even easier to wash a pomegranate stain on a white item than on a colored one. Indeed, in this case, you can use a tool that can remove a variety of contaminants - hydrogen peroxide. Withdrawal method:

  1. Pour a small amount of peroxide onto the stain, being careful not to let the liquid go beyond the stained area.
  2. Wait until the pollution begins to lighten and eventually disappears almost completely.
  3. Wash the product in a typewriter.

If necessary, these manipulations can be repeated without fear of damaging your favorite thing.

How to remove a pomegranate stain on clothes with table vinegar

Another way to help remove pomegranate stains from white clothes is to use table vinegar or essence (diluted 1 to 7 in water).

  1. Place the product on a flat surface, put a piece of polyethylene or a paper napkin (white) down.
  2. Gently dab the vinegar onto the pomegranate stain without splashing onto clean clothing.
  3. Wait about 20 to 30 minutes until the pomegranate trail begins to dissolve.
  4. Rinse the item in cold water.
  5. Wash with powder.

How to remove pomegranate juice stain with household cleaning products

When there is no time and desire to experience folk remedies, you can use one of the many household chemicals. Every housewife always has a favorite bleach or stain remover in her arms that can also deal with a grenade stain. Among these drugs:

  1. Vanish - bleaches of this brand do not contain chlorine, so they can be used even on delicate fabrics. Vanish must be used strictly according to the instructions on the package.
  2. Amway - is also a company that produces quality stain removers and bleaches that can be used on various products.
  3. White - a domestic remedy characterized by an increased level of aggressiveness. Therefore, the use of such whitening is possible only on white things, the type of fabric of which is not classified as delicate.
  4. Toothpaste or hand paste - These products have long been used in the fight against stains from various juices, they will help to cope with pomegranate traces. The selected paste must be applied to the stain, rubbed with a damp brush, allowed to rest and wash in the usual way.
Attention! All bleaches and stain removers must be used strictly according to the instructions. Otherwise, you can completely ruin the thing.

Features of removing stains from grenades

A pomegranate trail can greatly spoil not only a thing, but also the mood of its owner. Therefore, it is important to know not only ways to eliminate pollution, but also some of the nuances of such a procedure.

For colored items, the use of the following products is prohibited:

  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • vinegar and acetic acid;
  • soda;
  • chlorine bleaches;
  • acetone.

But there are much more tools that can be safely applied to colored things than meets the eye. The following remedies can help get rid of pomegranate stains:

  • ammonia;
  • turpentine or kerosene;
  • petrol;
  • onion gruel (can be used only if there is a fresh pomegranate spot);
  • dishwashing liquid;
  • laundry soap;
  • Antipyatin soap;
  • chlorine-free bleaches;
  • a mixture of alcohol and dishwashing liquid.

It is easier to wash pomegranate juice from white clothes: most of the products that are used to remove stains are suitable for such products:

  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • glycerol;
  • ammonia mixed with denatured alcohol;
  • aspirin crushed with water;
  • vinegar and acetic acid;
  • soda;
  • chlorine bleaches;
  • acetone.

How to get pomegranate juice off white clothes

Of the many means, the following are most often used:

  • Hydrogen peroxide: Apply to fabric in such a way that the liquid that has begun to affect the dirt does not spread over clean areas of clothing. Wait a few minutes and wash;
  • Chlorine bleaches: in order to wash the pomegranate, such products must be applied to the pollution for the period of time specified in the instructions;
  • Aspirin - crush a few tablets, mix with a little water and apply to the pomegranate stain. Wash off after 30 - 40 minutes, repeat the procedure if necessary;
  • Denatured alcohol or rubbing alcohol: Mix with ammonia in equal proportions, then apply the liquid to the problem area and let it brew for about 20 minutes. The former place of contamination should be rinsed in water with vinegar and then washed;
  • Acetic acid: it should be used on old dirt. In order to remove the stain, you need to apply the product to the problem area, wait 5 minutes and rub thoroughly. After that, the product is washed with powder or laundry soap;
  • Acetone: can be used on colored things, if they are accurately painted over with high quality, but still the tool is more suitable for white things. If pure acetone is not at hand, it can be replaced with nail polish remover. The solvent should be applied to the pomegranate trail, rubbed thoroughly with a cotton pad, without touching clean areas of clothing. Soak the product in soapy water. Acetone will help remove even an old pomegranate trace.

How to get pomegranate juice off colored clothes

In order to wash the pomegranate juice from colored clothes and not spoil the thing, you must first test the selected tool on inconspicuous areas of the fabric. Only after the test can you start removing the stain without fear that the product will lose its previous appearance. The following tools will help to wash the pomegranate:

  • Onion gruel - if the stain is fresh, you can wash the pomegranate by the following method: apply a chopped onion on it, leave it on the dirt for a few minutes and rinse with water. To completely eliminate contamination, it is worth washing the product in soapy water;
  • Laundry soap - apply on the stain, leave the item for 3 - 4 hours, put in the washing machine and wash at the required temperature;
  • Kerosene - apply the product on the stain with a cotton pad, leave for 3 hours, wash;
  • To wash the pomegranate, you can also use gasoline, but after it, the thing must be immediately soaked for several hours in water with the addition of soap and vinegar;
  • Dishwashing detergent - pour a few drops of Fairy or a similar detergent onto the contaminated area, rub a little and let it brew. After 2 - 3 hours, the item can be washed by hand or in a typewriter;
  • Antipyatin soap - just rub the problem area and wash after the time indicated on the package;
  • Chlorine-free bleaches (Vanish and the like) are applied to the dirt itself and added to the water during washing. It is necessary to strictly follow the recommendations given by the manufacturer;
  • A mixture of alcohol and dishwashing liquid is suitable for stubborn stains that cannot be removed using the above methods. Mix alcohol and dish detergent in a ratio of 5 to 1, apply to the area of ​​clothing stained with pomegranate. After 15 - 20 minutes, it is necessary to immerse the product in water with powder and wash first by hand, carefully rubbing the stain, and then in the washing machine;
  • Toothpaste - apply the product on the trail of the pomegranate, take a toothbrush and grind it, then wash the product in the usual way. Many housewives advise adding glycerin to the toothpaste to enhance the effect on the stain. In this case, you need to mix 1 tsp. paste and the same amount of glycerin, heat the mixture to 40 degrees and apply it to the dirt. After an hour, the item can be washed in soapy water.
Important! To remove stains from pomegranate juice on colored items without damaging them, you must follow all the recommendations.


Removing a pomegranate stain can be problematic. In some cases, you have to resort to using several products at once to remove stains. The main thing is not to mix them, and after each cleaning approach, let the product dry.

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