Sturgeon: what is useful, composition, is it dangerous from the store

The benefits of sturgeon are clearly manifested with regular use. Fish in boiled, smoked or baked form saturates the body with valuable substances and improves digestion.

What does a sturgeon look like and where it lives

Sturgeon is a freshwater or anadromous fish from the Sturgeon family. In adults, the body length reaches 2 m, and the weight can be 50-80 kg. The sturgeon skeleton does not contain bones, but consists of cartilage and a vertebral notochord.

There are sensitive antennae on the sturgeon's head, with which it probes the bottom in search of food

The fish has a fusiform shape, the body is covered with skin, rigid growths and scales. The latter grow together into thickened plates located in horizontal rows on the sides, belly and back. The color of the fish depends on the habitat and can be gray, sandy or brown. The belly of a sturgeon is usually light, and an olive or green tint is noticeable on the back. It feeds on algae, can eat invertebrates and small fish. It has two pairs of gills for breathing and hard fins, with the help of which it moves in space.

Sturgeon is distributed mainly in the temperate zones of the Northern Hemisphere. In Russia, you can find it in the Far East, in the Black and Caspian Seas. The fish lives at depths of up to 100 m and prefers to stay at the bottom of water bodies.

Important! Sturgeons are freshwater, anadromous and semi-anadromous. The first are sedentary, the second and third migrate and live, including in slightly salted sea areas.

Sturgeon composition

Fish is considered very healthy due to its rich chemical composition. In particular, it contains:

  • saturated and unsaturated fatty acids;
  • calciferol;
  • vitamins A and E;
  • iron, potassium and magnesium;
  • B vitamins;
  • selenium, zinc, calcium and phosphorus;
  • amino acids of the nonessential and irreplaceable type;
  • manganese, sulfur and fluorine.

You can eat fish not only for pleasure, but also to improve your well-being. It strengthens the body and prevents chronic diseases.

Calorie content

Sturgeon is considered a fairly nutritious food. Caloric content per 100 g depends on the processing method. In particular:

  • 220 calories for grilled fish
  • 173 calories for smoked;
  • 155 calories for baked.

There are 164 calories in raw sturgeon. At the same time, 31 g in the composition are occupied by proteins, and another 4.4 g is accounted for by fats.

Why sturgeon is useful

When consumed regularly, gourmet sturgeon has a beneficial effect on health. Namely:

  • removes toxins and toxins from the body;
  • normalizes digestion and protects the liver from diseases;
  • stimulates the immune system and increases resistance to viruses and colds;
  • strengthens the heart system;
  • has a beneficial effect on the elasticity of blood vessels and serves as the prevention of atherosclerosis;
  • prevents joint diseases;
  • supports the reproductive system;
  • prevents the growth of free radicals.
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You can eat sturgeon to protect yourself from vitamin deficiency.

Sturgeon in the diet serves as the prevention of cancer

The benefits of hot smoked sturgeon

Hot smoked sturgeon retains quite a lot of useful substances. During heat treatment, some vitamins and microelements are inevitably destroyed, but in a small amount - about 25%. The fish remains valuable for the body, since it still contains:

  • fatty acid;
  • potassium;
  • vitamins A and E;
  • calcium and phosphorus;
  • iodine;
  • vitamin C;
  • vitamin D.

When consumed in moderation, smoked sturgeon strengthens bones and joints, has a beneficial effect on the state of the heart, blood vessels and nervous system.

Benefits for women

The use of sturgeon has a beneficial effect on the health of the female reproductive system. Fish contains a large amount of antioxidants that prevent the development of malignant tumors and gynecological inflammations. The fatty acids in the sturgeon composition improve the condition of the skin and hair, as well as normalize the hormonal background and strengthen the blood vessels.

Fish becomes especially useful during the onset of menopause. It is recommended to use it twice a week if possible. The valuable substances in the composition of the product prevent excess weight gain against the background of hormonal changes and, in general, equalize physical and psychological well-being. Omega-3 and tocopherol in sturgeon protect a woman during menopause from developing breast cancer.

What is useful for men

The beneficial sturgeon protects men over 40 from severe liver diseases and prevents the development of chronic prostatitis. It can be used for the prevention of oncology of the reproductive system and intestines.

For young men, sturgeon is useful due to the high content of proteins and amino acids in the composition. When used regularly, it helps build muscle mass, increases strength and endurance, and strengthens the immune system. The presence of sturgeon in a regular diet reduces the risk of heart attacks and strokes. The product protects the male body from diabetes and adrenal diseases.

Sturgeon increases a man's ability to conceive
Important! Eating sturgeon stimulates the production of testosterone, so the fish prevents the development of impotence.

What is useful for children

High-quality sturgeon is very useful for the child's body. Vitamins and minerals in fish have a positive effect on the immune system and improve brain function, prevent vision loss in adolescents. Calcium and phosphorus in sturgeon are responsible for healthy skeletal formation, protect bone tissue from fragility and strengthen teeth.

At the same time, for the first time, fish can be offered to a child only upon reaching two years of age. In babies, sturgeon can provoke severe allergies. In addition, fats in the composition of the product are highly likely not to be absorbed by a fragile stomach and intestines.

Attention! Sturgeon has a number of strict contraindications. Before offering fish to a child, you need to consult with your pediatrician and get his approval.

Application for weight loss

Sturgeon cannot be called a dietary product in the full sense of the word - the calorie content of fish is average. Despite this, it is often used when losing weight to quickly get rid of extra pounds. The value of the sturgeon is that it speeds up metabolic processes, helps the body to better absorb nutrients and removes toxins and toxins.

You can eat sturgeon on a diet subject to regular physical activity.

On a diet, you can not eat fried or smoked fish, it is the most high-calorie and can provoke weight gain. But boiled or steamed sturgeon in a balanced menu will be very valuable. It will not only allow you to quickly get rid of body fat, but also contribute to the maintenance of healthy muscle mass.

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Is the sturgeon dangerous from the store

The benefits and harms of sturgeon for the body depend on its quality. It is quite possible to buy good fresh fish in the store, but you need to choose it very carefully. In the process, you should pay attention to several nuances:

  1. Elasticity... The body of a fresh sturgeon should spring when pressed with a finger. If a noticeable dent remains on the carcass, which does not disappear for a long time, it is better not to buy such fish.
  2. Scale and eye condition... A quality fish should have a shiny and moist body. Dry scales with noticeable damage indicate that the sturgeon has already begun to deteriorate. The quality can also be determined by the eyes, if they are cloudy and whitish, the fish is stale.
  3. Smell... A good sturgeon should not give off a harsh unpleasant aroma. Quality fish only smells like water, in some cases algae and salt.

When buying frozen sturgeon, you need to make sure it is not covered with ice. The presence of the latter indicates that the carcass has already been defrosted, and then chilled a second time.

It is recommended to buy sturgeon from live fish suppliers whenever possible

Contraindications and harm of sturgeon to the body

The beneficial properties of sturgeon are not the same for everyone. It is necessary to stop eating fish:

  • with chronic and acute diseases of the liver and kidneys;
  • with individual allergies;
  • with cholecystitis and pancreatitis in the acute stage;
  • with serious endocrine disorders.

The fish contains a lot of fats, therefore, if digestion malfunctions, sturgeon can provoke pain and diarrhea. Even healthy people are recommended to use it no more than 2-3 times a week in portions of about 100 g.


The benefits of sturgeon are expressed in beneficial effects on the hormonal system, bone tissue and health of the heart and blood vessels. It is best to eat fish boiled or baked; after such processing, the product retains a maximum of valuable substances.

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