Glycerin soap: benefits, how to make at home

Glycerin is a transparent viscous substance that has long been used as a product with emollient and moisturizing properties and is used as an additive in creams, soaps, shampoos, and detergents. It is included as an ingredient in homemade soap. The benefits and harms of glycerin soap depend on the correct preparation and use.

Composition of glycerin soap

Healthy homemade soap contains water, alcohol, glycerin, sugar, ethers, alkali and stearin. Food colors and flavors are added to add color and odor.

In industrial production, the following ingredients can be used:

  • water;
  • glycerol;
  • lauric acid;
  • propylene glycol is a food additive that is similar to glycerin in that it is odorless and has a viscous structure;
  • sodium laureth sulfate - used for the manufacture of hygienic, cosmetic, detergents;
  • sodium palmitate - a substance that is added to detergents.

Other chemical additives may be used by industrial companies to make soap. Such soap is stored longer, and prepared by yourself is more natural and healthy.

Types of glycerin soaps

Glycerin soaps can be liquid or solid. The creamy consistency is mainly placed in a bottle with a dispenser, which ensures its preservation and protection from bacteria. Hard glycerin bars are great for gift souvenirs. Such useful gifts are most relevant among children's cosmetics. The bars of soap are decorated, shaped into different shapes, and toys are placed in them.

For soap making, glycerin is used, extracted from plants and animal fats. The first is actively used for the preparation of cosmetic products intended for face and body care.

Why is glycerin soap useful?

The benefit of glycerin soap is that it can be used on any type of skin, except for very sensitive skin. The product is hypoallergenic, so it is suitable for almost everyone. The benefits of glycerin soap for facial skin (harm is observed in rare cases - mainly with personal intolerance to one of the components):

  • rejuvenates, smoothes wrinkles;
  • has moisturizing properties;
  • creates an invisible film that protects against the influence of external factors;
  • cleanses well and restores the required amount of nutrients;
  • gives the skin elasticity.

You can use glycerin soap bars every day, except for the winter period, when the benefits of soap can result in harm to skin problems.

Glycerin liquid soap works well for baby skin care. It does not cause redness, peeling, rash.

What does glycerin soap help with?

Soap made of a transparent viscous liquid, like any other, is a hygienic product. But the spectrum of its properties and areas of application is greater than that of a conventional soap bar.

  1. Glycerin soap can be used to wash dry hair to get rid of dandruff.
  2. It has emollient properties and helps to soften the rough skin of the heels and elbows.
  3. Glycerin soap is used for acne.
  4. The use of the product leads to the removal of age spots or to their reduction.
  5. Thanks to its beneficial properties, it promotes the rapid elimination of skin lesions, such as wounds, rashes, redness and peeling, as well as minor burns, burning sensation and itching after insect bites.

When using hygienic soap, it is worth remembering: despite the fact that glycerin is a useful substance, it still has a chemical origin, therefore, in order to avoid possible harm to the body's reactions, you do not need to overdo it with its use.

How to use glycerin soap properly

The benefits and harms of glycerin soap are greatly influenced by whether it is used correctly. To enhance the functions of the beneficial properties of a cosmetic product, it is recommended to adhere to some rules for its use:

  • In the composition of the soap sold, glycerin should be listed last or penultimate in the list of ingredients, which will indicate its minimum amount in the soap bar. Self-made hygienic healthy soap should contain no more than 5% of the chemical.
  • In a room for cosmetic procedures, including the use of glycerin products, the air humidity should be at least 50%. If it is insufficient, the air must be pre-humidified. After completing the procedure, you need to stay indoors for some time so that the glycerin film formed on the face is saturated with moisture.
  • Using soap and other glycerin products, you need to drink at least 2 liters of clean water per day.

How to make DIY glycerin soap

Having a viscous glycerin liquid, basic esters and other necessary ingredients, you can prepare a healthy soap yourself in several forms: solid, liquid, for the face, for the shower, for the hair, and even for household soap. To achieve greater transparency, alcohol is used. But it is believed that the use of soap that does not contain this component is greater: after all, it does not dry the skin.

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What you need to make soap

Before you start making healthy soap at home, you should prepare the necessary equipment and components. For cooking you will need:

  • two tanks for a water bath;
  • heat-resistant utensils for cooking in the microwave;
  • soap molds;
  • Libra;
  • fine sieve;
  • blender;
  • a bottle of alcoholic liquid with a spray;
  • protective mask, glasses, gloves.

To prepare a hygiene product that has useful properties, it is worth preparing 150 g of palm and coconut ether, 100 g of castor oil, 90 g of olive oil, of which 20 g will go for overfilling. It is necessary to strongly cool 144.2 g of water - to ice temperature. In addition, it is worth preparing 157.5 g of alcohol, 69.33 g of alkali, 67.5 g of glycerin and 25 g of stearic acid. For the syrup, you need 45 g of water and 112.5 g of powdered sugar.

Glycerin Soap Soap Recipe

To make healthy soap from a ready-made transparent soap base, you need to cut off a 100 g piece and cut into small cubes. Then place them in the microwave and melt. Do not allow the base to boil. It is enough to put the component in the microwave for 30-40 seconds, setting the medium power. Add a couple of drops of dye and the same amount of any flavor to the liquid composition. Mix well and pour into molds, previously sprinkled with alcohol. After filling out the form, the composition must also be sprinkled with an alcohol liquid. Set to freeze for an hour at room temperature. After 60 minutes, remove the finished bars from the mold.

Glycerin soap recipe from scratch

Before starting work, close the door and open the window for ventilation. Then protect eyes, respiratory tract and hands so as not to harm them in case of contact with alkali or hot mass.The process of making a healthy soap with beneficial properties:

  1. Place solid and liquid oils in a heat-resistant container. Olive oil divided into two parts, of which 70 g are mixed with the components.
  2. Place the dishes and ingredients in the microwave to melt.
  3. Pour alkali into ice water. As a result of the reaction, the liquid will heat up, so it needs to be cooled.
  4. After the oils have cooled, place them in a container for a water bath. Pour an alkaline solution there through a sieve. To stir thoroughly.
  5. Beat with a blender.
  6. Cover the container with the resulting mixture with a lid and put in a water bath for 40 minutes.
  7. Wait until the composition begins to turn into a gel. At the same time, stir it periodically.
  8. While the mixture is cooking, you can cook the syrup. To do this, mix the icing sugar with water and cook until the sugar dissolves.
  9. Dilute stearic acid in a viscous glycerin liquid.
  10. When the soap has passed the gel stage, you need to pour a third of the alcohol into it, cover with a lid and cook for 5 minutes on minimal heat.
  11. Add sugar syrup, glycerin liquid and remaining alcohol, stir, cover and cook for another 10 minutes.
  12. Pour in the remaining 20 g of olive oil.
  13. Sprinkle the resulting foam with alcohol, stir, cover and cook for another 2 - 3 minutes.
  14. If the foam reappears, sprinkle with alcohol. Do this until the foam completely disappears.
  15. Divide the finished uncured soap into several parts. Add flavors and colors to each.
  16. Treat the molds with alcohol and pour the soap composition into them.
  17. If bubbles form, sprinkle the base with alcohol.
  18. Place the forms in a cool place for 24 hours to freeze the composition.
  19. Get ready-made bars.

If the cooking process goes well, you get a beautiful soap with a lot of useful and properties. Sometimes, medicinal herbs are added during the cooking process to enhance the benefits of glycerin soap.

Potential harm of glycerin soap

Undoubtedly, the use of glycerin soap is beneficial, but in some cases and with excessive use it can be harmful.

An excess of glycerin can cause skin problems. Glycerin soap creates an invisible film on the skin that protects it while clogging the pores. This, in turn, leads to the fact that the skin does not breathe and does not receive enough oxygen. The harm from such a detergent is manifested in slowing down the process of cell renewal and the accumulation of sebaceous secretions, which provokes the appearance of acne.

A viscous glycerin substance, reacting with silicone, is capable of forming harmful substances. Therefore, using soap with creams containing silicone is highly discouraged.

Soap also has a brightening property, as it flushes melanin out of the epidermis, which leads to brightening. Therefore, it is not suitable for people with dark or tanned skin.

How to store glycerin soap

Self-made soap is not subject to long-term storage, but it has more positive properties. Half of its ingredients are natural products that enhance the benefits of the bars. Therefore, the soap can be stored for about a week by wrapping it in plastic wrap. For longer storage, the soap bars should be placed in a plastic bag and placed on the shelf in the refrigerator door.

Store glycerin soap without losing its beneficial properties in a dry, cool, dark place. In the absence of this, you can place the soap bars in a cabinet or table, wrapped in parchment paper. It is recommended to store pieces intended for permanent use in a container with air holes. It is better not to keep them in an open soap dish. So the soap will quickly lose its original appearance.

You can put soap bars on the shelf as fragrances. In this case, you do not need to wrap them. If soap is used as a decoration for a room, it should be kept away from heating appliances and places where direct sunlight falls.In order for the detergent to retain its original appearance longer, it is advisable to spray it with water three times a day.


The benefits and harms of glycerin soap depend on compliance with safety measures for its use. Using the product correctly, you can prolong the youthfulness of the skin, get rid of the harm of unwanted skin rashes, and smooth out wrinkles. Do not neglect the recommendations for the use of the product, so as not to get the opposite effect to the expected one.


Migyula Anastasia Sergeevna, 25 years old, Konotop
I heard about glycerin soap from a friend. She recommended it as a dandruff remedy. At first I was surprised, it was strange to wash my hair with soap, but after trying it, I was amazed. My hair has got softness and shine, and dandruff has really decreased.
Solodets Evgeniya Vyacheslavovna, 19 years old, Penza
I use glycerin soap for acne. Soap relieves inflammation and moisturizes the skin. Not that all acne disappears right away, but the benefits are very noticeable. The face looks much better.

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