Fluoride-rich foods: detailed list, table

Fluorine is a gaseous chemical element of light green color with an unpleasant pungent odor. The strongest oxidizing agent, its name is translated from Greek as death, destruction. Despite its formidable reputation, micro-doses of this halogen are indispensable for the human body. The trace element is present in all organs and tissues, and 96% is concentrated in the bones of the skeleton and teeth. Foods rich in fluorine make it possible to fully compensate for the deficiency of this trace element. An excess of a toxic substance is as dangerous as its complete absence, so caution should be exercised, especially when using artificially fluorinated products.

Although the trace element is poisonous, its presence in the body is necessary

What foods contain fluoride

Fluoride present in food is easily absorbed by the human body and is involved in the following processes:

  • strengthens and nourishes bones with essential minerals;
  • ensures the formation of tooth enamel and its hardness;
  • in case of fractures, it helps bones to grow together;
  • promotes healthy hair and nails;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • removes heavy metals, toxins and radiation from the body, prevents the formation of cancer cells;
  • promotes proper muscle function;
  • reduces acidity in the mouth and stomach, preventing the development of gastritis.

Most of the available trace element enters the human body with ordinary water. In regions where water and soil are poor in fluorine, artificial fluoridation is practiced. The remaining third of the microelement comes with food, where its concentration in the form of fluorides is negligible. That is why, with a chronic lack of a substance, doctors prescribe not a diet, but a course of fluorinated drugs.

An excess of a trace element in the body is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • slowing growth, curvature of bones;
  • cessation of cell division and general weakness;
  • drowsiness, nausea and urge to vomit;
  • dermatitis, skin rashes;
  • hoarseness and complete loss of voice;
  • uncontrolled trembling of fingers, convulsions;
  • bleeding gums;
  • difficulty breathing and low blood pressure;
  • muscle and joint pain;
  • a cough that resembles advanced pneumonia or bronchitis;
  • severe abdominal pain, diarrhea;
  • falling into a coma.
Comment! The mineral is not able to prevent the development of caries, it only slows down the course of the disease.
Fluoride in foods is involved in important physiological processes

Products containing high amounts of fluoride

In microscopic doses, fluoride is present in almost all foods. Its highest content is found in water, some plants, molluscs and ocean fish.

Important! Natural water in regions with a normal fluorine content contains 3-12 mg of this trace element per 100 ml.


The tea shrub, regardless of the growing region, actively consumes fluoride from soil, fertilizers and water, and concentrates it in its leaves. That is why black and green tea is one of the recognized leaders in the content of this trace element. It should be noted that brewing a drink in boiling water significantly reduces the percentage of fluoride.When preparing decoctions from spicy and medicinal herbs, up to 50% of the trace element passes from the raw material into the solution.

Attention! Fluoride is found in grape wine. The presence of the mineral in the product is due to modern agricultural techniques, when the vine is treated with toxic chemicals - that is why its concentration can exceed all norms.

A fish

A particularly large amount of fluoride is found in the bones of marine fish. Therefore, eating canned foods along with bones is of great benefit. A significant percentage of fluoride is found in the following seafood:

  • oysters, mussels, crayfish;
  • salmon, mackerel;
  • tuna, cod, pollock;
  • hake, blue whiting;
  • haddock, flounder, rudd;
  • smelt, lemonema, bream;
  • mackerel, bluefish, horse mackerel;
  • trout, sprat, capelin;
  • ruff, crucian carp, white fish;
  • scallop.

Fish products can be eaten salted, smoked, boiled and fried. It should be remembered that fillet is less useful than carcass with bones.

Shellfish are a great source of fluoride.


The main percentage of fluoride is found in the bones of animals and birds raised for slaughter. Therefore, broth cooked on the bone is healthier than pure fillet. The trace element is present in the following types of meat products:

  • canned meat, stew;
  • beef, pork, lamb;
  • by-products, sausages;
  • chicken, goose.
Comment! To compensate for the lack of fluoride, you can use mineral water with its content.


Any bird's eggs contain fluoride. Depending on the nesting region and diet, its amount can vary significantly. In egg powder, the content of the element increases by almost 4 times.

Chicken eggs are one of the most readily available sources of fluoride


Plants are able to store fluoride in water, soil and chemicals. In cereals, the trace element is present in medium doses. The substance is found in the following familiar cereals:

  • buckwheat and oatmeal, including "Hercules";
  • wheat, spelled, semolina, couscous;
  • pasta and wheat flour;
  • pearl barley and barley, polished millet;
  • rice, bran and unground;
  • rye flour, soybeans, corn;
  • lentils and beans.

In the grain of durum wheat, fluorides are significantly higher, as in whole oats and barley.

Fluoride is found both in whole grains and in any ground and crushed products


Only 300 g of walnuts fully meet the fluoride requirement of an adult. Other nuts containing fluoride:

  • pecan;
  • sunflower seeds;
  • almond.
Recommended reading:  Why almonds are useful, properties and contraindications

The product can be lightly dried in a skillet before use.


Vegetables containing fluoride include the following:

Recommended reading:  Beets: beneficial properties and contraindications
  • spinach, asparagus;
  • tomatoes, carrots, beets and their tops;
  • radish, cabbage, including sauerkraut;
  • pumpkin, avocado;
  • green beans, green peas;
  • potatoes, onions;
  • leaf salad;
  • cucumbers, parsley, garlic.
Recommended reading:  Why tomatoes are useful for the body

A significant amount of fluoride is found in such food plants as seaweed, dandelions, chamomile, rose hips, mint, and cumin.

The content of a trace element in vegetables largely depends on the growing conditions.

Rules for the use of products containing fluoride

The daily norm of a trace element for an adult is 0.5-4 mg. With the normal intake of a substance with food into the body, it accumulates on average up to 3 g of the mineral, which is gradually excreted naturally. Since in food products, with the exception of water, the trace element is contained in negligible quantities, you should not be afraid of an overdose. The uncontrolled use of artificial additives is much more dangerous. 20 mg of fluoride is enough to get severe poisoning.At a dose of 10 mg per day, the destruction of bone tissue begins, and 5 mg per 1 liter of water with artificial fluoridation causes cancer.

When using products as sources of fluoride, there are several rules to be aware of and follow:

  • during the heat treatment of products, a significant part of the fluorine is destroyed;
  • aluminum dishes are able to completely remove fluoride contained in food, since it actively interacts with this metal;
  • foods rich in fluoride and calcium are actively involved in the formation of bone tissue, hair and teeth;
  • the mineral interferes with the absorption of magnesium and iodine, so foods and mineral supplements with these substances are best consumed separately.
Attention! Excess fluoride has a detrimental effect on the body. Intellect decreases, brain activity is inhibited, which leads to dementia, immunity and the central nervous system suffer, enzymes necessary for the normal functioning of the digestive tract are destroyed.

Fluoride Products Table

Lack of a trace element in the body causes weakening of bones, destruction of tooth enamel, thinning of hair and nail plates, joint diseases and curvature of the spine, blurred vision. To avoid the unfortunate consequences, it is necessary to consume foods containing fluoride daily.

Product name

Fluorine content in 100 g, mg

Black, white, green tea






Mineral water


Hake, pollock, cod, blue whiting




Horse mackerel




Sea bream, mackerel, salmon, trout, mullet


Oysters, scallops, crayfish


Vobla, sprat, capelin


Lamb, pork




White wine


Egg powder


Chicken liver






Table wine


Grape juice




Whole oats


Grain barley


Buckwheat groats, semolina, pasta












Whole grain of durum wheat


Whole rye


Pearl barley


Rice groats


Rye wallpaper flour




Peeled rye flour




Cheese, cottage cheese


Leaf lettuce, onion


Polished millet




Ice cream




Powdered milk





Fluoride-rich foods are frequent guests on the everyday table. Plain and mineral water, tea, cereals and meat successfully replenish the lack of a trace element in the body. The substance, getting into the body with food, accumulates in teeth and bone tissues, actively participates in the processes of growth and restoration. When using synthesized drugs and fluorinated products, it should be borne in mind that overdose can be hazardous to health.

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