Why is apricot useful and what kind of fruit is it?

The benefits and harms of apricot have been studied well enough, as a result of which not everyone is recommended to use it. Dried fruits have always been considered the simplest and most delicious food. The most popular is the apricot. As many people know, it not only has a pleasant sweet taste, but also has many medicinal properties. The topic of the benefits of products is always relevant, but they talk about harm much less often. Nevertheless, before starting to use apricots, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the contraindications in advance or consult with your doctor.

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What is an apricot and what does it look like

Apricot is a dried apricot with a pit inside. The drying process was carried out directly on the tree. Gradually, the fruit changed color from rich bright yellow to dark orange or brown. Under the influence of the sun, moisture evaporates from the apricot, the skin tightly adheres to the bone. Apricot turns into apricot in a natural way, without human intervention.

The difference between apricots and dried apricots and kaisa

Dried apricots Is a dried apricot with pits. Such dried fruits have a large number of medicinal properties and nutritional components. At the moment, there are several types of dried apricot.

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Dried apricots - halves of dried pitted apricot. The color ranges from bright yellow to dark brown. A bright color indicates the presence of chemicals. It is not recommended to purchase such dried fruits.

Kaisa - a whole fruit from which the bone was removed. A trace of the bone remains, there is emptiness inside.

Dried apricots - an apricot that has ripened and ripened on a branch. Under the influence of the sun, the fruit lost moisture and turned into a dried fruit, ready to eat.

Chemical composition and calorie content of apricot

Dried apricot contains:

  • protein;
  • carbohydrates;
  • triglyceride;
  • phosphorus;
  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • iron;
  • organic acid;
  • cellulose;
  • vitamin A;
  • B vitamins (1, 2, 5, 6);
  • vitamins of groups C, E, K.

The nutritional value of the product is due to the presence of sugar. Most of the fruit contains carbohydrates, least of all - proteins. Caloric content per 100 g is 213 kcal.

Useful properties of apricot

Apricot brings benefits for the heart, also due to the high content of nutrients, this type of dried fruit is used to maintain health and good condition both in men and women, and in children.

Many experts recommend the use of dried apricot for people with poor eyesight. Also the product is used as a rejuvenating agent. Due to the fact that dried fruits contain a large amount of magnesium salts, they are used for hypertension.Regular consumption of apricots in small quantities brings blood pressure back to normal.

For those people who constantly eat dried apricots, fractures are infrequent, since the product helps to strengthen bone tissue. Since edema cannot be avoided during pregnancy, apricots can be used as a diuretic, but it is necessary to consult with your doctor, as there are contraindications.

For women

Apricot benefits the woman's body, nourishing it not only from the inside, but also from the outside. The main useful properties include:

  • during pregnancy, dried apricot helps to normalize hemoglobin, eliminates anemia at the initial stage of development;
  • in the last stages of bearing the fetus, it helps to cope with delayed bowel movements;
  • for those who love bronze skin color, you can use the product when getting sunburn;
  • in some cases it helps prevent infertility;
  • helps blood clot.

As you can see, dried apricots are very beneficial for health, as a result of which women appreciate the product.

For men

Apricot also benefits the body of men. If a man is actively involved in the gym and seeks to achieve a relief body, then the apricot is an indispensable component in the diet. It restores muscle fibers, promotes weight gain, and due to its nutritional value, the feeling of hunger does not occur for a long time. It is recommended to consume dried fruits daily if the work is associated with hard physical labor.

Due to the high content of potassium, dried apricots normalize heart function. In men, high blood pressure, dehydration, and heart rhythm disturbances are often observed. In these cases, the product helps to fix the problem. Dried apricots contain beta-carotene, which allows the normal functioning of the prostate gland, therefore, improves potency. Green tea with apricots is also useful, but in small quantities.

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For children

If you add dried fruit to the diet of children, you can protect them from many diseases. Ailments include:

  • vision problems, which is important during study;
  • prevention of infectious and colds;
  • digestive problems, constipation.

Since apricot has a pleasant sweet taste, it can be used to make delicious desserts, thereby replacing unhealthy granulated sugar. Also, dried fruits can be used to make compotes.

Important! Children are given apricots after they are 1 year old. Children prone to allergies are advised to give this dried fruit after 3 years.

If you overfeed a child, then problems will begin: bloating, abdominal pain, food allergies. Before introducing apricots into the child's diet, you must first consult with a pediatrician.

Indications for the use of apricots

Often, apricots are used for the following diseases:

  • migraine;
  • anemia;
  • oncology;
  • depression;
  • bronchitis;
  • asthma;
  • diabetes mellitus.

Fruits help to slow down the aging process, maintain mental clarity. Many people prepare a drink of a long-liver, using which you can live up to 120-130 years.

Is apricot allowed during pregnancy and breastfeeding

During pregnancy, you can use apricots, as it contains a large amount of nutrients that are so necessary for expectant mothers:

  • strengthens the immune system;
  • prevents anemia in the early stages;
  • eliminates constipation.

It should also be borne in mind that the composition of dried apricot contains sulfur dioxide, which has a beneficial effect on the health of women and the unborn child.

Advice! Pregnant women are advised to eat no more than 6 fruits per day, otherwise there is a chance of gaining excess weight.

Dried and fresh apricots are classified as lactogenic products, and as a result, the fruit should be used for breastfeeding. In this case, it should be understood that it is necessary to observe precautions and take into account contraindications. A young mother can eat dry apricots only after the child is 3 months old. They must be introduced into the diet carefully, several pieces a day, while observing the general condition of the child.

Is it possible to eat apricots while losing weight

Sugar apricot is beneficial even for those trying to lose weight. The beneficial properties of dried fruit for weight loss include:

  • helps to improve bowel function. Overweight people experience intestinal problems, as the composition of the biocenosis changes;
  • the body receives a large amount of fiber, which is very useful for losing weight;
  • Dried apricot helps the body fight chronic inflammation that causes excess weight.

Before you start using this product, you must familiarize yourself with the contraindications in advance, and it is best to consult with your doctor. It is not recommended to use a large amount of apricots for the following reasons:

  • the product has a sweet taste. All sweets, even those with a minimal calorie content, are harmful. Sugary foods have a negative effect on the brain, thereby forcing a person to consume more and more high-calorie foods;
  • dried apricots are high-calorie foods. The use of this product cannot saturate the body due to the lack of proteins and fats, but at the same time actively whetts the appetite;
  • dried fruits only help you gain weight. The body is overloaded with calories, which are later transferred to fatty deposits.

Do not think that due to the presence of negative aspects, it is worth giving up dried fruits while losing weight. They can be eaten in small amounts.

Thus, it is possible to use apricots while losing weight; in small quantities, it helps to lose weight. He considers 4-5 pieces to be optimal during the day. If you consume more, then there is a possibility that the weight will not decrease, but, on the contrary, will increase.

Is it possible to use apricots for diabetes

You can eat dried apricots with diabetes mellitus. This is due to the fact that the glycemic index of fresh fruits is much higher. It should be borne in mind that due to the large amount of fructose, the amount of sugar in the blood increases, and frequent use of apricots can lead to diabetes.

Important! Despite the fact that dried apricots can be eaten with diabetes, it must be done carefully and in small dosages.

How to use apricots

Dried apricots are recommended to be consumed in small quantities. If you adhere to this rule, then it is possible to enrich the body with vitamins, and not cause irreparable harm to it.

It is impossible to accurately determine the daily rate of apricot. This is due to the fact that the fruit is a food product, not a medicine. In order not to harm health, it is recommended to eat no more than 5 pieces of apricots.

Before you start using the product, it is recommended to rinse dried fruits under running water, soak for 15 minutes and rinse again

Infusion of apricots

For the human body, a decoction of apricots can be beneficial. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. Take 1 cup of dried fruit (200 g).
  2. Pour into an enamel bowl.
  3. Pour boiling water over.
  4. Close the lid tightly.
  5. Wrap it up with a towel and let it brew for about 15 hours.
  6. Strain the compote.

The berries can be eaten and the liquid taken throughout the day. This infusion is very useful for hypertension.

The use of apricot in home cosmetology

Often, apricots are used as an additional product for cosmetic purposes. Dried fruit can be added to nourishing and toning face masks.Dried apricots are ideally combined with honey, oats, sour cream - natural ingredients nourish and moisturize the skin.

If you make soap at home, then a small amount of apricots can give the finished product a pleasant smell, a golden hue. If you remove the seeds and grind them, then this mixture will be the ideal base for scrubs.

Apricot in cooking

In countries where apricot is obtained on a commercial scale, it is used almost everywhere. Cooked dishes may seem unusual to some people: apricots in chocolate, baked with meat, in sugar glaze, boiled with salt. In Russia, compotes are made from dried fruits. Soaked apricot does not lose its benefits, even if you just insist it in boiling water for a while.

Often, jam is made from dried apricots. The cooking technology is the same as with fresh fruit: it is covered with granulated sugar and boiled until cooked, and then poured into glass containers.

The benefits and harms of apricot seeds

As many people know, apricot is able to bring benefits and harm to the body. It should be borne in mind that the kernels also contain a large amount of valuable substances, while they have a specific taste. Few people know what useful properties the bones have.

The main advantage is the antiparasitic property of nuclei, a positive effect on the cardiovascular system. Earlier, nuclei were used to fight cancer cells. Most of all vitamin B17 is found in bitter bones.

Among the shortcomings, it is worth noting the content of hydrocyanic acid in the nuclei, which can become a kind of poison. The presence of bitterness indicates the content of organic poison. If you eat a large number of kernels, you can cause poisoning of the body, for this 30 g of the product will be enough.

You can avoid harm if you cook or dry the yar in the oven. Harmful substances begin to break down when exposed to high temperatures.

It is not recommended to eat bones when:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • liver disease;
  • pregnancy.

The first signs of poisoning appear after 5 hours. The main signs of poisoning include lethargy, headaches, nausea, convulsions, fainting.

How to dry apricots at home

The benefits of dried apricots with bone are due to the high content of vitamin B17. You can buy dried fruits in a store or cook them yourself, but this will require special equipment, or the scorching sun for several weeks.

The harm of apricots and contraindications

Before you start introducing dried fruits into your diet, you must consider the benefits and harms of dried apricots. The product can negatively affect the general state of human health. If you have an allergic reaction, you should immediately stop using the product. Also, dried apricot is not recommended for people with a weak stomach.

Contraindications include:

  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • low blood pressure;
  • the presence of intestinal inflammation;
  • gastric ulcer;
  • children who are not yet 1 year old;
  • personal intolerance to apricot;
  • lactation period.

Dried apricots that have an unnatural appearance and that have undergone chemical processing can bring special harm.

How to choose an apricot when buying

When purchasing pre-packaged apricots, it is recommended to pay attention to the labeling. If the fruits have undergone chemical processing, there will be a corresponding mark on the package - E220. You need to choose in appearance:

  • the surface of the fruit. No traces of mold or damage are allowed on the peel, the peel must be wrinkled;
  • color. The appearance of dried fruit should not be attractive - brown matte shade, wrinkled peel. If the dried apricot is translucent and has a bright color, then it was treated with sulfur dioxide;
  • the pulp is dense, elastic, does not emit juice;
  • the smell is natural, unobtrusive;
  • if the apricot is ripe on a tree, then it has a sweet taste with sourness.

The sugary honey taste is evidence of syrup processing.

How to store apricots

This product is undemanding to storage conditions. The easiest way is to prepare a bag of cloth, in which the apricot is folded and put away in a dry, dark place out of direct sunlight. During storage, high humidity should not be allowed, since dried fruits can easily deteriorate, but it is not recommended to overdry.

Advice! In order for apricots to retain their healing properties and aroma, it is best to store them in a tightly closed glass jar.


The benefits and harms of apricot have been known since ancient times. Doctors used this product to treat people, relieve them of many diseases, including cancer cells. Today, apricots are used not only for food, but also in modern medicine and cosmetic purposes. Before you buy an apricot, it should be borne in mind that it can harm the body. That is why it is worthwhile to familiarize yourself with the contraindications, and best of all, to consult with your doctor.

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