Health benefits and harms of blueberries

Fresh berries contain vitamins and trace elements that cover the daily norm of the human body. Knowing the benefits and harms of blueberries, it is easy to include them in your daily and weekly diet. Before buying or collecting, you should familiarize yourself with the contraindications. The article lists the properties of blueberries, their branches and leaves.

What is this berry

The berry belongs to the lingonberry family. You can find it on sale as a chernega, a blueberry, a blueberry. Growing places - northern regions. Blueberries love moisture, so they can be found in swampy areas of the forest. In humid climates, the berry is harvested on the hillsides. The height of the shrub is 50 cm. The developed root system lets out new shoots in the adjacent area. Blueberry fruits are hidden under light green leaves, so they are immediately invisible. Fresh - deep purple. After rinsing with running water, the color changes to coal black. The pulp is dark blue. The size of one berry is comparable to large black currant fruits.

Composition and calorie content of blueberries

The benefits of blueberry jam can hardly be overestimated.

  • The body receives a whole set of acids from it: succinic, malic, lactic, cinchona, citric.
  • With blueberry juice, cells are supplied with ions of copper, potassium, manganese, calcium.
  • Iron, phosphorus and sodium enter the blood.
  • Vitamins C, E and PP are useful for maintaining immunity.
  • Pectins and minerals enter the digestive tract.
  • For those who are losing weight, blueberries are not a prohibited product, since 100 g contains 43 kcal. This is 2.5% of the body's norm per day.

Why blueberries are good for the body

The health benefits of blueberries are not limited to age group, organ system, or gender.

For women

The fruits of the plant are called rejuvenating.

  • Vitamins and amino acids act on the skin, relieving fatigue and smoothing wrinkles. The effect is achieved by blocking moisture and oxygen in the skin.
  • Trace elements stimulate the production of elastin and collagen protein. Collagen is essential for hair growth, so masks are also prepared based on berries.
  • Antioxidants serve as a natural preservative for skin cells and internal organs to prevent aging.
  • Fruits thin the blood, improving blood circulation. This is necessary for the efficient supply of oxygen to the body.
  • The substances that make up the berry relax the muscles during the menstrual period, relieving discomfort.
  • Blueberries relieve swelling and swelling by thinning the blood in the veins of the legs.

For men

The fruits of the plant are indispensable for those wishing to have a child. For blueberry lovers, reproductive function increases, as it improves testicular function, the quality of sperm increases. If the dessert is used jointly by partners, this gives additional chances of conception.

Thanks to blueberry flavonoids, masculine strength increases, which raises self-esteem in the stronger sex and brings joy to family life.

In addition, the substances contained in the miracle berry relieve pain in inflammation or other diseases of the prostate gland.

For children

The development of the child's body depends on the amount of vitamins, macro- and microelements received. Therefore, it is important for parents to know if blueberries can be given to children and at what age. When grated, a baby can receive a treat starting from 7 months, when the stomach is ready to accept and digest fiber. It is mixed with applesauce or carrot puree. The fruits are suitable for the prevention of respiratory diseases and strengthening the immune system. From a year old, a child can consume a glass of berries a day. After 3 years, the portion increases to two glasses.

  • When the baby is lifted from the mother's breast, the amount of calcium in the milk is reduced. In this case, blueberries take on an important role, replenishing the lack of the mineral.
  • Bones and cartilages of the musculoskeletal system develop and strengthen by accumulating calcium. This is also important for gaining muscle mass.
  • Blueberries activate gastrointestinal motility and normalize stools, relieving indigestion.
  • Fruits improve sleep and mental alertness by stimulating baby's memory.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

The body of a pregnant woman or a woman who has just given birth consumes twice as much nutrients. Therefore, blueberries are important for nursing mothers. It contains a complex of substances that are absorbed faster by interacting with each other.

  • Iron increases hemoglobin, which prevents anemia in the body of a woman and a child.
  • The berry controls and normalizes blood pressure.
  • Blueberry juice inhibits the development of pathogenic bacteria, providing a bactericidal and antiseptic effect.
  • Regular consumption of fruits during pregnancy eliminates problems with nails, hair loss and dry skin after childbirth.
  • A decoction of dried berries is a diuretic, removes excess fluid, relieving swelling of the extremities.

The healing properties of blueberry leaves and shoots

The medicinal properties of blueberries are manifested in fruits, leaves and shoots.

  • The decoction of the twigs increases the ability of red blood cells to oxygenate cells.
  • Trace elements strengthen the walls of blood vessels, preventing stroke and coronary artery disease.
  • With regular use of tinctures, the pulse and pressure are normalized.
  • The liver passes blood through itself, trapping harmful substances. The brewed leaves remove toxins by cleaning the filter.
  • The blueberry drink sets in motion the stones and sand in the kidneys, removing them from the body.
  • The brewed drink is useful for colds and inflammation. It lowers the temperature, making it easier for the patient. The broth is combined with fresh or frozen berries to strengthen the immune system and speed up recovery.
  • The infusion will help with insomnia. B vitamins calm the nervous system and relieve nightmares.

Blueberry recipes in traditional medicine

Blueberry recipes include dried and fresh berries. Decoctions and mashed potatoes are prepared from them.

For sight

The benefits of blueberries for the eyes are not in question. Fresh berries are ground with sugar or consumed without it. To make prevention obvious, eat two tablespoons of blueberries a day. For the winter, the fruits are dried or frozen. Dried blueberries are soaked in half a glass of water overnight. If treatment is required, the berries are consumed three times a day, one tablespoon.

With gastritis

Blueberry syrup is used for gastritis.

Attention! Before starting prophylaxis, you should consult with your doctor. The purpose of the diagnosis is to determine the acidity level.

If it is increased, then you should not get carried away with blueberries, as it will cause heartburn. In this case, dried berries are mixed with thyme, valerian root, tansy and St. John's wort. The mixture is placed in a thermos and filled with boiling water. With a low acidity level, the berry will improve digestion.

From hemorrhoids

To relieve pain in hemorrhoids, a decoction is made from blueberry leaves and berries mixed with rose hips. Dried or fresh berries are poured over with boiling water and drunk like tea. The substances strengthen blood vessels, relieving bleeding and relieving muscle pain.

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With a cold

For colds, prepare blueberry compote. Two tablespoons of berries are poured with a glass of boiling water and infused for four hours. The patient takes a teaspoon of the infusion 4 times a day. You can gargle with a warm broth or drink it like tea, sweetening it with sugar or honey.

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With diabetes mellitus

Blueberry broth lowers blood sugar levels, which is beneficial for diabetes.

  1. Fresh or dried leaves of the plant are used.
  2. 4 g of foliage is poured with a glass of boiling water.
  3. Add 4 g of nettle leaves and 3 g of burdock root.
  4. Place dandelion root (2 g) and rosehip.
  5. After pouring boiling water, the infusion languishes on fire for 15 minutes.
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For diarrhea and constipation

With diarrhea, 100 g of blueberry juice or fresh berries, which are poured with a liter of alcohol, help. The tincture is consumed in a teaspoon. Children can be given an infusion diluted with water.

From impotence

For the prevention or treatment of impotence, blueberries are used

  • fresh;
  • like compote;
  • decoction of leaves;
  • dried.

The options are combined, the main thing is to maintain regularity.

With hypertension

Blueberry tea, fresh or dried berries help with hypertension.

Comment! It is important to understand that blueberries do not have a quick effect. The berry is used as a prophylactic agent.
  • To prepare the infusion, 4 teaspoons of berries are poured with boiling water and insisted for 8 hours. Take one serving per day.
  • With increased pressure, blueberry juice is useful. Grind 200 g of blueberries through a sieve and pour 1 liter of water. The mixture is cooked for 7 minutes. The infusion is filtered and 4 tbsp. l. Sahara. Morse drink 2 glasses a day.

For skin diseases

The benefits of dried blueberries are seen in the treatment of dermatitis, eczema and skin rashes.

  1. The berries are poured with water in a ratio of 1: 5.
  2. The composition is boiled until half the volume of the liquid boils down.
  3. The fruits are spread on cheesecloth, cooled and applied as a compress to the affected area of ​​the skin.

It's easier to puree by mashing fresh berries and use as a compress.

Blueberry face masks

  • A tablespoon of blueberries is mixed with a tablespoon of strawberries. Add a spoonful of sour cream and half a teaspoon of lemon juice to the puree. The composition is rubbed and applied to the face. The mask tones and refreshes the skin.
  • Mashed potatoes are prepared from the berries. Wheat flour is added to it for thickening. When the mixture becomes stringy, it is applied to the face. The mask removes oiliness and shine of the skin.

The use of blueberries in cooking

  • A delicious pie is prepared from blueberries, and fresh or dried berries are added to the dough when kneading or used as a filling.
  • Berries are combined with cottage cheese, so the cottage cheese will also delight children.
  • This berry and yogurt smoothie satisfies hunger and thirst.
  • Blueberry pancakes are a healthy breakfast. The berries are kneaded into dough or placed on top of a baked dish.
  • The berries are put into pancakes, panna cotta and pudding.

The number of recipes is limited by the hostess's imagination.

Collection and storage of blueberries

The benefits of frozen blueberries are no less than fresh berries. All that is needed is proper storage and dry freezing.

Important! Blueberries cannot be thawed during storage, only before use. Otherwise, vitamins and minerals are lost.

The season for picking blueberries starts from July and lasts until September. It depends on weather conditions and air temperature.

How to properly prepare berries for the winter is described in the video below.

Blueberry harm and contraindications

  • The product is contraindicated for those who suffer from duodenal ulcers. The acid irritates the damaged mucous membrane, causing burning and discomfort.
  • It is important to stop eating fresh, dried berries or decoctions on the shoots if chronic constipation is detected.
  • In young children, blueberries can cause indigestion and stomach cramps.
  • Individual intolerance or allergies are the reasons for refusing berries.


The benefits and harms of blueberries determine their use in traditional medicine and in cooking. With moderate regular use, the product enriches the body with micro and macro elements that a person will not receive from pharmaceutical preparations. The berry is useful for those whose work is connected with the load on the organs of vision.

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