Bed linen: can it be washed by hand and in a washing machine

So that the thing does not lose color and saturation, it must be properly looked after. Not only the temperature for washing the bed linen is important, but also the material of manufacture. You need to know all the nuances so as not to spoil the expensive kit and remove any dirt.

Can the bedding be washed

A clean and pleasantly smelling set gives comfort and relieves fatigue. Therefore, it is important to keep your bedding clean.

Several reasons for regular processing:

  • the presence of bacteria on the tissue that can provoke diseases of the respiratory system;
  • dirt and sweat, which can only be removed by washing;
  • the presence of pets.

Features of washing bed linen

Each item has a label from the manufacturer. It lists the composition of the bed linen and tips for care. By carefully examining the label, you can learn about the recommendations for washing, drying, ironing.

At what temperature to wash bedding

For light, select the water heating mode up to 40 ° C. This temperature effectively removes dirt and disinfects. If you set it high, the fabric will wear out faster. Colored and delicate wash at 30-50 ° C.

3D products are processed from contamination at 30 ° C. Lower rates can be used.

The question of which mode of heating the water to wash does not arise if the product has a label with instructions. But sometimes it is not there (this indicates that the manufacturer is unscrupulous), or the label has faded. Then you should look at the color and material yourself.

What mode to wash bedding

If the tag is cut off or faded, it is not known what kind of fabric was used for sewing, use the delicate program. Such a regime will not damage any material.


  • "Cotton" - suitable for calico, satin, chintz, jacquard, poplin;
  • “Delicate” - for natural fabrics, but not for colored;
  • "Synthetics" - for synthetic materials;
  • “Hand wash” - for products made from fine fabrics;
  • "Quick wash" - a program with a short cycle, suitable for lightly soiled laundry;
  • "With soaking" - for heavily soiled laundry (not every type can be subjected to such treatment);
  • "Silk" - suitable for washing viscose, lace and silk.
  • "Baby things" - for a child, in this mode it is washed qualitatively;
  • "Cold wash" - used for products that fade and can deteriorate when the water is heated.
Some modes are set with a specific temperature that does not change when they are turned on

For better washing in washing machines, it is possible to select additional modes. For example, spin, rinse delay, water level control, half load, delayed start, rinse with drain, ironing aid.

There are icons on the laundry that tell you about proper care, it is important to take them into account when choosing a washing program

Weight of bed linen for washing

The weight of the kit is indicated on the packaging If you put more in the machine than allowed by the instructions, a failure will occur. It will not work to wash very dirty bed linen, and there is a risk of ruining the automatic machine.

Attention! The drum volume indicated on the machine is the dry weight.

The severity should be determined in advance. The table will help with this:

Kit size

Material type (weight in kg)





One and a half




















The instructions for the unit indicate the volume of the drum. If it is up to 5 kg, you can put 2 sets. It is better to process a double set separately to remove all stains well.

Warning! The washing machine must not be allowed to run dry. This also affects the duration of operation. The minimum weight must not be less than 1 kg.
Maximum and minimum load - important characteristics of an automatic machine

How often to wash bedding

Too often not recommended. The pillowcase is a quickly dirty piece of the kit. It is recommended to wash it every 5-7 days so that it does not look greasy. The sheet and duvet cover are advised to be processed in an automatic machine every 1.5-2 weeks or according to the degree of pollution.

It should be washed as soon as it becomes noticeable that the kit needs it. For frequent processing, it is better to use a gentle mode and a liquid powder.

Products need to be washed if there were guests, a dog or a cat had time to lie on the linen. Often it is necessary to process bedding if a person has a dermatological disease or has a helminthic invasion. In this case, washing is carried out once every 2-3 days.

Do I need to wash new bedding

The thing must be rinsed. Many chemical components used in production remain on the material. It is they who create the effect of brightness, rigidity and evenness.

A hundred people will look at one set in the store, touch it, and want to take a closer look at the colors. After that, it loses its shape. Therefore, the manufacturer processes it with a chemical composition for the appropriate type.

Even if the bed accessories are sealed, bacteria and dirt may be present inside. Therefore, the bed linen is washed after purchase.

Reasons to do this:

  • cutting the material on non-sterile equipment;
  • sewn by people working with bare hands;
  • stored on dirty shelves, sometimes directly on the floor;
  • violation of the dyeing of the fabric, the kit can shed and lead to stains on the pajamas.
Attention! If the bed linen is not washed for the first time, an allergic reaction may occur upon contact with the skin.

To remove germs and dirt, choose a full cycle at 60 ° C. However, you should look at the label, it says the maximum allowed value.

It is important to wash colorful laundry with an appropriate product. Conditioner allows the dye to set in the fabric.

The conditioner facilitates the ironing process, retains color, and gives a pleasant smell. It forms a dirt-resistant film on the surface

It is not recommended to mix several sets. This can be done if the laundry is exactly the same.

Washing methods for bed linen

Each housewife uses her own methods of removing dirt. There are two washing methods - manual and automatic. The choice of processing method depends on the color, the quality of the fabric and the degree of contamination.

Attention! When choosing any washing method, the product should be turned inside out, debris and feathers should be removed from the corners.

How to wash bedding in a washing machine

With the advent of automatic machines, housekeeping has become easier. The device removes stains, rinses after washing and squeezes out the water. But to get an excellent result, you need to know the principles of washing.

When changing the bed, not everyone immediately sends the laundry to the machine, so you should consider:

  • the less the product lies waiting for washing, the easier it is to remove stains;
  • do not put dirty things damp, this will create an unpleasant odor and mold may be added.

Washing begins with sorting. Separate adult from child, color from white and black. Wash separately from underwear, pants and other clothing.

Before sending the bed linen to the automatic machine, the inside of the drum must be wiped with a dry cloth, paying special attention to the places under the rubber seal.

Step-by-step washing in an automatic unit:

  1. Check laundry for holes, closed zippers.
  2. Remove stains with stain remover or wash with soap.
  3. Pour enzyme powder or liquid into the container. Wash baby's underwear with laundry soap or special detergent. Add the air conditioner to the appropriate compartment.
  4. Start washing according to the labels on the label (mode and temperature).
  5. Set the second rinse if the machine provides this function.
  6. Select a spinning method based on the type of material.

Washing your bedding properly is not difficult. The main thing is to purchase a kit with instructions on the label.

Attention! Linen with rhinestones or decorative details must not be machine washed. You can use a special bag, but set the delicate mode.

The manufacturer recommends removing stains and dirt from such products manually. So there is less risk of damage to the fabric.

When washing in a washing machine, select a low rotational speed of the drum to preserve the accessories - rhinestones, beads, etc.

In an automatic unit, you can wash bed linen from yellowness. It is forbidden to use products that contain chlorine. Hydrogen peroxide can help whiten bedding in the washing machine. How to use the home remedy:

  1. Place the items in the drum.
  2. Add 30 ml of hydrogen peroxide after mixing with water.
  3. Enable the desired mode.

Special means are used for automation. For example, optical brightener or based on oxygenated composition.

How to wash bedding by hand

It is not recommended to wash cashmere, silk and lace items in the washing machine. Items made of delicate materials are processed by hand. Thus, it will turn out to wash even the washed bedding, using several folk tricks.

Warning! The more delicate the fabric, the lower the degree of heating of the water.

Detailed instructions - how to wash by hand:

  1. Pour warm water into the prepared basin.
  2. Add powder, dissolve it. It is better to use a gel, it dissolves faster.
  3. Place pillowcases and sheets in soapy water and leave for 15 minutes. Do not start washing immediately. Hand wash will not achieve the desired result without soaking.
  4. Dirty places to rub.
If you have a brush with bristles of suitable hardness, you can use it to clean particularly soiled areas of sheets.
  1. Rinse pillowcases, duvet covers, and sheets separately until no longer suds.
  2. Squeeze out water, hang to dry.

Washing white linens by hand is more difficult. Before washing in powder, soak it in oxygen or optical brightener, or treat each stain separately. The old method - boiling will help to return the dazzling whiteness. The method is used for cotton and linen bedding. This is a great remedy if the kit turns yellow.The only drawback is the length of the procedure.

Chloride bleach is also a good option. It cannot be added to the machine, and it is not prohibited to use it for hand washing.

Attention! Wear gloves when using chlorine bleach. It is harmful to the skin of the hands as it is a strong oxidant.

To wash wool from bed linen, use the manual method, since the filters of the machine will clog, they will have to be cleaned or completely replaced. First, the hair of the animals is cleaned with a brush, you can walk with a special roller with adhesive tape. Then put in a bowl of detergent.

How to properly wash bedding made from different materials

Washing fabrics by sight means different ways to properly process silk, linen, bamboo, synthetics, cotton, satin and poplin, both in an automatic machine and by hand. This will help extend the life of the kit.

How to wash cotton bedding

The peculiarity is that it can be processed at high temperatures - up to 90 ° C. The first wash is done by hand in cool water. Colored products should not be placed in water hotter than 40 ° C. For cotton, this temperature is sufficient to remove dirt and bacteria.

Attention! Cotton sets with synthetics cannot be washed. The first ones will lose their softness, the pile will rise.
The cotton is highly breathable, the fabric is practical, resistant to moths and other pests

The washing mode depends on the type of fabric. Cotton products can be different - satin, percale, satin jacquard and plain cotton. Materials differ in the type of weaving and density, respectively, the rules are different.

Cotton softens during washing, so you do not need to use softeners. They clog the pores of the tissue and lead to a loss of natural shine.

How to wash synthetic bedding

This kit has many advantages. It is inexpensive, the fabric does not wrinkle and is unpretentious in care. With a large percentage of synthetics in the composition, wash at temperatures up to 40 ° C. At higher values, pellets will appear on the fabric. They can be removed, but with regular washing, the material will become thinner.

Synthetics do not allow air to pass through, it is not recommended to buy it for frequent use

Bleaching powders are not suitable for synthetic fabrics. You cannot boil. To remove stains, you can use oxygenated bleach or home remedies (laundry soap, hydrogen peroxide, mustard, citric acid, baking soda) if necessary.

Recommended reading:  Baking soda: beneficial properties, application, how to take

How to wash satin bedding

Temperature range - 30-40 ° С. You can squeeze out in the machine at no more than 600 rpm. An efficient and gentle wash is guaranteed when the drum is 50% full.

Eco-friendly glossy fabric, does not cause allergic reactions

Do not use powders with a high content of bleaching agent. Such components violate the structure of the tissue, over time it will become.

Satin should not be washed with artificial fabrics. Coarse fibers cling to natural ones, which makes the fabric lose its softness and smoothness.

How to wash poplin bedding

It is resistant, durable, soft and breathable. Poplin bedding does not require special care. Contamination is well removed at 30 ° C, it can be exposed to higher temperatures.

With frequent washing, poplin does not lose its shape and color

When manually removing dirt, you can soak it for 20 minutes in a detergent composition, if there are stains or noticeable marks, keep it in the solution for up to 50 minutes. Do not actively rub and use hard brushes, twist and squeeze strongly.

For washing in a washing machine, it is important to choose a gentle mode. Drying in a typewriter is not recommended. Do not wash with polyester, it will damage the poplin fibers.

How to wash bamboo bedding

The processing of this material is not particularly difficult.You can do it by hand or in a washing machine. When washing in an automatic machine, pour a little powder and a minimum amount of conditioner.

Attention! You will have to select more gentle means. Harsh bleaches and powders will break the structure of the fabric, and the laundry will wear out faster.

Bamboo bedding is excellent at absorbing sweat, but does not remove odors. Wash more often than other types of materials.

Bamboo sheets and duvet covers regulate body temperature at any time of the year, are particularly durable

Wash at a temperature not exceeding 30 ° C with a delicate program. Do not tumble dry. Use oxygen bleach if necessary to remove stains.

When hand wash, do not twist too much. Excess moisture will drain off by itself and the structure of the fabric will not be damaged.

How to wash silk bedding

It is possible to preserve the luxury of silk linen for a long time, provided it is properly washed and stained. Natural canvas does not tolerate aggressive powders. Use detergents that say they are for silk.

When washing the machine in the machine, select a temperature not higher than 30 ° C, manual mode and "additional rinse". Removing contamination by hand, rinse the kit in a solution of 5 liters of water, in which 1 tbsp. l. 9% vinegar.

Silk fabrics should not be soaked, boiled or bleached

Starch paste is suitable for removing stains. If necessary, remove greasy traces, use boiled water with glycerin, in which ammonia is diluted.

Bed linen made from this material does not like excessive friction. Automatic and manual spinning is prohibited. A delicate item is hung on a wet rope.

How to wash linen bedding

When washing by hand, avoid contact of the powder with the fabric; it is previously diluted in water. It is recommended to use gel formulations so that stains do not form on bedding.

Linen fabrics are machine washed at 60 ° C. You cannot add bleaches with chlorine, enzymes and dietary supplements - they destroy fibers.

Environmentally friendly fiber is suitable for use in any season, linen gives coolness in summer and keeps warm in winter

It will facilitate washing by soaking for 1-1.5 hours in soapy water. Then add 1 tbsp. l. vinegar for softness, rinse thoroughly. The last rinse is in cold water.

Flax is a natural material, so you can boil it. This process will return the linen to its snow-white appearance and dazzling cleanliness. For boiling, take 25 g of soap and the same amount of soda per 1 liter of water. The process takes 2 hours.

Attention! Colored laundry cannot be boiled. It can shed.

When washing by hand, remember that linen is absorbent and you need a lot of water to remove all the detergent particles and restore the brightness of the colors.

How to properly dry your bedding

The procedure is carried out immediately after washing. Do not leave bed linen crumpled for a long time, as it will be harder to smooth it. In addition, when lying in a typewriter or in a basin for a long time, a wet set begins to smell unpleasant, this is an excellent environment for active growth of bacteria and the appearance of mold.

Bed linen is hung on a rope in a straightened form. It is good if it is dried outside, but in the shade.

You can't dry bed linen like that.

In the sun, over time, blue duvet covers and pillowcases will turn pale, and snow-white ones will turn yellow.

The process will be accelerated by the drying function of the washing machines. Linen, silk, viscose, modal and bamboo, flannel should not be subjected to this. The washing machine can dry cotton, jacquard, percale, flannel and cambric bed linen.


There are too many subtleties and nuances of product care - this is the right temperature for washing bed linen, mode, drying options. It is important to observe them in order to keep the kit in its original form for many years.

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